
Pre-She-Pitation (a SheZow fic)

Jul 1st, 2013
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  1. A day after the sudden battle with Major Attitude, it was still raining in Megadale. After school had let out for the day, Maz was nowhere to be seen. Guy wandered the school halls looking for his best friend, but ran into Kelly and Morgan first. Morgan waved. "Hey," Guy greeted. "Have either of you seen Maz? I got distracted watching a couple of dudes duke it out back there, and he just vanished."
  2. "Nope," Morgan answered.
  3. "Maybe he just needed some 'alone time'. He does follow you around a LOT," Kelly suggested.
  4. "I...guess. It's just weird. He didn't say anything before he bolted," Guy sighed.
  5. Kelly grabbed Guy's arm and tugged. "Whatever. We've got bigger concerns right now. Namely the..." Kelly paused and cleared her throat before pointing her thumb at a nearby window. "...WEATHER."
  6. "I stayed up more than usual yesterday, so I should probably get home as soon as possible. Phone my house if 'she' needs help in the rain. Papa knows about me," Morgan told. Kelly nodded. Morgan then headed out the school's main doors. After finding the perfect spot and ensuring no one was watching, he clenched his right hand. "Girls will be girls!" After transforming, SheBang teleported out of sight.
  7. Kelly turned to Guy. "Let's get going, too."
  8. "But what about Maz?" Guy asked.
  9. "He has a life, too," Kelly replied. Guy began to space out a bit before Kelly poked him in the forehead. "Come on."
  11. Later that day, Maz was walking through downtown Megadale, heading for a particular shop he had been to once with Kelly. Earlier, he had gone to an outdoor sporting goods store and gotten himself an EDC bag and some free-runner shoes. Maz's pants were tied around the cuffs, and he wore a hoodie that had built-in shoulder, elbow, and wrist guards. His hood was up, and he wore the black eye mask that he wore with most of his sidekick get-ups, as well as a pair of fingerless gloves. On his belt were a survival knife and a multi-tool that he had also picked up at the store he had been to earlier that day. However, this new setup of Maz's was still lacking in certain areas. After fifteen minutes of walking, he arrived at the entrance to Victor's shop. Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Maz opened the door and walked in. Victor, alone as usual, was manning the register. There were no other customers at the time. "Hey, a pint-sized customer. I don't see too many of those," Victor commented with a smirk.
  12. "Hey," Maz responded, not paying Victor much mind as he looked around at the merchandise. He eyed the concealable kevlar vests with interest and took a look through the sizes. After managing to find one in his size, he promptly gagged when he saw the price tag. Although he had been making a lot of money off of selling choice photos of SheZow and SheBang, which he kept secret from his parents by hiding the cash and not depositing it in his bank account, this was the first time he had made a purchase this big. He brought the vest to the register and placed it on the counter. Victor grinned at him.
  13. "Planning on going out and getting shot up, kid?"
  14. "Something like that," Maz laughed.
  15. "I like you. What's your name?" Victor asked.
  16. "You can call me...Mazquerade," Maz answered.
  17. Groaning, Victor put his hand on his forehead. "What, you some kind of vigilante superhero wannabe?"
  18. "Someday, I'm going to be SheZow's new sidekick! I want to do ANYTHING I can to protect her!" Maz declared. "But...not yet." After Victor rang the purchase through and Maz paid him, he took the tags off of the vest and took off both his hoodie and the t-shirt he wore underneath. He put the t-shirt into his bag, put the vest on, and then put the hoodie on over top of it. "This'll come in handy." Maz then got back to browsing the shop's wares. He eyed some knives and steel batons that were on display; these were far less expensive than the vest. Deciding that the less-lethal baton would be the best choice, Maz pointed at the display case. "That twenty-one inch steel baton? I'll take it."
  19. "Excellent choice," Victor replied with a nod. He walked over to the case and unlocked it with a key, opening it up, and grabbing one of the boxed batons from behind the display model. He brought it over to the register and began ringing it through. Maz dug a couple more bills out of his wallet.
  20. "You know..."
  21. "What, something I can help you with?" Victor inquired. He took Maz's money and finished things up on his end before handing the baton to Maz.
  22. "This stuff is pretty nice, but I'm looking for something with a bit more...punch," Maz stated before putting the boxed baton in his bag.
  23. "What, you want some scorpion venom? Or something that spits lead? Kid, you're not even old enough to own one of THOSE sorts of toys," Victor chuckled.
