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Scruffy convo

a guest
Sep 21st, 2012
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  1. [9/21/12 9:08:22 AM] scruffy puppy: dude
  2. [9/21/12 9:08:24 AM] scruffy puppy: born
  3. [9/21/12 9:08:29 AM] scruffy puppy: why am i banned
  4. [9/21/12 9:08:41 AM] scruffy puppy: ??
  5. [9/21/12 9:09:26 AM] scruffy puppy: born?
  6. [9/21/12 9:10:09 AM] scruffy puppy: Born c'mon man\
  7. [9/21/12 9:11:20 AM] scruffy puppy: omg .. ughh
  8. [9/21/12 9:11:25 AM] scruffy puppy: pls answer me
  9. [9/21/12 9:15:39 AM] scruffy puppy: Born ik why you banned me now but its not me logging in skater's acc cuz i cant login at anyone only 4 acc's
  10. [9/21/12 9:17:17 AM] scruffy puppy: Simon did , first i thought its real skater and i was like wow why you giving me the money
  11. [9/21/12 9:17:51 AM] scruffy puppy: but then when you banned me simon called me on phone and told me that im banned and that he was skater
  12. [9/21/12 9:24:41 AM] scruffy puppy: born?
  13. [9/21/12 9:26:03 AM] Born Corp: who is simon?
  14. [9/21/12 9:26:12 AM] scruffy puppy: his real acc is Jammes
  15. [9/21/12 9:26:44 AM] Born Corp: tell him to make a forum post confessing and I will unban your account
  16. [9/21/12 9:26:56 AM] scruffy puppy: born
  17. [9/21/12 9:26:58 AM] Born Corp: ask him to put all his alternate accounts used
  18. [9/21/12 9:27:10 AM] scruffy puppy: he logged to Vertone
  19. [9/21/12 9:27:13 AM] scruffy puppy: skater
  20. [9/21/12 9:27:14 AM] Born Corp: and to do it from his computer, not yours
  21. [9/21/12 9:27:15 AM] scruffy puppy: and bender
  22. [9/21/12 9:27:26 AM] scruffy puppy: yeah from his
  23. [9/21/12 9:27:28 AM] scruffy puppy: not mine
  24. [9/21/12 9:27:38 AM] Born Corp: allright, let me know once he has posted the confession
  25. [9/21/12 9:27:41 AM] Born Corp: he wont be unbanned
  26. [9/21/12 9:27:47 AM] scruffy puppy: he wont want to
  27. [9/21/12 9:27:55 AM] scruffy puppy: btw
  28. [9/21/12 9:28:38 AM] scruffy puppy: do you remember when u banned me last time and what u did??
  29. [9/21/12 9:28:46 AM] Born Corp: no
  30. [9/21/12 9:28:53 AM] scruffy puppy: well then you made
  31. [9/21/12 9:28:59 AM] scruffy puppy: ..
  32. [9/21/12 9:29:08 AM] scruffy puppy: so i can login only on scruffy
  33. [9/21/12 9:29:12 AM] scruffy puppy: dominator
  34. [9/21/12 9:29:14 AM] scruffy puppy: pece
  35. [9/21/12 9:29:17 AM] scruffy puppy: and saso
  36. [9/21/12 9:29:27 AM] scruffy puppy: if i try logging on other acc
  37. [9/21/12 9:29:32 AM] scruffy puppy: Any other acc
  38. [9/21/12 9:29:37 AM] scruffy puppy: i cant
  39. [9/21/12 9:29:41 AM] scruffy puppy: its says banned
  40. [9/21/12 9:29:50 AM] Born Corp: yeah, its gonna stay that way until simon confesses
  41. [9/21/12 9:29:53 AM] scruffy puppy: i think that enough proof
  42. [9/21/12 9:30:22 AM] scruffy puppy: what if he doesnt want to?
  43. [9/21/12 9:30:47 AM] Born Corp: you will stay banned
  44. [9/21/12 9:30:56 AM] scruffy puppy: and you didnt understand me
  45. [9/21/12 9:31:41 AM] scruffy puppy: i cant login from any other acc , only 4 acc's even if im unbanned
  46. [9/21/12 9:32:05 AM] Born Corp: if he doesnt want to do it you can also opt to punch him until he changes his mind
  47. [9/21/12 9:32:23 AM] scruffy puppy: yeah ill do that in school
  48. [9/21/12 9:32:45 AM] scruffy puppy: let me see if his on facebook
  49. [9/21/12 9:32:57 AM] Born Corp: btw i banned you because he logged in on your account too
  50. [9/21/12 9:33:16 AM] Born Corp: so you might want to assess your friendship with him
  51. [9/21/12 9:34:09 AM] scruffy puppy: i know
  52. [9/21/12 9:34:33 AM] scruffy puppy: he tryed even to log in your acc but he didnt know your borncorp he just did Born
  53. [9/21/12 9:34:40 AM] scruffy puppy: he told me that in school
  54. [9/21/12 9:34:42 AM] scruffy puppy: lol
  55. [9/21/12 9:34:49 AM] scruffy puppy: he wanted to hack other ppl
  56. [9/21/12 9:34:52 AM] scruffy puppy: mods..
