
Before Day One in Equestria (Completed)

Dec 20th, 2012
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  1. Day,Things-Have-Changed in Equestria
  2. >You are Anonymuous.
  3. >You were a writer.
  4. >You weren't famous, but you did have a few books , and a series that was very popular amongst young-adult audiences.
  5. >You were coming back from celebrating with some friends of the family when the accident happened.
  6. >Your wife was acting especially amorous, you were going to get some the second you got back home, that's for sure.
  7. >Perhaps it was the alcohol from the nights festivities, but she was being especially impatient, and distracting you from the road.
  8. >Perhaps the other driver was also intoxicated.
  9. >Whatever the reason, you don't remember anything after this point. You can only imagine that there was a crash, and you were killed, the thought that the same could have happened to your wife tears at your heart every time you think about it.
  10. >When you woke up, you were in a field, looking up at the sky, more beautiful than you'd ever seen it before.
  11. >A few picturesque clouds, the sun shining bright, a gentle breeze across your body.
  12. >Was this Heaven?
  13. >You had to get some answers.
  14. >You stood, and looked around for the first time to see, nearly endless plains, with a forest off in one direction, and more plains in the other.
  15. >You'd always liked hiking as a child, and the forest reminded you of those lost innocent days.
  16. >You began to walk.
  17. 1/4
  19. >The forest held a dark and silent beauty, with the sun only piercing the canopy to light your way every few dozen feet.
  20. >Perhaps it was a mistake to head this way, but humans are curious creatures by nature, and you'd never been one to suppress your curiosity. A trait that had landed you in hot water more than a few times.
  21. >You continued to make your way through the forest, hearing the occasional sound of life: the odd chirp of a bird, the snap of a twig or branch in the distance. But never once, did you seen the source of the noise. The forest had grown increasingly frightening as the sun dimmed, and by the time night fell, you began to wonder if perhaps you haven't chosen the path to hell instead.
  22. >After a few hours in the dark, with the silence ringing deafeningly in your ears, you decided you could walk no longer in the dark of the night.
  23. >You gathered whatever branches you can find in the gloom, and you piled them up to start a campfire.
  24. >Thankfully, you seemed to have brought whatever you had on you when you died(?). This included the emergency fire-starter flint and the swiss army knife you kept on your keychain for emergencies. Hopefully you won't need them.
  25. >It didn't take long for you to start the fire, and you thankfully did not need to use the flint. Your camping skills had not dulled in your time living away from the outdoors.
  26. >The fatigue from the day washed over you like a tsunami, and before you'd realized it you had lost consciousness, and drifted into a deep sleep.
  27. 2/4
  29. >You've always been a bit of a lucid dreamer, a great boon, as you could use your dreams to think, and to imagine, when you had little success in your waking hours. Now though, you found yourself dreaming of your daughters, twins. Both in college, how they may never see you again. How they may never see their mother again. It was too much for you, and you broke down and wept.
  30. >"Thou'st art the first ape i have seen to dream. Perhaps in my absence, the world hast changed in more ways than I had hence thought."
  31. >The voice snapped you out of your sorrow long enough for you to snap your head up, and look at what appeared to be a miniature horse, with a dark blue coat, a horn, wings, and a mane that looks like the vastness of space.
  32. >Dreams of yours always tended to manifest creatures illogical to reality, so you saw this pegasus/unicorn, and thought nothing of it.
  33. >It seemed to be looking at you with great fascination, perhaps in it's story, humans are mythical beings, and they are the norm. A switch between the norm, and the mythical. Were you still alive, you'd be ecstatic: That would make for a Great story!, but you doubt that Hell/Heaven needs writers of literature. Maybe fiction
  35. >Being cynical about the afterlife is a bit moronic though, seeing as you're probably a part of it now.
  36. >"Can Thou understand us?"
  37. 3/4
  39. >It's talking. That fits perfectly with the story, your imagination doesn't know when to give up.
