
Part 2 Golden Knight Keep event

Mar 2nd, 2018
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  2. Abraham Turner places a tray with a steaming kettle and a few cups on the table. "Nothin' special, but here it is."
  3. Faine Avenier looks up, waving. "Hey, there. I don't think we've met?"
  4. Abraham Turner: "Nope! Came in the other day! I'd shake your hand, but Doc suggest I shouldn't."
  5. Faine Avenier: "Why, do you have brittle bone disease?" Faine tilts her head
  6. Faine Avenier: .
  7. Faine Avenier waves to the silent Avlia.
  8. Abraham Turner: "Oh, no! I'm quite hardy, actually!"
  9. Abraham Turner pounds his chest.
  10. Faine Avenier: "... then... why?"
  11. Avlia Swift waves back. She was eating a plate of oranges.
  12. Abraham Turner: "I seem t' drain aether on touch."
  13. Faine Avenier: "Oh. Okay, then yeah, maybe no contact." Faine retracts her han- "Oh, hey, Isseya. Abraham brought tea."
  14. Abraham Turner turns slightly, offering a wide, toothy grin. He gives a small, two fingered salute. "Yo!"
  15. Isseya Jihn smiles and sniffs. "Smells lovely."
  16. Isseya Jihn offers Abraham Turner a humble greeting.
  17. Abraham Turner: "It ain't anything special. Just a Gridanian blend."
  18. Faine Avenier takes the tea, idly sipping! Siiiip. "So, what do you do aside from Vampire Aether? Does that work on everything?"
  19. Isseya Jihn smiles at Avlia Swift.
  20. Isseya Jihn: "We were discussing when it would be a good time to return to that castle. I don't know if you heard us over the linkshell."
  21. Abraham Turner: "From what we've figured out, yeah. But i'm also a seasoned adventurer! Dungeon delving and all that."
  22. Avlia Swift shook her head, "No, I missed that. Long night."
  23. Avlia Swift: We need someone who can handle those 'horrors'.
  24. Abraham Turner: "I'm not good with workin' with aether, though, so don't expect me to be doin' anything super fancy."
  25. Isseya Jihn gives a short nod. "Mn. They could be anywhere by now though, right?"
  26. Faine Avenier: "Does sucking up aether affect you negatively, or is it all the same to you?"
  27. Avlia Swift: Not the ones that are locked up.
  28. Abraham Turner: "Seems to be all the same, so far."
  29. Abraham Turner: "Not sure if I absorb it or just erase it."
  31. Faine Avenier: "Do you store it?"
  32. Abraham Turner: "Well, I mean..."
  33. Abraham Turner: "I don't know?"
  34. Isseya Jihn: "Oh... there were more? I must have missed that..." She frowns slightly then shakes her head. "My mind must have been stuck in the room before."
  35. Proud Moss blinks slowly and yawns. "S-Sorry... Kinda got..."
  36. Abraham Turner: "I never took to it so I never studied it."
  37. Faine Avenier: "Because that seems really handy."
  38. Abraham Turner: "I hope so. Hurts, people though."
  39. Abraham Turner: Hurts people*]]
  40. Faine Avenier: "Right. I guess you can't turn it off. Anyways..." A moment, sipping the tea. "How have everyone's weeks been?"
  41. Isseya Jihn: "You can take aether from people?"
  42. Avlia Swift finishes her oranges, she stands up and moves out to the carpet.
  43. Abraham Turner posts himself against the wall.
  44. Abraham Turner: "Something along those lines."
  45. Isseya Jihn gazes upon Abraham Turner in deep reflection.
  46. Avlia Swift: I wonder if it works with Chakra.
  47. Faine Avenier: "... A-are we gonna test it?"
  49. Abraham Turner: "I'm not entirely sure how it works."
  50. Isseya Jihn: "That seems very dangerous. More so that you don't know how it works."
  51. Faine Avenier: "There you are!"
  52. Ignatia Purvis: [Sorry, I got caught in the new engine protoype.]
  53. Isseya Jihn smiles at Ignatia Purvis.
  54. Proud Moss mutters absentmindedly while staring at the fishtank. "Wouldn't mind gettin' my aether pulled out."
  55. Isseya Jihn: "Little Dragon!"
  56. Faine Avenier: "Literally or figuratively?" Faine says, getting up to check idly over Ig a bit.
  57. Avlia Swift: Well, Hi Ig.
  58. Faine Avenier motherhover.
  59. Ignatia Purvis tries to get the right emote six times, fails.
  60. Ignatia Purvis: [Isseya! I didn't know you were here!]
  61. Isseya Jihn: "It feels like its been a very long time, doesn't it?" She smiles.
  62. Ignatia Purvis 's left arm is a little gnarled, probably from getting bit by the engine. [It clamped down a little faster than I thought it would, and...]
  63. Ignatia Purvis shrugs.
  64. Faine Avenier winces. "Yikes. Moss, come over here and check on this, please."
  65. Avlia Swift shakes her head, "Why'd you go and hurt yourself?"
  66. Ignatia Purvis shakes her head. [It's okay, it's okay.]
  67. Isseya Jihn: "It was... Abraham, yes?"
  68. Ignatia Purvis: [It's nothing, really!]
  69. Abraham Turner: "Yup."
  70. Proud Moss blinks and turns. "Ah... Lemme look? Dawn'll want a report."
  71. Isseya Jihn gazes upon Abraham Turner in deep reflection.
  72. Ignatia Purvis holds her arm out for moss. [What'd you do to the lawn?]
  73. Faine Avenier: "Right, well, Ig's here, so let me try to recap last week's operation." Faine says, moving to clamber on.... something.
  75. Isseya Jihn: "You should learn about your abilities. Being ignorant will only cause trouble."
  76. Proud Moss gingerly holds Ig's arm and sighs. "You should at least clean it up an' bandage it. An' you can thank Mister Lapointe for all th'confetti. Sent me a moogle with a whole handful of it t'wait an' throw it all at me."
  77. Abraham Turner: "I'm not entirely sure it's an 'ability'."
  78. Isseya Jihn fails to understand Abraham Turner.
  79. Ignatia Purvis nods. [I figured it was his fault!]
  80. Faine Avenier: "So, as some of you'll recall, last week we went out to recover four adventurers who ventured into Mhach to do some looting. Turns out they had ventured into a half-sunken keep in Mhach itself, where they ran into... something called a 'horror?'"
  81. Ignatia Purvis is, for the record, a DRAGON! And text in [brackets] is telepathic dragonsong, accompanied by Ig speaking with sign language. Her dragonsong voice is a raspy young girl's, IN YOUR HEAD!
  82. Faine Avenier: "Anyroad, we went through two rooms that were so-called challenges, looking for the survivors, using keystones called "The Riddle of Steel," "The Riddle of Honor," and "The Riddle of Mind." We fought a demon wall, met (And brought back) a baby Demon Wall, went through a... uh, emotional test of honor, and found the last room, where a Lich was just... napping or something."
  83. Proud Moss chuckles a little. "Yeah. Nothin' to worry about though. But still. No excuse t'ignore this."
  84. Avlia Swift: ... D'ya want me to get you a step stool? You don't have to stand on the planter.
  85. Faine Avenier: :^)
  86. Faine Avenier: Faine stumbles a bit, reaching up to knuckle-tap her chin as she thinks. "And, uh, he said something about... sealed Voidsent called Horrors? And apparently the Keep was run by... some kind of Mhachi knights?"
