
Filia's big break revised

Dec 22nd, 2016
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  1. Filia hadn't always thought of food as being a big part of her life until sometime after the parasite Samson had attached to her head. Because of Samson’s voracious appetite a constant stream of assorted food was being eaten by Filia, although she did her best to curb it by climbing stairs for a cardio routine, as there were five flights of stairs in her school. Filia thought her plan was working out nicely but it was hard work and she began to grow bored of climbing the tall stairs up and down almost every day. An intervention to this would come in the form of a boyfriend.
  3. You met Filia while she was doing one of her cardio exercises when she slipped on the stairs and fell on top of you while you were making your way to class. She profusely apologized as you moved your head from her sweat drenched stomach. Her stockings had been torn and so had the strained chest area of her school uniform, leaving area where the slight chub invests had poked out. Thinking quickly, you grabbed your gym clothes out of your backpack and offered them to Filia, who thanked you and asked if you knew of any good tailors in town. Little did she know that one of your biggest hobbies was making and repairing clothes, and now that you had felt the slight softness of her body, a little idea began to grow inside of your head. You said to her that you would take her clothes to your uncle who has a small tailoring business in town and Filia was elated. So elated in fact that she couldn't stop herself from skipping along to class despite the tighter fit was letting out a little more skin than she thought it was, the slightly constrictive shirt and shorts enunciating her sort of pudgy figure.
  5. Afterwards in class, instead of focusing on the lesson, you were more interested in devising and planning out your grand scheme of indulgence. You knew it had to be gradual, but it would soon present itself quicker than you thought it would seem, what you thought would take months would take only weeks. You burned the midnight oil working on Filia’s uniform and finally at 2 am it was finished. You thought that for now, this could be the bait for further expansion of your grand plan. You settled in for the night and dreamed of the day to come. You went to the stairs with clothes in hand and found Filia jogging in place, her constricted breasts rising to and fro. She had the pungent aroma of sweat intertwined with just a hint of fries. "Oh hello anon!" said Filia in-between breaths. "You got my clothes?" You presented her with the tailored clothes and her eyes lit up. She snatched the clothes and ran towards the nearest bathroom and after a couple of moments she ran back with her newly repaired clothes on. "Oh anon, I don't know what your uncle did, but these clothes are so much better now, they even feel more comfortable than before they got ripped! You have to take me to your uncle after school because frankly", her voice quiets into an embarrassed mumble," I don't have many clothes that fit me". She put your gym clothes into your hand and said that she will be waiting outside near the bike racks when school is over. You didn't think an opportunity like this would just fall into your hands, but it did, your Filia smelling gym clothes a stark reminder of this fact. You took a deep whiff of the aroma and formulated the next part of your impromptu plan.
  7. Like clockwork you went to the bike rack as soon as school was over and there was Filia waiting patiently. She gave a smile and told you to lead the way to your uncle’s shop, only you wouldn't be going to any shop as you were going home. Filia had her doubts about a residential area having a tailor shop but once she saw your workshop they dissolved. "Wow anon, this business must be a full time operation for your uncle huh?" She held that thought for a couple moments until she noticed your detailed diagrams for the plans you had in store for Filia, which you signed with your name out of habit and tiredness from singing many homework assignments before you had drawn out and then enact the tailoring plans. "Wait a minute, anon did you fix my clothes?" there was a pause before you thought up of what to respond with, saying that yes you indeed repaired the clothes, saying that you lied about the uncle because you were being humble. Filia was awestruck, which led to her dumping the contents of her backpack on the shop floor, which was many pairs of clothes included miscellaneous school supplies and books. "Anon, I don't know how I could make it up to you, but if you tailored these clothes I would be very grateful!" You bluff and say that it’s alright and that she doesn't have to repay you, but Filia insists on some form of repayment and gets an idea. " I've been working out a lot lately, and I kind of want to treat myself for getting so far, how about we go to that new soda fountain that just opened and compare how well their fare is compared to the old diner, it'll be my treat." You nearly blow your cover after flinching, since that she had perfectly fallen into place in your grand scheme. You agree and walk Filia home, while you think about how to put the next part of your plan in action. You go to your local fast food restaurant and get the most addicting food on the menu, but you weren't going to eat this, oh no, you were going to bring it to your friend in chemistry class after you had condensed the food into a fine paste thanks to your blender. Your friend chemically separated the ingredients until you had a vial of extremely addicting liquid. Just one teaspoon of this stuff made your friend antsy about having it again, but you took it from him, you had a plan to enact.
