
Foal's Play Part 1

Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. >Boring day in Equestria
  2. >You wake up and go into the bathroom
  3. >You shower and shave
  4. >Fluttershy is there taking a shit
  5. >Your brain computes that she had been there the entire time
  6. >Execute freak the fuck out
  7. >You scream
  8. >"Is...scat your fetish Anon?"
  9. >She gets cute scrunchy face before splattering her bowels into your toilet
  10. Leave me alone.
  11. >You walk downstairs and hear the shower come on
  12. Fucking Fluttershy.
  13. >You reheat last night's soup
  14. >There's a knock on the door
  15. >You open it and are greeted by a newspaper hitting your face
  16. >Derpy flies away
  17. >"Sorry Anon!"
  18. >You pick up the newspaper and close the door
  19. >You sit on the couch and read the paper like you always do
  20. >There's no TV so this is the most entertaining thing
  21. >You skim a bunch of articles until you see one that's interesting
  22. Psychotic murderer unicorn found dead after an explosion in a toy store?
  23. >You read it
  24. >The psychotic horsestrangler "James Lee Hay" was wounded with a shot of magic and was about to escape the guard after him when a bolt of lightning struck the building, killing him and blowing up some of the store
  25. >Fluttershy flies downstairs
  26. >"Whatcha reading hun?"
  27. Don't call me that. And this article about a strangler who died.
  28. >"James Lee Hay?"
  29. >You put down the paper and look at her
  30. >She has her hair up in a towel and looks quite cute
  31. How did you know that?
  32. >"Well it's not like every day somep0ny gets strangled...that's a serious crime you know. As soon as somep0ny heard about it, everyp0ny heard about it."
  33. Oh alright.
  34. >She comes over and nuzzles your arm
  35. >"Is learning your fetish?"
  36. >You push her off of you
  37. No Fluttershy.
  38. >She goes into your kitchen and starts eating your soup
  39. What the fuck I made that for me not you!
  40. >She looks up with it on her lips
  41. >"You wanna share?"
  42. Ugh nevermind...
  43. >She continues eating
  44. >She's gotten a lot more forward with things now
  45. >She pretends you two are a couple
  46. >And as long as she doesn't try anything too horrific then you don't care
  47. >Besides it's better than her trying to rape you
  48. >You make some toast and crunch on it while having a staring contest with Flutters
  49. >She blinks when she looks down to see how much soup is left
  50. Haha! Gotcha! I win!
  51. >She pouts
  52. >"I always win..."
  53. >You stand up and do your victory speech
  55. >Sweetie Bell comes downstairs
  56. >"What are you doing Mr. Anon?"
  57. >You freeze
  58. >Oh right
  59. >You have to babysit her all week
  60. >Fucking Alcohol making you forget shit
  61. >Rarity and her parents took a vacation
  62. >They told Sweetie Bell it was a business trip but truth is they hated being in the same house as her at night
  63. >She snores like a bear
  64. >You fix up a balanced breakfast of...eggs
  65. >That's all you have
  66. Sorry Sweetie Bell. All I have is eggs.
  67. >"It's okay Mr. Anon! I love eggs!"
  68. Just call me Anon okay?
  69. >She smiles at you as she eats her eggs
  70. >Fluttershy puts her-well your bowl in the sink
  71. >"Anon honey can we go to the market today?"
  72. I told you not to call me that.
  73. >"No I said hun before."
  74. >You just stare at her
  75. >She hides behind her mane
  76. >"W-well I just think that we need some more food if we're going to watch Sweetie Bell all week."
  77. Yeah I guess you're right...but who said you were going to watch her with me?
  78. >"I told Rarity that me and you would take great care of Sweetie Bell while on their trip."
  79. >That does explain why she kinda just dropped her off last night
  80. Okay. I don't have any bits though.
  81. >"It's okay. I'll pay for what we need."
  82. >Sweetie Bell finishes and tries to put her plate in the sink
  83. >She fails miserably
  84. >It falls and shatters
  85. >You walk to her
  86. >She flinches when you reach to get a piece of broken plate out of her mane
  87. Hey...I'm not going to hurt you...
  88. >"B-but I just b-broke your p-plate! R-rarity would have-"
  89. >She just stops talking
  90. >You nod in understanding
  91. >You walk over to the mess and sweep it into the trash
  92. I'm not Rarity though.
  93. >She hugs your waist tight as fuck
  94. >You pry her off you and put her on your shoulders
  95. >You run around in circles as Fluttershy takes off her towel and gets her saddlepack
  96. >She gets back and giggles at you both
  97. >You stop and both you and Sweetie are dizzy
  98. >You manage to stay upright though
  99. >You go to the market with Sweetie still on your shoulders
  100. >"Gee Anon I feel so tall!"
