
DSD birthday PARTAY

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: [hey]
  2. Covet: Kelsey was in the middle of dinner with Connor sitting at a booth with him while they ate their chicken fingers and fries. They were sharing a plate of veggies and ranch between the two of them. Kelsey was looking over her schedule for this week, making sure everything was lined up without conflict. // Connor was kicking his feet underneath the booth as he ate, just kind of prattling on to himself, He turned to look at Kelsey and looked at her, "What are you doin? I was trying to tell you a story, Momma."
  3. Smokeless: Dori drove up to the cafe and smiled grabbing her books and bag. she made her way inside and looked around seeing Kelsey."Hey kelsey."she smiled to conner."hey cutie how are you today?" Dori slid up to the counter setting her stuff down and looking at the two. she tucked her hair behind her ear.-
  4. Tsaaq: Ozzie parked his truck and went to unstrap Lulu from her baby carrying thing for the car. "Come on my little jelly roll." He carried her by her armpits and strapped her onto his chest. He walked inside and yawned. Lulu saying gibberish but not quite getting the English language. He smiled and went to give Kelsey a side hug. "Evenin' missy." He said. "And hello boy-o." He smiled. Lulu reached to pet Connor's head when Ozzie leaned over. "Hello to you too." He greeted Dori as well.
  5. Covet: "Hello Dori," Kelsey said with a smile then looked at Connor since he'd been adressed. When Ozzie and Lulu came in she grinned, " Heyy guys. How are you doing?" // Connor looked over at Dori, then down at his fries as he picked one up. "I have fries, which makes me feel awesome." When he saw Lulu he waved, "Lulu can have fries and be awesome now too! Is that okay Mr. Ozdude?"
  6. Smokeless: Dori smiled to Connor"That does make you very awesome buddy." she chuckled and looked over at kelsey."Have you made any pie today Kelsey? or are you guys all sold out?" Dori loved Kelsey's pie. She smiled and waved to Ozzie when he addressed her."hey. oh my goodness look at that little princess." she wiggled her fingers at lulu.
  7. Tsaaq: He went to sit down beside Kelsey and Connor. "She can eat the fries but don't give her too many. She usually just spits 'em up." He patted Lulu's head as he turned to face her to Connor. "She's alright. She's jelly rolls." Ozzie said to Dori then looked to Kelsey. "So Katie says that Lulu's first birthday party is on Thursday. Can you and Connor make it? We're gonna have it in the apartment."
  8. Covet: Kelsey was mid bite through a chicken strip when Dori had asked her about pie. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head while finishing her bite and swallowing "No, I don't work on sundays, But there's always pie, I'm not the only baker here, and the other one's know my recipe's. I really only do specialty pies and cakes these days with how busy I am." She listened to Ozzie, and smiled, "Oh, Yay! Yes, of course we'll be there! Is there anything she needs gift wise?" Kelsey asked.
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Brad strolled into the cafe after getting done with some work at the studio, wanting to pick up some food to bring back to the dorms. Seeing the usual group inside, he changed directions and immediately headed over to them. "Heyyyy, everyone rallying around the food tonight?"-
  10. Smokeless: [im sorry guys i just got a call and i ahve to rush to the hospital]
  11. Tsaaq: ((Oh sorry guys.))
  12. Covet: [Baha no worries. XD]
  13. Tsaaq: "Hmm. Something to help her talk. She doesn't say a lot and it makes me worried. When she sposed to start talking?" He asked. He waved at Brad. "Yeah, I guess. And planning Lulu's birthday."
  14. Covet: "Hi Babe" Kelsey said with a smile, scooting over so he could sit next to her, "Of course, It's sunday, that means Chicken strips." She told him picking up another fry. Looking over to Ozzie " Okay, I know of a couple of things I could get her. I'm sad we donated all of Connors little toys to the church when he out grew them, Lulu wouldn't know what to do with herself." She smiled, then turned her head, "Well she's only a year old. She should start soon, Typically between eighteen months and two years."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -He leaned in to kiss Kelsey and dropped down to sit next to her, looking over the food on the table and immediately plucking a fry for himself. "Wow, Lulu's birthday party. What kind of plans do you have going on for that?"-
  16. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "I was so worried. But I guess it don't sound too bad." He shrugged. "But yeah, anything like that. She also really likes pigs. Stuffed piggies will do." He turned to Brad and shrugged. "Katie's planning everything. I told her to have lots of snacks and games and cake."
  17. Covet: "It's on Thursday, so I hope you're not busy with anything." She told Brad, then looked at Ozzie, "If you and Katie have the time, you can always start trying to get her to say Mama and Dada. From there it will get easier for her to start picking up words." She told him then gave a squeal, "Awww, that's so cute." // Connor perked his head up, " Games and Cake? Yay Cake!. I want to get Lulu a piggy, Momma."
  18. Alexithymiaa: 'Yes, yes, yes." He said to Ozzie as he rattled off the things he'd told Katie, taking another bite of the stolen fry. "I don't think I could be of much help in this department, but I can buy her something and wish you good luck with that." He spoke with a chuckle, shaking his head. "I'mf ree Thursday."-
  19. Tsaaq: "Petting zoo? But our apartment ain't so big." Ozzie rubbed his beard and laughed at Connor. "Glad you're excited. I'm sure Lulu would love that. Won't you jelly roll?" He asked the baby and she started to coo. "Maybe I'll get some drinks for us. I know Katie would be happy to have ya'll for the adult part of the party."
