

Aug 7th, 2014
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  1. So like I was thinkin about the way that the Christian bible portrays heaven and hell and thinking about alternatives to my belief in nothingness after death: that we return to a state of nonbeing and unconsciousness, and I realized that there's very little legitimate reason to prefer heaven over hell. Because think about it, the bible is like Yahweh's book right, and he's somehow mortal enemies with Satan while still being all powerful and having the ability to end his mortal enemy at any time (totally makes sense yeah) and Satan ditched god to basically make his own damn place cuz Yahweh and him had a falling out right? So clearly Yahweh is gonna portray it in as negative of a light as possible in literally his only attempt to communicate with humanity (which logically the only way to do was through freakin prophets and not some verifiable permanent record). So seriously, what if Hell is awesome as hell and there's hooker robots and free root beer and high Mb/s wifi and cute kittens and basically whatever floats your boat? I mean, heaven is pretty much made out to be this place where you eternally worship this dude who somehow has low self-esteem (Seriously, have that few of you noticed that the language used by God sorta smells like a bad or abusive relationship? Like he apparently wants us to love him and also fear him, and if we don't agree with him then we'll burn forever and we aren't allowed to have anyone else "before him") despite creating literally everything and desires his own creation to grovel at his feet, amirite? Sounds like a loss of "free will" which is a concept I hardly believe in in the first place but moreover damn that place sounds like it freakin bites. Boooorrriinnngg. I'd prefer the messed up Earth over that lame bowing and praise shit any day I'd think. So yeah I mean the only real Yelp review of hell is by Yahweh who is clearly biased. Satan seems to value free thought, skepticism, and knowledge (since he was allegedly responsible for convincing them to eat the apple). So yeah, based on the information I just hashed out and what we know; if the selfcontradictory judeochristian god somehow exists, I'll feel comfortable going to hell knowing there's a cute brunnette stripper and an ice cold soft drink waiting for me. But it doesn't so I dunno. This was more of another argument against Christianity than anything else really which is sorta boring. I was hoping it would sort of give an alternate view of it, like "even if this garbage you believe is somehow true, which it isn't because X; then Y" Maybe I'll convert to Satanism since it seems like every other religion, no matter how fucked it is is "morally preferable" to not having a religion -_- But yeah bro: live your life the best way you can, oppose religion when it messes with you legally, or with science or education, don't teach hate to your kids, make an entertaining anti-religion blog post when you have a witty idea for one, and just don't worry about any possible afterlife. Any god I'd remotely consider bowing to wouldn't exclude people from his damn clique because they didn't worship him, especially when there's little to no evidence that he even exists. And have a lot of fun with your life too, because it seems like that's all we get, any reincarnation or afterlife, or post-death luxury cruise would be an unexpected bonus round.
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