  87. Faine Avenier pauses. "Erm..."
  88. Ignatia Purvis: [I don't need to clean it, it'll be fine. My blood's like lava anyway.]
  89. Faine Avenier: "... OK, so basically, the room behind the lich is a crypt."
  91. Avlia Swift: Right. In which are more' Horrors'.
  92. Avlia Swift: Which we need ta remove and probably destroy.
  93. Avlia Swift: Or store elsewhere.
  94. Abraham Turner raises his hand.
  95. Faine Avenier: "It has their knight captain in it, and some of the sealed Horrors. Apparently when the Warrior of Light invaded Mhach a while back, it disturbed the seal."
  96. Faine Avenier: "Yes, Abraham?"
  97. Abraham Turner: "Want me to touch it?"
  98. Proud Moss sighs. "Well, at least keep somebody in th'loop, yeah? I don't wanna see you losin' an arm."
  99. Faine Avenier: "What, the Demon Wall?"
  100. Abraham Turner offers a jesting grin.
  101. Abraham Turner: "Nah, the lich."
  102. Abraham Turner: "Anything, really."
  103. Faine Avenier: "He seemed pretty genile about the whole thing."
  104. Ignatia Purvis: [Eeehhhfffiiinne.]
  105. Ignatia Purvis grumps. GRUMPS.
  106. Faine Avenier looks to Ig. "AHEM!"
  107. Faine Avenier: "Anyroad, we need you to come with us this time."
  108. Faine Avenier: "AND YOU AVLIA"
  109. Proud Moss reaches over to try and poke Ig's cheek.
  110. Abraham Turner: "Eh? Would Doc be alright with that?"
  111. Ignatia Purvis is poked! [Why me?]
  112. Avlia Swift: There.
  113. Avlia Swift: Stool.
  114. Faine Avenier: "Because the pilot freaked after we bought back three corpses and I don't trus- thank you, Avlia - anyone else to make it through the fog a second time."
  115. Proud Moss: "Don't be a grumpy dragon. We're just worried 'bout ya."
  116. Faine Avenier: "And frankly, because we're still missing an adventurer, and I'd like to find his body at all."
  117. Faine Avenier: "So I need your help to track him or his corpse."
  118. Avlia Swift: And me? Did I miss something?
  119. Faine Avenier: "Well you were there the first time. You should come for the rest of it."
  120. Avlia Swift nods, "That was the plan."
  121. Faine Avenier looks to Abraham. "You can come or not, if you find yourself able. Don't touch any voidsent though, if you don't know how your power works. Last thing we need is you turning into some kind of man-monster."
  122. Ignatia Purvis: [WE HAVE ENOUGH OF THOSE.]
  123. Avlia Swift: More or less everyone save a handful.
  124. Faine Avenier: "?"
  125. Avlia Swift: Man monsters.
  126. Faine Avenier: "Just Jericho?"
  127. Avlia Swift: Nevermind.
  128. Proud Moss squints.
  129. Faine Avenier: "I mean, he's the only half-human I think we have?"
  130. Faine Avenier: "Well, half-human half-monster."
  131. Avlia Swift: Yup.
  132. Ignatia Purvis: [...]
  133. Ignatia Purvis somehow was double silent there.
  134. Faine Avenier: "Dragons aren't monsters, they're precious."
  135. Avlia Swift: And I'm half-woman half-amazing, so.
  136. Faine Avenier reaches over and tries to headpat Ig.
  137. Ignatia Purvis allows this.
  138. Ignatia Purvis: [...Let me go clean my arm off.]
  140. Isseya Jihn smiles.
  141. Faine Avenier: "Alright. If there's no objections, we dust off as soon as Ig gets the airship ready. Pack your gear."
  142. Avlia Swift: Dust off?
  143. Faine Avenier: "Yeah. As in getting off the dust."
  144. Avlia Swift: Never heard that before.
  145. Abraham Turner: "Seems i'd just be more in the way."
  146. Abraham Turner: "Better to be studied first so I don't cause any problems."
  147. Faine Avenier: "You're an adventurer too, right?"
  148. Faine Avenier: "Put on some gloves and don't kiss a succubus, and I think you'll be good."
  149. Ignatia Purvis sliiiides back in!
  150. Abraham Turner: "It works through gloves, though..."
  151. Abraham Turner: "But alright. Better grab Shifting Sands."
  152. Faine Avenier: "Friend of your's?"
  153. Abraham Turner: "Something like that. It's my spear."
  154. Faine Avenier: "You name you- okay."
  155. Faine Avenier: "To the Skyscreamer!"
  156. Abraham Turner: "Aw man, this is neat!"
  157. Ignatia Purvis | The Skyscreamer hums to life in the drydock, being almost more engine than ship at this point; with a massive front intake and a large aetheric engine on the back. Judging from the sound it's already making, the Skyscreamer name has never been more accurate.
  158. (Faine Avenier) "Was it always this... uh, Skyscreamy?" Faine asks, hopping onboard, carrying a cloak. It's cold in the sky!
  159. (Ignatia Purvis) [I've been making upgrades and gradually using some of the old parts to make something new.] Ig explains, clawing her way up the side rather than using the gangplank like an ordinary fucking person. She, oddly, still only wears her standard teeshirt ensamble, because haha you people get cold.
  160. (Faine Avenier) "Whelp... at least it'll go Faster!" Faine says with a chuckle, walking over to Ig, carrying... a map. She offers it to Ig, marking a location near-ish to Mor Dhona, in an area that's covered even on the map by a massive plume of Fog. "These co-ordinates. Do you think you can get us through the fog?"
  161. (Isseya Jihn) Isseya should have worn something else. Shes cold on the airship. She puts her hands over her ears to block some of the noise.
  162. (Abraham Turner) Abraham seems right at home, arms crossed with a wide grin. "I'm not entirely sure what you lot said, but it sounds fun!"
  163. (Ignatia Purvis) (Lyra's coming btw)
  164. (Faine Avenier) Faine has a couple of spares, thankfully. If anyone looks chill, they get a cloak!
  165. (Ignatia Purvis) [Skyscreamer's been through Azys Lla a half dozen times; just a little fog'll be no problem!]
  166. (Faine Avenier) "It's a lot of Fog." Faine warns."
  167. (Ignatia Purvis) [It's a lot of Skyscreamer!]
  168. (Faine Avenier) Faine can't help but chuckle. "That's true. As soon as everyone's onboard, let's get a move on, then."
  169. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra comes up suddenly, smiling awkwardly. "Sorry, sorry. I'm here."
  170. (Isseya Jihn) Isseya quickly snatches a cloak and bundles herself up in it then places her hands back over her ears.
  171. (Faine Avenier) (Tl;dr everyone's getting on Skycreamer)
  172. (Faine Avenier) Faine tosses Lyra a warm cloak! Looks like she isn't unprepared for a cold trip this time. "Just in time!"
  173. (Lyrannta Benbow) She smiles in thanks, catching the cloak and pulling it on. "Thanks, Faine."
  174. (Faine Avenier) AVLIA GETS A CLOAK TOO! DRAPE!
  175. (Ignatia Purvis) The ship eases out of the airdock, before the engines begin to hum--Then roar. Everyone will have been encouraged to grab hold of something or have a seat, as the speed of the Skyscreamer becomes evident! Soon, the air becomes cooler and damp, as heavy fog rolls in. Ig blows a small gout of flame from her mouth, slowing her ship to what must be a snails pace, making sure that they don't ram into anything in the soup.
  176. (Faine Avenier) Thanks to Ignatia's careful flying, the group would eventually break fog - over the swampy, long-abandoned ruins of Mhach. Broken stones and buildings lay wrapped in vines and plant life, nature retaking the wonders of man.
  177. (Faine Avenier) (To Mor Dhona!)