  40. Yeah, I can understand you. Forgive me if I'm not exactly eager to talk right now, i'm kinda moping in my own self-pity.
  41. >At your words, the little pony, whom you've noticed wears a crown, and has the moon tattooed on her flank, appears absolutely stunned that you can speak. her mouth hangs agape, and her eyes are wide as saucers.
  42. >"My word, you can speak?!"
  43. Yeah. Is that weird?
  44. >"It certainly is a first to us, perhaps our sister will know more about your kind. Where art thou in consciousness? Perhaps we can make it to you before the night recedes."
  45. >In consciousness? Does this little horse know you're in a dream? And how could she find you if she's not real? This dream is weird.
  46. How would you find me when you're not even real?
  47. >"We most certainly are real, we are the ruler of the night, our kingdom is one of dreams and nightmares."
  48. >This is making less and less sense, so you decide to just describe to her where you fell asleep, and she seems to lapse into deep thought.
  49. >"You are nearest to little Ponyville, home to the elements, We shall instruct Twilight Sparkle to find you and bring you to us."
  50. What? What on earth is a Twilight Sparkle?
  51. >Before any answer to your question, you see the pony disappear, and you are left with thoughts of how odd this "purgatory" of yours has been.
  52. 4/4
  53. End of Part one
  55. >You woke a few hours later to the sounds of someone, or something making their way through the foliage. They were not trying to be subtle, and so you didn't believe it would be any type of predatory animal. To be safe, you grabbed a nearby branch, and held it into the fire, making a makeshift torch for self defense.
  56. >"…rincess Luna said this was a task of the utmost importance, and as such We should take it seriously."
  57. >"All I'm saying, is why'd it have to be in the middle of an Ice-Cream dream?"
  58. >The voices are right on top of you, and you can make out an un-natural purple light from where the voices originate.
  59. Hello?
  60. >The movement stopped, and quickly started up again.
  61. >"Hello, are you the talking ape? My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I've been sent by the Princess to find you. I mean you no harm, I've come with one other, My friend Spike, He's not going to hurt you either."
  62. >The voice is approaching you steadily, and you see a small purple horse,scratch that, Unicorn, and a small purple dinosaur(?) come through the foliage.
  63. >She seems shocked to see you, and before she can recover her self, the little dinosaur speaks.
  64. >"Ok, so we've found the hires monkey that can talk, can we get back to the library already?"
  65. 1/6
  67. >This snaps her back
  68. >"Yes, of course, As I said before, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and I come to you in peace, to learn about you. Would that be okay with you? Would you be willing to come back with me to my library, I have food, and it's warmer in there than it is out here."
  69. >Perhaps the little Unicorn thinks you ill-witted, as she has said all this in a slower way of speaking, almost as though she were talking to a younger child. The mention of food however, draws your attention to how hungry you are, you haven't eaten in at least 15 hours, and you would definitely appreciate a warmer place to lay yourself to sleep.
  70. Alright then, I'm Anonymous, i can understand you fine, so don't talk like that please. I makes me feel like a child.
  71. >"Of course, my apologies, well then, we'd best get walking, it's about an hour to the library from here, unless…"
  72. Unless?
  73. >"Would you be willing to trust me?"
  74. >Why not, you'd always been in touch with your inner child, and he was having a field day with the whole talking-unicorn-and-baby-dinosaur thing. He was saying to do it, how bad could it be?
  75. That depends.
  76. >"Would you be willing to trust me to get you to the library in one piece, in a very fast way?"
  77. Will it hurt?
  78. >"Normally i'd say no, but because I've never tried using magic on a creature like you, I wouldn't know."
  79. 2/6
  81. How much faster?
  82. >"Instantaneously"
  83. Sure, it'll be a learning experience.
  84. >"I'm glad you agree."
