
King of Diamonds Alternate ending (Warning: Gay Clop)

Nov 18th, 2012
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  1. Some people in the thread were disappointed Sombra wasn't the bottom so I did an alternate ending.
  5. You are King Sombra of the Crystal Kingdom and you just got blasted into oblivion by the crystal heart, again. Back to shadowing around in the great white expanse of emptiness. Some sort of magic plane, you can‘t remember what it is but you do remember you have been here quite often. At least you remember yourself this time although you don’t know if that will last. As you are about to settle in for another eternity of dicking around you feel a pull. Time to go back already?
  7. You are anonymous and you cannot believe what Celestia is doing. “Celestia! You really shouldn’t be doing this! Your student and her friends just spent the better part of a day saving the crystal kingdom from him and you’re just going to bring him back?!” Celestia sitting in front of a book on a pedestal surrounded by runes and markings replies “The need is great anonymous. One must do what one must do no matter the cost”
  9. “My sister is right anonymous” Pipes up Luna from across the room sitting on pillows next a table covered in green felt.. “We cannot do this without him.”
  11. Sighing to yourself you decide to sit down next to her at the table and prepare.
  13. A sound like a thunder strike interrupts your preparations. The room while somewhat dark before has become pitch black. A haughty deep laugh riverbeets off the walls hauntingly. “Graaaaauggg” comes the haunting voice “ You and your ilk shall regret this day. Releasing me from my prison soon your world will”
  15. “Can it” Interrupts Celestia. ”We’re not fillies you overgrown cloud of smoke”
  16. “Celestia?! And your Sister too” Booms a surprised Sombra. His eyes popping out of the darkness.” Is this some new hell you have constructed for me?”
  17. “No” says Celestia. ”We need a 4th to round out poker night. Cadence couldn’t make it. Busy or some such nonsense. I just think she is tired of losing.”
  18. The room returns to its normal state as Sombra forms into his normal pony body. “Seriously?” He asks. “Where’s Star Swirl….. or Discord…. and who‘s Cadence?
  19. “Dead, stoned and a new Alicorn. You probably wouldn’t like her. No one does.” you say as you go back to shuffling cards.
  20. “Oh well ok then” Goes Sombra as he takes his seat of pillows next to the table opposite you. “What are we playing for? CrysTALLLLLLLLSsssssss?”
  22. “Always crystals with you” mumbles Celestia taking her seat next to you. “Yes we will be betting with crystals but there is a slight problem. You see you don’t seen to have any.”
  24. “My empire has been taken from me. What do you want me to do” Whined Sombra.
  25. Looking him over you can think of a few things he could do. Smiling to yourself you decide to say” Well Sombra I have a few extra crystals. I suppose I could let a few go…..provided…”
  27. Sighing Sombra replies ”Provided what hairless ape?”
  29. “Well you seem like a stallion who knows his way around a fun stick.” Pointing downwards suggestively. “One blowjob and you get hmmm I’ll say 20 crystals. Also the names Anon not ape.”
  31. Glaring at you Sombra turns his gaze to Celestia “What have you been telling ponies while I’ve been gone? Fine AnoN I will take that deal but if I have my way with the cards tonight it will be you on your knees singing my praises with a mouth full.”
  33. “Sure sure. We’ll settle up after the game. Get ready to work your mouth off. I ain’t easy.”
  35. “Bleh he’s not kidding. Its like a full time job with him” says Luna as she magics over some snacks..
  37. You deal the cards with a smirk on your face. “Lets get this game started.”
  39. ``````````````````` New part here```````````````````````
  41. > Sitting around a 4 sided poker table. Anon, Celestia, Luna and Sombra. A pile of gems, clothes and gold and silver jewellery sit between them.
  42. > Sombra hungrily looks over the pile. He has had far too much luck this game taking his 20 bj gems and building it into a horde.
  43. > Celestia out of gems and jewellery to bet sits with her head on the table glumly, taking magical drinks from her wine glass.
  44. > Luna having woken from her earlier binge drinking nap has decided to rejoin the game and thrown everything she has into this last round.
  46. `````
  47. Anon
  48. You have had a terrible night. The promise of royal flank must have screwed over your concentration, nothing has gone right all night. Losing just about every gem you have. Thankfully crystals are about as rare as grass so you don’t feel to bad but dammit, you just want to wipe that smirk off Sombras face in the best possible way. Hot monkey dick. Its time to up the ante.
  49. “Forget the gems. I don’t even care about them anymore. How about we make this last round interesting?”
  50. >Sombra nods at you to continue.
  51. “Winner gets to be King or Queen while losers get to be slaves… for a week!”
  52. >The room is silent as Sombra and Luna give it some thought. Each weighing there options. Thinking of the best possible ways to use the losers should they win.
  53. >Luna “We are in!” as she throws her crown into the pile.
  54. >Sombra “Humph” Taking his crown and gently laying in the table.
  55. Having already bet and lost most of your clothes you forced to throw in your underwear. Such silky briefs, crafted by master artisans.
  56. >Sombra snickers.
  57. “Shut up. Its cold in here” retaking your seat of pillows and cushions you motion Celestia to deal.