  179. (Faine Avenier) The Keep is as the party left it - half sunken into swamp water, a once proud warrior's fortress swallowed by time. The rowboat the party had borrowed last time is still there, near a small patch of Earth that Ignatia could safely land on - though, with her skills as a pilot, she could likely land in the keep proper instead, where there is soft, yet solid, earth.
  180. Isseya Jihn plays dead.
  181. Ignatia Purvis thanks for the upskirt mih lol
  182. (Faine Avenier) A deep breath from Faine, once more seeing the old keep. "... here we go again. It's been a few days, so anything could be in there. Watch out for giant crocodiles."
  183. (Abraham Turner) "Ooh, exciting!"
  184. (Ignatia Purvis) [You have a gianter crocodile now.]
  185. (Isseya Jihn) Isseya draws her blade and heads on in at a steady pace, trying to lead them back to the room with the skeleton-man-thing. "Lets not waste time."
  186. (Faine Avenier) "This is true." Faine agrees."
  187. (Abraham Turner) "Won't hold y' back."
  188. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra nods, watchful for anything reactivated or reset since their last visit.
  189. (Faine Avenier) The group returns to the abandoned Keep. Past the old courtyard, stables and barracks drowned in mud and plant life, the blood of the slain Lalafell well drunk by the dirt and water. The challenges, defeated but not reset, brook no resistance as the group enters the first main hall, past the room of the Demon Wall. In fact, the large wall has repaired itself, reforming and resting on the... left... wall? But how did it mov-
  190. (Faine Avenier) Perhaps questions best saved for later. Beyond that room would be the hall of Knightly statues, where inside, eight statues of knights stand, bearing long broadswords and helms reminiscent of a lion's face.
  191. (Isseya Jihn) Isseya moves a little quicker through the knights room.
  192. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig is very slow, taking her time to look at everything!
  193. (Faine Avenier) They stand still and silent, as if they had never tested your honor or asked such piercing questions. And beyond that, lastly, is the old study, filled with dusty cobwebs, moth-eaten tapestries, a long-dead fireplace, and a large armchair, facing the fireplace. As the group enters, its denizen stands - a skeleton man in tattered, purple robes, a tarnished old crown, and a crooked grin.
  194. (Abraham Turner) Abraham is looking about intently, his usual smile fading away. "Hmm..."
  195. (Lyrannta Benbow) (Does Isseya also really hate morbols ICly out of curiosity? :P)
  196. (Ignatia Purvis) ((WHAT MIAH LOVED THEM))
  197. (Faine Avenier) Ig would see many things! Murals on the enterances to both doors, representing what's within, paint cracked and old. The intricate detailing of the statues, even each having names etched into their armor.
  198. (Ignatia Purvis) ((THIS IS AN AFFRONT TO MIAH'S LEGACY))
  199. (Isseya Jihn) (( XD
  200. (Ignatia Purvis) ((There, lucky vine.)
  201. (Avlia Swift) "Looks like nobody's come here since we have."
  202. (Faine Avenier) The Lich grins.
  203. (Faine Avenier) "Well. There was a crocodile." The lich says.
  204. (Faine Avenier) "It's Baron Nvthech!" Faine exclaims.
  205. (Faine Avenier) ".... why, yes, it is me." The lich says. "What an odd way of saying that."
  206. (Faine Avenier) "Have you come back to attempt a riddle? Or are you just here to take the keystones and begone?"
  207. (Abraham Turner) "Riddle, eh? What happens if we answer wrong?"
  208. (Faine Avenier) "Oh, I take your soul." The lich says, casually.
  209. (Faine Avenier) "... oh." Faine notes.
  210. (Abraham Turner) "Hmmm..."
  211. (Abraham Turner) "And we answer correctly?"
  212. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig tilts her head.
  213. (Ignatia Purvis) [Hey, how old are you?]
  214. (Proud Moss) Moss makes a straight face. "Just... th'person who answers wrong, yeah? Or... all of us."
  215. (Faine Avenier) "Just the person who answers wrong." The Baron assures. "And I'm... erm..."
  216. (Faine Avenier) "..." He pauses, holding his fingers up.
  217. (Faine Avenier) "....."
  219. (Abraham Turner) "Hes' old."
  220. (Abraham Turner) "Very old."
  221. (Faine Avenier) "... Curses, hang on, I have to re-calculate, now."
  222. (Proud Moss) old as balls ))
  223. (Avlia Swift) "Nothing we're here for involves this old skeleton. We're here to get what's in the crypt and leave."
  224. (Faine Avenier) The answer seems to be 'very old.'
  225. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig taps her chin. [You must be super dry, then!]
  226. (Ignatia Purvis) [Like, impressively dry.]
  227. (Faine Avenier) "...."
  228. (Abraham Turner) "Now hold on, there might be a sweet prize for answering right..."
  229. (Avlia Swift) "Versus death?"
  230. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra cracks a slight smile, laughing under her breath.
  231. (Abraham Turner) "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
  232. (Isseya Jihn) "Everything to lose." Isseya says dryly.
  233. (Faine Avenier) "Well played." The Lich concedes to Ignatia, then nods to Avlia. "The prize is that you get to go into the crypt." The Lich says.
  234. (Abraham Turner) "Is it locked?"
  235. (Isseya Jihn) "..."
  236. Abraham Turner seems to hold an oblivious smile.
  237. (Faine Avenier) "..."
  238. (Faine Avenier) The lich looks at Abraham for a long time, before looking to Avlia. "I do hope you brought wittier warriors."
  239. (Isseya Jihn) Isseya raises her eyebrow. "We can go in now? That was it?"
  240. (Abraham Turner) "Hey, i'm plenty witty!"
  241. (Avlia Swift) "Can you describe what these horrors even are?"
  242. (Faine Avenier) "No, I haven't asked the riddle."
  243. (Faine Avenier) "I certainly can!" The Lich says, eager to spend more time talking to people after millenia with nothing but a hungry Demon Wall for company. "But I'm afraid you might be displeased at the answer."
  244. (Lyrannta Benbow) "Try us."
  245. (Abraham Turner) "Can't be that bad."
  246. (Faine Avenier) "Very well." The lich nods. "The Horrors are actually a Mhachi embarassment. The elder council doesn't like to admit they exist. See, once upon a time, when the Mhachi sorcerers were first making contact with the Void, people went in. Exploratory fools and the like, captured by the voidsent, inevitably."
  247. (Abraham Turner) "Sounds like a bad time."
  248. (Faine Avenier) "As you would expect, they were all tortured and horribly mutilated, but a few of them were made... worse. Horrors are an abomination created when fusing a mortal Soul with a voidsent's, creating a horrific abomination that happens to be immune to magical enslavement."
  249. (Proud Moss) Moss... definitely looks uncomfortable at all that.
  250. (Faine Avenier) "The Mhachi sorcerers that came after the first who accidentally summoned those were... not pleased."
  251. (Abraham Turner) "So, what, we cut them down?"
  252. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra seems a bit put off herself...
  253. (Faine Avenier) "You can, but they are dangerous." The Lich says. "See, if a Horror's blood touches a mortal's skin, that mortal becomes infected with the Horror's soul. In a few months, they will undergo horrific pain, and turn into a horror, themselves."
  254. (Abraham Turner) "So distance is prefered..."
  255. Abraham Turner rubs his chin lightly.
  256. (Faine Avenier) The Lich grins, tapping his fingers together. Well, he might not be grinning, how the hell could you tell, he has no skin. "Indeed. There is a way to be made... immune to it."
  257. (Abraham Turner) "Is it answering the riddle?"