  85. >With that, the unicorn's horn began to glow, and you felt a presence surround you. When you looked, it also surrounded the unicorn, and the dinosaur. In the blink of an eye, you went from the dense foliage of the forest, to a small quiet town. It was still dark out, so the town was likely still asleep.
  86. >After taking in your surroundings and heading inside the library that was a tree(how ironic) you collapsed, and lost consciousness.
  87. >There were no dreams this time, only the dark.
  88. >When you wake, you feel you are in motion. You looked around, and saw you were in a train, along with the purple unicorn named Twilight.
  89. What, where are we, what's going on?
  90. >"Calm down Mr. Anonymous, we're on a train to Canterlot, the capital city. The princess wants to see you, we're all really curious about hat you are."
  91. Why did i black out, and why does my head hurt so much?
  92. >"Ah, well erm, you blacked out because your body reacted in a unique way to my magic, almost an allergic reaction, and your head probably hurts as either a result of the reaction, or because when you lost consciousness, you fell and hit your head pretty hard."
  93. Lovely. So what's going on? Where am I I'm sorry, I still haven't quite gotten over the whole talking pony thing or the unicorn thing.
  94. >"As much as I'd like to ask you about what you mean, The Princess has forbidden me from asking you any questions about yourself. Hopefully I can get her to change her mind after we've arrived.
  95. 3/6
  97. >The trip takes a while, but eventually arrive at a city carved into the mountainside, that you assume to be Canterlot. You immediately are led to a castled that looks like it belongs in a fairy tale, and are led inside. The structure is a maze of winding corridors, that seem far oversized. You can see what appear to be armored pegasi every other hallway. Occasionally you catch them glancing your way, but more often you see them still as statues.
  98. >"This is the throne chamber, and I'd like to ask you to please be on your best behavior, The Princess is Kind, but it would not due to insult her even if you are a unique and possibly unique species."
  99. Yeah Yeah, I'll let you do the talking, and I'll be as straightforward with my answers as i can.
  100. >"Good, well then."
  101. >The doors opened out, and in you followed the unicorn. At the end of the throne room sat a giant and majestic Unicorn/Pegasus. Her man billowed in the wind, and for a moment, you thought you actually were in heaven. The moment passed, an you composed yourself.
  102. >"My faithful student Twilight, it's good to see you. I see you've brought a guest."
  103. >"Yes Princess, this is Anonymous, Princess Luna sent me to find him after she was able to enter his dreams. He can talk, and he seems sentient."
  104. >The Princess looked upon you with an unreadable expression.
  105. >The hall went silent for a moment, and you decided to speak.
  106. My name is Anonymous
  107. >The Princess seems satisfied for the moment with your response. She asks one of the armored pegasi to bring you to a room where you can stay for the night.
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  110. >You are led away, to a relatively small room with a small bed, a small couch, and a small bathroom.
  111. >Here you wait a few hours. You pass the time by twiddling your thumbs, imagining a continuation for your story, and eventually falling asleep on the small bed.
  112. >Your dreams are as vivid and colorful as they have ever been. The other Princess, Luna, appears to you.
  113. >"My apologies to thee, Anonymous, it appears that The element of magic misunderstood us when we asked her to bring you to us."
  114. What do you mean?
  115. >"We desired an opportunity to meet with you ourself. Our sister may be kind and just, but her loyalties are solely to her kingdom and our people. She does not take many mercies on outsiders."
  116. And you do?
  117. >"We can understand your suspicions, but simply because we are showing you kindness, do not expect us to take abuse from you. We still have our pride."
  118. I'm sorry, that came out harsher than i had intended it to.
  119. >"Think nary upon it. And to answer your question, yes we do believe ourselves to be more tolerant than our sister. We are after all, speaking with thou equally are we not?"
  120. >Fair point.
  121. Alright, What do you believe your sister will do to me that has you talking to me in my dreams?
  122. 5/6
  124. >"We do not believe she will do anything. We would have preferred to see your purity of soul for ourselves, but little can be done about that want now. I believe that my sister will personally attempt to probe your mind. If she does this, do not attempt to resist. If you do, I can not tell you what will happen. In All those who have tried, there has only been one that wasn't a pony. And they all went spiraling into madness."