  24. "Spits 'lead'? Nah, I wanna see..." Maz started, narrowing his eyes, "...the REAL goods."
  25. Victor scowled. "Are you implying that I have some kind of under-the-table inventory that I only offer to certain clients? Because that could get a man in trouble."
  26. Maz laughed a little. "Trouble? What's wrong with a little...MONKEYING around?" Victor laughed along with him, slapping his hand on the counter and laughing even louder.
  27. "HA HA HA! got BALLS, kid," Victor pointed out. "But you really don't know what you're getting yourself into, here. Look, I'm gonna give you one chance to just turn around and leave. We'll never speak of this again." He crossed his arms and looked down at Maz, locking eyes with him. Maz stared back, not moving a muscle.
  28. "I'm serious. I want to protect SheZow, and I need power to do it," Maz insisted.
  29. "Fine. No turning back," Victor told. He walked over to the front door of the store and locked it, rotating the 'open' sign so it showed the 'closed' side. Pausing for a moment, Victor pointed at the counter. "Leave ALL your shit on the counter. Your bag, and anything in your pockets."
  30. "Huh?"
  31. "Not 'huh'! DO IT, kid."
  32. "Even my wallet?" Maz asked.
  33. "Listen, 'Mazquerade'. I don't care if you have 5 paper routes and deal drugs. You can't afford what I'm about to show you. I'm showing you because I know that someday, when you're older, you WILL be able to afford some of this stuff. That, and I know you won't talk."
  34. Maz put his bag onto the counter. "How do you know I won't talk?" He removed the knife and multi-tool from his belt and put them next to the bag, and also removed the taser that resembled a smartphone from his pocket and added it to the pile. Victor raised an eyebrow and grinned upon seeing the taser.
  35. "Couple reasons. First is that look in your eye. A man is never more serious than when he wants to protect his woman. Now, I don't know if anything is going on with you and SheZow, but I can tell that if anyone harmed a hair on her head, that you'd fuck 'em up if it was within your means," Victor explained. "Having noisemakers will give you MORE means." Maz nodded. "Reason number that thing," Victor added, pointing to the taser. "I only sold ONE of those to someone your age in the last few months. I know who you are. It wouldn't be hard for me to find you, or that girl you were with. I remember customers that stick out like a sore thumb."
  36. "Uh..." Maz gulped. "Whoops."
  38. Meanwhile, in the She-Lair, SheZow was all set to test out his anti-rain idea. He did a few leg stretches while he had a confident smile on his face. Kelly groaned. "This is idiotic," Kelly commented. "Even for you."
  39. "What? Super speed is one of those powers that lets you get away with a lot of stuff," SheZow pointed out. "It's like wind messing around with the tides at the beach."
  40. "But wind is--nevermind. Just go give it a shot. It'll give Sheila and I a chance to have an intelligent conversation," Kelly informed. SheZow grumbled a bit before running along the path that the Shehicle would normally take, heading toward one of the She-Lair's exits. With a burst of super speed, SheZow took off running down the road after exiting, but only mere seconds had passed before his hair was drenched and he was back to normal speed. He paused and ran his hand through his hair. SheZow had noticed that although his initial burst had made the rain part ways to an extent, it only worked for the rain around him, not directly in front. Stomping on the ground angrily, SheZow turned around and started walking, only for the Shehicle to arrive alongside him on auto-pilot. "Convenient!" SheZow commented, hopping into the driver's seat.
  42. "Don't worry. This is actually ideal. Each of us will know one of the other's secrets. It's a contract that protects both parties," Victor pointed out. "Now, follow me." Victor walked toward the door on the opposite end of the room, followed by Maz. Opening it, Victor motioned for Maz to go first. Through the door was an office; there was a desk with a computer set up on it, a couple of chairs, several filing cabinets as well as a safe.
  43. "Wait, this is it? No way you keep ALL those things in that safe!" Maz protested.
  44. "You don't know the HALF of it. Come stand on this side of the room," Victor ordered. Maz complied. The latter half of the room was mostly bare; most of the furnishings were on the opposite side. The exception was a single filing cabinet. "Face the wall." Nodding, Maz obeyed, curiosity having completely taken over his mind. Victor produced a key from his pocket and opened the filing cabinet's top drawer. He removed the false bottom from the drawer, grabbed a key card that was under it, and then replaced the false bottom before re-locking the drawer. After checking to make sure Maz wasn't looking, he waved the key card under a potted plant that was mounted on the mall; a beep came from under the planter and the floor started to vibrate.
