
Deadmeat Chronicles: Deadmeat meets the dog

Jun 1st, 2012
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  1. >You are a happy unicorn fluffy pony.
  2. >You are trotting along in the park with a light breeze blowing through your light green mane.
  3. >You are heading to the play place hoping the nice two legged monsters might give you extra nummies.
  4. >The other fluffies are nicer here than the herds in other areas of the park.
  5. >They can still be mean so you don’t get too close to any of them.
  6. >It’s hard not to get too close to fluffies since there are several dozen strays in the area you are at.
  7. >”Hewwo fwen!”
  8. >You turn around and see a light blue earth fluffy walking up to you.
  9. >”Wan huggies? Wan pway?” it asks.
  10. >You giggle and hug the new fluffy you just met.
  11. >”Me headin to pway pwace. Hope daddies gif nummies the day fwuffies no wan.”
  12. >”Fwuffy no go to pway pwace befo.”
  13. >”Fowwow me, I show yoo.”
  14. >You turn to head to the play place when you hear what sounds like a fluffy yell.
  15. >You and your new friend turn to see a huge dog trotting in your direction.
  16. >”Dat woof woof, why no two wegged monster wit woof woof?” You ponder.
  17. >Your new friend looks up and his eyes sparkle.
  18. >”Ooooh, puppy. Fwuffy wub puppies.”
  19. >The light blue fluffy sits up and opens it front hooves toward the dog.
  20. >”Puppy wan huggies?” It asks.
  21. >The dog notices the light blue fluffy and runs toward it.
  22. >You smile at the woof woof, they have never hurt you.
  23. >You are still smiling when it bends down and bites your new friend’s head and picks her up.
  24. >”EEEEEEEIIIIIIIIII!!!!” the earth fluffy screams as the dog picks her up and throws her in the air.
  25. >”Nuuuu! Why hewt fwufy!? Waaaaa!” It screams before hitting the ground.
  26. >You hear cracks and your new friend’s legs twist into unnatural positions.
  28. >The dog is on her again biting her in her mid-section.
  29. >She lets out an agonizing yell as the dog starts to shake her side to side viciously.
  30. >She stops yelling and the dog drops her.
  31. >He sits and pants for a minute before he starts to bite off parts of her swallowing them down.
  32. >Fear shoots through your body as you realize that this woof woof is a monster.
  33. >You turn to run away as fast as you can.
  34. >You hear other fluffy strays start yelling for help and shouting that a monster is attacking.
  35. >You look back to see if its chasing you.
  36. >You see it has zoomed in on a yellow Pegasus.
  37. >It is running clumsily with tears streaming from its eyes, it wings buzz uselessly.
  38. >It is continuously screaming, “Nuuuuuuuuu!” as the dog closes in and chomps down on its back.
  39. >It spasms with a shocked look on its face as the dog picks it up.
  40. >You run with increased effort, other fluffies are running and screaming as well bumping into you.
  41. >It is fluffy pandemonium.
  42. >You run under a large garbage can that is held off the ground by four small legs.
  43. >There are two other fluffies under it.
  44. >One looks at you and say, “Yoo go way! Dis fwuffies spot!”
  45. >It hits your nose with its hoof.
  46. >”Owwwie! Deadmeat jus wan hide fwom monsta!”
  47. >”Yoo weave or boop nosie again!”
  48. >You back out just in time to see the dog approach from the other side.
  49. >It bends its head down and you hear a soft crunch followed by a painful yell.
  50. >The dog drags out one of the fluffies from under the trash can and starts to shake it.
  51. >You turn and run the only way you can, toward the pond.
  52. >You see several boats tied up upside down, you think you can hide under them.
  53. >You reach them and go underneath, you don’t know what a kayak is but you know a hidey hole when you see one.
  54. >You climb inside one of the boats and back up as far as you can to hide from the monster.
  55. >Moments pass and you don’t hear anything, the screams of fluffies has stopped.
  56. >You think it is safe now to leave, you let out a sigh of relief.
  57. >The dog’s head pops up into the kayak and it turns to look at you.
  58. >Its great moth opens up and starts to come at you, its sharp teethe glistening.
  59. >*CHOMP*
  60. >The dog cannot get its body into the boat, it snaps its mouth shut just prior to your face.
  61. >The hairs on its nose are touching the hairs on your nose.
  62. >It snorts at you and its breath, it stinks of fluffy blood and meat.
  63. >You are eye to eye with the monster and you can see its frustration at not being able to get to you.
  64. >It starts to struggle to get in and is shaking the boat.
  65. >Your fear is so much you involuntarily poop and pee on yourself.
  66. >You let out a whimper as you no longer smell pretty.
  67. >The dog backs up a bit from the stench, but it doesn’t leave.
  68. >In desperation you try to intimidate the dog.
  69. >You puff your cheeks and start to grunt, sparklies come from your horn
  70. >One hits the animals nose and causes a small burn.
  71. >The dog gets irate and starts barking and snarling at you.
  72. >The sound from its barks hurts, it can almost feel the snaps of its jaw it is so close.
  73. >The boat is shaking more violently.
  74. >You feel like you are going to lose your footing when the dogs head is jerked back out of the kayak.
  75. >”Goddamn! You want me to have to buy a fucking boat?”
  76. >You hear a two legged monster talking.
  77. >Well, looks like you had your fill here. Man, I save a lot on dog food thanks to these strays.”
  78. >You hear the man walk away and the dog struggling against him.
  79. >After what seems an eternity you come out and see the carnage.
  80. >Several dismembered fluffies are lying around.
  81. >Now you know to fear the woof woof monster.
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