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May 25th, 2016
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  1. "P_START" range at index 1424 is not closed in resource "chex3.wad" ("P_END" marker is missing).
  2. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 64. Unable to find "FlemoidusCommonus" class to replace, while parsing "FlemoidusCommonusV3".
  3. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 130. Unable to find "FlemoidusBipedicus" class to replace, while parsing "FlemoidusBipedicusV3".
  4. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 196. Unable to find "ArmoredFlemoidusBipedicus" class to replace, while parsing "ArmoredFlemoidusBipedicusV3".
  5. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 286. Unable to find "FlemoidusCycloptisCommonus" class to replace, while parsing "FlemoidusStridicus".
  6. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 402. Unable to find "ChexSoul" class to replace, while parsing "FlemMine".
  7. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 549. Unable to find "Flembrane" class to replace, while parsing "FlemoidusMaximus".
  8. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 899. Unable to find "PropulsorMissile" class to replace, while parsing "PropulsorMissileV3".
  9. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 991. Unable to find "ChexCavernStalagmite" class to replace, while parsing "PropPineTree".
  10. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1007. Unable to find "ChexSubmergedPlant" class to replace, while parsing "PropGreyRock".
  11. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1023. Unable to find "ChexCavernColumn" class to replace, while parsing "PropBarrel".
  12. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1071. Unable to find "ChexOrangeTree" class to replace, while parsing "PropTorchTree".
  13. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1087. Unable to find "ChexCivilian1" class to replace, while parsing "PropGreenTorch".
  14. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1119. Unable to find "ChexLightColumn" class to replace, while parsing "PropShortBlueTorch".
  15. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1135. Unable to find "ChexCivilian2" class to replace, while parsing "PropShortGreenTorch".
  16. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1151. Unable to find "ChexCivilian3" class to replace, while parsing "PropShortRedTorch".
  17. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1167. Unable to find "ChexAppleTree" class to replace, while parsing "PropStalagtite".
  18. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1183. Unable to find "ChexSpaceship" class to replace, while parsing "PropTechPillar".
  19. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1199. Unable to find "ChexChemicalFlask" class to replace, while parsing "PropCandlestick".
  20. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1215. Unable to find "ChexGasTank" class to replace, while parsing "PropCandelabra".
  21. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1392. Unable to find "ChexTallFlower" class to replace, while parsing "PropPhone".
  22. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1424. Unable to find "ChexTallFlower2" class to replace, while parsing "PropGlobeStand".
  23. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1441. Unable to find "ChexBananaTree" class to replace, while parsing "PropSpaceship".
  24. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1805. Unable to find "Infrared" class to inherit from, while parsing "UltraGoggles:2045".
  25. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1812. Unable to find "BlueSkull" class to inherit from, while parsing "BlueFlemKey:40".
  26. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1818. Unable to find "YellowSkull" class to inherit from, while parsing "YellowFlemKey:39".
  27. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1824. Unable to find "RedSkull" class to inherit from, while parsing "RedFlemKey:38".
  28. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1876. Unable to find "DeadLostSoul" class to replace, while parsing "ChexDinerChef".
  29. DECORATE warning in "chex3.wad\DECORATE:427", line 1891. Unable to find "DeadCacodemon" class to replace, while parsing "ChexDinerTable".
  30. Missing sprite lump "SGN2A0". Forgot to include required resources?
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