
Anonymous the Spaghettimancer 2

May 7th, 2014
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  1. >There is a taste in the air.
  2. >A familiar taste to you.
  3. >You feel it, you breathe it.
  4. >The taste of awkwardness.
  5. >Such a delectable scent, and the wonders that are associated with it.
  6. >You ought to assess the situation before you make an appearance.
  7. >With a flick of your hand, a loop of your power twirls in the air in front of you.
  8. >A thin film of your red essence covers the inside of the loop, generating enough of your brand of magic to create a picture.
  9. >You look through your magic window at the scene before you.
  10. >The throne room of Canterlot.
  11. >There is young Twilight Sparkle. Standing before her princess, having just announced you. The cue for you to take to the stage and make your performance.
  12. >Except you are not there.
  13. >The tension is beginning to mount. Celesia is wearing a frown of concern as she looks down on her protege.
  14. >Her personal guard, once stoically indifferent, are glancing around worriedly as they pick up the tang of awkwardness.
  15. >Luna, droopy-eyed at this time of day, is curled up near her throne nursing a teddy bear.
  16. >Poor Twilight begins to sweat, her eyes anxiously searching the surroundings for you.
  17. >A perfect recipe for awkwardness.
  18. >All it needs is just a dash of...spaghetti.
  19. >And yet, you are wary. The throne room of Canterlot has such memories. Such friendly memories. It could drain you-
  20. >"Oh for flan's sake" Luna grumbles. "Anonymous! Would you like to hear about dear sister's recent dream about Twilight? It was very intimate!"
  21. >"Luna!!"
  22. >Well, better not keep the ladies waiting.
  23. >You stand up from your lasagne throne and begin your incantations.
  24. >The call is made. The debt is paid. Thus, you are summoned.
  25. >A familiar cocoon of your power surrounds you, heady with your magnificent scent.
  26. >Within seconds of your magic weaving, your cocoon materialises in the throne room, hitting the floor with a wet slap.
  27. >Behind the veil of red, you can sense the awkward looks and murmurs. Only Twilight is relieved at your glistening appearance.
  28. >As she sighs and relaxes, your sauce dries a little.
  29. >That will never do.
  30. >You begin wriggling, making sure to grind against the air pockets and tomato sauce within the cocoon.
  31. >The obscene squelching and sloshing is just right.
  32. >Twilight immediately cowers in embarrassment. A guard begin coughing.
  33. >Celestia's eyebrow raises. Luna only registers the noise with a flick of an ear.
  34. >With your power at its peak, you burst out of the cocoon. Spaghetti and meatballs fly.
  35. "OH YEAH! I am Anonymous, the Spaghettimancer!"
  36. >In front of you Twilight stands, saved from your explosion by a magic shield.
  37. >"Anonymous..." She sighs.
  38. "Aha! Young Toilet Sprinkle! Still as purple as the veins in my penis."
  39. >You bow low to the pony, allowing a few meatballs to fall out of your open robe. The plops echo around the room.
  40. >"That's...hello, Anonymous. Thanks?"
  41. >You raise your head to the throne room behind the unicorn.
  42. "AHA! And if it is not Miss Solar Celeryia herself! A pleasure, as always. Your sun is most glowing, much like your ageing form."
  43. >You make another bow, this time allowing more meatballs to hit the floor. You hear Twilight whimper.
  44. >"Hello, Anonymous." Celestia's eyebrow has not descended since you arrived. "Please, you may approach."
  45. >With a quick flick of your hands, you begin sliding towards the throne, carried on a slithering trail of spaghetti.
  46. >You quickly peek over your shoulder and spot Twilight staring open-mouthed at the red meaty streak you are leaving in your wake.
  47. >Your eyes meet, and you give her a wink.
  48. >She knows you have to do this. Did she expect you to stop being a spaghetti sorcerer overnight?
  49. >Plus, it's a no-brainer. Inviting a dealer in messy sauces to a pristine room? It's begging to be stained.
  50. >With fairness, though, you are deliberately playing over the top. Anything to counter the room's negative spaghetti field.
