
SciTwi Anal (Clop, Who could have guessed?)

Nov 23rd, 2016
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  1. >”S-so, anon… D-do you like butt stuff?”
  2. “Butt stuff?”
  3. >You’re a little caught off guard by the query
  4. >You and Twi had just been joking around about your preferences and past conquests, on your part at least
  5. >”You know, like A-anal…”
  6. >You give a light shrug
  7. “Yeah I like it, most girls aren’t really into it though ‘hurts too much’ apparently. Why do you ask?”
  8. >Twillight’s eyes dart away from your own at the question
  9. >”I was just curious. Most guys seem to like it is all. I’ve actually stumbled upon some weird fetishes out there about worshipping butts.”
  10. >Her tone is calm but you can see read spreading across her cheeks ever so slightly
  11. >Oh god is she onto you? How could she have known? Just play it cool
  12. “Well I can’t say I’ve heard of that before. Too bad I don’t have a cute little girl that’d let me slide on into her tight ass while I rubbed her cheeks though. I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”
  13. >Twilight’s blush deepens at your words and you can feel your pants growing tight as a movie of what you described plays out in your head
  14. >”A-Anon! That’s not something to say in front of a girl!”
  15. >You cock an eyebrow
  16. “Hey, you’re the one who brought it up. You’ve got a pretty nice butt too you know.”
  17. >A cocky smile draws itself upon your face as Twilight lights up like a Christmas tree
  18. >She opens and closes her mouth a few times in an attempt to speak but not a syllable comes out
  19. >After a second her face turns from one of shock and embarrassment to one of coy intrigue
  20. >”Well what makes it so good then?”
  21. >Oh you could go on for days
  22. “I love the way I can see its shape even when you’re in one of your skirts. I can tell it’s round and full and *Juicy*. I bet it’s soft and squishy when you squeeze it huh? Not too firm but not too soft, warm. And-“
  23. >”S-stop Anon.”
  24. >You look up at an obviously flustered Twilight
  25. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
  26. >”It’s fine I just… I need to go to class ok? Lunch is almost over.”
  27. >With that Twilight quickly walks away in a rather awkward shuffling fashion as her legs remain closely clamped together
  28. >You can’t say you don’t like watching though as her luscious mounds jiggle and bounce just under the fabric of her skirt
  29. >You sit there a little worried that you went too far as you spend the remaining 30 minutes of lunch eating alone with nothing but your hard-on to keep you company
  31. >The next day you’re at your locker grabbing some books when the sound of a throat clearing gets your attention
  32. >Twilight is standing to your right leaning against the lockers not currently in use
  33. >You stop what you’re doing and look down at her
  34. “Hey Twi, I just wanted to say I’m sorry about yesterday. I kind of overstepped my bounds and you seemed pretty upset when you left.”
  35. >Twilight studies your face for just a moment before replying
  36. >”It’s alright Anon. I understand that adolescent boys’ hormones get to their heads sometimes and what happened yesterday is a clear example of that. That’s in the past now though and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house this weekend to study for that physics test next week.”
  37. >You perk up at her words
  38. “Oh yeah that’d be great! Same time as usual?”
  39. >”That would be splendid.”
  40. >She checks her watch before looking back up to you
  41. >”Passing period is about to end. I’ll see you Saturday ok?”
  42. “Sounds good.”
  43. >She turns to walk away more calmly then last time
  44. >You watch her rear all the same as the curves bounce up and down along with the hem of her skirt
  45. >Your eyes linger just long enough before darting up to see her own eyes peering at you over her shoulder before she turns down a hall and out of sight
  47. >*Knock knock knock*
  48. >You wait for a minute outside the door to Twilight’s house
  49. >A shuffling of feet can be heard from inside and soon enough the chain on the door is undone and the door is pulled open
  50. >There stands Twilight I a T-shirt and pajama pants
  51. >”Hey Anon, come on in.”
