
Twilight Grimdark

Mar 28th, 2012
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  1. >You've finally done it
  2. >You've planned for months, and now you are finally here
  3. >Inside, Twilight is asleep, spike is gone to Canterlot to get Twilight her latest reading binge of books ready
  4. >You walk inside, the door squeals but it doesn't seem to awaken anyone.
  5. >Inside is musty, cluttered, books tumbled all over the grounds, you've always felt bad for spike, having to work for Twilight, enslaved basically. He just doesn't know it.
  6. >Walking up the steps, it slowly creaks, as you reach the top you find Twilight sleeping.
  7. >You are breathing heavily, you take a few steps to her bed
  8. >"A-anon? What are you doing he-"
  9. >You quickly silence her with a rag full of Fluttershy's strongest Ether.
  10. >'A few seconds, nothing more. Will quiet down even the largest animals'
  11. >You always liked fluttershy, she was the one who found you all ragged in the everfree forest
  12. >You drag the limp pony all the way down the road, nobody is awake, It's nearly 3:00 AM
  13. >Walking through the door, you're glad you don't really have any friends, nobody wants to befriend someone who eats meat.
  14. >Going down the concrete steps, laying twilight on the table. Clamping her hooves in a circular vice, she'll feel that when she wakes up.
  15. >Slowly putting on the tools you brought from your old life, Rubber gloves, face mask, apron.
  16. >It's time.
  18. 1/x
  20. >As she slowly comes alive, she struggles against her bonds
  21. >"W-what are you doing anon?"
  22. You've f*cked with me for the last time Twilight
  23. >"What the buck are you talking about?"
  24. You told the princess I was a threat, spike told me, he said you told him to write that I would only cause harm to ponies. Well you were right, and now you're going to suffer.
  25. >"A-anon, we don't have to resort to this, we can talk this through!"
  26. I'm done talking, It's time for you to pay
  27. >You pick up your shaving razor, you begin to cut the coat off of her
  28. >"Is this all you're going to do? Take off my coat? Phew"
  29. >You quietly go on, until all of her coat is taken off.
  30. >She's visibly shivering
  31. >"Ok anon you can let me go now"
  32. >Walking over, you grab her horn, and snap it off
  34. >She's screaming and withering in pain, good thing your basement is sound proof.
  35. >Slowly you move up to her chest
  36. May the lord be at peace with you, for you will soon join him
  37. >Slowly you take your bowie knife and start carving a cross into her bare fleash
  39. Shhh. You'll be all ok soon.
  41. 2/x
  43. No light no light, in your bright blue eyes. I never knew life could be so violent.
  44. >You slowly sing to her as she withers in pain
  45. >You casually start cutting crosses every 3 inches in her flesh, stopping your singing for a speech
  46. May the demons be banished from your body, the word of god will spread whether you try to stop it or not. There is no right or wrong, only god's way. No-matter what deities ponies believe in. As a messenger of god I must purge this world of all mortal sin. Each sacrifice to our Lord and Savior will bring upon the Kingdom of god, as the world is destroyed those of moral good will live on, and the armored horsemen will take this world in their hands, and build the new kingdom of god, Jesus at the throne.
  47. >You keep on cutting, each deeper and deeper, Twilight is shaking like she's on fire
  48. >"P-please stop! I BEG OF YOU, I'LL DO ANYTHING"
  49. The savior of myself is the savior of my people, and the savior of my savior is the savior to us all. May Jesus Christ protect me from the demons and the sinners that lurk within this world, and may god have mercy on your soul. Amen
  50. >You keep on chopping, now you are removing entire parts of flesh from her body.
  51. >You rip open her chest, grip her pancreas, and pull it out.
  53. You really couldn't care, you're doing the lord's work on these Pagan ponies.
  55. 3/x
  57. >Each chop she resists more and more
  58. >You show no emotion, you feel no emotion. This is your duty, purge the world of those who spread false lies, purge the world of those who praise false idols
  59. >Each organ removed, she moves more and more, clotting patches in the wounds keep her from bleeding to death, organs are piling up in the corner
  60. >"P-p-please anon, please stop, I beg of you, remember all your friends?"
  61. You have spread your lies to the masses, as has Celestia.
  62. >You move on to her face, scooping out her eyes as she mumbles on about her family and friends
  63. I am just about finished here
  64. >You finish her off with a quick stab into the throat
  65. >She chokes out her final words, "G-goodbye anon..."
  67. 4/x
  69. >After burning the pony parts in the furnace, cleaning up the blood and dumping the ashes in a fast flowing river, you retire to your chambers
  70. >You are woken up by a frantic banging on your door
  71. >Groggily, you open the door to a flat-haired pinkie pie
  72. What is it?
  74. >You pretend to care, getting wide eyed, and you lead them on thinking it wasn't you by joining in on the search
  75. >Over time the search party gives up, Celestia is in tears, as is most of her pony friends.
  76. >Pinkie's hair is always flat
  77. >Rainbow Dash doesn't even do tricks anymore
  78. >Rarity's a shut in for now
  79. >Fluttershy has become shy and faded into the background
  80. >Applejack has worked so hard that her hooves bled. Her only escape is work.
  81. >After two months everyone in town was devastated to find teeth washed up on the riverbed
  82. >The investigation yielded no culprit
  83. >Rainbow dash hung herself soon after
  85. 5/5 END
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