

Jun 16th, 2012
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  1. BlueBoxCompany: hey
  2. Lunick: hi there
  3. Lunick: we were just looking for blue boxes
  4. BlueBoxCompany: wanna join my server
  5. Lunick: nope
  6. BlueBoxCompany: :'(
  7. Lunick: .ad
  8. [S]: Please don't advertise anything in #wom, it is annoying and against the rules. Thanks.( , rule 11)
  9. Lunick: .classic
  10. [S]: WoM:Realms(
  11. Lunick: .smp
  12. [S]: Open to users who are Surveyor+ or WoM Premium on WoM:Realms(classic Server) also must have full minecraft to join. IP:
  13. Lunick: we have our own servers
  14. BlueBoxCompany: Im sure, but I just started mine, if anyone is interested in joining for a while
  15. BlueBoxCompany: its on survival mode
  16. Lunick: We dont allow advertising here so you will have to try elsewhere
  17. BlueBoxCompany: no cheats/mods or glitches
  18. BlueBoxCompany: Im sorry
  19. BlueBoxCompany: Im just trying ot get people to play with
  20. BlueBoxCompany: not really advertising
  21. Lunick: I understand
  22. Lunick: yes you are
  23. Lunick: trying to steal our players
  24. BlueBoxCompany: what is this?
  25. Lunick: World of Minecraft chat room
  26. BlueBoxCompany: I thought this was a chatroom for minecraft players
  27. Lunick: nope
  28. BlueBoxCompany: oh so you have your own server?
  29. BlueBoxCompany: this is like a group?
  30. Lunick: did you not see what I pasted before?
  31. Lunick: yes
  32. BlueBoxCompany: "world of minecraft"
  33. Lunick:
  34. BlueBoxCompany: thats cool, Im sorry
  35. BlueBoxCompany: haha, I was looking up minecraft chatrooms to try and get some cool people to play with
  36. Lunick: right
  37. BlueBoxCompany: is your world IP on here?
  38. BlueBoxCompany: Id like to visit :)
  39. Lunick: You need to be a certain rank to join our smp, and our ranking system is broken at the moment
  40. BlueBoxCompany: oh well.... ha
  41. BlueBoxCompany: I guess Ill seeya around?
  42. Lunick: maybe
  43. BlueBoxCompany: you sure you dont wanna join my world for a while?
  44. Lunick: positive
  45. BlueBoxCompany: ok well good luck getting your ranking system to work again, maybe Ill be back around someday to join :) TTYL
  46. BlueBoxCompany: I just reread all these posts and your kind of a douche
  47. BlueBoxCompany left the room (quit: Quit: Java User).
  48. Lunick: LOL
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