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Jul 22nd, 2014
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  1. I put in a ban appeal called " I was banned for warning an admin about a potential duper." the kid then writes back
  5. Lets get some things straight now. On a server I was already on, you claimed in sidechat you had "caught a duper"(THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT I wrote in side chat I might of found a duper , in which I had been there ever since MY OWN DEATH BEFORE a good 30-hour which you weren't their and came in to watch us ONCE THEY WERE TRYING TO KILL US and you could see them peek through the wall with their guns). I spectated the chap you were accusing, and you, and your friend and sat there for a good 10 minutes watching what was going on. Nothing went on, apart from a chap inside his little base, and a gent flanking your friend. I left the server because NOTHING was going on.
  7. I then open up teamspeak())AGAIN TOTAL BULL, he was already in ts calling me a liar, when I never said anything about being right about him being a duper, I said he was possibly duping since he was there ever since I died and came up on the building doing opening and closing his safe OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again the whole time I was there until a bit before they started looking at us through the wall)))) to see you there, Me and Keith jumped into your channel for you to tell me that a gent was "Constantly opening and closing his safes for the past 40 minutes", Before I even told you I was in the server, you lied and said he'd been doing it constantly for the past 10 minutes(I never lied you did and you misunderstood like you did the whole thing because you don't know how to talk to people and you seem like a complete twat, I am sorry to say. You came in and instantly started bashing me for saying I MIGHT OF FOUND A DUPER since I had been sitting their for a fucking hour I should know, I took 10 or more minutes to try to talk to an admin and you think you saw everything? grow up.). In those past 10 minutes I'd personally been watching him, and not even once did he open a safe.
  9. When told this "method" of duping doesn't work on our servers, you got rather aggressive saying you'd SEEN people do it. When asked why you didn't report this, you claimed you had no evidence. Fair enough(I EVEN GAVE YOU A NAME OF ONE OF THE GUYS WHO DID IT THOUGH, SO DON'T LIE YOU CAN CHECK THEIR SAFES).(no, I got rather aggressive when you kept being a dick towards me for trying to help you, even keith heard it, you were being a twat. you were condescending and you did nothing to help your attitude was complete shit and you yelled and said things that you couldn't of known and that YOU MISUNDERSTOOD YOURSELF.)))
  11. But when I jumped back into the server, your friend was killed, then shortly after you were killed, you accused me of shooting prior to this, which I explained wouldn't of been me, and WASN'T me. After you died you then accused me of killing you, then like a smart ass, when I said no once again you replied, "Well he seemed to know exactly where I was". You then proceeded to get rather agitated when I said to you that the gent wasn't duping whatsoever, and went off a tangent F'ing and blinding about how you'll not come and report dupers again. You became abrasive and offensive so I kicked you from teamspeak. You then returned into teamspeak sending Keith messages, when told to stop you didn't( I WAS NEVER TOLD ANYTHING , YOU CAN SEE IT IN THE PREVIOUS I WILL EVEN PUT IT AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ONE THE WHOLE THING WHICH YOU ARE PROVEN LYING THEY CAN EVEN CHECK THE LOGS, stop digging a deeper hole.). So we dragged you into the teamspeak channel we were in where a SENIOR ADMIN told you to stop.( complete bullshit again kid, why are you lying? is this to cover your ass so you don't get admin taken away or what? yall drug me in so you could talk shit to me and that's all you did, AND THEN YOU KICKED ME. you didn't kick me when you said, stop lying. have you done this before? I wrote everything in the last post that was said and it was the truth and THESE SO CALLED MESSAGES I SENT TO KEITH I PUT IN THE FREAKING BAN APPEAL. SO STOP YOUR LYING. I said was that you who shot? I never freaking accused you of killing me , you're an idiot, you said you weren't even in the game and that ended it that was before the guy ran down the hill and shot me. So, stop your lying. you said you were watching for the past 10 minutes which was when we went to report that they MIGHT of been duping. I MEAN WHO SITS IN A LITTLE ROOM IN THIS GAME FOR CLOSE TO AN HOUR OPENING AND CLOSING THEIR SAFE???? a shot hit the door of the place we were watching, I said was that you then? since it happened once you said you were watching everyone. you said you weren't in the game. WHICH MAKES WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IMPOSSIBLE. IT WAS YOUR OWN MISUNDERSTANDING AND THEN YOU MADE OTHER CRAP UP YOU DIDN'T DO ANY OF WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IN THIS BARELY. 90 percent of this is false and I hope you can come to tell the truth, you are only making yourself look bad. the bigger man can admit when he is wrong and not make up tons of lies just to thwart him misunderstanding someone not from his country.
