

Apr 18th, 2012
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  1. Wow, that is quite the adventure.
  2. Are you sure it was a good idea to use his voice when warning her? What if he approaches her and tries to hurt her, and she tru - ah, I'm getting ahead of myself, he was already caught, after all!
  3. I'd hold off on contacting Quinn. As far as I can tell, that guy isn't affiliated with any groups. At least, his phone records and internet usage don't reflect it. Hehehe. I was hoping to uncover some good dirt on him, but from what I can tell he spends about half his time playing Dungeons and Druddigons over IRC, and watching Skitty videos on youtube.
  4. Is there anything you want me to look into, specifically? I really can't find anything on 'Psychos wearing pokemon masks" as much as I've looked, but the chemicals you describe certainly match things that Team Astra was -attempting- to use 15 years ago.
  5. - Ronsua
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