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Jan 26th, 2014
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  1. 00:45 <@[-wolong-]> why can't just everyone follow and understand maths
  2. 00:45 <@Tuxedage> Why else are you in this channel?
  3. 00:45 < Kokes> Hinv i bought in at 219, and sold everything, if the price drops it doesnt matter
  4. 00:45 < thatslifeson> still missing 70+ BTC on 185
  5. 00:46 < smshba> should we buy in now @ 195 [-wolong-]?
  6. 00:46 < Kokes> wolong knows what he does :)
  7. 00:46 <@[-wolong-]> FUCK
  8. 00:46 <@[-wolong-]> PULL OUT
  9. 00:46 <@k33k> it doesn't work if most of us chicken out
  10. 00:46 < molunbun> sigh people don't cooperate
  11. 00:46 <@[-wolong-]> fuck to whose who aint cooperating
  12. 00:46 < sh0lla> PULL OUT
  13. 00:46 < hinv> Tuxedage we keep going down and the fishes will look at the technicals and avoid as well
  14. 00:46 <@[-wolong-]> i can't do shit if no one is cooperating
  15. 00:46 < thatslifeson> ^
  16. 00:46 <@k33k> we need a way to identify people who aren't cooperating and kick them
  17. 00:46 < thatslifeson> i'm out
  18. 00:46 < alphaw0lf> what u mean pull out?!
  19. 00:46 < alphaw0lf> we cant abort now
  21. 00:46 < sh0lla> Delete your sells
  22. 00:46 < thatslifeson> remove 185
  23. 00:46 < alphaw0lf> how we gonna buy back
  24. 00:46 < alphaw0lf> omg
  25. 00:46 < otherjoe> I pulled out
  26. 00:46 < Nekomata3> :|
  27. 00:46 < Tyme> I canceled
  28. 00:46 < Crat0s> SERIOUSLY>?
  29. 00:46 < Crat0s> my shit all sold
  30. 00:46 < hinv> [-wolong-] we ain't cooperating because we are bleeding down here
  31. 00:46 < JohnathonDoe> /away
  32. 00:46 < sh0lla> someone bought
  33. 00:46 < Kokes> oh my dayz
  34. 00:46 < todamoon_> all my orders jus tsold at 185
  35. 00:46 < stormcrow> I sold about 33% before we pulled.
  36. 00:46 < dogetrader99> WTF!?!?!??!?!
  37. 00:47 < rowtrip> this is the second time i got burned on this... damn
  38. 00:47 < JohnathonDoe> I am tired of people not following something so simple
  39. 00:47 < maursader> hinv, it's about averages
  40. 00:47 < thatslifeson> lol, you only bleed because you don't cooperate, get outta here
  41. 00:47 < alphaw0lf> wolong -> thus bot needed
  42. 00:47 < JohnQnS> i sold out all also 185
  43. 00:47 < otherjoe> it sold mine after I canceled it
  44. 00:47 < maursader> When [-wolong-] makes you sell at a loss, you pick up more at the bottom price
  45. 00:47 < Nekomata3> i sold too
  46. 00:47 < maursader> then you sell at the higher price
  47. 00:47 < Nekomata3> lol
  48. 00:47 < maursader> so its all legit
  49. 00:47 < drastic> that was bad i have loss
  50. 00:47 < rowtrip> lost 100000 on 185
  51. 00:47 < coj> there's a 31btc buy stack
  52. 00:47 < cokea> come guys why is this happening
  53. 00:47 < cokea> the idea is to lower the cost
  54. 00:47 < Tyme> you have to be faster here guys, it's all about seconds
  55. 00:47 <@[-wolong-]> TELL ME HOW ARE YOU BLEEDING
  56. 00:47 < Nekomata3> noooo
  57. 00:47 <@k33k> everyone who lost there got screwed by everyone who didn't cooperate
  58. 00:47 < Kinci1> guys i just sold all mine at 185
  59. 00:47 <@[-wolong-]> IF U CUT YOUR COST BY 15 SATOSHIS
  60. 00:47 < Kinci1> whats everyone doing
  61. 00:47 -!- OrderZero [] has joined #marketmakers
  62. 00:47 <@k33k> there were 300+BTC on at 373
  63. 00:47 < maursader> If you follow [-wolong-] you'll end up gaining
  64. 00:47 <@k33k> and like 29BTC max at 185
  65. 00:47 < Nekomata3> yes
  66. 00:47 < stormcrow> hinv: We are CONTROLLING THE PRICE. What we just did was "Sell before the price drops"
  67. 00:48 < Nekomata3> it would go back even lower
  68. 00:48 < alphaw0lf> we are bleeding now if we dont pull it thru and push down to 170ish
  69. 00:48 < alphaw0lf> could we please continue
  70. 00:48 < Crat0s> we would have been fine if everyone went in ... hinv i bought in higher than taht too
  71. 00:48 < Nekomata3> ^
  72. 00:48 < alphaw0lf> or what
  73. 00:48 -!- mode/#marketmakers [+m] by [-wolong-]
  74. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> DOESN'T MATTER IF U BUY AT 210
  75. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> 300
  76. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> I DON'T CARE
  77. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT PRICES
  78. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> WE SELL 185
  79. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> WE MOVE PRICES DOWN FAST
  80. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> WE BUY BACK
  81. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> 170
  82. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> YOU SAVED 16
  83. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> 15
  84. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> UNLESS YOU WANT TO WAIT
  85. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> HOW MANY DAYS?WEEKS? MONTHS BACK TO 210? 300?
