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Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. Hello piplz!
  3. So... wow, a lot of interest after yesterday's tweet! A little too much even! So first of all, thanks to everyone who voted for my stuff, this is truly amazing to see all the support you guys and gals have given me! It is greatly appreciated! Hopefully I win something! It would be great, but it's ok if I don't :)
  5. I want to make a few points clearer though as I've seen some confusion in some of the ps3 forums..
  7. 1 - This is not newsworthy! Thanks for those who opened a forum thread about it, that makes sense.. but seeing it in the front page news of some websites was a little too much honestly...
  8. 2 - I want to make it clear that I will be releasing regardless of whether I win any contest or not! I said I'd release on January 1st, as a 'new year gift', but maybe I'll do it on december 25th as a christmas gift instead, if I have the time. This would also prevent people from saying "you released after the deadline for the contest so you only released because you won something".. nope, that's not it. I announced that I'll be releasing something AND I also asked for people help for those contests, but it is definitely not a requirement and I never said I'd only release if I won something.
  9. 3 - I actually posted links to the contests (reddit/instructables) a few times on twitter but nobody (not many at least) paid it much attention, I'm surprised to see so much reaction now, I hope it's not just because I announced something ps3 related at the same time, is it? :p
  10. 4 - Some people didn't like me saying that my twitter followers are useless. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just meant it as a joke. I do have a weird sense of humor :)
  11. 5 - The instructables contest winners are chosen by a panel of judges, not by votes, but the judges will only look at the top 50% of entries by votes, so you need to get votes for it to be looked at. The reddit contest does go to the most upvotes (and to the best one chosen by lulzbot), but I'd also like to see some cool new entries into the contest. So I encourage everyone to get their best ideas and to enter the contest as well.
  12. 6 - Someone said that asking on twitter for votes is against the reddit rules (reddiquette) and could cause a ban. Actually, I've checked all the rules and it only applies to posts, not to comments, and the contest's rules themselves encourage us to share on social media. After all, the purpose of the contest is for Lulzbot to get publicity and be more known and by sharing the contest on twitter, it helps promote them (and I believe that's the reason the entry with more votes get a win, and then they chose the best one as a second win to be fair for the creative ideas).
  13. 7 - I'm not releasing right away because I actually need time to go through the code and make sure the tool works, the code compiles, there are no missing files, etc.. this is a tool that was written over 3 years ago (first commit was in november 2011 and I worked on it until February 2012 I believe) so I need to look at it again, try to remember how it works and write a README/instructions, etc...
  14. 8 - I've wanted to release this for a long time now, I stopped working on it 3 years ago but it's pretty much all finished, but I was waiting to see if there would be a better use for it in the future. This is related to that HEN I spoke about a long time ago, and I even made a poll on twitter a couple of years ago and most of my followers said not to release it until it can be used to hack newer models, but I think it's time now as I don't foresee any new developments in that area and I want to release it once and for all and be done with the ps3 scene with nothing holding me back to it.
  15. 9 - Yes, I think it's a useful tool, it includes months of reverse engineering of an area of the PS3 that no one looked at before, but no, this is not something that is groundbreaking, like a new CFW or a way to degrade or something like that. It might open up new possibilities and it will give you more control over your PS3's content, whether you're on OFW or CFW.
  17. That's about it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on twitter, I'll also be answering on this forum : (there are many forums and I don't want to go through them all, so i'll just reply on that one).
  19. Take care and thanks again for everyone who voted for me! :D
  20. KaKaRoTo
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