  258. (Avlia Swift) "I think he's implying that is what he did."
  259. (Isseya Jihn) "If you dont have flesh."
  261. (Faine Avenier) "If you drink a Horror's blood, mixed with a certain concoction, then you will be made immune to the curse of the Horror."
  262. (Faine Avenier) "Oh. Not having blood helps, yes."
  263. (Avlia Swift) "Wasn't expecting that. What is this concoction?"
  264. (Faine Avenier) "But being made into an undead abomination, is a good backup plan if, like me, you were infected but did not drink this concoction."
  265. (Proud Moss) "We're... we're not seriously considerin' this nonsense."
  266. (Abraham Turner) "...I have some grenades, if that helps, though i'm not sure how stable this place is."
  267. (Faine Avenier) The lich, a perversion of all life and holiness, idly spreads his hands. "It's a tea made of certain ingredients. I can lend you the book if you answer the question."
  268. (Lyrannta Benbow) "...has anyone answered your riddle successfully before?"
  269. (Faine Avenier) "Yes." The Baron says.
  270. (Faine Avenier) "It was a trial of initiation for knights."
  271. (Abraham Turner) "I think I should try."
  272. (Abraham Turner) "It'd be only fair. I'm new and it wouldn't be to much of an emotional issue if I lost my soul."
  273. (Faine Avenier) "Excellent!" The Lich claps his hands together! It makes less of a clapping sound, and more of a clacking sound.
  274. (Faine Avenier) "Er - just because you're new doesn't mean you gotta take point." Faine says.
  275. (Abraham Turner) "Couple questions beforehand, if that's alright."
  276. (Avlia Swift) "That's ridiculous, Abraham."
  277. (Abraham Turner) "How?"
  278. (Lyrannta Benbow) She nods with Avlia, a bit surprised.
  279. (Abraham Turner) "You all seem like good people. I'd rather be the buffer."
  280. (Faine Avenier) "With magic, of course." The lich says.
  281. (Avlia Swift) "... Hm."
  282. (Avlia Swift) "Know what? Go for it, Abraham."
  283. (Abraham Turner) "That wasn't my question. I'm wondering if I have a time limit to answer."
  284. (Faine Avenier) "I mean, *I'm* in no hurry." The lich says. "Are you? Do you, perhaps, have pressing concerns that require the opening of this crypt sooner than later?"
  285. (Faine Avenier) That grin seems more like a grin now.
  286. (Abraham Turner) "Nah. I don't."
  287. (Faine Avenier) "Then take your time. Do you have any other questions?"
  288. (Abraham Turner) "You take the souls through magic, right?"
  289. (Faine Avenier) "Yes." The lich asks.
  290. (Faine Avenier) *Says.
  291. (Avlia Swift) "We can help him?"
  292. (Faine Avenier) "Yes, but only he may answer."
  293. (Abraham Turner) He nods, crossing his arms. "Alright. I'm ready."
  294. (Faine Avenier) The lich nods. "There was a witch, who lived in a one-story cottage."
  295. (Faine Avenier) "She adored the color black. Her couch was made of black cloth. Her cowl was made of black cloth. Her tableclothes were black. Everything in her home that could be made black, was black."
  296. (Faine Avenier) "What color were her stairs?"
  297. (Proud Moss) "... R... Repeat that?"
  298. (Avlia Swift) "Hah."
  299. Isseya Jihn buries her face in disbelief.
  300. (Proud Moss) Moss looks like... she clearly missed something. Like... there's no way.
  301. (Faine Avenier) The lich does so, in that same slow, methodical, careful voice he did before.
  302. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra snickers behind her hand.
  303. (Proud Moss) Moss just fuckin sits down. And then lays down. And then curls up into a ball. "We... we were so worried about th'damned riddle. An' it's... "
  304. Faine Avenier) Faine taps her forehead a moment, thinking, before looking over to Ig.
  305. (Abraham Turner) He rubs his chin. "Now, this really depends on the area where the witch lives. Some people consider the first story to be the ground floor, but some times it's actually the first floor up stairs..."
  306. (Faine Avenier) The lich nods. "Very interesting."
  307. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig shrugs to Faine.
  308. (Abraham Turner) "Though you could be saying THAT to throw me off my game."
  309. (Avlia Swift) "I mean.. you know the answer, right?"
  310. (Proud Moss) "Don't over think it...."
  311. (Faine Avenier) "That is also very interesting." The lich says evenly.
  312. (Abraham Turner) Abe continues to rub his chin.
  313. (Abraham Turner) "The answer seems way to obvious. There were a few suits of armor when we came in, but not a lot."
  314. (Faine Avenier) "You are very observant." The Lich says.
  315. (Faine Avenier) "I don't get it." Faine mumbles.
  316. (Lyrannta Benbow) By now, Lyra's just staring at Abraham, somewhat agape.
  317. (Abraham Turner) "It's not the riddle that's difficult. It's meant to have the person run about in a circle in their head."
  318. (Faine Avenier) "What an incredible deduction." The Lich notes.
  319. (Avlia Swift) "This is why you don't think so much. Just do it."
  320. (Abraham Turner) "Eh. Fair. There are no stairs in a one story cottage."
  321. (Abraham Turner) "So there were no stairs to color."
  322. (Faine Avenier) "Is that your answer?" The lich asks.
  323. (Abraham Turner) "Sure."
  324. (Lyrannta Benbow) She lets out a quiet breath of relief, laughing again.
  325. (Faine Avenier) A wave of the arm. "Congratulations, you are indeed a master of riddles for your time." A lazy wave toward the door beyond him, and it opens, slowly, the sound of stone scraping against stone. The lich moves to stand, walking about the library to pick up various books.
  326. (Faine Avenier) "... I would have guessed Black." Faine says.
  327. (Abraham Turner) "Oh. Huh."
  328. (Isseya Jihn) (( Phew okay. I got to go now. Let me know if theres any good loot in there I might have taken ))
  329. (Avlia Swift) "Don't overthink."
  330. (Lyrannta Benbow) "...I have to ask...if you did take his soul? What would you have..._done_ with it? You obviously don't need to...feed on them or anything."
  331. (Faine Avenier) (Cya!)
  332. (Abraham Turner) "I have to think more than most. I have to make up for not being good with Aether."
  333. (Faine Avenier) The lich looks over to Lyrannta. "He would have been standing funny."
  334. (Faine Avenier) He reaches his hand over toward Lyra! "Watch."
  335. (Faine Avenier) And suddenly, poof!
  336. (Lyrannta Benbow) She steps back quickly!
  337. (Proud Moss) Moss sits up just in time to c-holy fucking fate why.
  338. (Faine Avenier) Lyrantta's boots - the backs of them suddenly disappear, and she feels her bare feet touching the stone!
  339. (Abraham Turner) "Ha! Hahaha! He took the soles of your shoes!"
  340. (Lyrannta Benbow) She gasps quickly, a little shocked by the sudden chill.
  341. (Abraham Turner) "Aw man, you're an awesome lich!"
  342. (Faine Avenier) In his hands, are two pieces of rubber that once belonged to Lyrranta's feet.
  343. (Lyrannta Benbow) "...ah. Of...course." She can't help but laugh a bit.
  344. (Proud Moss) Anyway. Moss sits up just in time to watch this before.... squinting.... a little bit... And then laying back down on the ground.
  345. (Faine Avenier) "You know we do not *kill* asparants, right?" The Lich asks. "Young knights take these tests."
  346. (Faine Avenier) "A squire being a fool is no reason to end his life."
  347. (Abraham Turner) "That's pretty fair."