  86. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> WE DON'T WAIT FOR MARKET TO MOVE
  87. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> WE MOVE THE MARKET
  88. 00:48 <@[-wolong-]> DAMN IT
  89. 00:49 -!- mode/#marketmakers [-m] by [-wolong-]
  90. 00:49 < OrderZero> Hey all, what's the latest?
  91. 00:49 < smshba> [-wolong-], best of worst situation, do we buy back now? or hold for lower?
  92. 00:49 < maursader> Movie quote right there.
  93. 00:49 < Kinci1> wolong is right!
  94. 00:49 <@[-wolong-]> samsh buy back
  95. 00:49 < hinv> [-wolong-] because I baught heavy at 210. So what buy back 170, the fishes think the trend is heading back to 100 and wouldn't want to wait.
  96. 00:49 < Kinci1> everyone jump on and lets take control
  97. 00:49 <@[-wolong-]> BUY BACK COST, im sorry to those who lost
  98. 00:49 < smshba> thanks
  99. 00:49 < molunbun> selfish people screwed us
  100. 00:49 <@[-wolong-]> buy back a few satoshis higher
  101. 00:49 < Crat0s> [-wolong-] can we do another push down to about 170?
  102. 00:49 < Crat0s> I need to get my doge back
  103. 00:49 <@k33k> [-wolong-]: dont' have to be sorry. not your fault
  104. 00:49 <@Tuxedage> hinv, if you're not going to participate, please leave. No offence.
  105. 00:49 < alphaw0lf> im writing bot .. we wont have this problem soon.. as long as everyone clicks ok...
  106. 00:49 <@k33k> blame is on everyone who chickened out
  107. 00:49 <@Tuxedage> But we don't need you here.
  108. 00:49 < Kinci1> hinv, you sell at 185 buy at 170 so your no cost is like 200's not 201
  109. 00:49 < Kinci1> 210
  110. 00:49 < Staynov> It didn't work this time. The Best thing to do right now is buy, we alter pump
  111. 00:49 <@[-wolong-]> HINV DOESN'T MATTER IF IT GOES TO 0
  112. 00:49 < alphaw0lf> i can have bot send list of names for those that actually trade
  113. 00:49 <@[-wolong-]> WE SOLD FIRST, WE CUT OUR COST
  114. 00:49 <@[-wolong-]> DAMN IT
  115. 00:49 < Kinci1> i did
  116. 00:50 < Kinci1> 30 btc
  117. 00:50 < alphaw0lf> :/
  118. 00:50 < Nekomata3> there goes 0.1 btc
  119. 00:50 < dogetrader99> fuck
  120. 00:50 < JohnQnS> buying back now?
  121. 00:50 < OrderZero> Obviously I missed something big :/
  122. 00:50 <@[-wolong-]> even if PRICES WERE TO MOVE TO 50 BECAUSE OF OUR SHORT
  123. 00:50 < OrderZero> damn time zones
  124. 00:50 <@[-wolong-]> WE STILL PROFIT
  125. 00:50 < Nekomata3> ye
  126. 00:50 <@Tuxedage> hinv, it's very simple math. A trader doesn't care about what price used to be, only what the price is RIGHT NOW.
  127. 00:50 < JohnQnS> or better stay btc and wait or how we are doing?
