

May 2nd, 2012
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  1. > You own a fluffy pony, a light blue mare
  2. > Somehow, she got pregnant; you think a stray must have got at her while she was playing in the yard
  3. > You're slightly apprehensive about looking after the foals
  4. > You've heard they die even easier than fully grown fluffy ponies
  5. > Fluffy pony hasn't asked any questions about why she's getting bigger
  6. > You're not sure if she's even aware she's pregnant
  7. > One day, you hear a moaning coming from fluffy pony's safe room
  8. > You go through, and see her squatting over her litter box
  9. > It must be time
  10. > Fluffy pony seems to be doing OK on her own; you don't want to get involved if you don't have to, as you've heard some mothers can be overprotective just after birth
  11. > Gradually, two foals emerge, then it looks like fluffy pony's finished
  12. > Fluffy pony turns around and contemplates her children
  13. > Flecks of litter are stuck to the slime covering their bodies, and they're mewling softly
  14. > Fluffy pony nudges each one a few times, to roll it in litter
  15. > This only makes the foals cry louder
  16. > “Why poopies make noise?” fluffy pony asks
  17. > Huh?
  18. > One foal wriggles towards fluffy pony, trying to get at her teats
  19. > “Poopy no touch fwuffy! No make diwty! No wan' sowwy stick!” she says, panicking
  20. > You may have been overly harsh in punishing fluffy pony that time she trampled shit across the carpet
  21. > Fluffy pony raises her leg above the foal, and brings her hoof down
  22. > The bleating stops
  23. > You rush across the room, and pick fluffy pony up before she can harm her other baby
  24. > Lock her in the safe room, then go back to see if you can help the remaining foal
  25. > It's still breathing
  26. > Wipe the slime of it with a damp sponge, and wrap it in a tea towel
  27. > Dig fluffy pony's old bottle out from the back of the cupboard
  28. > Spend the next few days looking after the foal, while fluffy pony is confined to her room
  29. > Soon she can walk, and has started spouting the usual fluffy pony dialogue
  30. > Introduce her to fluffy pony
  31. > Both start babbling about 'new fwen' and hugging each other
  32. > Everything seems to be going OK, even if fluffy pony doesn't recognise the foal as her daughter
  33. > After a few hours of playing, foal must be getting hungry
  34. > Instinctively tries suckle fluffy pony's teats
  35. > Fluffy pony freaks out
  36. > “Wape! Bad touch! Wape!” she screams
  37. > Fluffy pony kicks the foal away, then runs and hides under the sofa
  38. > You're forced to donate the foal to the local shelter
  39. > Just say her mother rejected her, don't go into details
  40. > How the fuck did these creatures survive one generation outside the lab?
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