
Night Patrol (MLP - Twilight/Luna, Requested)

Apr 18th, 2014
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  1. It was night, on the edge of Canterlot's mountain base.
  3. Twilight Sparkle had decided to join Luna on one of her nightly patrols. The Princess of the Night had always enjoyed the company of others, especially ones she could call 'friends.' As a result, the midnight-blue Alicorn had agreed almost immediately.
  5. "Rare is the opportunity to bond with family! Come, the Night Guard awaits us!" Luna had chirped as soon as Twilight had touched down. The purple mare had been working on her flying skills, and flying from Ponyville to Canterlot was more of an endurance test than anything else.
  7. She had made it, barely.
  9. "W-wait, right now? The sun is still up..." Twilight said, eyes looking at the sky while she was panting.
  11. "Oh, yes, of course. In ou-MY excitement, I had forgotten."
  13. Luna's horn lit up in the dark-blue aura unique to her, and the sun slowly set. Celestia could go to bed now.
  15. "Come, there is much to do, and little time to do it!"
  16. ---
  18. The two Alicorns had been walking along the mountain base for a few hours now, Twilight's internal clock letting her guess it was roughly midnight. Luna had been oddly silent, ears twitching left and right on occasion.
  20. "Hmm. Strange, there are very few beasts about tonight." The Lunar Princess noted, frowning slightly. "It is too bad, tonight I have some...stress to relieve myself of."
  22. Twilight cocked her head to the side, eyebrow arched.
  24. "Stress?"
  26. "Yes." Luna said, frowning. "Several of my sister's council still do not feel that I am ready to lead during the night, despite having done so successfully long before their own ancestors were naught but shimmers in their own fathers' eyes. They voiced this readily, with myself still in the room."
  28. A huff from the venerable mare, as her eyes trailed skyward.
  30. "Well, I think you're doing great." Twilight said, her own eyes going up as well.
  32. "Mm, thank you, young Twilight Sparkle. It is...comforting to hear another aside from my sister tell me so."
  34. The two walked slowly along the perimeter of the forest. There was no real rush, they both had all night. A small contingent of Night Guard was trailing slightly behind them, some exploring deeper into the forest itself as they reached their patrol routes. Luna took a path into the forest herself, Twilight trailing along.
  36. "When I last checked, there was a Hydra youngling in this part of the forest. We should make sure last night 'encouraged' it to move on." Luna said with a hint of a chuckle.
  38. Indeed, there were signs of a struggle wherever Twilight looked. A broken branch here, a scorched stump there, even a severed head caught in the trees high above. Not an issue to a hydra, naturally, but still somewhat disturbing.
  40. "It was right here last night. Tracks...moving deeper into the forest and away from Canterlot." Luna said, mostly to herself. She then smiled. "Good."
  42. "Wow."
  44. "Of course, I am not reliable to lead at night, correct?" The blue alicorn said with a fair bit of sarcastic venom. She then sighed.
  46. "Well, Celestia wasn't taking them seriously, was she?" Twilight asked, looking around the clearing for herself.
  48. "Not at all. It still irks us, er, me that others think so. My Night Guard have had no complaints."
  50. Twilight was ready to respond, when a branch snapped behind them. Both mares whirled on the spot to see the Hydra that Luna had supposedly driven away, angry and spitting extremely lethal venom in all directions. Said venom hit trees and killed them on contact, the bark immediately taking on a grey, ashy tone at the site of impact.
  52. Both mares took off to avoid the lunge, Luna turning deftly in the air to fire an icy beam into the beast's chest. A thick plate of ice formed on its slimy chest, and the monster visibly shivered as it tried unsuccessfully to pry the frozen water off. Two of its six heads decided to spit its caustic poison on the ice, which melted straight on through and caused the ice to fall off. The Hydra's own slimy skin was immune to the burning effects of its own venom, as unfortunate as it was for the two ponies.
  54. Twilight dove right while Luna took to the left, Twilight firing a bright pink beam that easily cleaved off one of its heads. She winced...then stared in awe as two more heads took the severed one's position, ready to tear the smaller alicorn apart. A quick flash of magenta had Twilight teleporting into the treetops, out of reach, as the two heads slammed into the thick trunk behind and dazed themselves.
  56. "Remove one, two more take its place, young Sparkle!" Luna cried out over the beast's roars. "I believe Sister said you were the smart one, no?"
  58. Luna herself was concentrating efforts on its midsection. Swooping in like a hawk, the mare angled her wings to pick up speed. She then slammed into the monster with her horn coated in a protective aura, said horn goring the beast before Luna swiftly pulled back. The protection spell she had used was only enough for brief contact with the nearly acidic blood of the Hydra, but it did leave a definite wound this time.
  60. Twilight followed suit as all seven heads focused on the Midnight mare, her own protection spell being somewhat stronger than Luna's. This allowed her to put yet another puncture wound in, then fire off a searing beam of magic into its innards. She then pulled away as the Hydra screamed, falling over and bleeding onto the dirt. It kicked twice into the air in vain, before it stopped moving entirely.
  62. Twilight was panting as the last dregs of adrenalin left her system, the Hydra now silent and glassy-eyed.
  64. "Oh, what fun!" Luna chirped, landing next to Twilight and similarly breathless. "That was the most fun I have had all week!"
  66. "F-fun!?" Twilight shot back. "W-we just killed something!"
  68. "Ah yes, of course. First blood is always tough on ponies. My own Guard struggle with it too." Luna said with a fair amount of sympathy, smile not quite as bright as it was a second ago but still visible. "It was either us or it, Twilight. A word of advice...sometimes that is simply how things are." She continued softly.
  70. Twilight nodded mutely, still shellshocked from her own actions. She hadn't been this vicious with...anything. Not even Chrysalis or Discord. Sealing a being in stone wasn't the same as extinguishing its life.
  72. The lavender mare decided she didn't much like it. Not at all.
  73. ---
  75. The remainder of the night was thankfully uneventful, with a squad of Night Guard called in to dispose of the body. This consisted of two unicorns lifting several tons of dirt out of the ground, the body carefully being put in the resultant hole by two more unicorns, and then buried under said dirt. The ground was leveled back out, and all involved went back on their patrol routes or to the barracks, whichever it happened to be.
  77. Twilight and Luna had moved on, however. Twilight was silently praying the two of them didn't run into another violent *anything*, and she was also silently wishing she could just go home. Luna, meanwhile, was prancing and trotting along the path, smiling.
  79. "Ah, another glorious night! We removed a threat to Canterlot AND removed a fair deal of stress! I would call that a good night!" The Lunar Princess said to herself sunnily, looking back at Twilight. "And what about you? Did you enjoy tonight?"
  81. "I..."
  83. "Yes?"
  85. "Well, uh...aside from the Hydra, yes, I think I did enjoy tonight." Twilight responded after a moment. "I think I'll end up having nightmares about the Hydra for weeks."
  87. "Not if w-*I* have anything to say about it." Luna replied with a cheery smile. "We must do this again at some point. Perhaps once a month?"
  89. Twilight giggled. She had no idea her aunt-in-law Luna was so energetic every night, she had assumed it was only during celebrations.
  91. "I think I'd like that."
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