  51. >With a gentle squeak, you park your spaghetti before the princesses. Noting Luna's tired form, you sense an opportunity.
  52. "Also AHA! If it is not also the sidekick to the sun, young Loony Woony. Dost thou wish to pracate in thy rendering of language past?"
  53. >With a snort, the dark princess of the moon opens a tired beady eye.
  54. >"Watch yourself, Anon. It's late, I'm exhausted, and I can find you in your dreams any time."
  55. >"And I am most grateful that you were able to stay awake for this, Luna." Celestia smiles at her sister, receiving a sleepy blink in return.
  56. >Luna is such an easy target. You should up the jabs.
  57. "Foorsoeth! It is indeed most gracing that you would spare us from your snorings, and your droolings. For most often we are sure a heffer is being sodomized by the most girthy of rhinoceri."
  58. >As planned, her eyes spring open. "droolings?" She thunders.
  59. "And of course, what would your rest be without a blissful trip to the land of coitus with your most virile of colt schlongs-"
  60. >In a flash you raise your bologna shields as a beam of night shoots at you. Luna is on her feet, illuminated eyes locked with yours.
  62. >"LUNA."
  63. >The glare of the eyes shift to the steel gaze of the white unicorn beside her. Seconds pass before Luna tones down her power with a grumble.
  64. >The tension is simply exotic. You sigh as you feel your meatballs drop in your pockets.
  65. >"Anonymous!" Twilight hisses behind you. "Please tone it down!"
  66. >Nonplussed, you examine a strand of spaghetti weaving between your fingers.
  67. "It is not my fault the princess enjoys little Pip going balls deep-"
  68. >"That will do, Anon dear."
  69. >You flinch and look to see Celestia giving you a smile.
  70. >A friendly smile.
  71. >"We should be respectful to each other." She says. "We wouldn't want to cause any awkwardness, would we?"
  72. What would reassure any other creature only chills you.
  73. >You shoot a look at Twilight and quickly march over to her.
  74. "You told her?" You hiss.
  75. >"I had no choice!" The pony blurts out. "After everything that happened, Anon, I had to say something."
  76. "Yes. Something. Anything. Not the one secret that will render me a rotting corpse at the slightest how do you do!"
  77. >"What did you expect me to say-"
  78. >Celestia interrupts your argument with a polite 'ahem'.
  79. >You swivel in place and give her a toothy grin, walking back towards the thrones.
  80. >Stay calm. Do not show weakness. Even if she does hold all the cards.
  81. >So what if she knows that friendliness and tolerance will sap your powers and ultimately kill you?
  82. >Your only option is to up the ante. Get more spaghetti.
  83. >You feign a look of indifference as you saunter to a stop.
  84. "Very well Dear Celly. Now, could you tell me what I'm doing here? Even if it is true in a way, the world does not revolve around you. I'm a very busy body."
  85. >You casually open the front of your pastamancing robe.
  86. "See? Very busy."
  87. >The glistening writhing sight underneath causes one of the guards to projectile vomit a decent few feet.
  88. >Worryingly, Celestia does not even blink. Her smile remains a blot in your eyesight.
  89. >Luna is dozing and does not notice. Curses.
  90. >"Do not worry Anonymous. I am not here to take up your time. Instead, I would like to simply talk to you."
  91. "If you must."
  92. >You exaggerate a sigh even as your spaghetti quivers. You do not like where this is going.
  93. >Dear Celly levitates a scroll in front of her.
  94. >"First, I would like to ask about what happened at the Ponyville Talent Competition last week."
  95. >You shrug.
  96. "What is to ask? I thought it was a most mmmmmarvellous occasion."
  97. >A flash of her eyes over the scroll says otherwise.
  98. >"Twilight here reported to me that you-" She returns her gaze to the scroll "-'plastered the crowd with ravioli, sabotaged the other contestants with spaghetti traps, and covered several acres of apple orchard in tomato sauce."
  99. >You smile at the memories. Ponies running and screaming, many gagging at the smell of ripe apple and tomato.
  100. "That last one was a stinker. I know the judges were impressed."
  101. >Celestia fixed you with another stoic look. "Many ponies were not impressed, Anonymous. Least of all the judges."