  45. "What the h--?!" Maz blurted out. Victor remained calm, putting the key card in his pocket.
  46. "Dealing with my client lets me make certain purchases for myself. At a discount, even. When it comes down to it, he really takes care of anything he considers a resource," Victor explained as the entire half of the room, which was actually a big elevator, began lowering itself down. It stopped just one floor down from where they had been.
  47. "Your electricity bill must be through the roof," Maz commented, looking up at Victor.
  48. "This elevator, and a few other aspects of the deal, are powered by a generator. The rest of the store runs off of standard power," Victor informed.
  49. "Who's this kid?" came the voice of a girl. "Don't tell me he's BUYING."
  50. Maz raised an eyebrow. "Uh..."
  51. "Shut your mouth, Marina. You're not being paid to talk," Victor told. Marina stood a full head taller than Maz, looked about sixteen years old, and wore a black tank top, urban camouflage capri pants, and was completely barefoot on the concrete floor. She wore a pair of safety goggles on her forehead, and her wild, dark blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail. Most notably, she was holding a laser rifle in one hand, resting it against her shoulder. The room itself was essentially one big workshop that was basically the size of Victor's shop and office combined. There were many crates stacked against the wall, a few workbenches set up, and tools spread out everywhere along with the energy weapons. There was also a small kitchen-like area in a corner with a mini fridge and a few other essentials. Another corner had a sink and a toilet, completely exposed. Almost every bit of wall was covered in mountable shelving units or hooks, which typically held crates on the lower shelves and tools on the upper ones. A single stepladder leaned up against the wall, and one upper corner of the room had a couple of TV screens showing live surveillance footage. "Clean this shit up! And throw me a P3W, will you? One that WORKS."
  52. "Here," Marina replied, swiping one of the firearms from a workbench. She tossed it to Victor, who caught it easily. It was similar in size and overall shape to one of the laser blasters that the midgets who had nearly caused Koalageddon had used; except that this one was far less colorful. Clearly, the midgets had made some cosmetic modifications to their own weapons, or had someone else do so.
  53. Victor held the gun in front of Maz. "This is one of the earlier models in the P3W series. It's like an SMG for a midget, or a large pistol for you or me." Victor informed. "One of these is your best bet. There's a lot of them, so replacement parts are cheap and easy to get, in comparison to a lot of other models." He lifted up a section of the floor that had a pair of handles mounted on it, revealing a staircase. "There's a small firing range down here. I'll let you try it out."
  55. "Kelly, no," SheZow told as he applied the She-Lac spray to his wet hair, restoring his powers.
  56. "I let you try your stupid idea, and now you get to try THIS idea," Kelly argued.
  57. "Fine, let's get it over with," SheZow reluctantly agreed. Kelly had found a pink hazmat suit in the She-Lair, and had come to the conclusion that it would easily keep SheZow's hair out of the rain. A few minutes later, SheZow had put the hazmat suit on over his usual outfit.
  58. "ALRIGHT!" Kelly exclaimed. "A perfect fit!"
  59. "Slight problem," SheZow informed, pointing to his hip.
  60. "Problem?"
  61. "Well, I can't reach something."
  62. "You'll just have to be a big girl and hold it in."
  63. "The BEAUTILITY BELT!" SheZow yelled.
  64. Kelly paused for a minute, staring in disbelief. "...Oh."
  65. "Wind Winkers!" SheZow's eyelashes grew suddenly.
  66. "Hey, WAIT!!" Kelly panicked and stepped back, but then noticed that no wind was being produced.
  67. "This helmet blocks the Wind Winkers. And I don't even wanna TRY the Sonic Scream," SheZow added.
  68. "Wow. I'm impressed you're thinking this much. And...I'm kind of shocked that I didn't think of any of it," Kelly sighed.
  69. "I've been SheZow for a while now. If there's one thing I know, it's my own abilities, and I notice pretty fast if I'm not playing with a full deck," SheZow added. "I've got extra blind spots to my sides as well. I think I have more options with my hair wet."
  70. "You should have listened when I tried explaining why Agnes never made use of that suit aside from during particular circumstances," Sheila commented.
  71. SheZow looked at Sheila, then back at Kelly, and scowled. Kelly laughed a little. "Sorry," Kelly apologized. "I just get a little excited when it comes to SheZow gear. Although....this DOES give me a different idea. It might take a few days to put it into practice, though. I need to go find a few things. You two can keep brainstorming in the meantime." With that, Kelly quickly made way to the elevator and rode it up to the house. SheZow took off the hazmat suit and put it away. He then sat down in one of the chairs in front of Sheila.
