
Dawn of Final Day

Dec 27th, 2012
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  1. >Day 'Dawn of Final Day' on Earth
  2. >So this was it? Why are you still alive? Wasnt the world supposed to end or something today?
  3. >You really wanted it to. Oh well.
  4. >Hmmm...whats that? Upon closer inspection, meaning you went outside, it turns out to be....a line. How nice.
  5. >But whats a line doing in the sky?...and whys it getting bigger? Oooo, those are some neat colors.
  6. >Then something clicks. All those Sci-fi video games you played taught you a little something.
  7. >The line continued to expand and grow, then it appeared as if it was...sucking things in?
  8. >Metroid Prime Echoes flashed through your mind. Obviously obligatory Zero Suit Samus images follow.
  9. >You shoo the pictures away and realize that line thing, more like a circle now, looks kinda like the portals in the game.
  10. >Oh. That can't be good. It finally clicks that the rift, or portal, might just be the whole 'End of the World' thing.
  11. >Well fuck. While you thought all this out the rift kept expanding, eventually dragging you in.
  12. >Well hey, your still alive! Damn what are you? Living through shit like that.
  13. >You try to open your eyes...Nope.
  14. >Move an arm? Nope. Okay so maybe you'll just lie here, wherever you are.
  15. >Sleep follows and when you next wake up you feel a bit more 'able'.Oh hey you can actually feel the ground this time.
  16. >Grass, kinda itchy, but pleasant none-the-less. You try to open your-
  17. >Holy fuck! Your eyes snap shut. The light. It burns. You don't remember the sun being that bright. >Must have something to do with being out for so long. How long has it been anyway?
  18. >You didnt open your eyes last time so you dont know how much time has passed or where you are.
  19. "Allright then, lets try that again."
  20. >You try to roll over and use your vision again. Has grass always looked like that?
  21. >You dismiss it as a change in location. You get to your feet and look yourself over. Everything seems to be fine.
  22. >Now, surroundings. You look around to see you in some kinda forest. But, whats up with those trees?
  23. >Woah. Creepy trees. Again, must be something to do with where you are.
  24. >With that settled you look around a bit more throughly, trying to find a hint of civilization. Aha! A...hut?
  25. >With nothing better to go on, you make your way there. Seems kinda shabby, maybe only person lives here?
  26. >You head up to the door and knock. Nothing happens so you knock again, harder this time.
  27. >Hearing nothing still, you decide to walk away. Damn, now what. Well you could follow this path in front of you, duh.
  28. >That works too, you think. And with that you start on the path.
  29. >The path takes you to some kinda town. You dont see anybody though.
  30. "Hello? Anybody here?"
  31. >An 'eep' from behind causes you to spin around. A...p0ny? You didnt know p0nies could make that sound.
  32. >It looks simply terr-
  33. >Its mane is pink.
  34. >Wut.
  35. >You dont know much about animals, but your sure they dont have pink hair naturally.
  36. >You approach the small p0ny slowly, with your hands, palm up, in front of you.
  37. >It seemed to be scared of you. Right when your about to reach it, a voice calls out
  38. >"Fluttershy! Move!"
  39. >The p0ny jumps at the voice and...grows wings and flys off? What the fuck dude?! Pegasi arent real!
  40. >A blur of blue and colors comes out of fucking nowhere to tackle you back. That blur sure knows how to pack a punch.
  41. >People better be ready to explain shit when you wakeup. This passing out stuff is getting annoying.
  42. >You hope the next time you wake up its because its time to start your day. Where are you now?
  43. >You turn to-
  44. >Cant move either? Okay. You settle for opening your eyes. Roof. Roof means house, which means people! >You look around and it turns out your in some kind of mini library. Place looks pretty good though.
  45. "Hel-" you clear your throat before trying again. "Hello? Anybody?"
  46. >"Who is this 'Anybody' you speak of?!" commands a voice.
  47. >You hate being told what to do. And that voice sounded like it carried some hint of importance to it.
  48. "Now, how come I cant see whos talking to me? And any reason I cant move?"
  49. >"You are bound by my magic, and it shall stay that way until Im sure your not a danger to my little p0nies."
  50. >What? Does she think your gonna eat her p0nies or something?
  51. "Well thats not very fair. I wander up in a forest, get tackled by what I presume was a p0ny, and now I cant see my captor? This place sucks."
  52. >The voice pauses for a moment and you feel a grip, that you didnt notice before, loosen.
  53. >"You may stand. You will tell me your tale and I shall determine whether or not to send you away."
  54. >You turn to the voice and what you see is something you dont quite expect. A horse with wings...and a horn?! Oh come on!
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