
Wysteria #60

Dec 28th, 2015
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  1. gìvậythím12/28 06:44
  2. just try to unity some formation?
  3. Bacteria12/28 06:53
  4. no not like that
  5. Bacteria12/28 06:53
  6. later i mail you
  7. gìvậythím12/28 06:54
  8. ok waiting, thank u :D
  9. Warrior12/28 07:30
  10. can a unit have only 2 skills ?
  11. Artemis™12/28 07:32
  12. 3
  13. Chax12/28 07:32
  14. yep, they can only have 2 skills, but some has abilities too,
  15. Artemis™12/28 07:32
  16. 5 with ability
  17. Artemis™12/28 07:33
  18. 6 or 7 with armor effect and weapon efect
  19. Warrior12/28 07:33
  20. do i do unity with unique units like normal ones too ?
  21. Artemis™12/28 07:33
  22. 2 skill 2 ability 1 acc effect 1 weapon effect 1 armor effect
  23. ocbu121112/28 07:34
  24. where can i find proof to do sub quest ?
  25. Artemis™12/28 07:35
  26. clearing the map rlation with quest or donate uindendified proof
  27. Chax12/28 07:36
  28. 20k gold left, darn
  29. Chax12/28 07:36
  30. i need to do lizard soon :/
  31. Artemis™12/28 07:37
  32. where all your gold goes @_@
  33. Chax12/28 07:37
  34. trials and errors xD i'm experimenting with luck, didn't go so well
  35. Chax12/28 07:38
  36. well, prolly since i have no unit that has max luck
  37. Artemis™12/28 07:38
  38. @_@ i also broke yesterday,had to sell my wasp doll for 1,5 bcos of that >_<
  39. gìvậythím12/28 07:39
  40. wew meet Aluciz, 4 SR, but how is he just lv5 now? he is in our guild
  41. Artemis™12/28 07:40
  42. put 4 on market and it goes like a bump in a matter ominute -.-
  43. Imythedralle12/28 07:40
  44. he is taking a break :v
  45. gìvậythím12/28 07:41
  46. did not play 2 weeks @@'
  47. gìvậythím12/28 07:41
  48. good account, but why? :-/
  49. Chax12/28 07:42
  50. welp, i'm outta wasp doll too, first time i sold it was like, 50k xD
  51. artiimiss12/28 07:42
  52. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  53. Artemis™12/28 07:43
  54. i think im the lowest sell it 500k..lookslike youve won @_@
  55. Artemis™12/28 07:43
  56. crystal ring also had a bump prize these day since it effect were awesome
  57. Artemis™12/28 07:44
  58. seeing someone put it on 1,5 and it gone now
  59. Chax12/28 07:44
  60. nah, it was back then when chapter encounters was just rleased, now 500k pretty low i guess
  61. Imythedralle12/28 07:44
  62. prolly holidays, he have 1 Loki, 4 Idunn
  63. gìvậythím12/28 07:45
  64. and 1 aru too
  65. gìvậythím12/28 07:45
  66. wish i were him :v
  67. Artemis™12/28 07:47
  68. lucky now many newbie join so the market didnt explode with many items
  69. gìvậythím12/28 07:53
  70. hey Imy, i roll 10x gotti and just receive Grin rune :-/
  71. gìvậythím12/28 07:54
  72. why isn't it a SR rune? =.='
  73. gìvậythím12/28 07:54
  74. not fair with me :((
  75. Imythedralle12/28 07:54
  76. did you stack up RNG?
  77. gìvậythím12/28 07:56
  78. wait 100 duel point and do it :-/
  79. Imythedralle12/28 07:56
  80. i mean did you offline for a long time xD
  81. gìvậythím12/28 07:57
  82. no :-/
  83. gìvậythím12/28 07:57
  84. do i must offline for a long time? =.='
  85. Imythedralle12/28 07:58
  86. yeah I sleep it off before I roll :v
  87. gìvậythím12/28 07:58
  88. =.=' how long? @@'
  89. Imythedralle12/28 08:02
  90. 6-8 hours XD
  91. gìvậythím12/28 08:04
  92. ok i will try it later, when i stick 100 points again :((, thanks for u tips =.='
  93. Ruen12/28 08:06
  94. wow, grats
  95. Imythedralle12/28 08:06
  96. ugh no GW I forgot lol
  97. Imythedralle12/28 08:07
  98. System message12/28 08:05 [AsunaEVE] has just summoned [Freya]
  99. Bacteria12/28 08:07
  100. rune of grin dammit
  101. gìvậythím12/28 08:08
  102. wew me too :-/, Grin skill is not useful :-/
  103. Imythedralle12/28 08:09
  104. its rune of grin time xD
  105. Imythedralle12/28 08:09
  106. I need 2 of them though
  107. Bacteria12/28 08:09
  108. wonder if time is around
  109. Artemis™12/28 08:10
  110. so many freya today...
  111. gìvậythím12/28 08:10
  112. to make a 3rd job unit?