  20. Covet: "Petting zoo? With hamsters and stuff? Would your landlord even allow something like that?" Kelsey asked, "Well yeah, It's kind of an anniversary for you guys too. You've been parents for a whole year. I say that totally deserves drinks." // Connor smiled, "It will be a special piggy."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Definitely need drinks. You cant have adults at the party without drinks. It's like a rule." He plucked another french fry off the plate and popped it into his mouth, moving his hand to rustle Connor's hair. "We'll get her a special piggy."-
  22. Tsaaq: Ozzie looked around. "Maybe we can do something adult stuff after the other adults leave?" He offered, his hands were put over Lulu's ears. "We'll probably have some fun drinks. Maybe we'll skip the petting zoo and save it for next year?" He said. "You're so right. But I don't want to drink too much cause some of Lulu's friend's parents are soooo into being parents."
  23. Covet: Kelsey was thankful for Brad talking to Connor as Ozzie brough up their other exta curicular adult activities, "I'm sure we could do something like that." She said with a grin, "Would you mind if we just stayed the night? I imagine once the other parents go home, and the kiddos are asleep the real fun will happen." // Connor grinned at Brad, "Dad will you take me to go look? Can we go tomorrow?" He asked then looked at Kelsey, "Mommies and Daddies don't have real fun. That's for kids only."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Sure, we can go tomorrow." He said with a laugh, raising his brows at Connor's comment. "Hey little man, Trix aren't just for kids. Mommies and daddies just have a different type of fun than kids."-
  25. Tsaaq: Ozzie gasped and shook his head. "I have fun all the time you little stinker." He chuckled as he went to pat Connor's head. "I have kid fun sometimes with Lulu when we're watching The Simpsons and Ninja Turtles." He smiled. "Sounds good to me. Not like we don't have room for you two..." Ozzie smiled. "And I like having ya'll around anyways.:
  26. Covet: Kelsey was shocked at her son's comment, but shook her head when she realized how innocent it was. "Oh kiddo. I'm so glad you're uncorrupted mind is so smart." // "That's not fun. That's what your supposed to do. That's different." Connor said, "Only kids have fun, which is why you have a little fun when playing with Lulu. It's because she's a kid. Duh, everyone knows this." He said as he munched on a chicken strip, "Lulu, they have no idea. Grown ups."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Okay Connor." Brad said with a laugh, not wanting to argue with the kid at all. "Anywayy... so the adult, unfun activities?" He asked with a raise of his brows.-
  28. Tsaaq: His eyebrows rose and he fought a chuckle. "Well... I 'spose you're right. Point taken." He said to Connor. Lulu let out a high pitched coo and giggle in agreement as she clapped her hands. "Yeah, unfun, a double ended thing... I don't even know. Ask Katie."
  29. Covet: Kelsey's eyes snapped to Ozzie and her cheeks flushed brightly as she tried not to chok on her chicken strip. "Oh, I know. I know very well." // "Yeah you tell them Lulu!" Connor said with a grin, then looked at Kelsey, "Chew before you swallow, Momma."
  30. Alexithymiaa: -Brad reached his hand out to rub it over Kelsey's back, trying not to laugh at her choking, but honestly he didnt even fully understand what was going on so he was right there with Connor. "Take it easy, Kels."-
  31. Tsaaq: ((Bwahahah.)
  32. Tsaaq: "Oh. Good cause I don't really understand myself. I guess I'll see Thursday." Ozzie said. "I guess it's good she's got a friend like you, huh Connor?"
  33. Covet: "Yeah, it will all make sense....Don't worry." She said coughing a few more times then took a drink. Looking at Brad and Connor both her cheeks still bright red. " Thanks, what would I do without you two." // "Yeah, We get each other. I was her age once." He nodded all sage like, acting like he was wise beyond his 4 years of life experience.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Apparently choke on your chicken." He said with a grin before eyeing Connor. "Wow... you spend a lot of time with me, don't you?" He asked, because he could essentially see himself in Connor now.-
  35. Tsaaq: He was unaware of the impending dildo so he smiled innocently at Kelsey. Ozzie nodded his head. "Well then. Guess it's good she's got a cool expert like friend. Do you remember being a baby?"
  36. Covet: "I'm going to choke your chicken...I mean.. not like... "She huffed then sighed letting Connor have the stage her face about as red as the stripes on her shirt at this point. // "Yeah, I like spending time with you though Dad." Connor said with a grin then looked at Ozzie, getting that kid ponderous look on his face. "No, not really. I mean, some things, a little. Like toys and people, and animals."
  37. Alexithymiaa: -Brad smiled wider, rubbing his hand over her back. "Shhhh shhh. It's okay." He couldn't hide his amusement, shaking his head.-
  38. Tsaaq: Ozzie gasped at Kelsey and put his hands over Lulu's ears once more. "It's okay Connor. I don't remember being a baby either." He stood up from his seat. "Well ya'll. It's been a pleasure but I best mozy, I've got an early class in the morning."
  39. Covet: "Alright You two get home safe Ozzie, Tell Katie we'll be there for sure." She said giving a wave, then looked at Brad, "You going to get some food to go and we'll meet you back at the dorms?" She asked as she leaned into give him a kiss. // Connor waved at Lulu and Ozzie, "Bye guys, See you on your Birthday party Lulu." He turned to Kelsey, "Momma is it bedtime?" // "Yes, it is Kiddo." She told him.
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