  102. >In a show of confidence you begin levitating yourself with a framework of spaghetti strands.
  103. "Oh well, it's all sauce under the table now. I had a good time, the ponies debatedly had a good time, what's not to like?"
  104. >"Anon..." Twilight says as she steps up to you "We think that...we should...start discussing the boundaries for your magic."
  105. >Celestia nods. "Yes Anonymous. That is why we're all here. To discuss your future in Equestria."
  106. >You narrow your eyes at them.
  107. "Are you threatening me?"
  108. >You see how it is now.
  109. >You cover a couple of acres in spaghetti and suddenly they want to throw you out.
  110. >Surely they must know that these acts are vital to your being?
  111. >Celestia simply shakes her head.
  112. >"This is not a threat. We simply want to make this work for you. To make sure your stay in Equestria causes no...discomfort with my subjects."
  113. >The gentle understanding tones and the room itself are starting to take their toll. Even your cappelini is beginning to unravel.
  114. >You ought to make a scene, make sure you are full of spaghetti in case Celestia plays her cards.
  115. >You levitate higher into the room and put on the biggest upset baby face you can think of.
  116. "HOW DARE YOU"
  117. >Your boom makes Luna jolt awake and poor Twilight flinch away.
  118. "You dare try to control me!? Me, the master of all that is pasta!?"
  119. >As you rant, you slowly rotate upside down, letting your robe fall past your waist.
  120. "You dare look upon my form and do not see the power that WRITHES within my very JUNK!?"
  121. >The guard vomits again.
  122. >"What in Tartarus-" Luna chokes.
  123. >"Nauzus, you may adjourn." Celestia says, allowing the weary guard to shuffle out of the room.
  124. >You suspend in the air with content, feeling your pockets bulge with additional power.
  125. >So much spaghetti. The rush is as enjoyable as ever.
  126. >Down below, Twilight slowly backs away to avoid any falling meatballs.
  127. >"Anonymous, would you please cover yourself?" Celestia's gaze fails to skewer your confidence.
  128. >"I agree. Please put that thing away." Luna adds with a quiver.
  129. >You smirk at the two, even as their use of 'please' cuts at you.
  130. >You give a little shake, dislodging chunks of rotini from your thighs.
  131. "Whyever should I? It's good to let the juices get some open air."
  132. >"Alright, sorry sister, but I am out." With a flash Luna departs.
  133. >You close your eyes to revel in your euphoria. Such awkwardness. You feel invincible. Nothing can harm you.
  134. >"Anon. Please. We should be civil and tolerant, as friends."
  135. >More pain, but you hastily ignore it. You can't let her win.
  136. >"After all, we really care about you."
  137. >Your eyes snap open at Celestia's words before the blow hits.
  138. >What would have been a normal gut punch becomes a giant fist, slamming into you from above.
  139. >Immediately you accelerate to the floor with a sickening splodge, your natural spaghetti receding even before impact.
  140. >You feel a femur break and scream.
  141. >Instantly you feel spaghetti flood the trauma area, cannelloni attempting to replace the bone.
  142. >Within seconds your leg is mended, but you are weak.
  143. >Your spaghetti is dangerously low. And you cannot run to the nearest cover.
  144. >As you suspected, the room is impeding your recovery.
  145. >It won't be long now before you're gone.
  146. >With effort, you manage to sit up and look straight into Twilight's worried face.
  147. "Happy now?"
  148. >She flinches as you spit the words at her.
  149. >"A-Anon. I-I can touch your penis."
  150. "Too late now, Sparkle. This room is a deathtrap. You can't save me this time."
  151. >The bitterness creeps into your voice as you realise your situation.
  152. >"No! It can't be!" Her face tears up in guilt. "We can-"
  153. "You brought me here, Twilight. You set this up, you told Celestia. Reap what you sow. Or, eat what lasagne you cook. Whatever."
  154. >You must be in bad shape. You can't even think of any spaghetti puns.
  155. >You struggle and turn to face the horse of your demise. She has come down from her throne and stands before you.
