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May 13th, 2016
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  1. Hi
  3. Firstly I must ask out of politeness and as I would of anyone, how are you? Good I hope.
  5. Please excuse this very long email which is deliberate and don't let it put you off please - I really hope you find it very very different (for the better!) and refreshingly genuine and exciting. I can assure you this is unique to yourself and ok, reading it back I probably got a bit carried away and added this, but I hope it's ok.
  7. You may see that I have no feedback but that's simply because I'm effectively new (set up ages ago but never used properly until now, as in I got fed up of people who were time wasters and weren't genuine) and for the very genuine (and quite normal) reasons I will mention below. I'm not narrow minded to not think there is someone very genuine out there, though. I hope that you will see past the lack of feedback as some on here seem obsessed by it! Wouldn't you rather however, have someone who hasn't been 'around' and is looking for and approaching you for something specific?
  11. I particularly like the idea of you being very selective in who you meet.
  13. Although I am from York, I am a contractor with my work and working from Warrington / Sheffield / Stockport / home / Newcastle as required. I'd be looking to meet you either at yours or a nice hotel (nothing horrible but I'm not a snob, it's just the occasion would demand it) - as well as the obvious from here, as you'd expect but for genuine reasons in my case as I will be honest about (nothing unusual don't worry), I would love to meet a girl to spend some time with but don't worry, I understand the arrangement. I hope you will find this so genuine and interesting, that you'd like to try and arrange something that works for both of us while building up a great level of mutual trust and excitement before (but in a decent way). Hope so anyway!
  15. Firstly though and probably unusually on here, I'm genuinely not just here for my own pleasure in that I believe I enjoy myself better when someone with me is visibly and genuinely doing so also.
  17. So let me say straight away that this is a very decent and genuine mail and not rude or basic like some others you might get perhaps, and the last thing I would ever do is waste anyone's time. I've had it done to me and it's not nice or right and just not me anyway. So I hope this blows you away and appeals for the right reasons. If we get on happy to make this a longer term thing.
  19. This is essentially a very late 'big birthday' present as I was 50 in mid 2014 but I am very young in terms of outlook. I want something to give me the sort of fun I have genuinely not had for (seriously) over three years. That is entirely down to my own choice and a combination of work related, family (my son) and a legacy of a very bad relationship with someone who really hurt and took advantage of me, big style.
  21. My aspiration is most definitely a longer meeting to start with which I have given much thought. It might sound strange at this point if I say I'd like to be a mix of very good and open mutual social interaction, including some element of going out, an absolute giggle for us both and a real sexual adventure covering the extremes of some of the exploration we might have done when you younger and some of the play activities associated with that, to a very sensual encounter that is both very tactile, unrushed and with the others pleasure paramount, but is also extremely broad minded, open and adventurous on both our parts. All done through a suggested set of games lets say while still remaining very spontaneous.
  23. As much an exploration of each others minds lets say as much as anything else, definitely open to allow the pushing of boundaries - including hopefully allowing you to do that too by going about this in the right way.
  25. That's what will hopefully make this a bit unique as I would like to do everything I can to make you feel as safe, wanted (and wild!) as possible.
  27. I genuinely want you to feel looked after, completely relaxed, have no doubts, feel able to be at your most open and have a fun, rewarding and satisfying time yourself too. This is not all about me. And perhaps meeting again or regularly if we get on very well and both enjoy ourselves as I am sure we would. I've obviously seen your profile on AW which seems really genuine unlike lots. And I have genuinely picked you out from loads, so hope this works! I hope you don't mind my contacting you in this way anyway, happy to talk of course too.
  29. I suppose I will know if someone is genuine and seriously interested as they will come back with a proper reply, two or three paragraphs at least, and won't just say call such and such a number. That would switch me off!
  31. This would be a proper date with good conversation and a real laugh come hopefully, an absolute giggle for us both, full respect and two way pleasure/sex.....traditional and very kinky, that's actually pleasurable for us both as I said.
  33. Unlike some maybe, even in an escort scenario I understand that you are also a person and should of course be treated as such, but more so I am sure an interesting, engaging, funny lady who I would enjoy spending time with and getting to know socially and as a person too in a proper two way date. But I do understand it is an escort arrangement don't worry!
  35. I am a professional man, a software Test Manager (not a geek!). Looks are not everything in anyone - even in this way - and I am just normal but I guess ok!
  37. Hopefully this mail, any others and a chat will convey to you how genuine I am and very sincerely wanting to give you a very good and genuine time and not just in bed. I am prepared to do whatever reasonable to prove how genuine I am such as speaking, face pic, mail etc.
  39. I also genuinely want to meet a girl who isn't just doing this for the money (I will be able to tell!), someone who would enjoy a lovely evening with good conversation and laughs too, and uninhibited but respectful and shared pleasure. i.e. I would want you to have a great time too, that's important to me. That's socially too, I love female company and perspective in that way. And if that helps us both enjoy the sexual side far more even in an escort scenario, then all well and good and much for the better. I hope you agree? If it then helps this to be one of your most memorable and better encounters and you respond and relax for anything in that way, then that would be wonderful and I shall certainly try.
