
Ana and Jake first meeting

Sep 22nd, 2015
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  1. * Jacob_Brandt walks up to the Locke residence, before knocking softly on the door.
  2. * Anastasia_Locke opens the apartment door
  3. Anastasia_Locke: "Hi!"
  4. Jacob_Brandt: "Hello, you must be Mr. Locke's daughter, is your dad home?"
  5. Anastasia_Locke: "You're looking for Pete?"
  6. Jacob_Brandt: "Is that his name? In that case, yes, I am."
  7. Anastasia_Locke: "Sure, I'll go grab him!"
  8. * Anastasia_Locke dashes to Peter's room and knocks on the door
  9. * Peter_Locke follows Ana to the front door
  10. Peter_Locke: "Can I help you?"
  11. Jacob_Brandt: "Why yes, what do you know of Trickenfleur?"
  12. * Peter_Locke blinks
  13. Peter_Locke: "Who's asking?"
  14. * Anastasia_Locke watches in rapt attention
  15. Jacob_Brandt: "I am, of course."
  16. * Jacob_Brandt grins
  17. Peter_Locke: "Then the information is classified."
  18. Peter_Locke: "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
  19. Jacob_Brandt: "In that case, have this..."
  20. * Jacob_Brandt hands a letter to Peter, then leaves
  21. Peter_Locke: "Uh... huh."
  22. * Peter_Locke locks the door and heads to the kitchen table to read the letter
  23. * Anastasia_Locke reads over his shoulder
  24. Jacob_Brandt: *Inside the envelope is a pair of elongated scissors.*
  25. * Peter_Locke rolls his eyes
  26. Anastasia_Locke: "Is that... ?"
  27. Peter_Locke: "They may be"
  28. Peter_Locke: "Call the office, please"
  29. * Anastasia_Locke grabs the phone and calls the nearest police station
  30. * Anastasia_Locke passes Peter the phone
  31. Peter_Locke: "So. The kid, Trickenfleur?"
  32. Peter_Locke: "He's sent me a gift."
  33. Peter_Locke: "Can I get someone from forensics down here to take a look?"
  34. `DICE: "What? Did ya get a package or somethin', Pete?"
  35. `DICE: "Bomb squad's been waitin' on some work, heh heh."
  36. Peter_Locke: "An envelope. With a potential weapon inside."
  37. `DICE: "Envelope? Weapon? What's the weapon?"
  38. Peter_Locke: "A pair of shears. Might match whatever was used on Doug."
  39. Anastasia_Locke: :o :o :o
  40. `DICE: "Alright, I'll have the lab check it out. Send in the envelope, we'll check it out when we have time. I thought you were done with this case, Pete."
  41. Peter_Locke: "You and me both."
  42. Peter_Locke: "I'll bring it in. See if the security cams caught his messenger's face."
  43. * Anastasia_Locke runs off to do so
  44. `DICE: "Alright, we'll get a copy of the tape too. See you soon Pete. Tell Anna ol' chief Bronson said 'hello.'"
  45. Peter_Locke: "Talk to you soon, yeah."
  46. * Anastasia_Locke returns with a laptop connected to the camera system as Peter_Locke hangs up
  47. Peter_Locke: "Bronson says hello."
  48. Anastasia_Locke: :D
  49. Anastasia_Locke: "Didja say hi back for me?"
  50. Peter_Locke: "I'll say it when I turn this stuff in. Let's see what we've got."
  51. * Peter_Locke burns the recording onto a pair of flash drives, then captchalogues those and the scissors+envelope
  52. Anastasia_Locke: "Gotcha! Heading out right now?"
  53. * Peter_Locke nods
  54. Peter_Locke: "Better safe than sorry. Back in a few."
  55. * Peter_Locke leaves
  56. Jacob_Brandt: roll 1d10 for Jacob to return
  57. `DICE: Jacob_Brandt rolled 1d10 for Jacob to return [ 1d10=5 ]{5}
  58. * Jacob_Brandt knocks softly on the door.
  59. * Anastasia_Locke looks through the peephole
  60. * Jacob_Brandt's eye is looking through the peephole as well
  61. * Anastasia_Locke decaptchas pepper spray and readies an action to use it
  62. * Anastasia_Locke opens the door
  63. Anastasia_Locke: "Can I help you?"
  64. Jacob_Brandt: "Calm down, I won't hurt you."
  65. Anastasia_Locke: "What do you want?"
  66. Anastasia_Locke: "You're acting pretty creepy, all things considered."
  67. Jacob_Brandt: "To talk, of course, why else would I come here?"
  68. Anastasia_Locke: "He's already left."
  69. Jacob_Brandt: "I know."
  70. Jacob_Brandt: "Now, may I come in?"
  71. Anastasia_Locke: "I don't think so."
  72. Jacob_Brandt: "It is dreadfully cold out here, you know."
  73. Anastasia_Locke: "Won't be any warmer inside. Probably even colder, really."
  74. Jacob_Brandt: "No matter, that is fine as well. Are we ready to talk?
  75. Anastasia_Locke: "I told you, he's not here."
  76. Jacob_Brandt: "You know nothing?"
  77. Anastasia_Locke: "About?"
  78. * Jacob_Brandt stares at her blankly.