  57. [9/21/12 9:35:04 AM] Born Corp: when did he tell you this?
  58. [9/21/12 9:35:09 AM] scruffy puppy: in school
  59. [9/21/12 9:35:15 AM] scruffy puppy: he started with Vertone
  60. [9/21/12 9:35:35 AM] scruffy puppy: it wasnt enough for him and then he hacked bender
  61. [9/21/12 9:35:41 AM] scruffy puppy: and now skater
  62. [9/21/12 9:37:22 AM] Born Corp: its weird how of the few people from your country that joins the server, 90% of them are hackers
  63. [9/21/12 9:37:27 AM] Born Corp: i might as well just ban the whole country
  64. [9/21/12 9:37:58 AM] scruffy puppy: LOL NO
  65. [9/21/12 9:38:03 AM] scruffy puppy: dont pls
  66. [9/21/12 9:41:33 AM] scruffy puppy: i think he will say that he did it
  67. [9/21/12 9:41:41 AM] scruffy puppy: i told him to do that
  68. [9/21/12 9:54:14 AM] scruffy puppy: his gonna add you on skype
  69. [9/21/12 9:54:38 AM] scruffy puppy: his name is Simche Nacevski
  70. [9/21/12 9:55:34 AM] scruffy puppy: born????
  71. [9/21/12 9:58:44 AM] scruffy puppy: born c'mon dude
  72. [9/21/12 10:21:41 AM] scruffy puppy: Born pls say something
  73. [9/21/12 10:27:38 AM] scruffy puppy: born unban me pls ive played a long time on the server so dont do this to me man\..
  74. [9/21/12 10:27:57 AM] Born Corp: has he made the forum post?
  75. [9/21/12 10:28:20 AM] scruffy puppy: nah he wants to skype with you
  76. [9/21/12 10:28:28 AM] scruffy puppy: chat on skype with you*
  77. [9/21/12 10:30:20 AM] scruffy puppy: his name is Simche Nacevski on skype
  78. [9/21/12 10:31:02 AM] Born Corp: yeah i replied
  79. [9/21/12 10:31:13 AM] Born Corp: I will tell him to make the forum post
  80. [9/21/12 10:31:31 AM] scruffy puppy: he says he cant register on
  81. [9/21/12 10:31:40 AM] Born Corp: he can figure it out
  82. [9/21/12 10:31:45 AM] Born Corp: he is a hacker
  83. [9/21/12 10:31:58 AM] scruffy puppy: he doesnt see any email link
  84. [9/21/12 10:32:07 AM] scruffy puppy: that what he said to me
  85. [9/21/12 10:32:11 AM] Born Corp: check spam
  86. [9/21/12 10:32:45 AM] scruffy puppy: chack spam?
  87. [9/21/12 10:33:00 AM] Born Corp: trash messages
  88. [9/21/12 10:33:19 AM] scruffy puppy: tell him not me lol
  89. [9/21/12 10:33:36 AM] Born Corp: he is not replying
  90. [9/21/12 10:43:44 AM] scruffy puppy: There he post on forums
  91. [9/21/12 10:43:54 AM] scruffy puppy: but he said hiscousin did it
  92. [9/21/12 10:44:02 AM] scruffy puppy: his cousin*
  93. [9/21/12 10:44:46 AM] scruffy puppy: Born go on and see what he typed he is Stave88 I think
  94. [9/21/12 10:46:40 AM] scruffy puppy: born u there?
  95. [9/21/12 10:50:42 AM] scruffy puppy: born common dude
  96. [9/21/12 10:54:29 AM] scruffy puppy: born he left a comment
  97. [9/21/12 10:54:36 AM] scruffy puppy: on my ban appeal
  98. [9/21/12 10:54:51 AM] Born Corp: i dont think he posted it from his computer as I asked
  99. [9/21/12 10:54:56 AM] Born Corp: from his computer
  100. [9/21/12 10:55:03 AM] scruffy puppy: idk
  101. [9/21/12 10:55:05 AM] Born Corp: i need him to post it from his computer
  102. [9/21/12 10:55:06 AM] scruffy puppy: about that
  103. [9/21/12 10:55:09 AM] Born Corp: im asking him on skype
  104. [9/21/12 10:55:14 AM] scruffy puppy: k
  105. [9/21/12 10:58:11 AM] scruffy puppy: he says to me that thats his comp
  106. [9/21/12 10:59:56 AM] scruffy puppy: did he answer to you born?