  348. (Ignatia Purvis) [Now I feel bad for planning to set you on fire.]
  350. (Avlia Swift) Looks at the lich, incredulous. "Horrors are down there, right? Lets get that book so we can deal with them. We're still missin' someone, y'know."
  351. (Lyrannta Benbow) "...yeah, that's fair."
  352. (Faine Avenier) "Of course, of course." The lich drops Lyrannta's soles, before walking over to the bookshelf, taking up one... two... three books, then leading the way into the crypt.
  353. (Lyrannta Benbow) She picks them up, planning to at least have her boots fixed once they're done.
  354. (Abraham Turner) "Are we allowed to take any of these books?"
  355. (Faine Avenier) The interior of the crypt is... much better kept. Despite the age, it's prestine within, the carvings of heroic knights slaying evil monsters well defined within. The Lich waves a hand, and light just.... illuminates the room, a couple of motes apparating in the center of the crypt. It's compact and quiet, an altar, and the two (?) coffins within all else that occupies the room.
  356. (Faine Avenier) "If you plan on returning them, yes. They're all in Mhachi, though. I understand that's something of a dead language, nowadays."
  357. (Faine Avenier) The first coffin is... a large, heavy stone coffin built into the ground. A carving of that gaudy, golden suit of armor is etched into it, art of men and women bowing and kneeling about the warrior.
  358. (Faine Avenier) At the base of the coffin's lid, a single word is enscribed in old Mhachi lettering.
  359. (Abraham Turner) "That's...fair. I probably shouldn't touch anything anyways."
  360. (Faine Avenier) The second coffin, on the other hand, is much more... current. A purple glow comes from it, a slight illumination - it's made of some kind of sleek violet metal, humming with energy.
  361. (Faine Avenier) "What you seek is within that coffin." The lich notes, pointing toward it.
  362. (Abraham Turner) "Well, I did my job."
  363. (Faine Avenier) "I would appreciate it if you left the Captain's coffin alone."
  364. (Abraham Turner) "Don't want to make a mess here.
  365. (Faine Avenier) ...
  366. (Faine Avenier) Faine steps in, looking at the glowing, violet coffin. "Ig, what do you make of this?"
  367. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra keeps some distance, dagger drawn and ready.
  368. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig steps up, looking at the coffin. ...And sniffing it.
  369. (Ignatia Purvis) [It's a box?]
  370. >> Ignatia Purvis: It smells like nothing. Actual nothing. That is actually impossible, because everything smells like something.
  371. (Ignatia Purvis) [...Except it's not a box.]
  372. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig tries to open it.
  373. (Faine Avenier) Ignatia can either try to open it forcefully, or use that small panel on the side she discovered while sniffing it.
  374. (Faine Avenier) Her call!
  375. (Ignatia Purvis) PANEL PANEL PANEL
  376. (Faine Avenier) Boop! The coffin splits open down the middle, half and half of the upper lid opening wide in a yaw. The interior is filled with cushy velvet, like a normal coffin, but within... lies a golden suit of armor, heavy and *bulky*. The same armor on the knights outside. The same armor depicted on the coffin.
  377. >> Ignatia Purvis: Suddenly it smells REALLY strongly. It reeks of metal, of magick, and of the void, it's practically brimming with aether and energy, barely contained within the metal.
  378. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig hisses loudly, skittering backward and covering her eye. ...And sneezing. KACHOO.
  379. >> Ignatia Purvis: You also smell something that smells like... gas, maybe? And flint.
  380. >> Ignatia Purvis: Extremely diluted ceruleum.
  381. (Avlia Swift) "Bless you."
  382. (Faine Avenier) "You okay, Ig?" Faine frowns in concern.
  383. Ignatia Purvis >> Like a leak?
  384. (Proud Moss) Moss nods towards the coffin upon catching a glimpse of the gold. "That looks... about like what th'book said."
  385. (Faine Avenier) Oh, and the GM forgot - resting upon the armor's chest is a golden sword.
  386. >> Ignatia Purvis: Like a lighter. =v
  387. (Abraham Turner) "That's a swanky sword. Ceremonial, i'm betting."
  388. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig lowers her hands but keeps her left eye clenched tightly shut. [Aether, lots of aether, so much aether--Voidsent, smells like voidsent and aether and -ceruleam-.]
  389. (Ignatia Purvis) ((need to run afk for just a sec))
  390. (Proud Moss) Oh redact that last bit from moss then. if there's that much aether, she's probably on the ground sitting. and like... doing her best not to upchuck, ))
  391. (Faine Avenier) "I dunno, it seems pretty sharp." Faine reaches out to grab the sword's handle and pick i- "Nnnf!" A yelp, yanking her hand back, and there's the smell of something burning. "The hell..?!"
  392. (Abraham Turner) "...What their problems?"
  393. (Faine Avenier) The Lich snorts with laughter. "Ah, yes. It's been some time since the Soulsteel's been purified."
  394. (Abraham Turner) "Also, why did you pick it up...?"
  395. (Lyrannta Benbow) "Faine? What happened?" Between Ig and Moss's reaction and this, she's waiting for something to suddenly pop out of the armor, or attack, or explode, or...something.
  396. (Faine Avenier) "No questioning the methods of the security Chief." Faine grumbles, rubbing her hand. "It burned me when I tried to grab it."
  397. (Abraham Turner) "It could've been cursed."
  398. (Faine Avenier) "It is cursed." The lich confirms.
  399. Abraham Turner motions to the lich. "It's cursed."
  400. (Faine Avenier) "Couldn'tve told us sooner...?!" Faine gripes.
  401. (Faine Avenier) "I could have, but I doubt even you lot would have held it long enough to be harmed."
  402. (Lyrannta Benbow) "This doesn't mean Faine's cursed now, does it?" She just keeps herself from glaring to the lich.
  403. (Abraham Turner) "I might be able to hold it longer than most, but by that time, it'd probably be a normal sword..."
  404. (Avlia Swift) "So? We take the coffin."
  405. (Faine Avenier) "She'll be fine." A vague wave. "Soulsteel is a metal forged with materials taken from the Void. near indestructable, incredibly sharp, enhancing the user's strength and stamina and speed..."
  406. (Abraham Turner) "At a cost, i'm guessing?"
  407. (Faine Avenier) A grin. "You could, riddlemaster. But it would drain your aether right back."
  408. (Faine Avenier) "It draws upon the aether of its wielder's soul."
  409. (Abraham Turner) "You could tell?"
  410. (Faine Avenier) "I could." The lich nods. "I don't have eyeballs. How do you think I see?"
  411. (Abraham Turner) "I figured as much, but do you know why?"
  412. (Faine Avenier) "No."
  413. (Abraham Turner) He sighes, rubbing his head while lowering it. "Damn."
  414. (Avlia Swift) "So, if I kept chargin' my Chakra, would I eventually blind you?"
  415. (Ignatia Purvis) (back soryr)
  416. (Avlia Swift) "Anyway. We can just take the whole coffin. No need to touch the blade."
  417. (Faine Avenier) The lich shrugs. "The Soulsteel will drain the wearer's soul as it's worn. With the power it grants, you could slay most creatures, and especially horrors or voidsent, but if you bear the arms and armor longer than, say... ninety-nine seconds, well.."
  418. (Faine Avenier) Another grin. "You won't need to worry about anything anymore."
  419. (Abraham Turner) "Hm."
  420. (Avlia Swift) "Ahhhh. So that's the proposed solution."
  421. (Abraham Turner) "Might give me the advantage I need with my lack of aether..."
  422. (Lyrannta Benbow) "...advantage against what?"
  423. (Avlia Swift) "Horrors I suppose."