  125. Don't struggle, OK yeah I can do that.
  126. >"Good, I can feel that you are beginning to wake. Remember what I have told you. If all goes well, I shall soon be able to speak to you in person."
  127. >The dream goes blurry, and you begin to return to your waking senses.
  128. >Sitting next to your bed, is Princess Celestia, she sits there watching you with the same unreadable expression as in the throne room.
  129. >At your stirring, her eyes narrow imperceptibly, as if she has decided on a course of action.
  130. >You do not shout or jump at her presence, instead you merely stare at her for a few moments. You are terrified on the inside, but on the outside, you appear as calm as ever.
  131. >"Mr. Anonymous, To determine whether or not you are fit to be a member of my kingdom, I will need your cooperation."
  132. >This isn't a question, but a demand. You were given no time to respond.
  133. >"I will need you to relax, and to trust that i will not harm you. If you have nothing to fear, then this process will be over quickly, and painlessly."
  134. >Before you can interject with a question, you see her horn light up a brilliant yellow. The last thing you see is the Glowing horn between your eyes.
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  136. End of Part 2
  139. >You felt odd
  140. >Something had changed.
  141. >But you couldn't quite put a finger on it.
  142. >Everything felt sort of fuzzy, like when you were waking up, almost as though you were slipping out of the dream, even though you weren't
  143. >Also, the dream lasted a very long time.
  144. >The child in you seemed preoccupied, and you could not manage to come up with anything for the story.
  145. >Luna visited once, but it was a short visit, and you can't recall what she told you.
  146. >The dream began to go grey.
  147. >Time meant little.
  148. >There was nothing, only you, and the shades of stagnation in a blank dreamscape.
  149. >Eventually you found a color again. You found red
  150. >You found it after scratching at your arm for the better part of an hour
  151. >Blood was a beautiful and unique shade of crimson.
  152. >You felt no pain, nor discomfort of anykind
  153. >You felt no cold, but a constant heat in you.
  154. >It was not a comforting heat, but a pinprick of consuming fire.
  155. >It became your sole companion.
  156. >It never asked for a name.
  157. >You never gave it one.
  158. >It was you
  159. >It was all that you were.
  160. >Things had changed. The red, and the fire, and the grey, and the vast emptiness, all spoke to you in words not comprehendible by any but you.
  161. 1/?
  163. >The emptiness left you for a moment, and in that moment you felt great fear. You felt something lock into place, and you felt torn.
  164. >The next thing you knew, you were awake. the empty reds, greasy, and fire had found you again. You awoke in the unicorn Twilight Sparkle's library.
  165. >It was late in the afternoon, as the sun had been on its evening descent.
  166. >There was an odd feeling in your chest, and in your head.
  167. >You could put no name to it.
  168. >The door swung open, and in came the unicorn, along with a pegasus.
  169. >The unicorn introduced her as a friend of hers: Flutter Shy.
  170. >She said nothing, only stared upon you.
  171. >Sparkle took no notice of the fact.
  172. >She informed you that you had been out of it for two days.
  173. >The Princess had not given the go-ahead nor the decline for citizenship.
  174. >The Princess
  175. >The color red flashed in the back of your mind.
  176. >Your face betrayed no emotion.
  177. >The unicorn took notice, but chalked it up to still waking up.
  178. >The Princess, which princess? Why had you been out of it? What had she done to you? Where were the Colors?
  179. >You noticed only after this train of thoughts, that the world was in shades of grey.
  180. >The color was gone.
  181. >The unicorn said something about leaving to send a letter to the Princess
  182. >At mention of her name, the shades of grey took on a layer of crimson for a split second.
  183. >The combination fascinated you.
