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Loaded House

a guest
Jan 24th, 2013
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  1. Name:Loaded House
  2. Race:Unicorn
  3. Gender:Male
  4. Cutiemark or Talent:
  5. -Dice engulfed in flame with pony skull snake-eyes:When rolling dice, any hard number becomes another but no more than one in another dirrection. IE-Hard eight can become a hard six or hard ten, snake-eyes can become hard four or boxcars &c.
  6. Class:Trickster
  7. Alignment:Chaotic Neutral
  8. Skills:
  9. -Riddle of the Trickster:Once per combat can declare a crit-miss a crit-hit
  10. -Improvise:instant, recharge 3; tossing a solution together can be better than stopping to make a plan. Your next roll succeeds on a 4+ but cannot crit
  11. -Cheap Shot: weapon; outside of combat, this skill is automatic and renders the target helpless. In combat, 9+ renders the target helpless.
  12. -Disguise:Pretends to be someone else. Min 6+ allows the user to pass as a generic person (a guard, a noble, a commoner, etc); 8+ allows the user to pass as a specific person; a crit allows the user to mimic different races and/or genders.
  13. -Lucky Gambit:Auto crit, auto critfail. Upon success rolls dice and casts a damaging spell on the enemy..The number determines the kind of damage. Hard numbers (Double) such as snake-eyes,pair of twos, pair of threes, pair of fours, pair of fives and boxcars, deal poison damage. Otherwise, 3-5 deal fire, 6-8 deal ice and 9-11 deals lightning damage.
  14. Inventory:
  15. -Contract x12, unbreakable and must be signed of the signers own free will. Signer offers servitude to the one holding the contract for 1 weeks time. Used to up the stakes a bit.
  16. -Normal deck of 52 cards
  17. -Razor tipped deck of 52 cards (Projectile)
  18. -Balisong knife
  19. -Brown faux-leather Trenchcoat (armorless)
  20. -Brown stetson
  21. -Lucky Dice:A pair of bone-colored off white six sided dice with red dots for the numbers.
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