
Zach & Faerzen talk SABATH

Aug 29th, 2015
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  1. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> Hi Faerzen! I actually slept, I have some questions.
  2. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> I ended up on derse, it was very...
  3. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> Purple, I guess.
  4. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> And people weren't friendly.
  5. [23:37] <@visceralVanguard> Oh, hello!
  6. [23:37] <jocoseZirconium> Hello!
  7. [23:37] <@visceralVanguard> Hmmm, yes that is what I have heard about Derse.
  8. [23:38] <@visceralVanguard> I am sorry to hear your instance of Derse does not seem to be any different in that regards.
  9. [23:38] <jocoseZirconium> You dream to Derse as well?
  10. [23:38] <@visceralVanguard> No, I thankfully do not, but others in my game group do.
  11. [23:39] <jocoseZirconium> Yeah, I kinda wish I went to the gold planet, which I still can't remember the name of.
  12. [23:39] <@visceralVanguard> Prospit.
  13. [23:39] <jocoseZirconium> Anyway, my first question:
  14. [23:39] <jocoseZirconium> Yes, thats it.
  15. [23:39] <jocoseZirconium> Ok.
  16. [23:39] <jocoseZirconium> I found two derses.
  17. [23:39] <jocoseZirconium> Whose derse was it? Yours?
  18. [23:39] <@visceralVanguard> Oh really?
  19. [23:39] <@visceralVanguard> Hmmm.
  20. [23:40] <@visceralVanguard> That is quite odd.
  21. [23:40] <jocoseZirconium> Yes, I found two derses, slammed into each other.
  22. [23:40] <@visceralVanguard> It appears as though that characteristic is a constant across more sessions than just ours?
  23. [23:40] <jocoseZirconium> Your derse collided with something as well?
  24. [23:40] <@visceralVanguard> The precisely same occurrence took place in our session as well.
  25. [23:40] <jocoseZirconium> How strange. I wonder why.
  26. [23:41] <@visceralVanguard> We had an initial group of 10 players that were connected in a loop, but then the Derse of a different group of players collided with ours, and the game connections were also altered to give a different group of 10 players.
  27. [23:41] <jocoseZirconium> So how are we connected?
  28. [23:41] <jocoseZirconium> Kara's contact info apparently traverses space.
  29. [23:42] <@visceralVanguard> Both Derses and both Prospits that we have now have approximately half of all their dreamer towers grayed out.
  30. [23:42] <jocoseZirconium> Greyed out?
  31. [23:42] <@visceralVanguard> I really am quite curious as to how she acquired this contact list.
  32. [23:42] <jocoseZirconium> Same.
  33. [23:42] <@visceralVanguard> I have been intending to contact her about that matter since you initially contacted me, but as I said previously, I was quite occupied.
  34. [23:44] <jocoseZirconium> Anyway. Second question.
  35. [23:44] <@visceralVanguard> Yes, the towers were completely grayed out and devoid of all decor or possessions. I have found that, within some restrictions, dreamers are able to manipulate the environment of their tower.
  36. [23:44] <@visceralVanguard> It would seem that a grayed out and empty tower would signify that that person is no longer present or alive to maintain that connection so the dream vanishes.
  37. [23:44] <jocoseZirconium> So they're dead.
  38. [23:44] <jocoseZirconium> Thats unfortunate.
  39. [23:45] <@visceralVanguard> It would seem that way.
  40. [23:45] <jocoseZirconium> So while I was in the fissure caused by the collision, I found twenty stone tablets of various colors.
  41. [23:45] <@visceralVanguard> Though it also entirely possible that they were shuffled out into a different game session and their connection to these Prospits and Derses have simply been severed.
  42. [23:45] <jocoseZirconium> It would seem like they were split between the planets evenly
  43. [23:45] <@visceralVanguard> Really?
  44. [23:45] <@visceralVanguard> Twenty?
  45. [23:45] <@visceralVanguard> That is quite a lot!
  46. [23:46] <jocoseZirconium> Yeah.
