

Apr 4th, 2013
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  1. +++ **Player:**
  2. Roget
  4. +++ **Concept:**
  5. A guy who never grew out of the 80's
  7. +++ **Brief Physical Description:**
  8. Very 80's. Usually wears bright colors and Nintendo t-shirts. Wears a calculator watch.
  10. +++ **Attributes**
  12. ||~ Physical(S) ||~ ||~ Mental(T) ||~ ||~ Social(P) ||~ ||
  13. ||= Strength ||= 3 ||= Intelligence ||= 2 || Presence || 4 ||
  14. ||= Dexterity ||= 1 ||= Wits ||= 1 || Manipulation || 1 ||
  15. ||= Stamina ||= 3 ||= Resolve ||= 3 || Composure || 3 ||
  17. +++ **Skills:**
  18. Skills go here. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary allocations are made as per your Attribute allocations. Points to spend: 11, 7, and 4. Erase this line upon completion.
  20. ||~ Physical Skills(S) ||~ ||~ Mental Skills(T) ||~ ||~ Social Skills(P) ||~ ||
  21. || Athletics || 4 || Academics || 1 || Animal Ken || 0 ||
  22. || Brawl || 0 || Computers || 1 || Empathy || 0 ||
  23. || Firearm || 0 || Crafts || 1 || Expression || 5 ||
  24. || Larceny || 0 || Investigation || 1 || Intimidation || 1 ||
  25. || Stealth || 0 || Medicine || 0 || Leadership || 0 ||
  26. || Survival || 1 || Occult || 0 || Persuasion || 4 ||
  27. || Weaponry || 2 || Science || 0 || Subterfuge || 1 ||
  29. +++ **Traits:**
  30. * **TUBULAR!:** Bang is perpetually cheerful, no matter what the situation is. Always smiling.
  31. * **PLAY IT LOUD:** Oh boy does Bang //love// to be with people. //especially// if he gets to be the center of attention! He'll always be showing off his high score, or telling everyone all about what he read in Nintendo Power!
  32. * **I don't get it:** Bang often has trouble grasping with normal situations, and will try to apply his cheerful attitude regardless of context. When rejected, it upsets and unnerves him. He also doesn't care much for pop culture made post-1989.
  33. * **Broken?:** Bang knows something is not all right. He doesn't know what it is, or even have the thought, but the feeling is there. Most times he can ignore it, but other times... not so much.
  34. * **I forgot:** Bang doesn't remember much. He can be upset one minute, and then totally forget about it next time you see him.
  36. +++ **Powers:**
  38. **Nature:** Bang is a humanoid entity with the personality and intelligence of someone frozen in the year 1989. He doesn't seem to have much deep human intelligence, and just acts with a superficial veneer of "Eighties!" Bang doesn't age, or get sick, and he doesn't really eat or use the bathroom.
  40. **Creature Rank:** 1
  42. **Double Jump:** Bang can jump about 20 feet straight up into the air, and won't get hurt from falling from a large distance. Even if he falls at a normal speed and carries momentum and velocity with him, he'll come out unscathed. What he landed on may not be as lucky.
  44. **WARP ZONE:** If Bang can see a place he'd rather be, he can warp to it. This happens with a visible puff of smoke and a loud //BANG//.
  46. **Cracked:** Bang can make people around him feel... wrong. Unsettled. Like something terrible and awful has happened, but they forgot what it is. This persistent unsettling can also happen if you stand around him too long.
  48. ----
  50. +++ **Flaw:**
  52. Bang possesses a superficial and limited mind, and is not capable of deep thought or contemplation. When faced with a situation he cannot understand, he will react with confusion, anger or fear.
  54. +++ **Possessions**
  55. * Power Glove
  56. * Several 80's shirts
  57. * 3-D glasses
  58. * Big shoes
  59. * NES
  60. * Several games(Super Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Rad Racer, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kung-Fu, Excitebike, and Clash at Demonhead.
  61. * Some controllers
  62. * A zapper.
  63. * Rollerblades
  64. * Short shorts
  65. * Poofy pants
  66. * A blank Polaroid picture.
  67. * Backwards baseball hat.
  69. +++ **Personal History**
  71. A long time ago, there was a powerful being named Bang. In his own place, he was feared and hated in equal parts. But he had the bigger stick, so nobody challenged him. For awhile. This status quo existed for some time, until one day Bang met someone with an even bigger stick. They crushed him, and instead of killing him, rolled and twisted his body until it was no longer his, then robbed him of his thoughts.
  73. Sometime after this, a totally 80's guy named Bang enrolled in the academy.
  75. +++ **Miscellaneous**
  76. [[image]]
  78. His favorite Nintendo game is Rad Racer.
  80. +++ **XP Earned**
  81. XP earned from character creation and RPing.
  83. ||~ Date ||~ Amount ||~ Source ||
  84. || MM/DD/YY || 20 || Creation ||
  85. || MM/DD/YY || || ||
  86. +++ **XP Spent**
  87. XP spent on power and other things.
  89. ||~ Date ||~ Amount ||~ Purpose ||
  90. || MM/DD/YY || || ||
  92. +++ **Current XP:**
  93. None!
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