

Sep 29th, 2014
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  1. -- Installing: /storage/sdcard1/
  2. Finding update package...
  3. I:Update location: /storage/sdcard1/
  4. Opening update package...
  5. Installing update...
  6. about to run program [/tmp/] with 2 args
  7. Not backing up files from incompatible version: 11
  8. run_program: child exited with status 127
  9. mount: failed to mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata at /data: Device or resource busy
  10. about to run program [/tmp/] with 1 args
  11. You have an installed system that isn't signed with this build's key, aborting...
  12. run_program: child exited with status 1
  13. script aborted: Can't install this package on top of incompatible data. Please try another package or run a factory res
  14. Can't install this package on top of incompatible data. Please try another package or run a factory reset
  15. E:Error in /storage/sdcard1/
  16. (Status 7)
  17. Installation aborted.
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