  9. The soda fountains recently constructed smell intertwined with the smells of milkshakes, and the heady wafting of the grill. "I was going to get a salad, but those burgers sure smell good!" Filia said as she scanned the menu. You ordered a chili dog for whatever reason and Filia made small talk with you asking about the methods to your tailoring. Filia’s double decker burger and your chili dog arrived at the table when you realized that time was ticking. You had to come up with some way of sneaking your concoction into her food, but how? Just as you were deep in thought, a man walked through the door to which employees said were the 100th customer, and won a prize of a gift card to the diner. Filia got up and went to ask the man what he had won and looking over your shoulder you fumbled to bring out the vial and it came out faster than you thought it would. This was not good, you were supposed to gradually dole out the substance but a good portion of it now adorned the top of the cheesy greasy patties, mingling with the ketchup mustard and mayo. You went to wipe up a portion of the substance but you saw movement out of the corner of your eye and thus you only had time to put the bun back on top of the burger and lean back. "Oh anon why haven't you taken a bite of your food yet? It's going to get cold." You bluffed again saying you wanted to wait for Filia to come back to eat, which you weren't sure worked, but apparently did as you raised your head to see Filia take a big bite of the fatty meat on a bun. Each chomp left strands of sauce and your chemical on Filia’s face and hands, Filia licking up the sauce wanting not to waste a single drop. You watched as she swallowed piece after piece of the mega burger, enthusiastically biting larger chunks. You were entranced by the way her pace was increasing tenfold as the effects of the chemical were taking place. Filia almost finished the gargantuan burger but somehow stopped herself from doing so. "That tasted so good, but I don't think I can eat another bite, it's back to salads after this.", Filia said before taking a large sip of a quintuple chocolate milkshake. You wondered why Filia had stopped eating the burger, after so much of the special liquid was on the burger, you're sure it would have made her completely insatiable, but she had only managed to eat half.
  11. You had to act quickly now to further your plan in regards to this recent development so you offered to cook her a dinner that she would never forget. Intrigued, Filia agreed to your proposal and you spent the rest of your time devoted to your plan. After another dinner to test your hypothesis, you started to work on a pair of special clothes for Filia, retrofitted with certain weaknesses. At lunch in school you watched patiently as Filia ate a lunch prepared by you, with an increased amount of the substance for further testing purposes. She wolfed down and sandwich and thanked you again for the wonderful meal. You watched her shirt strain at her chest and stomach, as a result of your calorie laden cooking causing Filia to pack on a couple of pounds. Her paunch almost but not quite escaping her shirt was all you needed to know that you had to further your plan.
  13. Just as you had planned, in class when Filia went to bend down to grab a pen you had purposefully dropped, her heaving pants ripped, exposing her voluptuous butt to the class. Embarrassed she quickly rose up, which caused the already strained buttons to pop off one by one, her fat spilling out of the individual holes until her large breasts and gut flopped out of their confinements. Wobbling around to cover herself Filia ran out of class jiggling all the way home, crying. Although she wasn't naked, Filia had been really embarrassed by the incident and didn't talk to you for a little while, until you offered to make up for her embarrassment by making her a vegetarian dinner and a somewhat loose pair of clothing. You had to put forth extreme measures now or you would lose your big chance. You thought of your next plan at home until you heard a gravelly voice. "HEY PUNK, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO." It was Samson attached to a sleeping Filia. "BUT, CONSIDERING THAT IT FALLS ALONG WITH MY PLANS AS WELL, ILL LET THIS ONE SLIDE." Samson head butted you and knocked you out cold.
  15. When you came to, you were in the room that you had eventually planned to take Filia into, the mass feeding room. Adorned with all types of extremely fattening food, covered in layers of the addicting substance. You saw that Filia was asleep in the chair that you had prepared for her, when Samson slapped Filia awake and she realized what was happening. "Anon, whatever this is, I want to leave right now!" Filia said before noticing she was tied tight by Samson to the chair and had a new pair of clothes on. You grabbed a generous slice of cake and brought it over to Filia. You pushed it against her mouth but she moved her head around and kept her mouth shut, mumbling that she wants no part of eating this fattening food and just wants a salad. Samson tickles Filia’s feet which forces her to open her mouth and you quickly shove the slice of cake into her mouth. You struggle with her for a little bit before Samson tickles her again and she gives in to swallowing the piece. Her face is now covered in icing which you notice has a lot more volume than when you last saw it when you realize that Samson had majorly upped the dosage of your chemical onto the food. You bring out a giant donut and stuff it in her face while Samson begins to start eating. Filia struggles less and less against your forcefeeding and willingly opens her mouth wide for you to stuff more food in, and starts grabbing food beside her to eat additionally.