  47. [23:46] <@visceralVanguard> You say there were Prospit stones there on Derse as well?
  48. [23:46] <@visceralVanguard> What do you mean?
  49. [23:46] <jocoseZirconium> Hmm...
  50. [23:46] <jocoseZirconium> Lemme think a second.
  51. [23:47] <jocoseZirconium> What would prospit stones mean?
  52. [23:47] <jocoseZirconium> I definitely saw 20 stones.
  53. [23:47] <@visceralVanguard> Oh! When you said split between the planets, you meant the two different Derses?
  54. [23:47] <jocoseZirconium> Yeah.
  55. [23:48] <@visceralVanguard> Apologies, I am still getting used to the fact that there are multiple of them now.
  56. [23:48] <jocoseZirconium> Not a problem.
  57. [23:48] <@visceralVanguard> What did they look like?
  58. [23:49] <jocoseZirconium> Anyway, the tablets each had a symbol. There was a gear I think, a bunch of spirals? and a wierd black skull thing, one that was green and had a funny tendril on it.
  59. [23:49] <@visceralVanguard> Interesting.
  60. [23:50] <@visceralVanguard> Did you find these on the larger main part of Derse with the castle or the smaller planets where the dream towers are?
  61. [23:50] <jocoseZirconium> Another was a heart, a cut that was "bleeding". Thtas all I remember
  62. [23:50] <jocoseZirconium> It was the cores of the bigger planet.
  63. [23:51] <@visceralVanguard> Hmm
  64. [23:52] <@visceralVanguard> I believe I reached the core of my Prospit before the collision, and I saw no such things anywhere either in the large space in the interior or en route.
  65. [23:52] <@visceralVanguard> I am afraid I have no idea what those stones are.
  66. [23:52] <jocoseZirconium> Ah well.
  67. [23:53] <jocoseZirconium> Next question: I found a stock market.
  68. [23:53] <jocoseZirconium> How exactly does that work?
  69. [23:53] <@visceralVanguard> Where did you find it?
  70. [23:53] <jocoseZirconium> In a random building.
  71. [23:53] <jocoseZirconium> When I tried to ask, they threw daggers and yelled about their stock.
  72. [23:54] <@visceralVanguard> This took place on Derse?
  73. [23:54] <jocoseZirconium> Yes.
  74. [23:54] <@visceralVanguard> So what is your question? How do stock markets in general function or specifically something about that one you encountered on Derse?
  75. [23:55] <jocoseZirconium> Function in general. I'd never seen such a place before.
  76. [23:56] <@visceralVanguard> Ah. Well I am afraid it is very complicated! I do not think I could do it justice in a couple minutes via a textual chat!
  77. [23:56] <@visceralVanguard> I will attempt to give you some background, however.
  78. [23:56] <jocoseZirconium> Thank you.
  79. [23:57] <@visceralVanguard> Essentially companies and organizations can sell small portions of themselves to interested buyers. These portions are called stocks. If you own stock in something it means that you have paid that group money in exchange for a small segment of ownership of that group.
  80. [23:57] <@visceralVanguard> If the group is profitable, then you benefit from holding some ownership of the group.
  81. [23:57] <@visceralVanguard> If not, you chose to invest your money in the wrong group.
  82. [23:57] <jocoseZirconium> ((eco class with faerzen lol))
  83. [23:57] <@visceralVanguard> This happens primarily for two reasons:
  84. [23:58] <@visceralVanguard> 1. The groups can use the money gained from selling portions of ownership as investments and can spend the money on larger projects to make their group more profitable.
  85. [23:58] <@visceralVanguard> 2. Buyers of these stocks can buy and sell these stocks with each other in an attempt to earn money as various groups are more or less profitable.
  86. [23:58] <@visceralVanguard> If you buy a stock and then that group performs very well, it is likely that you will be able to sell that stock for much more than you bought it for and thus make a profit.
  87. [23:59] <jocoseZirconium> Interesting.
  88. [23:59] <@visceralVanguard> This buying and selling was the market you likely encountered.
