
The enchanting tale of Sir Richard (Challenge No.19 entry)

Dec 16th, 2019
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  1. Vanner, March 26, 2013; 09:48 / FB 9907
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. The enchanting tale of Sir Richard and his quest to woo Lady Elaine
  4. A fanciful tale for Challenge 19
  6. >Be a the owner of a red male fluffy pony.
  7. >Name him Sir Richard, because why not?
  8. >You're watching your fluffy play in the backyard while chilling with a few beers, when your fluffy wanders into your neighbor's yard.
  9. >His fluffy, Lady Elaine, is standing on the deck, just staring out onto the lawn.
  10. >"Hi Wady Ewaine!" says Sir Richard. "Wan pway?"
  11. >Lady Elaine simply stands there, staring out onto the lawn.
  12. >"Um…" your fluffy bounces up and down, waiting for a response. "Pway? Haf funs?"
  13. >He walks around her a few times before darting off the deck and back into the house.
  14. >He comes back a minute later with a stuffed bear clenched in his teeth.
  15. >"What's that for?" you ask.
  16. >"Wady ewaine smeww weal gud," says Sir Richard. "Gon gif hew spechaw hugs."
  17. >Well, you're pretty sure she's fixed, so who are you to interfere with true love?
  18. >Or animal lust for that matter?
  19. >He waddles over to Lady Elain, and drops the toy at her feet.
  20. >"So… wan huggies?" he asks.
  21. >Lady Elaine just stands there, staring out at the lawn.
  22. >Richard's pacing from hoof to hoof, wracking his tiny brain to think of something else he can do for her.
  23. >"Wichard be wight back," he says before dashing off toward the house again.
  24. >He comes out again, his cheeks puffed out, and kibble dropping from his mouth.
  25. >Sir Richard waddles back over the Lady Elanie and drops the spit covered wad of kibble all over your neighbor's deck.
  26. >"Wicawd bwought nummies!" he says. "Wady Ewaine wan nummies?"
  27. >Lady Elaine just stands there, staring out at the lawn.
  28. >"Um, nu wan nummies?" he says. "Wicawd gif you somethin ewse?"
  29. >Richard dashes off the deck and into the lawn beyond.
  30. >A few minutes later, he return with a mouth full of dandelions, and drops them at Lady Elaine's feet.
  31. >"Bringed you fwowews!" he says, hopefully. "Wady ewaine wike fwowews?"
  32. >Lady Elaine just stands there, staring out at the lawn.
  33. >Sir Richard starts pacing in front of her, and making this weird desperate chirping noise.
  34. >"Nu wan huggies?" he pleads. "Dat okay! Wichawd just wan be fwiend!"
  35. >He dashes back into the house, and comes back dragging every toy he has.
  36. >He drops them all in front of her, show off his blocks, and balls, and sticks, desperately trying to get her to pay any attention to him
  37. >Sir Richard's confident smile drains into a hollow and worried rictus.
  38. >Lady Elaine just stands there, staring out at the lawn.
  39. >"Pwease pway?" he begs. "Wichard jus wan fwuffy wike him! Pwetty fwuffy wan be fwiends?"
  40. >"Wan Wichard dance fow you?" he says, shaking his rump. "Wook at dat! Wichawd dance fow pwetty fwuffy!"
  41. >He really starts gyrating, swinging his hips and standing up on his back legs.
  42. >It's pretty impressive for a fluffy, despite the fact that he keeps falling over.
  43. >This continues for almost twenty minutes, before Richard drops panting to the deck.
  44. >"Wady Eawine wike dancies?" pleads Sir Richard.
  45. >Lady Elaine just stands there, staring out at the lawn.
  46. >It's about then that Sir Richard starts bawling his little eyes out.
  47. >"WHY N WAN BE FWIENDS WIF FWUFFY?" he begs, shaking Lady Elain with all his fluffy might.
  49. >He throws himself off the deck, flailing his legs and screeching at the top of his lungs.
  51. >Alright, enough of this nonsense.
  52. >You gather up Sir Richard, and dump him in his kennel to cool off.
  53. >He's too busy shrieking and wetting himself too care, so you head outside to clean up the mess he made.
  54. >As you're gathering up his toys, and cleaning off the deck, your neighbor pulls into his parking spot and waves.
  55. >Lady Elaine just stands there, staring out at the lawn, and ignoring your presence.
  56. >"What's up?" he asks.
  57. >"Sir Richard was trying to woo Lady Elaine with his charms," you tell him. "And when that didn't work, he tried bribery."
  58. >"Well good luck with that," says your neighbor, as he picks up Lady Elaine.
  59. >the little pink fluffy doesn't move a hair as your neighbor tosses her under his shoulder.
  60. >"She died a few days ago, so I had her stuffed." He shrugs. "Taxidermist must have just delivered her this morning."
  61. >Huh.
  62. >"Well, sorry about that," he says. "Hope I didn't cause too many problems."
  63. >"Nah," you reply. "If Sir Richard's a big enough loser to get friend zoned by a stuffed fluffy, there's really no hope for him."
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