  101. >You laugh
  102. >"ANON!"
  103. What Sweetie?
  104. >"Put me down put me down!"
  105. >You pick her off of you and set her down
  106. >She looks at you both
  107. >"Come on! I've wanted one of these for like ever!"
  108. >She pulls you both to a toy stand
  109. >She points to a box with a doll version of a ginger pony
  110. >It even has freckles
  111. >It's called the Cool Colt
  112. >You resist the rustling of jimmies
  113. >"Sweetie Bell I don't know..."
  114. >She looks at her with the sad face
  115. >Fluttershy looks at you
  116. It's your bits...
  117. >"Oh alright..."
  118. >Sweetie Squees as you pick the box up and Fluttershy pays for it
  119. >The rest of your time out Sweetie spends talking about how much she wanted it, how much she loves you and Fluttershy, and what she and the doll were going to do together
  120. >Basically everything
  121. >You get home and it's already sundown
  122. >Like what the actual fuck?
  123. >Oh right
  124. >Different realm different time span
  125. >Sweetie Bell takes the box and opens it
  126. >She takes out the doll and sets it on a chair
  127. >You start cooking up some of your famous Spaghetti!
  128. >Just kidding it's not famous it's just Pongu with noodles
  129. >Pongu
  130. >You know?
  131. >It's Ragu from this universe stupid
  132. >N-E ways you cook that shit up
  133. >You serve some to Sweetie, then to Flutters, then for yourself
  134. >"Anon can you get some for Jamie?"
  135. Who?
  136. >"My Cool Colt doll. He's awful hungry."
  137. It's a doll. Dolls can't eat.
  138. >"Yes he can!"
  139. >She moves closer to it
  140. >"Right Jamie?"
  141. >It talks back
  142. >"Hi! I'm Jamie! And I'm the coolest friend you'll have! Awesome!"
  143. >You lean to Flutters and whisper
  144. Rainbow would get a kick out of this right?
  145. >She giggles and whispers back
  146. >"She already has one."
  147. >You lean back unsure of how to respond to that
  148. Sweetie Bell I'm not giving a doll my food.
  149. >"Oh alright. Sorry Jamie. Anon doesn't trust you yet. You can have some of my food!"
  150. Sweetie Bell...don't give that doll your food.
  151. >She moves closer with her spaghetti
  152. Sweetie nooo.
  153. >She lifts her plate up and the spaghetti slides all over the doll and the floor
  155. >She grabs the doll and runs upstairs crying
  156. >"Maybe you were a little too harsh?"
  157. No I wasn't. I told her not to do something and right in front of my face she did it.
  158. >Fluttershy scoots closer
  159. >"Is defiance your fetish?"
  160. God damnit no Fluttershy...
  161. >You finish your spaghetti angrily
  162. >You scrub the food off of the floor angrily
  163. >You slam it in the trash can because fuck you're angry
  164. >You stomp when bringing the trash out to the curb because mother fucker that really rustled your jimmies
  165. >Fluttershy stops you
  166. >"You need to relax Anon. I know you hate it when somep0ny doesn't listen but it's not like you can just scream at fillies all day!"
  167. >Damn
  168. >You sit down and Fluttershy sits next to you
  169. I guess...maybe I wasn't harsh enough...
  170. >"WHAT?!"
  171. >You stand up and take off your belt
  172. >You put it in whip form
  173. >Fluttershy stops you again
  174. >She takes the belt
  175. >"I'll do it. You've had a long day you should just go to bed."
  176. Fine.
  177. >You go upstairs and lay in your bed
  178. >You hear the microwave go off
  179. >Then you hear hoofsteps to Sweetie Bell's door
  180. >The door shuts
  181. >You hear no screams and one giggle
  182. >Then her door closes again and yours opens
  183. >You pretend like you're sleeping as Fluttershy gets in bed next to you
  184. >She grabs your ass
  185. I'm not asleep.
  186. >You hear a faint eep
  187. I know you didn't beat her.
  188. >"H-how did you know?"
  189. I knew you wouldn't...
  190. >"I couldn't Anon..."
  191. >You turn to her
  192. >She's crying
  193. >Aww she looks so cute
  194. >You snuggle the fuck out of that teary eyed pony
  195. >Then she farts
  196. Nope.
  197. >You stand up and take a pillow to the floor
  198. >She whines a little and you hear a small apology
  199. >You go to sleep
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