  17. You put a hand to her stomach and feel it move outward, filling your hand. You put a hand to her breasts and they do the same, growing from small to between a grapefruit and a watermelon size somewhat gradually and yet still increasing in size. Her clothes start to strain against the once loose clothing as almost all of the food is consumed. Her butt was filling out as well, her plush backside causing the chair to lose integrity. With a final swallow of a quadruple mega burger, the chair collapsed under Filia’s weight, the extra movement being all she needed for her clothes to suddenly break. All of the buttons on her shirt popped off instantly, flung in different directions, fully displaying her now ginormous tummy. Her skirt was torn off as well, leaving behind a pair of extremely strained and tight panties, her gelatinous cheeks wreaking havoc on the poor undergarments. Surprisingly her bra had sustained the battle damage, but it looked like that it wouldn't take much for it to become a casualty of the battle of the bulge (ing body). You rest your head onto Filia’s soft pillowy fat tummy, listening to the gurgles of her food digesting. You nearly fell asleep if it wasn't for Samson shouting at you to rouse you from your drowsiness. Filia groaned and moaned from her tummyache and murmured "Oh great I've really done it this time, and I thought I was doing so well, but the food tasted so good..." Her words dropped off as she came to the realization that she was nearly naked again. Needless to say you had another tailoring project on your hands, and it would be just as good as the first one. Filia struggled to get up and you helped her up, her momentum almost causing her to fall on you. "Anon, I'm sorry for being so mad at you for embarrassing me at school, but this was not the way I wanted to say sorry by-", Samson whispered detailed descriptions of luxurious food into Filia’s ear.
  19. "BUTTER DRENCHED GARLIC BREAD TOPPED WITH A POUND OF PARMESAN CHEESE, TWENTY BURGER PATTIES COOKED TO PERFECTION WITH LARD DRIPPING SAUCES AND ADORNED WITH MELTED GOOEY CHEESE." Filia’s legs buckled and a moan escaped her lips thinking about all the food. She collected herself and said " What I meant to say anon is that I want you to be my feeder". You instantly agreed and Filia went on her way, Samson slyly dropping a pen out of Filia’s ruined pocket causing Filia to bend down and caused a giant tear in her panties and popping her bra off. You admired your handiwork as both of her heavy entrancing masses as they wobbled in their fleshy softness. "Eek!" exclaimed Filia as she attempted futilely to cover herself. Samson covered Filia all over except for her head, leaving behind a constricted wobbly black mass of a body, although bits of fat had begun to poke out of many areas of her body. "WE GOTTA GET YOU HOME QUICK KID." as Filia ran away she blew a calorie laden kiss towards you. You had to spend hours to finish this next piece of clothing but it was finished on time.
  21. Before school you went to your usual meeting spot and presented her with her new pair of clothes. A snug fit, a bit of her belly hung underneath her shirt, and if you looked for a couple seconds you could see her puffy nipples through her shirt. People in the hallways snickered, gasped, and gossiped as they saw the now heaving figure of Filia. At lunch she couldn't stop herself from asking other people if they were going to finish their food, and many let her have the food just to watch with awe as she engorged herself on breadtangles of pizza and chocolate milk. The school had a program where students could work in the cafeteria and get an extra lunch, so it wasn't long before Filia applied. Only Filia didn't just have one extra lunch. You had deviously snuck in to the cafeteria through a pair of keys that Samson had given you, and spread gallons of the substance all over the various frozen foods. You needed only to wait for the chaos. As Filia put on her latex cooking gloves, she got to work cooking the food, a large amount of saliva filling her mouth in anticipation of a second lunch. One by one she pulled out the trays of food and took a deep breath of the school burgers.
  23. She thought to herself that she should just try one burger, if the batch was bad then she would know and then no one would have to eat bad burgers, so she thought she was doing them a service. One bite of the chemical laden food was all it took for Filia to make the burger disappear through continued bites. One burger after another was being stuffed into Filia’s mouth at a rapid speed. Samson was busy lifting the trays of food into his mouth causing all the food to slide in and transfer to Filia as per usual. Her clothes strained and groaned under the stress of so much food, causing her considerable tush, tum, and tits to jut outward. Filia put a hand to her mouth as she muffled her belch, remembering her manners or what little was left of them. Unfortunately, about 2000 hungry kids were antsy about barreling into the cafeteria, but Samson thought and took out all of the vegetables from the fridge, scrawling over the burger day sign with salad day. From Filia’s now constant eating of food, she couldn't stomach greenery after finding the enjoyment of fatty foods. She would keep food around for convenience sake, she would always be pulling king size candy bars from her pockets, chewing noisily getting chocolate all on her face and hands. She got quite cocky about what she would eat which she would get away with, but not for long.