  13. You then thought it a good idea to send rather offensive messages to Keith regarding not only myself but Amrak also. Resulting in your ban from teamspeak and the servers.( Again every message I sent was in the ban appeal, stop your lying)
  15. We are here as volunteers and don't have to endure offensive obnoxious people such as yourself. This wasn't a singular choice by me but by all parties involved. You're not welcome anymore. Appeal denied.( volunteers who are trying to be complete twats to a stranger for no reason only to satisfy their own misunderstanding and childish behavior from getting out? because an admin shouldn't act like you and this amrak did. You would be fired on the spot at a company. people are not so nice they won't stage things and record them to catch you in your lies. be careful is all I can say.
  19. I went in ts and waited to get rights to speak and then told them I was sitting next to a base where the person had been sitting inside his base opening and closing his safe over and over and over again for the past 30 minutes to an hour. There is a glitch where you can dupe by doing this that they think they have fixed , but there is more than just that one way and I have seen it done by a few people I even gave him a name of one and he could of checked that guys safe. well, while I was camping the base watching and waiting while talking to the admin gun shots hit the door of the base and I asked was that him because he just got done saying he had been watching us. a guy then ran down from a hill and shoots me before the admin ever speaks and I asked him was it him that shot. He then flipped out saying I accused him of shooting me and I got angry because he was accusing me of doing things I didn't when I was only trying to warn them of a duper. saying I only came in here trying to warn you of a potential duper , if you don't care fine, whatever. He then kicks me from the server. I join back and I message Keith stone saying this.
  23. """"""""" "jetson": all the admins little kids who make stuff up ?
  24. <01:51:51> "jetson": and then kick you when you were only trying to give them a potential person
  25. <01:51:53> "jetson": who could be duping
  26. <01:52:11> "jetson": because there are more ways to dupe on this server I have been told about and I have seen done
  27. <01:52:17> "jetson": if he doesn't want to listen, whatever.
  28. <01:52:49> "jetson": he even said I accused him of saying he shot at me etc when I said are you the one who shot at the door and he said no and that was the end of it""""""""
  29. then I don't say anything else and was done with it THEN
  30. One of the admins then moved me in the channel and started talking shit to me without giving me the ability to talk back making things up and saying things that they themselves misunderstood and thought. I then write to keith stone " <01:53:35> "jetson": tell the shitty to not talk shit when he won't let the other person talk
  31. <01:53:42> "jetson": when I asked if it was him who shot
  32. <01:53:47> "jetson": I never accused """"
  35. I then get banned from ccg ts and I don't know if I am from the game, but probably so, he made stuff up and then kept going with it and brought other admins in on it to talk shit saying if you don't like our servers then don't play on them. when none of this was ever said or anything done to bring this on besides the admin making things up. This is obscene admin abuse and makes no sense. why would you ban the person trying to help you with your server and then flip out and ban them over THEIR OWN MISUNDERSTANDING. not to mention he was EXTREMELY hateful towards me the whole time before any of this was said when I was saying there might be a duper here. It's no wonder there are so many dupers if you ban the people trying to tell you about them.
  37. This is what it says his reason is "" You were banned permanently from the server by "Amrak @ work DND" (Perm Ban - No more CCG for you)""
  39. -Edit- the child banned me on the server as well #10577 name was jetson
  40. I'm not sure why someone like this would have admin ability =/
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