
the end

Jul 3rd, 2019
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  1. Hey all. This is Peanut. I said like a week ago during the whole Shift GDQ ban that I made some pretty spicy tweets saying that he was a cunt and ruined my life, etc. A lot of people liked that however the day that his ban got clarified by GDQ, he had a huge conversation during one of his streams. During that, he pointed out how this isn't the first time this has happened and he also said that he's changed a lot as a person since then and wanted to talk to anybody who has had issues with him in the past. So I figured, you know what?
  3. This whole stupid thing happened 3 years ago. We both have massively changed since then and though I always claimed to want to move on from this whole garbage situation, every time I saw something related to BFBB that bitter resentment from the beef kept coming back and clouding my judgement. Thankfully, Shift unblocked me on twitter and we've been talking through DMs about this whole thing.
  5. We're both on the same page and don't hate each other. Maybe one day I'll do like a massive thread with his help explaining the whole thing. For now I'd rather forget about that and focus on the now. What matters is that we talked at length, apologized, and realized that this grudge is pointless for a whole host of reasons.
  7. I know a lot of people currently following me or who knew me comparatively recently aren't generally aware but I used to be a massive fucking shitter when I first started speedrunning in early 2014. This isn't exclusive to BFBB either, my whole time spent running SM3DW was a wild fucking chain of events that I'll save to tell another day. But I started running BFBB I think around 2015. Back then the community was just a skype group with a small handful of people. It wasn't until SHiFT came along and started running it really actively and getting viewership that the game (and other spongebob games by proxy) kind of exploded massively in popularity which led to it getting shown off at AGDQ 2017.
  9. I think a handful of months before said GDQ showing (might have been 6 months idk) I was getting increasingly toxic and annoying with my behavior, and there was one night where after losing a run I went apeshit in the general chat and got myself banned (said moronic rant ended up as a quality copypasta for a good while). To spare you the details, a lot of people in the community wanted me gone for good reasons and one night I just gave them a reason. Apparently the person that banned me just did it kind of randomly but the rest of the mod team rolled with the punches.
  11. After that, well, I was a 15 year old who just got an undesirable result on the internet due to my own shitty actions. Naturally ,the course of action I took was to get extremely angry and frustrated at not just Shift but the entire spongebob community. I tweeted a lot of stupid shit, which made me a laughing stock in front of the community. This continued for a while and I was really stubbornly continuing despite mostly everybody wanting nothing to do with me. Later on I realized all this stupid shit out of pettiness and a grudge against shift (for his, admittedly shitty attitude back in the day which he's grown out of) and eventually apologized to a bunch of people in the community. However the damage was done and I still didn't really like Shift despite my apology.
  13. For like 2 years I think, Shift had me blocked on twitter so I couldn't see his tweets and vice versa so stuff seemed to die down for a while. I still made snarky subtweets every once in a while whenever something related came up but I mostly kept to myself and tried to move on.
  15. Very recently though I changed the way I think. It was Shift's ban and his long apology and talk on stream that made me realize that, surprise, people can change. We may have both fucked up massively with each other (both in actions and poor communication) but it's been (more than?) 3 years and a lot of stuff can happen in the meantime. So through the help of a friend, Shift unblocked me on twitter and we talked quite a bit through DM's and managed to bury the hatchet. I always try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt, and I do believe Shift has become a better person. What he said a year ago and what got him banned from GDQ (the f****t slur) is obviously still really hurtful especially for me and my LGBT friends, but at the very least he's acknowledged his mistake, apologized for it and taken responsibility. I'm also taken responsibility for all the stupid shit I said, don't worry. Like I said I'm not blameless and it's probably my fault, my refusal to grow up when it came to this, that this whole thing lasted as long as it did.
  17. In the end, tl;dr this stupid grudge has finally been laid to rest, we apologized, have become friends again, and from now on I'll stop talking about the whole situation and truly move on. I'm just glad we managed to bury the hatchet. A lot of people/friends I know still dislike Shift for reasons other than this, though, so I obviously can't change anybody's mind myself. Anyway this pastebin is already too long.
  19. Back to your regular twitter nutposting from yours truly. Peace.
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