  52. >As she turns you’re acutely aware of just how snug those pajama pants are on her curvaceous ass
  53. >It was like she was wearing a layer of fuzzy skin over her actual body that hid barely anything
  54. >You knew you should have jerked off before coming here, how are you going to focus on studying like this
  55. >You follow her down the hall expecting to see her parents in the living room but it’s empty to your surprise
  56. “Where are the folks?”
  57. >Twilight calls over her shoulder as she continues to lead you to her bedroom where you would usually study together
  58. >”Oh they’re out of town this weekend. There’s a technology convention the next town over and they just *had* to go. Looks like it’s just us for today.”
  59. >Oh, ok
  60. “Oh, ok.”
  61. >You open the door to her purple room and the walls that were decorated with different accolades ranging from academic achievements to science fair trophies that you had become familiar with
  62. >You set your bag down and drop into the chair in front of her desk as she sits down cross legged on the bed
  63. >She doesn’t remain there for long as she springs back up and heads for the door
  64. >”Want anything Anon? You look kind of thirsty.”
  65. “Just some water, thanks.”
  66. >After a minute or two she returns with two beverages and hands one to you
  67. >She places the other one on the end table next to her bed before turning to face her shelf on the wall opposite from you
  68. >Staring up at the books lined there she places her hands on her backside as her eyes scan the shelf for her physics book
  69. >Her hands idly massage her rump as you stare on eagerly drinking in the view
  70. >It ends all too quickly however as she reaches up and grabs the object of her desire
  71. >As she does so you can see a hint of purple whale-tail peeking out from underneath her pajamas
  72. >As she turns around you quickly snatch your bag into your lap to cover the slight lump forming in your jeans as you begin to rummage for a book of your own
  73. >Twilight seems to either not notice or not care as she lies down and opens her book
  74. >You calm down and do the same as you begin to study as you normally would, your mind settling back into its usual self
  75. >After an hour and a half you get up to use the restroom and upon returning you find Twilight on her stomach resting her head on her pillow
  76. >Her butt wiggles as she looks up at you
  77. >”I think we’ve got the material down for the test. What do you think?”
  78. “Yeah I’d say were probably in the clear, besides, my brain is starting to fog up.”
  79. >You sit back down in your chair as Twi sits up to face you
  80. “So what do you want to talk about?”
  81. >Twilight sits silent for a moment chewing on her words before seemingly reaching a decision
  82. >”You like my butt right Anon?”
  83. >You tense up slightly at the topic
  84. “Yeeeeah. Why do you ask?”
  85. >”How much do you like it?”
  86. >You shift nervously as you attempt to come up with a suitable answer
  87. “Well I mean, I try not to ogle you too much you know. You’re my friend and all. But it’s very nice looking. You heard it all the other day when I talked about it.”
  88. >”You don’t have to censor yourself Anon. I was just surprised that day and it wasn’t something I was expecting is all.”
  89. >She stands up in front of you at this point before turning around
  90. >”Y-you can look at it if you want to.”
  91. >Your eyes shoot between her own eyes that are looking at you over her shoulder and the amazing ass presented before you
  92. >Your confliction quickly dies as you stare deeply at the hypnotic mounds beneath the clothing as her hips sway back and forth slightly
  93. >You stare for what feels like an eternity before you’re snapped out of your trance by the fact that it was moving closer to your face
  94. >”D-do you want to t-touch it?”
  95. >Your mind goes blank and is barely able to register the words you just heard but none the less your hands rise up and gently settle on Twi’s firm buttocks
  96. >You rub your palms into the surface of the pajamas in circular motions separating the cheeks and then pushing them back together again before repeating the pattern
  97. >You begin to knead and massage the lumps with your fingers as you rub them and intermittent noises begin to trickle down from the body in front of you
  98. >By now you’re rock hard and your pants are feeling the strain as your member struggles to burst free from within its confines
  99. >Heavy breathing begins to permeate the room as Twilight’s chest begins to heavy from the sensations
  100. >Is this really happening?
