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Glazed Gemstone

a guest
Jun 30th, 2013
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  1. Despite being poorly understood, rare, and difficult to observe, dragons, as mythological as they be, are prone to one of the same great problems that plague all other living beings: incredible boredom. So it was that afternoon in the dragon lands that six young dragons sat about, bored out of their minds, trying to figure out what to do.
  3. “We could go smash some bird eggs?” one of them, a purple dragon with headscales resembling a bad bowl cut, suggested.
  5. “Nah, we did that the other day...” another replied, a brown one with a club-like tail. “What about lava swimming?”
  7. “No no no,” another said, a soot-grey dragon. “We always do that! We gotta come up with something we ain’t done in awhile...but what?”
  9. The group pondered, but to no avail. They seemed to be at an impasse, until the red dragon, Garble got a glint in his eye, the one of immature mischief.
  11. “I know what we’re gonna play,” he said with a smirk. “Everyone grab a gemstone, and make sure it’s a tasty one.”
  13. They all knew what that meant: it was time for a round of Glazed Gemstone. No one knew exactly how a game so faggy as jerking off on gems even got started—some figured some bored dragon came up with it one day, some figured it used to be a rite of passage the old dragons used to use—but it definitely wasn’t a game they had played in awhile, and they were all bored enough to try.
  15. All except Fizzle, it seemed. While the rest of the dragons nodded in agreement, the lavender and white dragon stood to voice his objection.
  17. “Aw, c’mon, dude, really?” Fizzle said. “Glazed Gemstone? Why not King of the Horde, or Tail Wrestling, or something?”
  19. “Aw, whassa matter, Fizzle? ‘Fraid you’re gonna lose again?” The group burst into laughter at the idea of Fizzle gingerly handling jizz-covered gemstones then grimacing as he ate them as quickly as he could—for the umpteenth time.
  21. Fizzle folded his arms, sneering at the red dragon. “As if. I just think it’s a freakin’ stupid game, is all.” He was taken aback when he was suddenly confronted with a claw on his chest and a cocksure face in front of his.
  23. “That so, Fizzy? Then why don’t you show us how good you can beat a stupid game—or at least how good you are at not-gagging!” The rest of the dragons burst into raucous laughter, already plotting what unfortunate nicknames they’d slap the loser with this time, while Fizzle simply silently seethed. But the thought of losing didn’t worry him; in fact, he knew he was going to lose again. It was the acting that worried him. If he wanted, he could easily be the first one done during that game, what with all those wonderful cocks on display being furiously pumped. He could feel his face getting warm just thinking about each of his friends blowing their load one after another, those thick streams of spooge covering the pile of gems. He always wanted to take his time, but going slow would be too suspicious. He didn’t know how he managed to cum last while whacking it just as quickly as the others, or how he managed to suppress the urge to moan during the process, and he thanked his lucky stars he hadn’t been caught looking too intently at the other guys’ goods during the event. He muttered under his breath. Shit, why did he have to be the only fag around here?
  25. It didn’t take long for them to gather up the gems; each of the six dragons soon brought one from their stash—mediocre ones. No one wanted to lose a real tasty one to dragon spunk, but none of them wanted to make eating the pile any worse for themselves should they be the unlucky one.
  27. Garble dropped his ruby on the ground and the rest of the dragons tossed their jewels onto the pile, mostly emeralds and topaz. Only Fizzle held onto his sapphire, looking down uneasy at the sparkling mound.
  29. “Guys, are you sure about this?” He tried his best to sound annoyed and not flustered. “I mean, we could just-”
  31. “Just shaddup and pay in,” one of them said. They were already starting to massage their slits to get hard for the competition.
  33. “Or maybe you just wanna save yourself the trouble and wait for us to make you dinner?” The rest of them burst into derisive laughter again, and Fizzle felt his face going hot—he hoped they would just assume it was anger.
  35. He dropped his sapphire on the pile, and at Garble’s word, they were off. It didn’t take Fizzle long to grow erect, and he was grateful that the others were more focused on the pile of gems than on each other. He found it a bit comforting, knowing the eyes weren’t on him, mostly. The hard part would be lasting until the end. Keeping his grip loose helped, especially when everyone else was beating off like there were medals on the line, but he had to keep his concentration—a difficult task when his mind and gaze kept wandering.
  37. They were silent for the most part, except for the occasional jeer, but Fizzle didn’t pay those any mind. Everything was carefully measured—don’t make any noise, only take a peak at the other’s junk when it was safe and only then for a split second. His thoughts gave way to fantasy. How awesome would it be to lend a claw to one of them, feeling that warm meat twitch in his claw as his friend panted and squirmed before shooting a thick load everywhere?
  39. He saw the purple one’s cock twitch a few times before the dragon jizzed on the gems, three good spurts. “Hah! Take that, losers!” he said with a smirk, before another retorted with, “Gee, hope your girlfriend is as proud as you are,” and another round of jabs and laughter. Fizzle bit his lip, trying to keep his breathing under control as his mind flew to thoughts of blowjobs. Yeah, wouldn’t it be great to suck them off, one by one? He didn’t mind how the cum tasted on the gems, so imagine how it would be if they spooged right in his mouth, letting him gulp down every hot, sticky spurt...
  41. Another came, and then one more. The dragons who were done gave relieved sighs, while those still at work began to talk less and redouble their efforts. Fizzle could feel the pressure between his thighs, and only hoped he wasn’t trembling. Damn, why did they have to bother with these stupid games? If they wanted to just get each other’s rocks off, didn’t they have each other? He had no idea how gay sex really felt, but the idea of one of them bending him over a rock, raising his tail, and pushing into his totally exposed ass...
  43. The brown one hit his peak, and the layer of cum on the gem pile grew. Now it was just Fizzle and Garble left, and they were both looking worried, albeit for very different reasons, Fizzle knew. It was building up fast now, and he was praying to anything that would listen that he didn’t lose it too soon. It was unbearable. He wondered if Garble felt the same way, so close to orgasm that he couldn’t stand it. Garble may be an ass, he figured, but man he did have a nice dick. He couldn’t help imagining the red dragon plowing him, holding his legs apart as he thrust in and out of Fizzle with primal lust, faster and faster, harder and harder, pressing into him with increasing vigor and decreasing control as he felt waves of pleasure overcome them, blinding out everything but a welling pleasure that kept growing and growing until it just couldn’t be contained until-
  45. There was a groan, and Fizzle was afraid it was his, until he saw it was Garble spurting onto the pile. And not a moment too soon—the rest made some snide comments or something, but Fizzle couldn’t hear them. He’d taken all he could, and soon he felt a wave of pleasure overtake him as he added his seed to the rest. He had to remember to feign displeasure.
  47. “Too late again, Fizzle!” Garble jeered. “Now eat up!”
  49. Fizzle muttered under his breath. “Yeah, yeah...” He reached for the topmost gem –his sapphire – amidst the chants of “Eat! Eat! Eat!” All that thick, gooey cum...After a “nervous” gulp, he shoved it into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed as his friends laughed heartily. He pulled a face as the others reminded he wasn’t done yet and reached for the next gem. This wasn’t as good as fag sex, he mused as he ate, but as far as games went, this was a pretty neat punishment.
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