  89. [23:59] <jocoseZirconium> How interesting. Thanks for the quick and dirty Econ class.
  90. [23:59] <@visceralVanguard> Stock dealings can be very precise, complicated, or secretive, so I can understand why you were unwelcome!
  91. [00:00] <@visceralVanguard> Daggers seem quite an extreme measure though.
  92. [00:00] <jocoseZirconium> I think I'll just stay out of the stock market though.
  93. [00:00] <@visceralVanguard> That seems a wise idea.
  94. [00:00] <@visceralVanguard> Unless you truly understand how the markets work, it is very likely you will end up losing a great deal of money instead!
  95. [00:01] <jocoseZirconium> Yup.
  96. [00:01] <jocoseZirconium> Ok, for my final question: you said that you had something to say before we stopped talking last time.
  97. [00:01] <jocoseZirconium> Something about the game.,
  98. [00:01] <@visceralVanguard> Oh yes.
  99. [00:02] <@visceralVanguard> I know that what I am going to say may sound very melodramatic, but I assure you it is true.
  100. [00:02] <@visceralVanguard> I have corroborated this data across many sources, and its content and motives seem quite sound.
  101. [00:02] <jocoseZirconium> I'm willing to believe alot at this point.
  102. [00:02] <@visceralVanguard> At the beginning of this game, our world was lost in a fiery storm of meteors.
  103. [00:03] <jocoseZirconium> Got it.
  104. [00:03] <@visceralVanguard> Honestly, that is quite a tragedy, and playing this game solely because this game is all we have left is motivation enough.
  105. [00:03] <@visceralVanguard> However, that is not the end of the story.
  106. [00:03] <@visceralVanguard> The end goal of this game is the creation of a new world to replace the one we lost.
  107. [00:04] <@visceralVanguard> Should you and your team succeed, you will create an entirely new realm and world!
  108. [00:04] <jocoseZirconium> That sounds a bit far fetched, but alright.
  109. [00:04] <jocoseZirconium> Hwo do we do this.
  110. [00:04] <@visceralVanguard> I am inclined to believe that our original world was created in this same manner.
  111. [00:04] <@visceralVanguard> Think about it like a dandelion.
  112. [00:04] <@visceralVanguard> The flower is a beautiful, brilliant yellow that blooms
  113. [00:04] <@visceralVanguard> That parallels our old world.
  114. [00:05] <jocoseZirconium> And we are the petals of the dandelion?
  115. [00:05] <@visceralVanguard> However, it eventually grows old and the plant sacrifices itself in the process of creating and scattering innumerable seeds across the land to grow into new worlds of their own.
  116. [00:05] <jocoseZirconium> The seeds. Huh.
  117. [00:05] <@visceralVanguard> Not all seeds survive
  118. [00:05] <@visceralVanguard> Some lack sufficient nutrients stored in them to grow.
  119. [00:06] <@visceralVanguard> Some happen to land in particularly dry or infertile areas.
  120. [00:06] <@visceralVanguard> Others are killed by parasites or disease.
  121. [00:06] <@visceralVanguard> But the strong seeds survive and grow fully into their own wonderful flowers with their own built in mechanism of repeating just the same process that brought them life.
  122. [00:07] <jocoseZirconium> The game, SABATH.
  123. [00:07] <@visceralVanguard> And because the original dandelion sent out so many seeds, it is highly likely that some survive to continue.
  124. [00:07] <@visceralVanguard> However, the fact that so many die is beneficial for the species of dandelions as a whole.
  125. [00:07] <@visceralVanguard> By weeding out the weak and faulty seeds, only a strong line of dandelions perpetuates itself.
  126. [00:08] <@visceralVanguard> Each of our game sessions is like a seed, and it is our job to make sure it matures into a full grown bloom
  127. [00:08] <@visceralVanguard> The game is difficult, and it will test us.
  128. [00:08] <@visceralVanguard> However the goal is to overcome these tests and prove that we are strong enough to germinate a new world worth living in.