  101. >Your mind reals at what is occurring but you quickly push those thoughts aside as you focus on the here and now
  102. >You need some relief from the coffin that your pants have become and so you stop your ministrations to fumble with your belt
  103. >As you do though Twilight drops down to her knees and begins to help you undo your pants with deft finger movements
  104. >Once you’re unbuttoned Twilight stands up again and stares down at your hard shaft concealed only by your undergarments
  105. >”Anon, h-how much do you like my butt?”
  106. “I love your ass Twilight.”
  107. >You hesitate not for a second as you lower head assumes direct control of the situation
  108. >”I-I want you to show me how much you love it.”
  109. >You simply nod in agreement
  110. >”Take your pants off and lie down on the bed.”
  111. >You comply without a word and stare over at Twi once you’ve completed her request
  112. >You watch as she faces away from you and grabs the hem of her pants before pushing them down far enough for them to fall off her form
  113. >Your eyes trail back up her thighs which shape in the smooth globes you had just been fondling earlier
  114. >You see that same purple thong and stare as it disappears into the crevice of her entrancing ass
  115. >Next she loops her fingers under her panties and begins to tug them downward
  116. >She bends at the waste giving you a full view of her tight scrunched hole as well as the smooth outer mound of her sex
  117. >Once her bottom half is free of clothing she walks over to the bed and places one knee at your side before lifting the other over your head so that her ass was mere inches from your face
  118. >She looks back over her shoulder at you once more and speaks a simple command
  119. >”Show me.”
  120. >She then proceeds to lower her ass directly onto your face smothering you in her warmth
  121. >Your tongue instinctively darts out and you catch your first taste of her salty juices that had begun to accumulate at the entrance to her hole
  122. >As you begin you hear soft moans escape the girl on top of you each one pumping more blood into your slightly painful erection
  123. >You slash your tongue across her mound exploring the depths of her folds with your appendage while your hands rise up to massage and fondle once more
  124. >Laying down onto your stomach you can feel Twilight’s hot breath tickling its way across your shaft sending a pulse of blood into it each time
  125. >You let out a groan of your own as you feel wet heat envelop a large portion of your dick and you feel her tongue begin to circle around your head
  126. >Stopping to swallow the accumulated juices you breathe deeply and set your sights on your next target
  127. >Scooting upwards you place your face directly at her other hole and let your tongue loll out in front of you
  128. >As it makes contact with the crinkled surface you feel a gasp on your dick as Twilight tenses up at the sensation
  129. >You work your tongue into her ass as far as it’ll go while deep guttural moans begin to punctuate the air around you
  130. >Once the opening is nice and loose you proceed to take your finger and inch your way into her tight posterior
  131. >Once inside you slowly begin to retract as you start a steady pumping motion
  132. >Sliding back down you continue your assault on her pussy as your fingers slide in and out of her asshole
  133. >Moans and groans ring out as each person strives to provide as much pleasure as they can to the other
  134. >You both continue in this fashion for some time until you hear Twilight’s breathing begin to quicken and her motions become jerkier
  135. >Your tongue picks up it’s pace as it lashes across her clitoris eliciting squeaks from the girl every time as she rapidly approaches her finish
  136. >As she releases her pent up lust you feel Twilight’s muscles grip down tightly on your finger and a flood of juices coats your mouth
  137. >Her body shakes and spasms as the orgasm rips through her body for several moments
  138. >After a brief minute she begins to relax and rests on your body as she lazily laps at your shaft
  139. >It doesn’t take long for her to rise up off of you though and you take the opportunity to wipe the fluids from your face
  140. >”Wo-o-w. You must really like my butt Anon.”
  141. >She stands somewhat shakily at the side of the bed as you sit up with your cock standing at full attention still
  142. >”Anon, I…I want something…”
  143. >You tilt your head slightly
  144. “What would that be?”
  145. >Twilight, suddenly shy, attempts to cover her nether regions
  146. >”You know how I asked you if you like butt stuff?”
  147. “Yeah, what about it?”
  148. >You reply as your interest is piqued even further
  149. >”I-I want… iwantyoutofuckmyass.”