  72. "Let me ask your opinion on a possible workaround. It won't solve the underwater issue, but it may work in the rain. Multiple applications of the She-Lac spray. That is, applying it every time you lose your powers," Sheila explained. "Thoughts?"
  73. SheZow crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Practical but risky. I don't think the She-Lac runs out, but I've lost it once before, and I can't really 'reset' the belt without transforming. If I keep having to whip it out, it might get knocked out of my hand or even shot or something."
  74. "Right, right. And I suppose that sort of tactic would make it more likely for your opponents to discover your weakness," Sheila concurred.
  75. "...I may have just thought of a less risky idea. I'll be right back!" SheZow exclaimed, jumping from the chair and taking off running.
  77. On the floor below the workshop, there were a series of targets lined up side by side. A few different weapons were stored on wall mounts, both energy weapons and conventional ballistic weapons. There was even a crossbow among them. Victor had lent Maz the P3W to try out. Before Maz could fire off a shot, he was suddenly surprised by the sound of Marina yelling.
  78. "Hey, Dipshit!" she cursed. "Don't even THINK about shooting Vic and taking off with that thing. I'll trap you down there and drown your stupid ass! Those fancy laser guns don't do shit underwater!"
  79. "That's charming," Maz muttered.
  80. "She's right, though. If you ever manage to get your hands on one of these, keep in mind that they're water resistant, not waterPROOF," Victor confirmed. "And yes, trying to shoot me would be a bad idea. I have a lot more experience." He then brushed back one side of his jacket, revealing a holstered pistol.
  81. Maz raised an eyebrow. "You don't use the laser ones?"
  82. "I stick with what I know for my own use. Marina knows quite a bit more than I do about these," Victor replied, pointing to the P3W in Maz's hands. "Now, feel free."
  83. Nodding, Maz turned and pointed the P3W at a target and fired. His shot hit the target, sizzling the spot that it connected with. "Hey, that's cool! It's like those light gun games at the arcade."
  84. "Since laser blasts don't have mass, recoil isn't an issue like it is with good old-fashioned guns," Victor pointed out. "Not to mention you can adjust its output, from delivering a minor shock, to stunning, to killing a human target. Stronger models could likely even kill large animals...or things even more powerful...with just one shot."
  85. " seem to know quite a bit about these things. So what do you need that girl for?" Maz asked.
  86. "I remember things that I hear. But really, I'm not an engineer or a scientist, I'm a businessman. Marina, on the other hand, is more mechanically-inclined and learns fast. I save a lot of money and get more stock by letting my supplier throw in some heavily used and damaged pieces and letting Marina restore them, rather than only buying unused ones. Hell, the only thing stopping her from making them from scratch is the lack of raw materials," Victor answered. "I even sometimes get the occasional scrounger who finds one of these things and brings it in to sell to me. And I'm more than happy to rip them off."
  87. Maz fired a few more shots at the targets before stopping. Eying the weapon with glee, his mind began wandering, cooking up all sorts of imaginary scenarios. He then turned to Victor and handed the P3W back to him. "This thing's awfully cool; how much DO they go for?"
  88. "Kid, don't even go there. There's a reason you don't see every gang and petty crook using these things. Even the cheaper ones involve four digits."
  89. "You mean like...$10.99?" Maz asked with a nervous laugh.
  90. "Thousands," Victor corrected. "With these, you can recharge the cells with pretty much any source of electricity, preferably someone else's. You don't have to buy bullets, and jamming doesn't happen. Keep it out of the water and don't use it as a club, and one of these will last quite a while. Of course, some idiots lose them robbing banks and end up crawling back to me later. Of course, I'm more than happy to take their money again." After a brief chuckle, Victor turned around and took the stairs back up to the workshop. Maz followed along behind him.
  92. "Alright, here goes nothing!" SheZow exclaimed. "Heavy-Handed Super She-Slap!" SheZow's right hand grew to an enormous size, but instead of attacking with it, he held it over his head like an umbrella. Exiting the She-Lair, he walked around in the rain, adjusting the hand's angle to account for wind as needed. SheZow burst out laughing. "It works! I can't WAIT to rub it in Kelly's face!" After a few more minutes of testing, SheZow returned to the She-Lair, to find Kelly sitting down on the floor surrounded by sewing materials. At the same time, Sheila was showing footage of SheZow's new technique on one of her monitors.