  107. [9/21/12 11:02:14 AM] scruffy puppy: C'mon born thats enough proof that it is him
  108. [9/21/12 11:02:25 AM] Born Corp: its not enough, i need the ip to match
  109. [9/21/12 11:02:33 AM] Born Corp: anyone could post it
  110. [9/21/12 11:02:42 AM] scruffy puppy: what do you mean?
  111. [9/21/12 11:03:03 AM] Born Corp: anyone could have registered and posted it, i am not looking for that
  112. [9/21/12 11:03:14 AM] Born Corp: i am looking for the hacker who did it to apologize
  113. [9/21/12 11:03:29 AM] Born Corp: I have the ip of the hacker, i can check if it matches or not
  114. [9/21/12 11:03:47 AM] scruffy puppy: whats the ip of the hacker?
  115. [9/21/12 11:04:02 AM] scruffy puppy: wait wait wait
  116. [9/21/12 11:04:05 AM] scruffy puppy: check
  117. [9/21/12 11:04:24 AM] scruffy puppy: Staven88's IP pls?
  118. [9/21/12 11:05:00 AM] Born Corp: i just did
  119. [9/21/12 11:05:15 AM] scruffy puppy: on server?
  120. [9/21/12 11:05:30 AM] Born Corp: yeah
  121. [9/21/12 11:05:33 AM] scruffy puppy: K
  122. [9/21/12 11:05:36 AM] Born Corp: it doesnt match
  123. [9/21/12 11:05:42 AM] scruffy puppy: and its deferent from the one on forum
  124. [9/21/12 11:05:45 AM] scruffy puppy: ?
  125. [9/21/12 11:05:58 AM] Born Corp: no, its the same, it just doesnt match the hackers
  126. [9/21/12 11:06:15 AM] Born Corp: either the hacker is not him or he is not doing it from the right location
  127. [9/21/12 11:07:52 AM] scruffy puppy: so what do you need him to do?
  128. [9/21/12 11:08:48 AM] Born Corp: i just told him
  129. [9/21/12 11:08:52 AM] Born Corp: he says it wasnt him
  130. [9/21/12 11:09:13 AM] Born Corp: he says it was his cousin
  131. [9/21/12 11:09:14 AM] scruffy puppy: yeah he said that its his cousin on forum
  132. [9/21/12 11:09:19 AM] scruffy puppy: but idk
  133. [9/21/12 11:09:38 AM] scruffy puppy: well he said its his cousin from his IP lol
  134. [9/21/12 11:10:42 AM] scruffy puppy: so what do I do now?
  135. [9/21/12 11:14:08 AM] scruffy puppy: Born tell me what to do now.. make him ask him "cousin"?
  136. [9/21/12 11:20:25 AM] scruffy puppy: so now his not banned and i am |-( and he did all that wrong stuff and i didnt ..
  137. [9/21/12 11:20:59 AM] scruffy puppy: not fair
  138. [9/21/12 11:24:50 AM] scruffy puppy: so am I geting unbanned>
  139. [9/21/12 11:24:56 AM] scruffy puppy: just tell me
  140. [9/21/12 11:28:04 AM] Born Corp: no, but to be fair, im banning him too
  141. [9/21/12 11:28:21 AM] scruffy puppy: common pls..
  142. [9/21/12 11:28:40 AM] scruffy puppy: i only played on ec
  143. [9/21/12 11:28:55 AM] scruffy puppy: for long time
  144. [9/21/12 11:29:46 AM] scruffy puppy: cant quit now..
  145. [9/21/12 11:30:31 AM] Born Corp: i know dude, I hate to do this, but its for the sake of the community
  146. [9/21/12 11:30:42 AM] Born Corp: im sorry you got involved in this
  147. [9/21/12 11:31:26 AM] Born Corp: but its the way it is, dont hang around with hackers
  148. [9/21/12 11:32:09 AM] scruffy puppy: can he get perm ban and I get banned for 1 mounth ..?
  149. [9/21/12 11:32:32 AM] Born Corp: maybe, reply on the appeal every week and see what comes up
  150. [9/21/12 11:33:03 AM] scruffy puppy: ok then i hope im unbanned in 1 mounth..
  151. [9/21/12 11:33:25 AM] scruffy puppy: if i do
  152. [9/21/12 11:33:32 AM] scruffy puppy: ill stay away from hckers
  153. [9/21/12 11:33:36 AM] scruffy puppy: and
  154. [9/21/12 11:33:41 AM] scruffy puppy: dont do anything wrong
  155. [9/21/12 11:33:59 AM] scruffy puppy: +ill help ppl who are new on the server
  156. [9/21/12 11:34:18 AM] scruffy puppy: that good?
  157. [9/21/12 11:34:50 AM] Born Corp: yeah
  158. [9/21/12 11:35:03 AM] Born Corp: still, try to get the guy to post the apology
  159. [9/21/12 11:35:14 AM] Born Corp: that may speed it up
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