  129. [00:09] <@visceralVanguard> I know not what hardships you and your group have encountered yet, if any, but rest assured they will come.
  130. [00:09] <@visceralVanguard> Derse is the embodiment of the forces that seek to bring this project of world creation to ruin.
  131. [00:10] <@visceralVanguard> Prospit seeks success and new life, and thus the two kingdoms are inherently at odds.
  132. [00:11] <@visceralVanguard> As for the specifics of how the technical process of creating a new world is carried out, I am afraid my knowledge in that area is lacking. I hope to fill that void as soon as is possible, however.
  133. [00:11] <jocoseZirconium> I see.
  134. [00:11] <jocoseZirconium> How did you get this information>
  135. [00:12] <@visceralVanguard> It is a very long and complicated story. The easiest way I can summarize it is that I asked my sprite and I read it in a book.
  136. [00:12] <jocoseZirconium> Fair enough.
  137. [00:12] <jocoseZirconium> Do you have a copy of the boook by chance?
  138. [00:12] <jocoseZirconium> I'm a bit of a scholar.
  139. [00:13] <@visceralVanguard> I have been attempting to collect as much information as possible since entering the game, and it has proven quite useful. Unfortunately, something happened to the book and it no longer contains the information that it once did, so me giving it to you would prove fruitless. One day the entire things was simply blank.
  140. [00:13] <jocoseZirconium> Thats unfortunate. I'll keep an eye out for any more information.
  141. [00:14] <jocoseZirconium> Oh, I remembered something.
  142. [00:14] <@visceralVanguard> Excellent, I shall do likewise.
  143. [00:14] <@visceralVanguard> Oh?
  144. [00:14] <jocoseZirconium> I found some guards at a palacem guarding an entrance.
  145. [00:14] <@visceralVanguard> As guards tend to do in palaces.
  146. [00:14] <jocoseZirconium> They said despite that i was a dreamer, the queen wasn't taking any audiences.
  147. [00:14] <jocoseZirconium> Do you know the circumstance which caused this?
  148. [00:15] <@visceralVanguard> The machinations of the queens eludes me. I believe I understand to some extent the motives and workings of Her Majesty the White Queen, but I know very little of the Black Queen other than she enjoys causing pain and terror.
  149. [00:16] <jocoseZirconium> I'll keep away from her then.
  150. [00:16] <jocoseZirconium> Lyra told me to leave derse as soon as I got there.
  151. [00:17] <@visceralVanguard> You talked with Lyra?
  152. [00:17] <jocoseZirconium> Yes, just after I woke on derse.
  153. [00:17] <@visceralVanguard> Dare I ask how that conversation went?
  154. [00:17] <jocoseZirconium> She told me to leave derse and go to prospit.
  155. [00:18] <jocoseZirconium> She was quite pleasant to be honest.
  156. [00:18] <@visceralVanguard> Really?
  157. [00:18] <@visceralVanguard> I must say that is a first.
  158. [00:18] <jocoseZirconium> Is she normally difficult?
  159. [00:18] <@visceralVanguard> She has been anything but pleasant to nearly everyone here.
  160. [00:19] <@visceralVanguard> She is usually quite obstinate and pessimistic.
  161. [00:19] <jocoseZirconium> Huh.
  162. [00:19] <@visceralVanguard> I know that she can be reasonable and pleasant if she puts her mind to it, but she always seems quite determined to do just the opposite.
  163. [00:20] <jocoseZirconium> She told me a bit about the game and something about Nickolai's mask.
  164. [00:20] <@visceralVanguard> Any matter, you need not hear my complaining. It is quite irrelevant, especially to you.
  165. [00:20] <@visceralVanguard> Ah.
  166. [00:20] <@visceralVanguard> She did, did she?
  167. [00:20] <@visceralVanguard> What did she have to say about the game?
  168. [00:20] <jocoseZirconium> Just offhandedly.
  169. [00:20] <jocoseZirconium> Oh, she said she had alternate selves and that it was the game.
  170. [00:21] <jocoseZirconium> And aboutNickolai's mask collecting her soul.