  93. "Have fun?" Kelly asked.
  94. "I did!" SheZow replied. "I figured out a way to keep that pesky rain out of my hair!"
  95. "Well, I'll admit that it was a good idea in theory..."
  96. "AND in practice!"
  97. "No," Kelly argued. "Yes, it protects your hair, but it also means you can't use your right hand or see above you. That'll cause OTHER problems."
  98. "But....ugh. Okay, I get it," SheZow grumbled. "Now what, then?"
  99. "Definitely keep that trick of yours as an option, but I'm working on a little something that might help without occupying one of your hands," Kelly informed.
  100. "A little something?"
  101. "Remember Little Red Riding Hood?" Kelly asked.
  102. "Oh, yeah, I remember!....But I forget, did the hunter use a gun or an axe on the wolf?" SheZow wondered out loud. "Or was it a woodsman and not a hunter?"
  103. "Missing the point," Kelly sighed. "Little Red Riding Hood's...well, hood. I'm making one for you, in SheZow colors, of course."
  104. "Will that work?"
  105. "It'll work as long as you go easy on the super speed and don't let the hood get shredded or fried by some baddie," Kelly confirmed. "It's not fool-proof, but it's an extra option that you'll have. I'm going to make a lot of them, so if something happens to it when you're out fighting, there'll be a replacement for you when you get back."
  106. "Well, the weather around here is usually pretty nice, so hopefully it won't happen too often," SheZow commented. "Guess that's all for today, then? She-yeah!" With that, SheZow turned back into Guy and jogged over to the TV. "Hey, Maz, wanna wa--" Guy paused when he remembered that Maz wasn't there.
  108. Victor and Maz had returned to the store level, with Victor ensuring that Maz didn't see how the elevator was operated. Victor turned to Maz and grinned after he unlocked the front door and returned the sign to its normal position. "That's all the for the tour. Just keep in mind that you're the only one who I've gone into this kind of detail with, because I have a feeling in my gut that I can TRUST ya. The great thing about only sharing this info with a single outsider is that I'll know who's responsible if some cop shows up with a search warrant."
  109. Maz gulped as he gathered up his stuff off of the counter. "No worries! Why would I rat out the guy I wanna buy cool stuff from?"
  110. "That's right, that's what a smart person will keep in mind," Victor commented. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Come back if you need to buy any more gear, 'Mazquerade'. And remember that I also deal in information..."
  111. "That's...interesting," Maz replied. "I'll definitely be back." With that, he left the shop, and began walking in the direction of his house.
  112. "Oh, I KNOW you will. You have information I want, after all," Victor chuckled.
  114. A couple of hours had passed. Guy let out a loud, whiny groan as a result of his boredom. "This sucks. Where's Maz?"
  115. "You just need to DO something to take your mind off of things. I could teach you how to sew!" Kelly suggested.
  116. "Sorry, but I'm SEW not interested in housewife training," Guy snickered.
  117. "It's a practical skill. Lots of guys can do it, and well," Kelly pointed out.
  118. A few minutes later, the elevator to the She-Lair opened and revealed Maz. He was wearing his usual outfit and didn't have any of the gear that he had purchased that day with him. "Hey, everybody! What's up?"
  119. "Maz!" Guy exclaimed. "Where've you been? Saving the world?"
  120. "Maybe," Maz teased. He turned his attention to Kelly. "What's that?"
  121. "I'm making a Little Pink Riding Hood for SheZow, to keep his hair out of the rain," Kelly explained.
  122. "Little Pink Riding SheZow..." Maz got lost in his thoughts. "So I guess you're the GRANDMA, Kelly."
  123. Kelly grumbled while giving Maz a sideways glare. "And you'd be the big bad wolf, what with all the wolf whistles you give SheZow."
  124. "I've NEVER done that!" Maz protested.
  125. "Yeah, out loud."
  126. "Uhh...heh heh heh..." Guy laughed nervously. "This conversation's getting a bit weird."
  127. "Oh, maybe I'll make some in red for Morgan, too!" Kelly exclaimed.
  128. "Why go to the effort?" Sheila asked. "SheBang's weakness is having his pigtails untied, not messed up hair in general. He has nothing to fear from all but the very worst of weather conditions. In fact, there's a good chance his weakness won't be an issue as long as it stays known just among us."
  129. "'Why'? Because Little Red Riding SheBang would be cute, and if I don't make him one, he might cry or something," Kelly answered.
  130. "You're probably right about that," Guy agreed.