  58. >Rolling her eyes Celestia magically shuffles the deck and starts passing around cards.
  60. `````
  61. Sombra
  62. The alien has made his move. You were wondering how long it would take to get him so desperate he would bet with his body. This going to be as easy as taking candy from a filly. One thousand years of pent up fun. You can almost taste him. Taking the cards you have been dealt you inwardly smile. A royal flush. All diamonds. This is absolutely the perfect hoof to win your new slave…..and Luna too I guess.
  65. `````
  66. Anon again
  68. Three kings. With this hand you can throw Sombra over the couch and hammer him till he’s comatose with overdickins. The perfect plan.
  69. > Luna Hiccups and giggles as she plays with her cards.
  70. Poor Luna. Not quite sure what to do with her. Maybe she can go refill your liqour cabinet. She just about emptied it and now Celestia is finishing the job.
  71. >Seeming to read your thoughts Celestia stick her tongue out at you before emptying her glass.
  72. Anon “Ok Sombra…..Luna. Its time we ended this.”
  73. Sombra glaring at your from behind his cards nods.
  74. Sombra slams down his cards! “A Royal Flush!”
  75. The room is silent.
  76. Anon “That’s not a royal flush. Where’s your king?”
  77. Mouth gaping open in shock Sombra stares at a two of spades in place of his king.
  78. Sombra “No…..Noooooo”
  79. Taking the initiative to rub it in you bring down your own cards.
  80. Anon “Ha reed em and weep Sombra! Three kings!”
  81. What you see makes you gasp. “No kings? Where are are MY kings?!” Junks cards. Not a single match.
  82. >In silence you and Sombra look over your cards.
  83. >A giggle snort breaks the quite. Looking over, Luna with the biggest shit eating grin as she “daintily” places her cards on the table. Four kings.
  84. Anon “Luna…. did … did you….
  85. >The room explodes with wind as Luna grabs the crowns and rises off the ground. Cards, crystals, silky undergarments and snacks fly as if caught in a hurricane.
  88. >Laughing like some evil witch Celestia floats a bag of chips over to her as she makes herself and her sister a comfy bed of cushions and pillows to watch from.
  90. >Luna “We believe a bj is customary. You may begin.”
  91. Anon “Well you heard your Queen. Sometimes we just have to work with the cards we’ve been dealt” Shooting him a smile you stand up and motion to your crotch.
  92. >Sombra sneers giving you a good look at his fangs. Why does a pony have fangs. Please tell me those are plastic sexy vampire teeth. Trotting over he pushes you back onto your pillows and takes your quickly hardening cock into his mouth. Sliding down all the way to the base, his tongue wrapping around your now rock hard mass.
  93. Anon trys and fails to suppress his moans “Oh wow you’re actually really good at this.”
  94. >Luna “YES! LOVE THE DICK.”
  95. Sifting your hands through Sombras main, scratching behind his ear. He looks up at you eyes no longer filled with anger but with yearning for more. He may be enjoying this more then you are. Moving your hips back you grab the back of his head and start to rock back and forth in and out of his soft and warm mouth.
  96. >Sombra is taking it like a champ. Matching your speed and tenacity.
  97. >Luna ”LET HIM HAVE IT!”
  98. Even without your Queens orders you cant hold out much longer. Sombra ministrations are wearing down your resistances fast. You let go inside spurting seed into his waiting maw but pull out just to put some lines across his face and mane.
  99. >Sombra just takes the time to gasp for air while trying to wipe his face off.
  100. >Luna “ Yes…” Luna taps her front hooves together in front of her blushing face. “Now…. Kiss.”
  101. Anon “Uhhh” Before you can properly respond Sombras mouth envelops yours. The taste is off. Sweat, seed and whatever snacks Sombra had eaten during the game. Exploring his mouth you feel his sharp fangs. Those are definitely real.
  102. >Pushing you onto your back Sombra positions himself above your already recovering cock. His own hard dick now resting on your naked chest. He looks down at you with a sultry smile on his lips. Not waiting for orders he drops down on you. Taking you inside him all at once in one movement. Gasping in delight he almost staggers backwards. You reach out and steady him. Its hard to concintrate, every movement is bliss. Hes so tight and warm and soft and you want more. Steadying him with one and grasping his member in the other, you thrust in and out of him.
  103. >Sombra “Yessss” Matching your pace he bounces up and down. Almost bouncing off then hilting the next moment.
  104. Not willing to be outdown you start jerking him. His precum dripping out as his cock slaps into your chest. Before long hes gasping for air and hes throbbing like mad.
  105. Anon “Oh no you are not done yet.” Pushing upward you spin him around. His cock almost slapping Luna as she hops down from her spot. Grabbing him with her hooves shes bobs her head down taking him into her mouth as he shrieks in pleasure. Emptying himself down her inviting throat. She pulls back letting him spurt the rest out onto her hooves but shes not done. She hasn't swallowed and shes going in for a kiss.
  106. >Sombra too weak to fight just opens his mouth and lets her kiss him.
  107. Your too far gone to even register. The gasket blows spraying Sombras insides with thick goo. Laying back into the pillows you look up to see Luna pulling away from Sombra smiling.
  108. >Luna "This is going to be a fun fun week."
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