  128. 00:50 <@k33k> I want to see screenshots on the next action
  129. 00:50 < molunbun> yes
  130. 00:50 < JohnathonDoe> OrderZero: nothing more than a lot of idiots ruining things
  131. 00:50 < BJUK> ppl re so used to buying before selling that they mess up their maths
  132. 00:50 < molunbun> we'll have more doge
  133. 00:50 < Kokes> Oh my days, even I understand this this, just listen to wolong, we own the market, we can do everything we want, as long as we TRUST wolong.
  134. 00:50 < Kokes> where's the trust
  135. 00:50 <@Tuxedage> ^^^
  136. 00:50 <@Tuxedage> Please cooperate.
  137. 00:50 < OrderZero> JohnathonDoe: I see
  138. 00:50 < alphaw0lf> wolong we only profit if we can get prices back up afterwards...
  139. 00:50 <@[-wolong-]> What's everyone average loss?
  140. 00:50 < alphaw0lf> so lets get them up and retry?
  141. 00:50 < Nekomata3> Kokes exac
  142. 00:50 < OrderZero> 0 :D
  143. 00:51 < molunbun> 2.7%
  144. 00:51 * OrderZero has never lost anything on this market....yet
  145. 00:51 < smshba> god damn that hurt
  146. 00:51 < Kinci1> 3.5%
  147. 00:51 < Solnse> if I buy back again now at a loss what is to stop it from happening agian
  148. 00:51 < alphaw0lf> or keep goin down to 170 like original plan
  149. 00:51 <@Tuxedage> I lost around 4%, I think.
  150. 00:51 <@Tuxedage> Need to calculate.
  151. 00:51 < alphaw0lf> im good with both :/
  152. 00:51 < Kokes> 3-4 %
  154. 00:51 < otherjoe> I have no idea, I just lost
  155. 00:51 < Tyme> 3%, its ok
  156. 00:51 < coj> i haven't bought back, oh well. i sit out of the market
  157. 00:51 < Zimnx> 1.7%
  159. 00:51 < Crat0s> most of thsoe doges I just sold were bought above 220 ... kidna sucked.
  160. 00:51 < cokea> it's all virtual yeah
  161. 00:51 < stormcrow> heh. I can't even get back in. cryptsy lost my buy order.
  162. 00:51 <@Tuxedage> No worries. wolong, you've given me a lot more than 4% gains, so I don't care even if I lost this.
  163. 00:51 <@[-wolong-]> damn alphaw0lf
  164. 00:51 < drastic> there was a panic call on chat
  165. 00:52 <@[-wolong-]> i suggest you finish the trading api fast
  166. 00:52 < drastic> thats what happend
  167. 00:52 < alphaw0lf> no doubt
  168. 00:52 <@[-wolong-]> so that i can control everyone trade
  169. 00:52 < alphaw0lf> im working on it...
  170. 00:52 <@[-wolong-]> too much selfish people making everyone losing
  171. 00:52 < alphaw0lf> we can have it announce nicknames once a trade is made
  172. 00:52 < mr_dick> damn got burned 3%
  173. 00:52 < WarAileron> i was all in :s
  174. 00:52 < Kokes> damn right
  175. 00:52 < alphaw0lf> so we know who isnt trading
  176. 00:52 < molunbun> stormcrow, place a 100doge order to force a refresh
  177. 00:52 < todamoon_> look all you have one guy that has the market in control just follow the fucking request through
  178. 00:52 < todamoon_> you came this far to this channel
  179. 00:52 < molunbun> stormcrow, sell 100doge
  180. 00:52 < todamoon_> so do it fuck faces
  181. 00:52 < Zimnx> alphaw0lf i can join development if you have some kind of version control system
  182. 00:52 < mr_dick> [-wolong-], that's why i said we need a scheduled event man
  183. 00:52 < stormcrow> yeah. On that, mol.
  184. 00:52 <@Tuxedage> Exactly
  185. 00:52 -!- Solweintraub__ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  186. 00:52 < thatslifeson> IGNORE THE PRICES, they do not matter, what matters is making a profit your trades. If you have cold feet on making a move, and you doubt wolong's ability to coordinate and trade, just do yourself, and everyone in here a favor, and /quit.
  187. 00:52 < mr_dick> if everyone comes prepared during a scheduled event
  188. 00:52 < mr_dick> noone would hesitate that much
  189. 00:52 < Nekomata3> you just had to follow the damn train ;-;
  190. 00:53 < sh0lla> I pulled out thankfully but I feel awful for those who didnt in time )))):
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