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reuben prompt

a guest
Jan 29th, 2017
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  1. Prompt 2: It's snowing! How do your Kalons feel about it?
  2. feat reuben + mibee
  4. as a snowflake landed on the pink diamond of her nose, reuben snorted in discomfort, and wrapped her long tail more tightly around her paws. she'd have preferred to be inside in the warmth, but no - as soon as mibee had seen the snow silently beginning to cover the ground outside, her eyes had lit up (well, more so than usual) and she'd dragged reuben out to make snowkals with her.
  6. the young kalon was now industriously rolling a large lump that would be the main body of the snowkal, her third arm coming in handy to pat the snow into firm shape. reuben was supposed to be collecting sticks for its legs and tail, but she'd pleaded cold paws and sat back to keep watch.
  8. snow swirled around the three kalons - two warm and breathing, one made of snow - as the wind picked up, and reuben allowed herself to think back to her own kithood.
  10. she'd been younger than mibee was now when she'd last seen her parents, on a cold winter day like this one. they hadn't even known it was the last time they'd see her - she'd slipped away with her schoolbag over her shoulder and never looked back. she still wondered what it would have been like if she'd stayed, but-
  12. reuben's remeniscence was cut short by a fistful of snow splattering into her face. she blinked the icy flakes out of her eyelashes and frowned in exaggerated bemusement. hmm, she muttered, feigning confusion. i wonder who threw that?
  14. a hysterical giggle gave away mibee's hiding place - she'd given up on the snowkal and turned it into a barricade, and, darting from behind it, threw another snowball with impressive accuracy. laughing, reuben dropped into a crouch, scooping up snow as fast as she could. it's on, kid! she crowed, dodging another flurry of snowballs.
  16. reuben shook her head, clearing both snow from her mane and memories from her thoughts .this was where she was now, and there was no changing the past. besides - snowball fights were much more fun than regret!
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