
/mom/ Heartbreak

Oct 10th, 2017
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  1. >Be Inkwell.
  2. >You're taking care of the young prince Anon.
  3. >Princess Celestia took him in when he was found.
  4. >It must have been a impulsive decision.
  5. >She's a princess, meaning she -rarely- has any free time for herself, let alone enough for something that takes so much time.
  6. >Not that you're complaining.
  7. >You enjoy taking care of him, and know that the princess cares about him no matter what.
  8. >You can see it by the way she acts when she does get to spend time with him, even if it's a short amount.
  9. >After a bit of running around with Anon you find yourself on a couch with a now tuckered out Anon laying next to you, hugging your barrel.
  10. >He rubs his head against you and you hear him talk.
  11. >”I love you mommy.” He sleepily mumbles.
  12. >You instinctively wrap a hoof around him and whisper without thinking.
  13. “I love you too Anon.”
  14. >Then it hits you.
  15. >What he just said, and what your reply was.
  16. >You basically just accepted the name!
  17. >He hums and hugs you a bit tighter before letting sleep take him.
  18. >You don't sleep.
  19. >You don't even move.
  20. >What did you just do? What -should've- you done? What should you do now?
  21. >Should you have just stayed quiet?
  22. >No, if you did he might have thought you didn't care for him.
  23. >Maybe he just see's you as a motherly figure?
  24. >Yeah, that's it.
  25. >You'll just watch him around Celestia to make sure.
  27. >Days later.
  29. >Be a very nervous Inkwell in the Canterlot gardens.
  30. >Celestia is playing with Anon and the whole time he hasn't once called her mom, mommy, mother or -anything-!
  31. >It's always Celestia, Princess, or Princess Celestia.
  32. >But he's still running around and playing happily with her.
  33. >Maybe he mistaken you for her in his tired mind?
  34. >That… actually makes sense.
  35. >He's just a colt or whatever you call a young… him.
  36. >You trot over and sit next to Celestia.
  37. >”Where's the grass Anon?” Celestia ask playfully.
  38. >Anon points at the grass and yells “There!” in reply.
  39. >Celestia giggles at his young enthusiasm.
  40. >”Good! Where's the sky Anon?”
  41. >Again he yells “There!” and points towards the sky.
  42. >This time you start to giggle.
  43. >He's so cute when he's proud of knowing something.
  44. >”Wonderful! Now, where's mommy Anon~” Celestia ask as she spreads open her hooves as a invite to a hug.
  45. >He points and you feel your heart drop.
  46. >”There!”
  47. >…
  48. >Celestia puts her hooves back to the ground and looks at him with the same caring smile.
  49. >”Are you -sure- that's mommy Anon?” She ask.
  50. >”Mhmm!” He says gleefully.
  51. >The gate to the gardens open and prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence walk in.
  52. >Anon quickly takes note if this.
  53. >”Shiny!” He yells as he rushes towards him.
  54. >As he does Celestia gets up and walks towards the entrance of the castle.
  55. >Cadence notices this and follows her inside while Shinning and Anon play.
  56. >You sit there in silence wondering how you'll die.
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