  79. Anastasia_Locke: :|
  80. Jacob_Brandt: "I see, in that case, how are you?"
  81. * Anastasia_Locke responds before remembering she's not supposed to be nice to this guy
  82. Anastasia_Locke: "Fine, and yourself?"
  83. Jacob_Brandt: "I am fine as well, have you done anything fun recently?"
  84. Anastasia_Locke: "Well, me and-"
  85. * Anastasia_Locke shakes her head
  86. Anastasia_Locke: "What are you doing?"
  87. Jacob_Brandt: "Talking, what are you doing?"
  88. Anastasia_Locke: "Who are you?"
  89. Jacob_Brandt: "If I tell you will it put your mind at ease?"
  90. Anastasia_Locke: "Yes. Yes it would."
  91. Anastasia_Locke: "Quite a bit, actually"
  92. Jacob_Brandt: "In that case, my name is Jake, who did you think I was?"
  93. Anastasia_Locke: "I don't know."
  94. Anastasia_Locke: "Why are you here?"
  95. Jacob_Brandt: "Various reasons, but mainly just to be nice and get to know you."
  96. Anastasia_Locke: "Why me?"
  97. Anastasia_Locke: "There's a lot of people in the complex that you could get to know."
  98. Jacob_Brandt: "Because you were nearby, so no reason really, but I had business with your father as well. You saw how that went, right?"
  99. Anastasia_Locke: "I did."
  100. Anastasia_Locke: "Not sure why you think I'd want to be friends with you after that."
  101. Jacob_Brandt: "For giving him a newly bought pair of scissors?
  102. Anastasia_Locke: "For getting him worked up about it."
  103. Jacob_Brandt: "Don't tell me you don't like to mess with people,"
  104. Anastasia_Locke: "Well YEAH, but it's different with this!"
  105. Jacob_Brandt: "He must really have a beef with that kid."
  106. Anastasia_Locke: "What kid?"
  107. * Jacob_Brandt facepalms
  108. Anastasia_Locke: "..."
  109. Anastasia_Locke: "Why are you messing with him anyway?"
  110. Jacob_Brandt: "Why do you ask? I'm sure he enjoys his job."
  111. Anastasia_Locke: "He does. What he DOESN'T enjoy is people like you who make it harder."
  112. * Jacob_Brandt's legs get tired, so he sits down crosslegged.
  113. Jacob_Brandt: "You didn't see that look in his eyes, did you?"
  114. Anastasia_Locke: "What look?"
  115. Jacob_Brandt: "That look of triumph, almost as if he was determined to beat whoever it was for at their own game."
  116. Anastasia_Locke: "I'm pretty sure he's not trying to beat you at your own game. Especially since your game consists of making you look nuts."
  117. Jacob_Brandt: "My game? No, it was obviously meant for Trickenfleur."
  118. Anastasia_Locke: "Right, that guy. Same thing."
  119. Anastasia_Locke: "Making up enough false accusations that it's impossible to argue against them all, then needling at whichever ones get missed."
  120. Jacob_Brandt: "You realize I hate him as much as your father does, and all he needed was a little kick to jumpstart things again. Even a fool would notice that."
  121. Anastasia_Locke: "You can't convince Peter to go after Harmenst by getting him angry. That'd be ridiculous."
  122. Anastasia_Locke: "He's not a gun you can point and fire."
  123. Jacob_Brandt: "Then how would you describe him?"
  124. Anastasia_Locke: "I don't think I should tell you that."
  125. Jacob_Brandt: "The point is, I can help him as long as he lets me, but that is not the case."
  126. * Jacob_Brandt mumbles, "More useless than an owl."
  127. Anastasia_Locke: "What sort of help would you even provide? Trying to make him angry enough to go into some existential rampage against a particularly obnoxious kid?"
  128. Jacob_Brandt: "I cannot tell you that."
  129. Anastasia_Locke: "Then we don't want help."
  130. Anastasia_Locke: "So please go home."
  131. Jacob_Brandt: "I just let him hurt you then, if that is what you desire."
  132. Anastasia_Locke: "Now you just aren't making sense. Nobody's hurting anyone."
  133. * Jacob_Brandt stares blankly
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