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May 4th, 2015
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  1. "Divination"
  2. path: |year6|year7
  3. tc: 2
  4. passing: 80
  5. material: APPLE
  6. questions:
  7. question1:
  8. type: MultipleChoice
  9. question: What does the planet Pluto symbolize in Astrology?
  10. answer1:
  11. answer:
  12. This one: A "baleful influence", causing dark hair, shortness, and tragic losses in early life.
  13. answer2:
  14. answer:
  15. This one: disturbing day-to-day life.
  16. answer3:
  17. answer:
  18. This one: A harbinger of war
  19. answer4:
  20. answer:
  21. '21': Sunstroke
  22. question2:
  23. type: MultipleChoice
  24. question: Why are some people not able to see into the future using Crystal-balls?
  25. answer1:
  26. answer:
  27. This one: They cannot relax their conscious mind and external eyes.
  28. answer2:
  29. answer:
  30. This one: Their head just hurt at the time.
  31. answer3:
  32. answer:
  33. This one: The ball only chose to see to specific people.
  34. answer4:
  35. answer:
  36. This one: There was no events in the future ahead of them.
  37. question3:
  38. type: MultipleChoice
  39. question: The lightning-struck tower in Tarot Card reading means?
  40. answer1:
  41. answer:
  42. This one: Violence.
  43. answer2:
  44. answer:
  45. This one: An ill-omen.
  46. answer3:
  47. answer:
  48. This one: Loss of sudden thought.
  49. answer4:
  50. answer:
  51. This one: Disaster.
  52. question4:
  53. type: MultipleChoice
  54. question: How many sticks is in one package of Chinese Fortune Sticks?
  55. answer1:
  56. answer:
  57. This one: Seventy-eight.
  58. answer2:
  59. answer:
  60. This one: twenty-two.
  61. answer3:
  62. answer:
  63. This one: forty-five.
  64. answer4:
  65. answer:
  66. This one: nine.
  67. question5:
  68. type: MultipleChoice
  69. question: What is the art of Divination that involves cracking an egg and observing the way the yolk falls?
  70. answer1:
  71. answer:
  72. This one: Xylomancy
  73. answer2:
  74. answer:
  75. This one: Ovomancy
  76. answer3:
  77. answer:
  78. This one: Palmistry
  79. answer4:
  80. answer:
  81. This one: Heptomology
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