  113. Imythedralle12/28 08:11
  114. yeah desperado Grin have pass II, can go through enemy units :v
  115. Artemis™12/28 08:11
  116. with that 15 freya and a person own 2 o that
  117. POOOOH12/28 08:11
  118. where do I see GW schedule?
  119. POOOOH12/28 08:12
  120. I thought last time it was also 17:00 server time o.o?
  121. artiimiss12/28 08:12
  122. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  123. gìvậythím12/28 08:12
  124. this skill is better twice times to march skill :-/
  125. POOOOH12/28 08:12
  126. ooh sunday and monday both same
  127. Imythedralle12/28 08:12
  129. POOOOH12/28 08:12
  130. k offline for now :(
  131. gìvậythím12/28 08:13
  132. hello and goodbye POOOH :V
  133. gìvậythím12/28 08:15
  134. wew wew wew farm 2 ranger proofs after 3 times :-/
  135. gìvậythím12/28 08:19
  136. wew another one 3 proofs, 5 times wew wew wew
  137. Imythedralle12/28 08:23
  138. bac, how do you determine if they have good growth just by level 4?
  139. Imythedralle12/28 08:24
  140. 8+9+10+8?
  141. Imythedralle12/28 08:25
  142. if it lower than 8 it has poor growth? xD
  143. gìvậythím12/28 08:26
  144. wonder hat too
  145. Bacteria12/28 08:28
  146. 6 point including luck either 3 time or all 4
  147. Bacteria12/28 08:28
  148. if all 4 no luck just expel
  149. Imythedralle12/28 08:31
  150. 300 resources + 9 ether xD
  151. •†RenoA†•12/28 08:33
  152. how to get invyte system rewards?
  153. Artemis™12/28 08:37
  154. clone detected -.-
  155. Imythedralle12/28 08:37
  156. :v
  157. Artemis™12/28 08:38
  158. wasting that freya...hope odin hang you betwen your balls -.-
  159. Imythedralle12/28 08:38
  160. stop fantasizing about Freya perv :v
  161. artiimiss12/28 08:42
  162. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  163. Imythedralle12/28 08:42
  164. bah i'll do it later when i have 4 unit slots to work on
  165. 真・Hel様fan12/28 08:44
  166. (pumpkin)
  167. Imythedralle12/28 08:45
  168. nice i have a 260 level 27
  169. Imythedralle12/28 08:45
  170. the other one will get expel wkwkwk
  171. Imythedralle12/28 08:45
  172. helfan
  173. 真・Hel様fan12/28 08:47
  174. (。◕‿ ◕。)
  175. Imythedralle12/28 08:47
  176. touch me to sleep ._.
  177. 真・Hel様fan12/28 08:48
  178. in other world @_@
  179. Imythedralle12/28 08:49
  180. selfish helfan y-y
  181. 真・Hel様fan12/28 08:54
  182. (。◕‿ ◕。)
  183. Ichigo12/28 08:55
  184. Official Donald Trump guild, "Wysteria" recruiting: no requirement just be active in Great War and guild. We have 3 max level Trump Towers Magic/Bow/Spear for unit stat growth. Become a part of the Trump family today and vote for Donald Trump in 2016.
  185. Ichigo12/28 08:55
  186. If full, our sub-guild, "Lodging" is also available to active Trump fans. Lodging currently has 2 maxed Trump Towers for Axe/Sister class
  187. Imythedralle12/28 08:55
  188. go to sleep you american-asian black feeler you
  189. Ichigo12/28 08:57
  190. Come to Los Angeles and square up puta!
  191. Imythedralle12/28 08:58
  192. wkwkwkw feeler black
  193. Ichigo12/28 08:58
  194. wkwkwkwkwkwk feelers
  195. Imythedralle12/28 09:00
  196. where is pierre?
  197. Ichigo12/28 09:03
  198. Flapping
  199. Imythedralle12/28 09:04
  200. fap as he **** :v
  201. Imythedralle12/28 09:04
  202. po0p
  203. Ichigo12/28 09:06
  204. POOOHp
  205. Ichigo12/28 09:06
  206. I thought Great War was now. :x
  207. Imythedralle12/28 09:06
  208. I'll tell POOOH about you, he live in los angeles
  209. Ichigo12/28 09:07
  210. 9am is too early to be waking up fam. >.<
  211. Imythedralle12/28 09:07
  212. I moved it :v
  213. Ichigo12/28 09:07
  214. Magic.
  215. Ichigo12/28 09:07
  216. 3eyes also live in Los Angeles. We'll find Pooh.
  217. Ichigo12/28 09:07
  218. and flush him down the toilet. :v
  219. Imythedralle12/28 09:07
  221. System message12/28 09:08
  222. [TheFlash] has just summoned [Thialfi]
  223. Ichigo12/28 09:09
  224. Thanks b.
  225. Imythedralle12/28 09:09
  226. Ichigo feeler user :v
  227. artiimiss12/28 09:12
  228. Sell Topup card with special discount at www.S<E>AG|v|.com,support Local Payment in ID,TH and VND.
  229. Imythedralle12/28 09:14
  230. System message12/28 09:08 [TheFlash] has just summoned [Thialfi]
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