
Hotline Fluffy

Feb 16th, 2013
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  1. > Be Jacket.
  2. > That’s your name, by default.
  3. > You’re a pretty average joe all things considered. At least by 1989’s standards.
  4. > You live in a pretty modest apartment, nothing especially fancy.
  5. > You live with your girlfriend.
  6. > Her name is Hooker.
  7. > She’s pretty awesome.
  8. > Spends a retarded amount of time in the bathroom, you find.
  9. > However, she keeps the place really tidy.
  10. > Place used to be a fucking pigsty before she came along.
  11. > You used to subside off of nothing but pizza before she came along.
  12. > You met her at work.
  13. > It was a little awkward, but you suppose also romantic.
  14. > You were like a knight in shining armor, rescuing a maiden from a dragon’s den.
  15. > Kind of.
  16. > Except the dragon was a 400lbs black motherfucker in a bulletproof vest who took three shotgun shells to put down (even then you had to grab him by his head, put your thumbs over his eyes and push them in. It was pretty grisly. You closed your eyes and thought of poached eggs in that moment.)
  17. > And the den was a snuff porn studio in the back room of a place crawling with Russian Mobsters. (Who all wore white suits for some reason…)
  18. > And she wasn’t in a dress. (She was in her undies, strung-out on heroin, laying on a bed)
  19. > And you didn’t have a suit of armor. (You did have a chicken mask and your lettermen jacket, though.)
  20. > Yes. You kill people. And you get free stuff for doing it.
  21. > You don’t rightly know who you work for, or why you do it.
  22. > No, this cannot be explained. After a job, your pal, Glasses Man, gives you free stuff, be it pizza, or beer, or a movie.
  23. > Once in a while it will be at a fancy bar, where he’ll fix you a bitchin’ martini.
  24. >…Wow he has a load of different jobs. You wonder where he gets the time.
  26. > You’re mulling around your apartment one evening.
  27. > Hooker is taking a shower.
  28. > You decide to look through your mail. You’ve gotten another pamphlet from 50 Blessings.
  29. > That’s the third one in the last three months. Weird.
  30. > You walk into your living room to watch some T.V. and chill out, when you see you have a message on your answering machine.
  31. > Ah. It’s probably work.
  32. > “You have one new message.” The machine says, followed by a loud *BEEP*
  33. > “Hello, this is Mr. Fig down here at Mayclore’s Miami Cleaning Services.” Says a male voice. “We have a new site down at 212 Southwest 18th Street. Go in there and give it a good cleaning. Make sure to wear your uniform.”
  34. >*click*
  35. >Yep. That’s work alright. 212 Southwest 18th Street is the place. Probably some more Russkis. They always wear white suits for some reason…
  36. >Well, time to go to it.
  37. > You head out the door and down the stairs, rummaging through the pockets of your jacket for your car keys.
  38. >You exit the front door of the apartment, and hop into your awesome friggin’ Delorean before driving off.
  40. ----------
  42. > You are Jacket, and you’ve arrived at 212 Southwest 18th Street, which seems to be a house.
  43. > You think you’ll start from the basement and work your way up, yeah.
  44. > You pull over, get out of the car, and pop your trunk. Inside are a ton of animals masks.
  45. > Who will you be tonight?
  46. > Richard, the chicken?
  47. > Oscar, the mole?
  48. > Earl, the walrus?
  49. > After a few moments you decide to be Graham, the rabbit. Wearing this mask, you can’t help but feel a little bit lighter on your feet.
  50. >For some reason, whenever you begin a job, groovy 80s dance music fills your head…
  52. ----------
  54. > You are Graham, and you open the door to the basement.
  55. > “Owwies! Why huwt fwuffy!?”
  56. > Seems you hit someone when you opened the doo- A fluffy pony!?
  57. > “Huuhuuu…nose huwties!”
  58. > You run over to the squealing thing and smash its head into the concrete floor three times, until it lays still- its head broken open and small bits of brain flecked here and and there.
  59. > “NUUU! SPEACIAW FWEND!” “WABBIT MUNSTA!” “smawty nu scawed of wabbit munsta!”
  60. > You turn your head slowly, and realize there are three other of the little bastards present. Typical pregnant dam, stomping unicorn smarty, and some other one which just shit itself.