  25. During a particularly boring day of class you got an idea. You dared Filia to eat 10 candy bars in 30 seconds without using her arms. She enthusiastically agreed, putting her hands behind her back and bending down to eat the candy bars. Chocolate coated her face as she performed the gluttonous act, but you knew you had her beat. She had missed the goal by one last candy bar as time had passed, but she ate it anyway trying to mock you for the challenge. Her enormous body pressed up against the constricting school desk/chair had created excess pressure. With the combination of that and the new weight gain, the chair buckled and fell. POP! A button zoomed and put a crack in the window, each pop of the buttons on her shirt revealing more and more of Filia’s engorged belly, until it was fully exposed. Her bra was the next to go, hitting the whiteboard. Her plump, heaving breasts slightly lactating. Her sumptuous butt had to be thrice as big as your head, as it left many skindentation marks from what was remaining of her stockings and panties. You thought she would run away and cry, but there was no crying. Only the moaning of Filia rubbing her delectable stomach and breasts could be heard. Everyone was in shock. An errant spray of milk hit your face. Filia had now begun to really get off on her gluttony. You waited patiently outside the detention room, waiting for Filia to finish her time. She rushed out in slightly patched rags that could somehow be called clothing and picked you up. You don't know where this strength and stamina was coming from but you didn't have much time to think about it as she zoomed along, carrying you to your house.
  27. Thankfully you had prepared another set of clothing for Filia to wear. But you didn't know where exactly she was taking you when you noticed your bed. Filia flopped down on the bed in her new duds, almost breaking the bed with her heavy slam. The bed creaked and groaned under the pressure. "Anon, I want you to feed me now, I'm starving, I haven't eaten since before detent-" her words were cut short by a wayward slice of pie. "Ahnnn~" moaned a muffled Filia as she devoured the piece of pie. You brought out a tray of food and Filia and Samson got to work, eating a variety of burgers, corn dogs, and a smorgasbord of fatty foods. Her gut was already beginning to strain the fabric, little bits of fat poking out of the seams. Her breast areas were now soaked from lactation, and you could see her shiny, puffy, and pink nipples more clearly now. Her thighs threatened to rip her stockings as they grew twice the size of your head. Her butt making the skirt almost useless as it widened and got fatter, much much fatter. Her once covering panties had now transformed into a g string due to the spillage of fat and ripping of the soaked panties. Revealing her monstrously thick body in all its glory.
  29. A button hit your head as it popped off, causing you to dodge the others, until yet again her doughy paunch had been exposed eliciting a large moan from Filia. Slightly bored, you placed your hands on her soft stomach and kneaded her lovely rolls and pot belly. You slipped on some grease and your hand went into Filia’s navel, which had now deepened several inches. This gave Filia quite a shock, which then she moaned and pointed behind you towards some sticks of butter. Hard as diamonds, you grabbed some sticks and began spreading them all on Filia’s body, especially buttering up her belly button. You whipped it out and slid it into her considerable paunch, eliciting another moan from Filia. You began pumping her stomach, and the feel was indescribable as her soft navel constricted around your dick, your pumps causing the fat to ripple. As you were thrusting away, you brought your head to one of her lactating heaving breasts and sucked. The milk was extremely creamy, you thought that you could make whipping cream out of it if you had enough. The nipple inside your mouth felt incredibly puffy as it deposited milk into your mouth. Her large breasts acting as incredibly soft pillows engorged with milk. Her buttered up navel was as slick as ever, and each constriction of the enveloping fat brought you closer to the edge. With some fast paced thrusts and one final blow, you filled her soft navel chamber with one of the largest loads in your life, and as a reward got an extra large helping of milk from her udders.
  31. She placed her finger inside her deep navel and brought the cum to her luscious lips, savoring every drop. Not willing to stop there, you thrust in her absolutely soaked pussy and glide ever so easily, causing her entire body to wobble. She pelts your face with lactation which makes you thrust faster into her incredibly tight pussy. Her hymen is broken as you assault her with heavy thrusts. You interlock your hands with hers and look deep into her eyes as you give your final thrusts into her pussy, she moans for an extended period of time as you fill her with your baby batter which mixes with hers. Yet still you think you should go for a grand slam and you turn her over, showing her flabby wide butt. Just as easily but even tighter than the other two, you thrust into her ass which constricts your dick. Her butt jiggles in response to your thrusts. Soaked in sweat and butter, Filia’s body feels amazing as you grab ahold of her bulging and oily love handles. You can feel Filia getting close again and at the final thrusts, you cram a burger from the new diner into her mouth and both of you cum hard. She moans loudly again as you cum in unison and with both of you out of breath you collapse on top of her, your dick slides out of her leaving an oozing trail of cum. You lay there listening to her breaths and share a passionate kiss as her tongue intertwines with yours.
  33. You got married with her after that and propelled your tailoring business into a series of small businesses. Filia is now your doting wife and is much more comfortable with you, making breakfast for you in only an apron. You rub her pregnant stomach which is now enormous and give her peck on the cheek, before you spend yet another morning pumping Filia’s sumptuous ass with cum and then having some pancakes with special whipped cream.
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