  424. (Lyrannta Benbow) "I suppose...but we _are_ sealing this away, right? That's why we came here?"
  425. (Faine Avenier) "Now." The Lich nods to Avlia. "You of course have the right of it. Take the coffin, if you like. There's other things inside it, aside from the armor. But if you take it... you will be taking responsibility for it."
  426. (Abraham Turner) "That's kind of our job, I believe."
  427. (Faine Avenier) "I don't presume to know your code of honor, save that you lot made it through the Riddle of Honor. But there was a reason I threw in my lot with the Golden Knight."
  429. (Faine Avenier) Baron Nvthech waves a skeletal hand toward the armor. "I will not make vague threats or plea for your sense of duty. But you know what the right thing to do will be when the time comes. I cannot compell you to make decisions."
  430. (Faine Avenier) "Have you any other questions for me?"
  431. (Proud Moss) Moss shakes her head, hands over her eyes, as her breathing continues to be slow....
  432. (Faine Avenier) The lich looks to Ignatia. "Your friend doesn't seem to be doing well with the armor, Little Dragon."
  433. (Ignatia Purvis) ((**oocly tries to figure out what's going on*))
  434. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra looks with concern to Moss. "Will you be all right until we get out?"
  435. (Faine Avenier) (voidsent energy+aether overflow making Moss feel sick. Armor when worn eats your soul.)
  436. (Proud Moss) Moss gives a thumbs up. There's no hope of her opening her mouth at the moment.
  437. (Faine Avenier) (Lich tells party if they take these relics they take responsibility)
  438. (Kokane Yatsurugi) ((aka "if you fuck up, yo fault" ))
  439. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig goes back to the panel and tries to get the coffin to close again.
  440. (Faine Avenier) Woosh! It snaps shut, and suddenly, the smell and sense of energy are completely gone.
  441. (Avlia Swift) "We keep layering this cake of problems. We needed to find that fourth adventurer, and then we need to destroy these horrors, an' now we have dangerous armor."
  442. (Faine Avenier) "OK." Faine agrees, looking to Avlia. "So what can we do to un-layer these problems?"
  443. (Abraham Turner) "Don't think of them as problems. Think challenges."
  444. (Proud Moss) Moss' shoulders seem to relax some once the coffin is shut again. She remains fairly still for a bit longer.
  445. (Avlia Swift) "They're the same thing."
  446. (Abraham Turner) He taps the side of his head.
  447. (Ignatia Purvis) [What are the risks if we take this..Box...Back?] Ig says to MR SKELLINGTON
  448. (Avlia Swift) "I thought the horrors were meant to be in this crypt?"
  449. (Abraham Turner) "We'll need to prepare the spooky juice to not become spooky ourselves."
  450. (Faine Avenier) The Lich nods to Avlia, and walks around behind the magic disappearing energy coffin box. Behind it, there's... a crest, mostly shattered, rock scattered about. Beneath it, there's a green aura of glowing energy, just barely visible. "They are, what few I could re-seal."
  451. (Faine Avenier) "They're sealed beneath the crypt. I can transfer their souls to a phylactery, but if that were to be destroyed, they would be freed."
  452. (Faine Avenier) "The others are loose, unfortunately... and I would believe they are further out in the wilds by now. It might not be wise to hunt the marshes for them."
  453. (Lyrannta Benbow) "Is there any way to destroy them? Or is sealing the best we could hope for?"
  454. (Avlia Swift) "Yes, use the sword."
  455. (Avlia Swift) "Can you detect or track them?"
  456. (Ignatia Purvis) [I can track them.] Ig says confidently.
  457. (Faine Avenier) "There are a total of 100 horrors." The lich explains. "Each crypt seals twenty-five. With the Golden Captain's sword and the Mado Lighter (The what?), you can seal one into essence that you can trap. If you kill them, they return to the void." A click of his teeth. "And they might be resummoned. Perhaps in your time, this is less of a risk, but in our's, when voidsent were being summoned by the score to be sealed into magical artifacts..."
  458. (Faine Avenier) "The Mado Lighter will light the way, if there is a horror within... oh, five malms or so."
  459. (Proud Moss) "Th... Th'what now?"
  460. (Abraham Turner) "It's a special source of light, I take it?"
  461. (Ignatia Purvis) ((...Faine I hate you so much right now.))
  462. (Faine Avenier) (Is this not
  463. (Faine Avenier) (How you always feel?)
  464. (Ignatia Purvis) ((Moreso than usual.)
  465. (Faine Avenier) *One hundred yalms then yeesh
  466. (Lyrannta Benbow) ((I don't get it))
  467. (Faine Avenier) The lich re-opens the coffin for a moment, to reach into it and pluck out... a golden, rectangular box. Once it's closed again, the... object... is offered.
  468. (Faine Avenier) "It isn't very precise, but the flame it produces will lean generally toward the creature."
  469. (Faine Avenier) (This is his natural state of being)
  471. (Abraham Turner) "Will I break it if I hold it?"
  472. (Lyrannta Benbow) " of them. How many of them did you seal up below?"
  473. (Faine Avenier) "There are twelve in here, and thirteen loose." The lich explains. "The other crypts hold more... but none of them were near here. It's likely they're all still safe."
  474. (Faine Avenier) "And I do not know." The lich admits.
  475. (Lyrannta Benbow) With some relief, she nods; not _quite_ as bad as she'd feared.
  476. (Faine Avenier) "So where IS that last adventurer?" Faine asks, looking to the Lich.
  477. (Faine Avenier) The lich shrugs, but reaches into his pocket and takes out... a piece of cloth?
  478. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig skitters forward and snatches it!
  479. (Faine Avenier) "His hankerchief." The lich says. "Mayhap you can track him with this, but I've no clue where he fled to after the horrors broke free."
  480. (Abraham Turner) "Don't blame the man."
  481. (Faine Avenier) "Oh, I do not. I would have run if I were him, as well. But... mayhap not faster than the conjurer."
  482. (Abraham Turner) He shrugs lightly. "So, uh, personal question. What do I look like to you?"
  483. (Faine Avenier) "How is that personal?"
  484. (Lyrannta Benbow) "Mm. Ig, is that enough to track him down?"
  485. (Abraham Turner) "It's personal to me."
  486. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig sniffs the hanky. Hopefully it still smells more like an adventurer than a bunch of dusty old bones, full of green dust.
  487. (Faine Avenier) WHY WOULD THE DUST BE GREEN
  488. (Faine Avenier) It smells like man'qote. There's a trail leading... out of the keep!
  489. (Faine Avenier) "You look like an outline of a man. You likely have aether, or else you could not live, but your ability sucks in aether that comes into contact with you, and so you are an outline."
  491. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra runs after her!
  492. (Abraham Turner) "Huh. Neat."
  493. (Faine Avenier) "Ig-!" Faine says, grunting. "Avlia, Lyra, follow her. Everyone else, carry this."
  494. (Abraham Turner) "Welp. Looks like we're off! Take care, sir!" He chases after Ig.
  496. (Abraham Turner) "Oh! Yes! Right! That!"
  497. (Faine Avenier) The lich just cackles.
  498. (Abraham Turner) He comes back. "Sorry. Caught up in the moment. Been a while since I worked with people." He moves to heft the other end of the coffin, the man's muscles coming into great use.
  499. (Faine Avenier) Thankfully, due to the coffin's unique properties, Abraham's weird power doesn't harm it.
  500. (Faine Avenier) Faine gets the other half. "Moss, get the boat."
  501. (Proud Moss) Moss, a little unsteadily, stands up and starts following along as well.