  61. > You look to the side, and see a crowbar.
  62. > You leap to your feet, grab it, and fling it at the smarty. There is a loud, wet *CRACK* when it smacks him.
  63. > You immediately close the distance, and grab the one that just shit everywhere.
  65. > You spike it into its own rancid pile, and stomp its head down into the stuff. Hard.
  66. > “ huwt Mumma…” the dam sobs, holding her little hoofs to her face. Before you can advance on her, a pained groan catches your attention.
  67. > The smarty somehow survived.
  68. > Not for long, though, as the crowbar was close by, and three, hard, precise strikes to its head silences it- gives it the Long Sleep.
  69. > You drop the crowbar, and on a nearby bench seems to be a hunting knife.
  70. > Well, might as well go for a high ‘flexibility’ score.
  71. > You grab it, then walk over to the damn, snatching her up by the scruff on the neck.
  72. > “Huuu…”
  73. > With one quick slash, you open her up, chest to groin- her entrails, stomach contents and foals spilling out everywhere.
  74. >”OWWI-“
  75. >The second slash is across her throat. Her little hoofs try to grasp at the newly formed second-smile.
  76. > You drop her, and make your way up to the main floor.
  77. > You open the door at the top of the stairs. Before you is a hall. At the far end is the front door, and some stairs leading up to the next level.
  78. > The house smells of fluffy shit, and is all this weird, vaguely-magenta and purple coloured scheme.
  79. > As far as you can tell, there are three rooms. One has the telltale sounds of fluffy mating coming from it, the other has the sound of boiling water and crunching coming from it, and the final one is silent.
  80. > You decide to investigate the room with the sound of boiling water and crunching first.
  81. > It’s a kitchen, two fluffies, both earth ponies, are attempting to eat some dry noodles. A pot of boiling water sits upon the stove (for some reason…)
  82. > “Fwend?” one of them says.
  83. > You threw the hunting knife at it. It stuck in its head, right between its giant, freakish eyes. It make a choking, sobbing sound before falling to one side.
  84. > “Fwend hav big huwties!” the other exclaimed, and attempted to hug its fallen mate.
  85. > You gave it a quick, sharp boot to the side, which made it hit the side of the stove and start wailing.
  86. > You stride over to it, and held it down with your right, sneakered foot, right on its exposed belly.
  87. > Blood drips from both of its nostrils, as it cried piteously, looking up at you.
  88. > “pwease nu huwties…”
  89. > You reach over the top of the stove, grabbing the pot of boiling water.
  90. > Almost as if it knows what is about to happen, it screams “WAWA BAD FOW FWUFF-“
  91. > You pour the scalding water all over the fluffy’s face, upper legs and upper belly.
  93. >There is a sick, sizzling sound, and a smell that reminds you of boiled hotdogs.
  94. > The fluffy thrashes abit, then lays still.
  95. > Probably drowned rather than died of shock, but you’re no fluffologist.
  96. > Still holding the pot, you step back out into the hall. You take a peek into the room where the mating sounds are coming from.
  97. > A special-hug pile, a giant orgy of retarded baby horses, smeared in shit and making ridiculous squeaking noises, in what appears to be a living room. Typical. Taking care of all those fluffies is going to be a pain.
  98. > You hear a chirping sound coming from the room down the hall- the room which was quiet.
  99. > You make your way down to the door, slowly.
  100. > “shhh, babbehs! Nu make noiseis. Munsta find us.”
  101. > You throw the door open. It’s a small closet. A unicorn mare and her three foals.
  102. > “pwease, wabbit munsta, no huwt-“
  103. > *SPLAT*
  104. > You kill the first foal with the pot.
  105. > “BABBEH!”
  106. >*SPLAT*
  107. > And the other one.
  108. > The small mare gets up, her horn sparking, and her eyes wet.
  109. > “Yoo nu huwt babbehs anymowe-“
  110. > *CLANG*
  111. > You swipe the pot across the tip of her head, snapping off most of her horn. She cries out in pain and falls on her rump.
  112. > *SPLAT* goes the final foal.
  113. > Then you hit the mare over the head three times, hard, until she lies still among the partially squished, partially crushed bodies of her babies.
  114. > You drop the pot.