  184. >Something was poking into your leg
  185. 2/
  187. >You were still wearing pants, so you checked your pockets, and there, undisturbed since whenever you arrived, sat your keychain.
  188. >You were alone with the one called Flutter Shy
  189. >She had drawn closer
  190. >Her eyes scanned over your prone body like an eagles over a rat.
  191. >There was an immense hunger behind them.
  192. >Her eyes captured your mind, and for a moment, you saw color in them, and only in them. A blue that you can still recall.
  193. >She was climbing onto the bed, but you could not tear your gaze from hers.
  194. >She had pulled away the covers, and fiddled with your pants for a moment before beginning to slide them down your legs.
  195. >Never once did either of you blink
  196. >You had never liked underwear, much to the pony's delight.
  197. >She positioned herself above your frozen body.
  198. >You felt moisture drip onto yourself.
  199. >Then heat, and tightness, an almost unbearable vice.
  200. >Friction, and moisture. Some basic animalistic pleasure as the beast in you enjoyed the mare's ministrations.
  201. >A tightness in your balls
  202. >The empty fire had grown.
  203. >An overload on your sense for a moment as you released your seed into the pegasus.
  204. >She collapsed, falling off the side of the bed.
  205. >She said something, all the while your eyes never leaving hers, and your screams trapped in a mouth that would not cooperate.
  206. >The fire dominated your thoughts, as did what you knew to be on your keychain.
  207. >It would be time soon enough.
  208. 3/
  210. >After a minute she recollected herself, and left the room, finally breaking the spell on your faculties.
  211. >The scream had worn itself out, and you felt nothing
  212. >Incorrect
  213. >You felt disgust and rage
  214. >But you could not bring the emotions to the surface.
  215. >It mattered not
  216. >Under the surface, the emptiness and the fire had come up with a fitting recompense for what she had done to you.
  217. >A few minutes passed, and you were left to fine tune the plan.
  218. >As you were about to set it into motion, Twilight Sparkle, and a winged Unicorn walked into the room.
  219. >The unicorn stirred up feelings that brought about the crimson-ed vision for at least a full minute.
  220. >They spoke to you at length, mostly asking you questions about how you felt. Did you hurt at all? Do you know why the coma happened? Those sorts of questions.
  221. >Every time the Princess spoke, your vision flashed red. You felt little but contempt for this Princess, and you would greatly enjoy what you had in store.
  222. >You made an excuse, and asked to be allowed to head to the bathroom.
  223. >They allowed it.
  224. >Perfect.
  225. >You stepped out of the room. You looked around, for anything you could use to barricade the door. Shelves of books seemed to be the best option.
  226. >You went about your task with quiet efficiency, your seething rage and the flame compelling you to push your normally unused miscalls to their limits. You were quiet, and you were fast. The doorway was absolutely sealed, and there was no way the could get out short of a miracle.
  227. 4/
  229. >You reached for a few older looking books, flipping the pages to hear the sound of dry paper.
  230. >Perfect.
  231. >You brought out your keychain, grabbed the flint, and your swiss army knife.
  232. >A minute later, you were running from the building to a forest out past the outskirts of town. You had no idea whether or not your plan would work, but you didn't particularly care at the moment. Fear compelled you to run. And so you did.
  233. >You heard a week later, that the fire had burned the tree to a crisp, but the Princess and her student had managed to teleport their way out of the building after it became obvious they couldn't push the door down. Apparently, the blocked door actually helped them survive, as it kept a lot of the smoke from seeping under the door.
  234. >Several ponies had seen you flee to the forest, and so you were identified as the source of the fire.
  235. >Your head ached far more now than it had before.
  236. >Then one day, you felt a tug at the back of your mind.
  237. >Something outside of you, and yet a part of you. Somewhere close-by. Entering the town, from a plain. If you concentrated, and ignored the splitting pain in your head, you could see what it saw.
  238. >Perhaps this could be used to your advantage.
  239. 5/5
  240. End of Prelude
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