  502. (Faine Avenier) Wordlessly, the Lich watches the young ones leave.
  503. (Faine Avenier) (One last scene in mind with Av/Ig/Lyra, and then we're wrapped.
  504. (Lyrannta Benbow) (Okay!)
  505. (Faine Avenier) (So uh
  506. (Faine Avenier) (Let's just wait for Av to get back~)
  507. (Faine Avenier) Does Avlia follow Ig as requested?
  508. (Avlia Swift) She does.
  509. (Avlia Swift) Avlia ran off after Ig before any prompting.
  510. (Faine Avenier) As the three run outside into the afternoon sun, Ignatia can smell the trail! It doesn't lead out of the keep... instead, it leads... up! Up the walls and to the west spire, a tower that isn't QUITE collapsed yet, plenty of vines wrapping around it. It'd be an easy climb for Ig, and a doable climb for Lyra, who the DM is assuming is acrobatic, and Avlia, who could easily make such a climb.
  511. (Kokane Yatsurugi) ((easy for Avlia, who has the arms of gods))
  512. (Lyrannta Benbow) (She is!)
  513. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig lizard-climbs that wall! Claws are great!
  514. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra scrambles up it close behind, trying her best to keep up with Ig!
  515. (Avlia Swift) Avlia is acrobatic and strong. It's basicly the only thing she has going besides a big heart. She climbs the wall, jumping from perch to perch.
  516. (Faine Avenier) Up all three of you go, quickly making it up - but given Ig has a head start (And is leading this chase) she makes it to the top first. It's a perilous area, the stone here loose and not quite stable, moss and vines writhed through it. Standing on the opposite side of the tower, watching over the side, is a miqo'te man - haggard, but alive. His tail is shredded, but the bleeding seems to have stopped... and it smells infected. Brown, dirty, matted hair, and battered, clawed up armor.
  517. (Ignatia Purvis) {...Smells funny.]
  518. (Faine Avenier) It's to this scene that Avlia and Lyra make it up to the top to.
  519. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra can't help but dart ahead to the miqo'te, cursing under her breath and hoping he's not as bad as he looks.
  520. (Faine Avenier) The miqo'te perks his ears, turning. "Well... now isn't -that- interesting." He says - eyes locking onto Ignatia, and then Lyra and Avlia, as soon as they come up.
  521. (Lyrannta Benbow) She scrambles to a stop halfway there, frowning in confusion.
  522. (Ignatia Purvis) [Something's not right.]
  523. (Avlia Swift) Avlia begins to carefully make her way to the man, holding a hand out. "'ey, buddy. Help's arrived."
  524. (Faine Avenier) The miqo'te turns - face dirty and tarnished - and smirks. "Oh, indeed it has. Who knew there'd be so many choice bodies delivering themselves to me?"
  525. (Faine Avenier) Wait, what? There's a glint of steel in the sunlight - all the warning Lyrannta gets before a knife is flung for her throat, the miqo'te man leaping in the air almost simultaniously with a slash from above! How will Lyra defend from two attacks at once?
  526. (Lyrannta Benbow) She focuses on the thrown knife, pulling her own up quick as she can to try and deflect it!
  527. (Lyrannta Benbow) Better a strike that might kill her than one that probably would.
  529. (Avlia Swift) Avlia was closer to the Mi'qote - so when he jumped, she jumped. Avlia was most at home in the air - and so she attempting to heel-drop the catman before he could come down on Lyra.
  530. (Avlia Swift) (( attempted* ))
  531. (Avlia Swift) (( I've spoken english my entire life. I've been typing for over 20 years at over 100wpm. I will still always word salad my suffixes. All the time. One day I will snap and just throw my computer out a window. ))
  532. (Kokane Yatsurugi) ((You haven't yet?))
  533. (Avlia Swift) (( You're right, I should. ))
  534. (Faine Avenier) (DO NOT)
  535. (Faine Avenier) Lyra's knife barely manages to deflect the miqo'te's - and Avlia's timely intervention barely saves her from a horrific gash along the face! He stumbles in the air, rolling on the stones before coming to his feet, still holding a knife. "Ohoho, quick reflexes, the two of you." A smirk, as he drops the knife, raising his fists. "And one of you is a fighter, even... the Dragonling, the limber one, the martial artist..."
  536. (Faine Avenier) Into opo-opo stance he stands, tail providing balance. "Which of you should I possess next?" And then he's dashing forward, sliding down to try to leg sweep Avlia!
  537. (Ignatia Purvis) The Dragonling says nothing. ...But she seems slightly bigger than she was a moment ago? ...And maybe a bit more scaley.
  538. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra tries to slip forward to slash him along the way, hoping to keep him at a distance from the both of them for now!
  539. (Ignatia Purvis) (Ig is transforming. Or trying to.)
  540. (Avlia Swift) "What kind of Pugilist throws a knife? Bastard!" She left the ground once more; leaving nothing to be swept. Avlia leapt, spinning in the air as her heel ignited with flame - aimed for the low-hanging Miq'ote's extended leg's knee. Hopefully to break a leg.
  541. (Faine Avenier) The miqo'te just.... lets Lyrannta cut into him, uncaring about the fleshy body he inhabits, a long slash into his side. Catching him while he's down definitely gets the leg - you hear an awful, terrible crunching noise, but that only stops one foot! From the ground, his other leg scissors up, swiping to grab Avlia's and flip her into the stone! "Oh, I've learned many tricks over my years of possessing mortals. I have to say, you have many talents...!"
  542. (Faine Avenier) Ignatia, you're definitely beginning to transform. No voidsent could stand up to a dragon, right?
  543. (Ignatia Purvis) FUCK NO
  544. (Ignatia Purvis) EAT SHIT WHITEY
  545. (Faine Avenier) .... but a voidsent could definitely hurt a dragon mid transformation, huh?
  546. (Faine Avenier) Hopefully Avlia and Lyra can stop him from noticing that. D:
  547. (Avlia Swift) Is flipped, landing prone on her back. She goes to roll backward back to standing.
  548. (Ignatia Purvis) She is indeed counting on that yes.
  549. (Faine Avenier) The Miqo'te definitely has a limp as he moves to stand - despite the broken limb, even. You can see his leg starting to bruise up, internal damage obvious. It seems the voidsent has little use for the body he inhabits. Black aether spills from his mouth, eager to jump ship... and it looks to Ignatia, watching her transform.
  550. (Faine Avenier) Uh-oh.
  551. (Faine Avenier) "Well... let's try you on for size! " He throws the other knife at Avlia, trying to distract her, and forces himself to charge at Ignatia as quickly as he can - !!
  552. (Lyrannta Benbow) As Av gets back to her feet, Lyra darts ahead, trying to tackle him mid-charge!
  553. (Faine Avenier) Lyrannta manages to, forcing him on his back leg - apparently even voidsent feel pain as his face scrunches up, but he returns her trouble with a surprisingly potent knee for the gut, and an elbow for the back of her neck - a pincer strike?
  554. (Faine Avenier) Ignatia: Almost... there...!
  555. (Avlia Swift) Avlia, after leaping back to her feet, has only a split second to react to the knife. She raises a hand, palm open, and unleashes a burst of energy. A pale-blue beam like a rocket, nearly a fulm in length. It imparts barely enough force to halt the knife in air - which clatters to the stone below. She then charged the melee, almost certainly too late to intervene on Lyra's behalf - but maybe in time to catch the Miq'ote's still-working leg to grapple.