  131. "Anyway, Guy, this should be ready in a few days. Do your best until then," Kelly told.
  132. "Will do," Guy replied. "Maz! Stop being a stranger. Let's get some gaming time in!"
  133. Maz nodded. "Sounds good!"
  135. Several hours passed. In the Durant household, Nathan as sitting on the couch with some coffee and cookies, watching the local news. He was able to relax a little more after his workplace had finally been cleaned up after the riot. The next day was an afternoon shift for him, so he didn't need to be in bed for a while. Upon hearing a loud thump from upstairs, Nathan muted the TV and turned around. "Morgan! Are you okay?!"
  136. "I'm fine, Papa!" came the voice of Morgan, who had just gotten out of bed and promptly walked head first into the wall when he emerged from his room. He was wearing a white, lacy silk nightie. Morgan came running down the stairs, through the hallway, and into the living room. "Papa!" Morgan was trembling with excitement. "I wanna show you something cool!"
  137. "Put some clothes on," Nathan told. "I wouldn't mind having company over every so often, but not when I have to worry about whether you'll come barging in semi-nude. I can see THROUGH that, you know."
  138. "Who cares? I'm wearing panties."
  139. "I think I'm going to have to have a chat with this 'Kelly' friend of yours. I think she's cutting corners on your 'training'," Nathan suggested.
  140. "C'mon, Papa! You're a boy, so stop griping about the details!" Morgan exclaimed, jumping onto the couch and giving Nathan a hug.
  141. "I'm a MAN. A previously married man. Which means that my head is still full of nagging. I'm just slowly letting it out," Nathan explained. Morgan squeezed Nathan tighter, rubbing his cheek against Nathan's and giggling. "Morgan, stop it. You're being weird."
  142. "Oh, right, that cool thing I wanted to show you!" Morgan blurted out, ignoring Nathan's complaints. He got up off of the couch and struck his transformation pose. "Girls will be girls!" He transformed into SheBang and spun around, showing off his new costume. "Look! I'm a cheerleader, even though the stupid captain wouldn't let me on the squad!"
  143. "That's better. At least that's not transparent in any way," Nathan approved. "So how exactly did that happen?"
  144. "Oh, it just kinda....did. Kelly thinks it has something to do with me finally doing something heroic," SheBang explained.
  145. "You did something he--" Nathan paused when he saw the news showing some rather low quality footage of SheBang in his new costume, facing Major Attitude at the school. It had likely been taken by one of the students' phones. Nathan un-muted the TV and motioned for SheBang to hit down next to him. SheBang picked up on this and did so without saying a word.
  146. "...And there you have it," came the voice of a reporter through the TV. "SheBang: villain turned hero, or rowdy student rebelling against a gym teacher?"
  147. The other reporter interjected. "I think that second theory's off the mark. Major Attitude may be a well-known supervillain, but he isn't nearly evil enough to qualify as a gym teacher."
  148. Nathan snorted and held back his laughter. SheBang tilted his head. "It's true, though! Gym teachers ARE more evil," SheBang commented. Nathan rubbed the top of SheBang's head and grinned.
  149. "I'm proud of you, Kiddo. If you keep this up, you might be able to change Megadale's opinion of you," Nathan told.
  150. "Oh, I haven't shown you the motorbike yet, have I?!"
  151. "...MOTORBIKE?!" Nathan blurted out, grabbing SheBang by the shoulders. "Where is it?!"
  152. "The VRS-She is at the She-Lair!" SheBang informed.
  153. "Any chance of moving it here? Permanently?" Nathan asked. He was ecstatic. Before he become the assistant manager at the grocery store he worked at, Nathan did basic maintenance and paint jobs on motorcycles as a side job, but had to give it up when his new position demanded more flexibility. He had a motorcycle of his own, but rarely rode it, as he it would always bring back old memories of the fun he had before.
  154. "NO, Papa. The bad guys might see, and try to hurt you," SheBang murmured. "And then I would have to kill them all. And THEN you'd get mad at me!"
  155. "....Right. I wasn't thinking right. Well, get me some pictures or a video or something," Nathan requested.
  156. "Alright!" SheBang agreed. "Actually, I should probably get going to the She-Lair pretty soon. But first..." SheBang eyed the cookies on the coffee table, and grabbed half of them, stuffing his cheeks full.
  157. "HEY! Brat!" Nathan protested, but SheBang teleported across the room before Nathan could do anything. SheBang burst out giggling, crumbs falling out of his mouth.
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