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Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. Haste (Bukkit name: FAST_DIGGING)
  2. Speed (aka Gears) (Bukkit name: SPEED) :
  3. Nightvision (aka Glowing) (Bukkit name: NIGHT_VISION) :
  4. Jump (aka Springs , Anti Gravity) (Bukkit name: JUMP) :
  5. Regeneration (Bukkit name: REGENERATION);
  6. FireResistance (aka Obsidian Shield with duration: -1) (Bukki name: FIRE_RESISTANCE) :
  7. DamageResist (Bukkit name: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE
  8. Aqua (Bukkit name: WATER_BREATHING)
  9. Saturation (Bukkit name: SATURATION)
  10. HealthBoost (Bukkit name: HEALTH_BOOST)
  11. ====
  12. Strength (Bukkit name: INCREASE_DAMAGE)
  13. Blindness (Bukkit name: BLINDNESS)
  14. Confusion (Bukkit name: Confusion)
  15. Harm (aka Instant Damage, Bukkit name: HARM)
  16. Hunger (Bukkit name: HUNGER)
  17. Poison (aka Poisoned) (Bukkit name: POISON)
  18. Slow (Bukkit name: SLOW)
  19. Weakness (aka Voodoo) (Bukkit name: WEAKNESS)
  20. Wither (Bukkit name: WITHER)
  21. Molten (custom : attacker catches fire)
  22. ====
  23. Fly (custom effect : item holder can fly)
  24. Explosive : this is a custom effect, which will blow up surrounding blocks. It has an option of auto smelt. This Explosive effect works with MineResetLitePlus's mined block counting as well as Lucky Block feature!
  25. Excavation : this is a custom effect, It is just like Explosive but it will remove entire cuboid
  26. Sphered : this is a custom effect, It is just like Explosive but it will remove entire sphere
  27. BedrockBreaker (custom: allow you to break a bedrock block)
  28. Disk : this is a custom effect, which will blow up surrounding blocks in circular form with 1 block deep.
  29. Tile: this is a custom effect, which will blow up surrounding blocks in square form with 1 block deep.
  30. GrapplingBow : this is a custom effect, which allow a player to shoot an arrow for grappling.
  31. Universal : this is a custom effect, which allow your tool to automatically morph into an appropriate tool depending on what you're doing.
  32. Hook : this is a custom effect, which allow a player to use fishing rod to grapple or fish living entities.
  33. ====
  34. MobDrops : this is a custom effect. With this effect, when you kill a mob, the mob will drop some extra goodies!
  35. MineBuddy : this custom effect allow you to have a mining buddy. All you mined will automatically sent to your mining buddy's inventory.
  36. Throw : if you enchant your item with this effect, you can throw it to give a damage! Be like Ninja!
  37. AttackDeflector : This custom effect will allow you to deflect attacks including arrow!
  38. SoulBound : If you enchant your item with this effect, the item will stay in your inventory when you die. Also other people cannot pick it up.
  39. Teleport : You can mark the destination of teleportation, and flick of your enchanted tool, you can teleport back to the defined location or to the top of the mine.
  40. Expelliarmus : Disarm your opponent!
  41. LuckyMining : If you enchant your tool with this effect, you might get lucky and get some prizes!
  42. SquirtleWaterGun : Shoot water gun like Squirtle!
  43. PikachuThunder : Electric damage like Pikachu!
  44. =======
  45. GroundPound : Are you ungry? Pound the ground!
  46. Freedom : Fireworks for Freedom!
  47. Flame : lit the fire after you mined.
  48. Inquisitive : get more EXP orbs upon mob killing.
  49. AutoSell : automatically sell all items in your inventory and VKBackPack.
  50. Guardian : upon taking damage, it will spawn your guardian mob (like PigZombie, IronGolem) to fight for your and protect you!
  51. Lumberjack : just break one block of a tree and connected tree blocks and leave blocks get cut down too!
  52. TNT : you can cause TNT-like explosion with Bow/Arrow or simply breaking a block. (you can mine those exploded block if you have auto pick up plugin!)
  53. Lightning (aka Thundering Blow): You strike Lightning and cause TNT-like explosion! You can also use it for mining as well.
  54. Drill : You can drill vertically or horizontally. The size of drilling hole can be controlled by the level of enchantment.
  55. ========
  56. RetainEXP : Retain your exp upon your death. You simply carry an item which was enchanted with RetainEXP enchant in your inventory or armours/tools.
  57. ItemFishing : fish/steal an item your opponent/mob is currently holding!!
  58. AntiKnockback : Prevents being knocked back.
  59. Vampire : Suck your opponent's health when you attack him/her
  60. FakeLag : cause your opponent to lag like crazy!
  61. Repel : repels your opponents and hostile mobs.
  62. Piercing : pierce through opponent's armour!
  63. Ramming : charge towards your opponent when you attack to increase the damage!
  64. Blast (aka Shockwave) : blast off nearby players and hostile mobs!
  65. ShotGun : shoot multiple arrows in one go!
  66. ====
  67. AutoBlocking : automatically turn dust/ore into blocks when your inventory/backpack is full.
  68. Invisibility : make you invisible. (vanilla invisibility effect)
  69. Ninja : disappear like a Ninja!!
  70. QuickTrap : quickly trap your opponent with cob webs!
  71. HealingBow : heal your friend by shooting with this enchant bow.
  72. Camouflage : allows you to blend into the environment as long as you sneak and don't move!
  73. Frozen : apply slowness to the attacker.
  74. MolotovCocktail : enchant a Bow with this and get the petrol bomb effect.
  75. SkillSwipe : take your opponent's exp when you attack!
  76. Rage : ComboAttack (consecutive attack without being damaged) will increase your attack damage!
  77. ======
  78. MoreHearts (aka Overload) : higher level of enchant will give you more hearts (you can go over 10 hearts!)
  79. HeadBlow : 1 hit kill with direct hit to the head!
  80. Toxic : give poison effect to your attacker!
  81. Trickstar : quickly teleport to the behind your opponent!
  82. Hardened : decrease durability loss on your armour!
  83. Death bringer (aka Double Strike) : double your attack damage!
  84. Enlightened : Opposite to Deathbringer Enchant! You can reverse the damage into gaining health!
  85. Implants : Recover health and hunger overtime you take a step with this enchant!
  86. PlungerClimber : You can climb up the wall with plunger climber enchanted tool!
  87. SecureLoot : You can secure loot (from breaking chests/containers and killing mobs/players) with this enchant so that other cannot pick up your loot!
  88. ============
  89. Curse : Curse your attacker with this enchant! It will give them mining fatigue!
  90. Decapitate (aka Headless) : Decapitate players and mobs' heads!
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