  557. (Faine Avenier) Kaboosh! The energy stops the knife dead in the air, and Avlia finds she can definitely draw the possessed miqo'te away from Lyra - with only his weak leg, he can't break free - and without his knife, he has to resort to trying to rain down blows on Avlia's crown with his hands. As powerful as his voidsent-empowered strength is, it isn't enough to stun Avlia at this point. A howl of anger, and he suddenly goes limp...
  558. (Faine Avenier) And above him, a new creature. A green and black monster, barely larger than a highlander, outline distorted with black and green flames, energy pouring off of him. "Quit slowing me down...!" With that, he turns on Ignatia, trying to catch the dragon!
  559. (Faine Avenier) Of course, thanks to Lyra and Avlia, it's too late.
  560. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra catches her breath, watching the creature warily; about to try something, she holds back once she spies Ig, giving the dragon a slim smile.
  561. (Avlia Swift) Is now holding a limp, and hopefully still living, Mi'qote. Avlia immediately digs through her pouch for a potion or salve to treat any openly bleeding wounds. Ig was a dragon now so this is fine.
  562. (Ignatia Purvis) Ig rears back, roaring loudly and filling her mouth with the sweet sweet juice from her throat--thrusting forward and breathing her hot mess towards the voidsents wings.
  563. (Lyrannta Benbow) She can't help but duck a bit; she doesn't have to this far below, but reflex!
  564. (Faine Avenier) Wow, you've never smelt a voidsent evaporate before, Ignatia! The creature flops to the floor with a howl of anguish and pain, crashing into the stone. "Tch.... looks like I was too late." It looks like even a horror isn't stupid enough to launch itself headlong into a dragon's goddamn mouth.
  565. (Faine Avenier) Instead, it leaps for the edge of the tower, standing at the edge. "But... I have to say. Young, strong, athletic, unique... all three of you will make excellent bodies. We'll meet again." Another laugh, before it jumps - leaping off the tower's side!
  566. (Faine Avenier) Avlia, the man is... critical condition.
  567. (Lyrannta Benbow) Cringing from the threat, she half-snorts, sheathing her dagger. Straightening up, she glances over to the body, worried. "Is he alive?"
  568. (Faine Avenier) You guys need to get him into Moss's hands right now, and preferably Dawn's as soon as possible.
  569. (Faine Avenier) Between the injuries you inflicted on him and the injuries he already had... it's surprising he's alive. He'll probably lose the tail.
  570. (Avlia Swift) Avlia hoists the man up into her arms, and without prompting - She runs over and leaps onto Ig's back. "Chirugeon, now! He's gonna die!"
  571. (Lyrannta Benbow) Looking off the edge, Lyra jerks her head. "Moss is down the tower, she should be able to do something. Ig, can you get us to her?"
  572. (Ignatia Purvis) [Hang on tight!] Ig says, taking to the air--And grabbing Lyra as she takes off.
  573. (Faine Avenier) ~~~
  574. (Faine Avenier) Meanwhile, the rest of the party is about done loading the coffin onto Skyscreamer.
  575. (Faine Avenier) "Use your legs!" Faine complains to Abraham.
  576. (Abraham Turner) "I am! You're jus' tryin' to make it sound like you're carryin' more than you are!"
  577. (Proud Moss) Moss is... doing her best to wrangle a boat. That much wasn't hampered by shitty aether shennanigans; she's just bad at it. "C'mon! I dunno how t'make this any steadier!"
  578. (Faine Avenier) "Maybe if the coffin didn't keep leaning over on your side...!" A shadow overhead - and Moss is spared Faine's grumbling by Ignatia and co touching down!
  579. (Abraham Turner) "Pivot! PIVOT!"
  580. (Faine Avenier) Thankfully, they manage to get the coffin on the ground.
  581. (Ignatia Purvis) ((Abraham is now played by David Schwimmer.))
  582. (Abraham Turner) [[I'm confused. Why does Ross, the largest of the Friends, not simply eat the others?]]
  583. (Faine Avenier) Ig, you land! Everyone else, you also land! The miqo'te guy's still not dead!
  584. (Abraham Turner) "...Is that a dragon?"
  585. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra scrambles down off Ig. "Moss! Badly injured miqo'te!"
  586. (Avlia Swift) Avlia jumps down, Catmanne in hand, "Yes! Moss, he's dyin!"
  587. (Proud Moss) Moss loses her balance once again as the crew lands. "SH-SHITE. What th'hell do y'mean dyin'??" She doesn't make a move to get out of the boat, but motions for them to get closer.
  589. (Abraham Turner) Abraham is still staring at the dragon. "Uh."
  590. (Lyrannta Benbow) While Av brings the catman over to Moss, Lyra looks over towards Abraham. "...that's Ignatia. We'll explain once someone's not dying."
  591. (Abraham Turner) "Well, I mean, i'm not going to be helpful in that situation."
  592. (Faine Avenier) Faine drops the coffin, leaving Abraham in the lurch as she jumps out to just drag the boat to shore.
  593. (Abraham Turner) "Gh! Hey! At least warn me first...?"
  594. (Proud Moss) Moss takes a quick look over the miqo'te after leaving the boat. She notes the injuries and general... bad shape of the man. "Sh... shite. Any curses or aetherical issues? Ah... Shite. Gimme a second..." She reaches out to touch his arm in order to heal him some... does anything bad happen to her?
  595. (Lyrannta Benbow) "He was possessed by a voidsent...dunno other than that."
  596. (Faine Avenier) No.
  597. (Faine Avenier) She can stabilize him, but the damage is bad and there's malnourishment and infection.
  598. (Avlia Swift) "He was possesed. He's starved, stabbed, and 'is leg is broken."
  599. (Abraham Turner) Abraham slowly sets the coffin down. "That boy is goin' to need more than what we have here. Probably best t' take him back? Keep an eye on 'im?"
  600. (Proud Moss) "Possessed? Wh... fine. Okay I... I... I dunno if this'll work! I'm not... a miracle worker." She closes her eyes and lets out a long exhale as she pumps out a heal into the miqo'te to hopefully keep him alive long enough for that.
  601. (Faine Avenier) Energy pumps into him... but you keep him going, at least for now.
  602. (Faine Avenier) He'll survive a ride on the Skyscreamer.
  603. (Faine Avenier) ... if you keep him warm and pinned to the deck.
  604. (Faine Avenier) "Ig, you gonna be okay?" Faine crawls out of the swamp water, gross but still doable, and runs over to check on the dragongirl!
  605. (Lyrannta Benbow) Lyra crouches beside Moss and the miqo'te. "Anything I can do?"
  606. (Proud Moss) Moss sighs, looking at the rest of the group sadly. "Into the boat. Don't move'em." She pulls off her coat as she says this, ready to tuck it around him. "He... He'll at least be comfortable if he goes."
  607. (Avlia Swift) Avlia wades into the water, grabbing the boat. "All aboard, lets get a move on!" Once Moss and the miqote were loaded on she'd start dragging it to the airship. "Lets go!"
  608. (Abraham Turner) Abraham moves to help move the boat. "Roger that!"
  609. (Faine Avenier) ~~~~
  610. (Faine Avenier) The boat, Ignatia, the coffin, and the injured miqo'te secured, the group manages to return to the museum. The miqo'te is placed in the infirmary under the FC's care, and the artifacts secured, for now.
  611. (Ignatia Purvis) (Got ninjaed give me a sec)
  612. (Faine Avenier) A long day, to say the least. The Aether Gallery has managed to secure several more artifacts, one or two of which may be safe for viewing, but has it found more than it's bargained for?
  613. (Proud Moss) DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN ))
  614. (Faine Avenier) Only time will tell... but at least, thanks to the quick actions of its heroes, they will live to find the answer.
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