  171. [00:21] <@visceralVanguard> Ah yes.
  172. [00:21] <jocoseZirconium> In retrospect, was that why you had to leave last time?
  173. [00:21] <@visceralVanguard> That is precisely the reason why.
  174. [00:21] <@visceralVanguard> I was engaged in a legal dispute over her soul.
  175. [00:22] <jocoseZirconium> Oh.Was it successful?
  176. [00:22] <@visceralVanguard> I am sure you can see the urgency now.
  177. [00:22] <@visceralVanguard> Thankfully, yes, I was successful.
  178. [00:22] <@visceralVanguard> It was quite a tiring endeavor though.
  179. [00:22] <jocoseZirconium> Excellent. Losing people would be awful.
  180. [00:23] <@visceralVanguard> Some of the more specific details of the consequences of the settlement are still quite hazy and I am attempting to elucidate them, but for the time being, Lyra's and everyone else's souls are not going to be consumed.
  181. [00:23] <@visceralVanguard> That is a step in the right direction, I suppose, although it seems I will still have quite a lot of work ahead of me.
  182. [00:23] <jocoseZirconium> Good.
  183. [00:23] <jocoseZirconium> I quite like my soul personally.
  184. [00:24] <@visceralVanguard> I quite recommend retaining possession of it then.
  185. [00:24] <jocoseZirconium> Indeed.
  186. [00:24] <jocoseZirconium> Do you have any more information about the game?
  187. [00:24] <@visceralVanguard> That is quite a broad question!
  188. [00:25] <jocoseZirconium> Is it?
  189. [00:25] <@visceralVanguard> Do you have any more specific questions?
  190. [00:25] <@visceralVanguard> Also, as long as we are on the topic, I have a request of you.
  191. [00:25] <@visceralVanguard> Have you contacted Nick yet?
  192. [00:25] <jocoseZirconium> No, I still haven't been able to.
  193. [00:25] <@visceralVanguard> Okay, may I request that you do not bring up his mask or Lyra or the court case I just mentioned to him?
  194. [00:26] <@visceralVanguard> His mask is a sensitive subject, and I have yet to give him the whole story of the case.
  195. [00:26] <jocoseZirconium> Sure.
  196. [00:26] <@visceralVanguard> Thank you.
  197. [00:26] <jocoseZirconium> Should I know the reason?
  198. [00:26] <@visceralVanguard> I wish this weren't so complicated.
  199. [00:26] <@visceralVanguard> The reason for what?
  200. [00:27] <jocoseZirconium> Not telling Nickolai.
  201. [00:28] <@visceralVanguard> The general topic of his mask, as well as the trouble Lyra has gotten into using it, are touchy subjects for him, and on top of the fact that I have yet to completely explain to him what occurred, having a stranger crop up and start telling him about his mask seems quite ill-advised.
  202. [00:28] <@visceralVanguard> The specific reasons for why it is a sensitive subject are best left unspecified.
  203. [00:29] <jocoseZirconium> I'll take it into mind.
  204. [00:29] <jocoseZirconium> Thanks for the information.
  205. [00:29] <jocoseZirconium> Knowledge is power you know.
  206. [00:29] <@visceralVanguard> That it is.
  207. [00:29] <@visceralVanguard> However, I have also found an addendum to that phrase.
  208. [00:30] <jocoseZirconium> Hm?
  209. [00:30] <@visceralVanguard> Knowledge is power, but also a burden.
  210. [00:30] <jocoseZirconium> I'll try to carry it well then.
  211. [00:30] <@visceralVanguard> Good.
  212. [00:31] <jocoseZirconium> Fare well then Faerzen.
  213. [00:31] <@visceralVanguard> Goodbye!
  214. [00:31] <@visceralVanguard> I cannot promise to be available, but do not hesitate to contact me should you need anything else.
  215. [00:31] <jocoseZirconium> Cool.
  216. [00:31] <jocoseZirconium> Bye!
  217. [00:32] <jocoseZirconium> JZ has ceased pestering VV
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