  115. > To the left side of the closet, there’s a wooden baseball bat. The other…a double-barrel shotgun.
  116. >You have a hard time carrying two things at once. It’s stupid, you know, but everyone has their faults. So, you take the baseball bat and drop it by the living room door. You then go back and retrieve the shotgun.
  117. > When you return to the living room door, the sounds of fluffy love still emanating from the inside, you check the ammo in the shotgun.
  118. > Buckshot. Perfect.
  119. > You kick the door open.
  120. > One fluffy screams at the sight of you. The rest don’t get time to react before you open fire.
  121. > One shot. You fancy you hear an almost porcine scream. Flecks of crimson and patches of multicoloured fluffy fly about like some sort of demented confetti.
  122. > Second shot. This time, less confetti, but more bits of meat, like little hunks of hamburger.
  123. > Everything is now a lot more quiet, except for some muffled sobbing.
  124. > You drop the shotgun, and pick up the baseball bat.
  125. > Four fluffies remain- two Earth fluffies, two Pegasi. They’re bodies shredded horribly from the buckshot- legs hanging almost completely severed, shattered wings and a few blinded eyes.
  126. > You use your baseball bat to brain each and every one of the survivors to death, thereby finishing your butcher’s work.
  127. > The music in your head stops abruptly.
  128. >…
  129. > You feel the overwhelming urge to drop your bat and head upstairs.
  130. > The bat clattered to the ground, and you make your way into the hall, and then up the stairs.
  131. > It’s dark, but you can see a door. You open it.
  132. > A window off to your right side illuminates a bathroom. Flies buzz everywhere, it is moldy and smells strongly of fluffy shit There is a door on the otherside of the bathroom, straight ahead.
  133. > You look behind you- the door you entered into is gone, replaced by a wall and a bathtub.
  134. > No place to go but forward.
  135. > You open the door and walk in.
  136. > In contrast to the rest of the house, this room is white, pristine, and clean. A red velvet mat on the floor, and smells vaguely of cooking spaghetti.
  137. > There are three chairs in the room. They’re all infront of you, and all facing you. One to your left, one to your right, and one straight ahead of you.
  138. > It’s the occupants of those chairs which startle you a little.
  139. > Three fluffy ponies, all wearing masks.
  140. > The one to your left is a yellow Pegagsus, wearing a donkey mask, giving it a freakish look. It shudders and shivers lightly.
  141. > The one in the middle is a blue Earth pony, wearing a very familiar chicken mask. He seems very calm.
  142. > The one to the right is a red Unicorn wearing an owl mask, its horn protruding out of a little hole in the mask’s forehead. He stomps his little hoofs angrily.
  143. > “and who do *squee* we hav hewe?” says the Pegasus. “Oh, *coo* yoo dunno who yoo is? Maybe yoo shouwd nu kno. *chirp*”
  144. > “Wichow’ know yoo” says the Earth pony, ‘Richard’. “We met each othew.”
  145. > “Joey nu kno yoo, dummy hoomin!” shouts the red unicorn. “Yoo nu fwend of Joey!”
  146. > You’re dumbstruck.
  147. > “Fwuffyshy can teww yoo who yoo is. *squeak* but yoo kno den dat yoo awe bad hoomin. Yoo do meanie things *chirp*”
  148. > “yoo nu nice hoomin!” Joey shouts. “yoo make Joey wan make sick wawas!”
  149. > “Wichow wan ask yoo: why yoo weaw mask?”
  150. >…
  151. > “Fwuffyshy think *coo* yoo shouwd take off mask and way down fow sweepies.”
  152. > You reach up to take your mask off, only to realize your hands turned into blood-stained hoofs.
  153. > You struggle back and forth to get the mask off, your breath becoming shorter and shorter, the smell of skettis driving you wild.
  154. > “yoo bad fwuffy” Richard says. “But yoo kno dat, wight?”
  155. > “Dun twy so hawd. *squeak*. Sumfings wowk bettew when yoo nu twy so hawd.” Whispers Fluffyshy.
  156. > “Dummy Fwuffy sweep fowevew!” Joey screams.
  157. > Everything starts getting darker, and darker, until you think no more.
  158. > You have suffocated in your mask.
  159. > Press ‘R’ to restart.
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