  150. “Wait what? Can you say that again?”
  151. >”Anon, please.”
  152. >She sits down at the edge of the bed next to you and her hand drops down to begin stroking your shaft
  153. >”I just get these… cravings. Ever since I saw it online I just can’t stop thinking about what it’d feel like to have someone… you know… in there. I can’t stand it anymore Anon, please, I want you to fuck my butt.”
  154. >DEFCON 1 initiated
  155. >The missiles are launching
  156. >Or at least one is anyway
  157. “If you insist Twi.”
  158. >A look of half lust half giddy excitement becomes plastered across her face as she jumps up and rushes to a drawer
  159. >From within the drawer a bottle of lubricant is procured and is quickly brought over to your waiting form
  160. >You take the bottle and stand up
  161. “Get on your hands and knees.”
  162. >Twilight does as you instruct and plants herself on all fours in front of you waiting obediently
  163. >You take the bottle and apply a generous amount of lube to your crotch before applying another dose to Twi’s hindquarters
  164. >She gasps as the cold liquid hits her anus but soon relaxes and lets you massage the fluid into her bum
  165. >Once you felt prepared you placed your head and the entrance to her back door
  166. “You ready Twi? I’m gonna go slow ok?”
  167. >Twilight nods and takes a deep breath to steady herself as you begin to push
  168. >Your head faces much resistance as you slowly begin to slide into her waiting hole
  169. >it seems to be a stalemate as your head stops short of entrance until in one swift movement your tip pops inside of her ass without warning
  170. >A sharp intake of breath comes from in front of you as Twilight gasps at the pain but a few seconds later her breathing calms and her ass relaxes once more
  171. >”S-s-slow Anon, go slow. Uugggghhhnnnnn you feel so big.”
  172. >You take care as you inch your way into her waiting asshole and before long your balls have come to rest on the mound of her pussy
  173. >”Oh god Anon. I feel so full. Just sit like this for a moment ok?”
  174. >You do as she asks and sit feeling the muscles of her butt tense around you and relax in a massage of sorts
  175. >As you sit your hands rub and prod at her cheeks in an attempt to soothe the pain
  176. >After a minute or two Twi speaks up once more
  177. >”I-I think you can start moving now.”
  178. >You begin to slowly retract yourself from within her ass until just the tip of your dick remained before plunging in once more
  179. >Small groans of discomfort sound out as you do but with each thrust they begin to die away
  180. >The sounds are quickly followed by soft moans as she relaxes and lets her as be massaged from the inside by your penis
  181. >Over time your pace increases to the point where you’re steadily humping into Twilight’s tight rear and her moans pick up in volume
  182. >She drops down from her hands laying her face on a pillow presenting her ass for you to fuck at your leisure as her sounds escalate rapidly with the pleasure resonating from her unexplored hole
  183. >You begin to feel a building pressure in the base of your dick as you bury your cock deep inside of her ass again and again
  184. “Twilight, I don’t think I can go for much longer.”
  185. >It takes her a second between near screams to get her response out
  186. >”A-anon. Oh fuuuuucccckkngggghhh! Oh please don’t stop. You feel so good in my ass. Cum inside my butt Anon. I want to feel it. Nggghhh! Fuck! Oh god, oh god, oh g-goood!”
  187. >Her words push you close to the edge and your hands find the crook of her hips as leverage
  188. >You grab on and begin to pound hard and fast deep inside of butthole until you can’t take it any longer
  189. >With one final jerking motion you hilt inside as she screams out and a torrent of cum floods her insides
  190. >You spasm inside of her as each hot spurt shoots from the tip of your throbbing manhood filling her to the brim with seed
  191. >Once your orgasm finally passes you slowly retract yourself from within her and you collapse next to her form on the bed
  192. >Draping an arm over her shuddering figure you pull her close to you and wrap the both of you in her blanket as you spoon
  193. >You feel your own fluids dripping from her deflowered ass onto your deflating dick as you rock her back and forth before falling into a heavy sleep with her in your arms
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