  41. I am a very considerate, genuine and articulate, very gentle, tactile, completely clean and health conscious, sensual and honest professional man - generally gentle in manner and physically, a giver as much as a receiver, and always treat others how I would expect to be. All I look for is the same in return. I am most certainly not a timewaster. Personal hygiene, as I said, is paramount to me and I take care of myself and those around me. I love banter and innuendo as a sense of humour, especially if combined with intelligence, and if I may say so am like that myself too, therefore this will be the sort of girl that I get along with most. It's natural between the sexes anyway I think.
  43. I have a very specific set of particular scenarios in mind, as well as a great deal of mutual spontaneity of course, and I will probably explain the background to the scenarios later.
  45. I would never abuse the privilege of getting to know someone in a little more detail than one might consider usual in this scenario, because it would be entirely for the reason of making our meeting(s) less mechanical, cold and instant. I would certainly not be giving myself any form of gratification while doing so if I can call it that. I would rather you did that personally lol!
  47. When we did meet which would be very soon I promise, I'd love us to have a coffee and perhaps play a basic teasing voyeur type game which I will explain in due course if you are interested.
  49. This would hopefully build up a unique level of anticipation and excitement. It would be great to then go out for lunch/dinner and have a wonderful relexed and genuine time, before returning for some more build up games like strip poker and a truth game! Again, I want to build up what is to follow in both of our minds.
  51. With regards to more intense fun, I'd love to kiss, stroke, lick/suck and tease each other fully clothed for a very long time during a session of build up play still both fully clothed and then very slowly remove each others clothes.
  53. Nothing different in that you're probably thinking. During it I would really love to cross dress too, at least in the sense of stockings, silk knickers and a very tight skirt or dress. Is that not just ok, would it be a turn on for you too? That's important if I do that. I'm not a cross dresser, I have done this with a couple of women some years ago, but it remains a fantasy and to build on it. This time I would really like to maximise the experience of me being dressed like that and for a lady to give me a slow and sensual full body massage with the clothes on without even going into them....perhaps while I am tied up. Lots of kissing and teasing of course.
  55. I would like to be spanked...not soft, but not too hard (more a mind games thing perhaps) and certainly not to mark, through the dress or skirt with your hand and possibly a cane and a paddle or similar, and hopefully to you too with limits thoroughly respected. And some more spanking and caning both ways when we are both naked, but not as hard as through the clothes. Would love to do that to you too on the same basis, or whatever you are comfortable with and genuinely turned on by. For all this though, please see my wrestling scenario I refer to briefly at the end....
  57. Then to let me do all this to you in return whether tied or not, then you tie me up again and tease me inside the clothes, slowly removing them and letting me do yours, before more intimate pleasures.
  59. I do love Oral sex both ways....and or ages and slowly...particularly 69 with a lady on top. Of course, I love sex in any position but particularly a girl sitting or laying on me, nice and slow rhythm not fast until the very end....perhaps while still tied up.
  61. After all that and the obvious conclusion, hopefully for you too, I would like you to use toys on me including a strap on if you have one, again for ages. I do like being fucked with a strap on by a woman at length and other toys too, done this a few times and not shy about it at all!! Not essential at all but fun for us both.
  63. I have never had the pleasure of gently pleasing a woman anally but I would love to do so with either her playing teacher, gently showing me how to do it to please her the most, or us experimenting gently together if neither of us have done it but are happy to try because of the mutual respect? Again, not essential, don't let that one put you off.
  65. **************************************************************
  67. Alternatively, indeed if I am honest my main desire and what I'd really like to do, I would like to combine all of the above with a very teasing play wrestling / pillow fight contest - not rough - but very, very kinky with lots of forfeits, some very dirty, some silly and funny. That could be everything from tickling to mutual watersports, mutual gentle slapping, mutual spitting, candle wax, food fun, cold showers, different sorts of spanking etc (all on a mutual both way basis) - I'm not into wild BDSM, just a mutual giggle but with an edge. I can discuss that further if you wish?
  68. **************************************************************
  70. However, please don't be put off by all the 'plans', they are just ideas to provide a framework, it's most important to be spontaneous.
  72. That said, I would love you to wear a short ish (not too short) very very tight skirt or dress, possibly backless, tight top if with skirt and silk underwear (not cotton pleeez!) if possible, ideally a camisole top rather than a bra? More elegant and sexy than tarty though. Something really sexy and classy, not tarty, that will really hug your figure lol. Part of the fantasy is it's hard for either of us to move! It would not get ripped, that's not the idea, as I said it's a huge tease and laugh.
  74. I hope that was all written okay and hasn't offended. Isn't it better to be upfront but in a decent, polite way?
  76. I hope you have found this a decent and genuine mail, of sincere interest, but also, different to the usual whatever that is, though I can imagine. It is important for me and I am sure you, to have trust and respect in doing this. I am prepared to give whatever details and reassurance to my potential partner in this, and I would start by proving how genuine I am and how clean, hygienic etc., I am, and above all, how keen I am for you to have a great time yourself both socially and sexually.
  78. Sorry to have gone on and I hope it was appropriate and not too much. But isn't it better to be honest and discuss these things up front.
  80. Please could you let me know what you think.
  82. Take care
  84. Steve xxx
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