  156. >"Anon, I did not know that would happen." Celestia speaks with surprise. "I must apol-"
  157. "NO! No, don't you dare."
  158. >You grimace and clutch your chest as you feel your meatballs desert you.
  159. >Your killer bows. "Forgive me. It is true, Twilight informed me of your weakness to kindness and friendliness. Do understand that it was not my intention to harm you. Only to try and exercise some restraint over you."
  160. >You give a hollow laugh, wincing as your ribs creak.
  161. "Yeah, you really put the leash on me. Looks like you'll have another death of an immortal on your hooves."
  162. >Hurt flashes through her eyes before they narrow.
  163. >"That issue does not concern you."
  164. "Oh, but it does, princess."
  165. >You cough up sauce, letting it drip from your chin.
  166. "He meant a lot to me. I only survived my initiation because of him. He taught me the ways of the spaghetti, the flux, the power. He was all I had."
  167. >She starts to shake, emotions running through her. "You can't blame me for what happened."
  168. >You sigh and watch your fingers start to disintegrate. "No. I don't."
  169. >The princess eyes you with suspicious tearful eyes. You simply shake your head.
  170. "No tricks. What happened was your choice. His choice. We are all slaves to our choices. And our choices define our spaghetti. You must string your cannolli when you make it. or forever have limp noodle."
  171. >Your lasagne lungs inflate a little at that terrible analogy, but it is short lived.
  172. >Celestia lowers her head to nuzzle at you. "Are you a slave to your spaghetti, Anon?"
  173. >You smile up at her. "Spaghetti is all I have. Spaghetti is all I choose. A man chooses. A slave obeys."
  174. >"Nice." Twilight murmurs.
  175. >Your vision begins to fog as your limbs crumble into dust.
  176. "One last request."
  177. >"Yes?" You feel the princess draw closer, her voice full of concern.
  178. "What was...the dream?"
  179. >Silence.
  180. >"What."
  181. "The dream. About Twilight. And you."
  182. >"Anonymous, this isn't really the time-"
  183. >"No, wait!" Twilight's voice pipes up. "Princess, we can save him! Tell him the dream!"
  184. >Even through your death haze you see Celestia tense up.
  185. >Jesus, it must have been a really good dream.
  186. >"Really, Twilight, I-"
  187. >"And we have to get him out of this room! It-It might be stopping his powers."
  188. >Oh you clever girl.
  189. >You feel their prissy magic surround what is left of your body.
  190. >You only realise you are outside as the cold air suddenly sweeps into your hollowed ribcage.
  191. >What is left of your corneas sees Celestia's face hover over you.
  192. >"Anonymous. The was...I was with Twilight, in my bedchambers. We, that is, to say I...was wearing...certain attire...and a, erm, a whip..."
  193. >"Oh my..." You hear Twilight's voice near you.
  194. >"And...I ordered her to, t-to lay before me, as I...hit her, with the whip...and I...she...she licked my-"
  195. >The fountain of spaghetti erupts underneath you, lifting your carcass high.
  196. >You whoop with joy as the pasta fills your cavities, repairing and replacing your limbs and organs.
  197. >Slowly you descend as the stream lessens, landing on your feet with arms wide.
  199. >"Ahem."
  200. >You turn to see a messy pasta'd Celestia getting to her hooves.
  201. >"Anonymous," The princess daintily shakes her mane of ravioli. "I would prefer if you keep what has happened today between us."
  202. >You smirk and stroll over.
  203. "You mean about your sexy dream? Don't worry Celly. Nobody need ever know."
  204. >As you see her shoulders relax, you give her a wink.
  205. "Besides, I would have recovered eventually once outside of the throne room."
  206. >Oh, you so enjoy seeing her jaw drop.
  207. >"But, why-"
  208. "Well, think of it as payment for almost killing me."
  209. >You pop a meatball on her horn and disappear in a puff of chilli powder.
  210. >Celestia simply stands there. Twilight, nearby, groans under her new coat of sauce.
  211. >As you whisk away, carried on by your replenished power, you take in the air of Equestria.
  212. >Such a delectable scent, and the wonders that are associated with it.
  213. >All it needs is a dash of spaghetti.
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