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thats the stuff

a guest
Sep 29th, 2012
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  1. 7:12 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: can i reach his ship?
  2. 7:12 PM - Friend_Computer: Not exactly
  3. 7:12 PM - Friend_Computer: unless you do something lulzy..
  4. 7:12 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: i can do that
  5. 7:12 PM - Friend_Computer: You grab a rhyhorn
  6. 7:12 PM - Friend_Computer: dig underground at a rapid pace
  7. 7:13 PM - Friend_Computer: curve up
  8. 7:13 PM - Friend_Computer: launch up
  9. 7:13 PM - Friend_Computer: jump off the rhyhorn..
  10. Terry-O-WNL-8 entered chat.
  11. 7:14 PM - Friend_Computer: Mart launches upward via unknown propulsion and climbs up the ramp!
  12. 7:14 PM - Friend_Computer: You now have a mart in the shuttle.
  13. 7:14 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: 'sup.
  14. 7:14 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: We're hunting a wanted criminal, FYI.
  15. 7:14 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: whos the wanted criminal
  16. 7:14 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: It Depends.
  17. 7:15 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: Are you still allied with Will?
  18. 7:15 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: i'm a potato
  19. 7:16 PM - Friend_Computer Terry slashes at terry's head with his guan dao!
  20. 7:16 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: what
  21. 7:16 PM - Friend_Computer He misses the head but cuts deep into the shoulder! Immobilizing the left arm.
  22. 7:16 PM - Friend_Computer He then forces the other end of the dao into the psyker's face knocking her off the ship.
  23. 7:16 PM - Friend_Computer The skitarri sets it to autopilot and fires at mart!
  24. 7:17 PM - Friend_Computer The skitaari would get a 1 but someone altered reality! He hits mart in the left shoulder.
  25. 7:17 PM - Friend_Computer Mart feels haunted.
  26. 7:17 PM - Friend_Computer Terry alters reality! and kicks mart in the stomach, sending him onto the wall.
  27. Friend_Computer left chat.
  28. Friend_Computer has been invited to chat.
  29. 7:18 PM - Friend_Computer: //
  30. 7:18 PM - Friend_Computer Mart goes semi invisible, his suit being damaged.
  31. 7:18 PM - Friend_Computer In the meanwhile archie lets off a WAR CRY!
  32. 7:19 PM - Friend_Computer He rips the throat of your skitaari friend who has artifical lungs.
  33. 7:19 PM - Friend_Computer A deadily duel in the cockpit begins as cyborg versus mechilizard duel!
  34. 7:19 PM - Friend_Computer Terry holds his subgun at you!
  35. 7:20 PM - Friend_Computer At this range (POINTBLANK) no matter what you would do you would die!
  36. 7:20 PM - Friend_Computer Terry is knocked into mart! Awkward position is awkward.
  37. 7:20 PM - Friend_Computer It appears his sentient spleenstealer has woke up
  38. 7:20 PM - Friend_Computer: Terry fires! Removing mart most of his insides.
  39. 7:21 PM - Friend_Computer: Mart falls unconscious bleeding
  40. 7:21 PM - Friend_Computer: The spleenstealer lets out a war cry and throws terry out!
  41. 7:21 PM - Friend_Computer: He lands on the roof of a building injured.
  42. 7:21 PM - Friend_Computer: In the meanwhile archie and the borg are in mortal kombat still.
  43. 7:22 PM - Friend_Computer the spleenstealer lets off a satisfying war of victory.
  44. 7:22 PM - Friend_Computer Archie is thrown out of the cockpit by the borg!
  45. 7:23 PM - Friend_Computer The borg quickly picks up mart and locks him into a locker.
  46. 7:23 PM - Friend_Computer: As the borg finishes welding the poor mart into the locker he is instantly killed by the combined might of tyranid and mechilizard
  47. 7:24 PM - Friend_Computer: As one last final fuck you the psyker does something magickal to the shuttle
  48. 7:24 PM - Friend_Computer: and it begins spiralling down..
  49. Will-Y-DIE-11 entered chat.
  50. 7:26 PM - Friend_Computer A wild will enters the fray!
  51. 7:26 PM - Friend_Computer She lands hershuttle on the roof with terry and the psyker.
  52. 7:26 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: 'sup.
  53. 7:27 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: 'sup.
  54. 7:27 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 gets out of her shuttle and fires her railgun at the psyker several times.
  55. 7:27 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11 welded inside a locker unconscious
  56. 7:27 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Don't mind me, just doing business.
  57. 7:28 PM - Friend_Computer The psyker is gr4z3d by all three shots! You notice she is doing something freaky to will's railgun.
  58. 7:28 PM - Friend_Computer: "Don't mind me, just business" she replies back.
  59. 7:28 PM - Friend_Computer MIND BULEEEETZ
  60. 7:28 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 drops the railgun and charges the Psyker.
  61. 7:28 PM - Friend_Computer Will is hit in the right knee by mind bul33tz as she charges the psyker
  62. 7:28 PM - Friend_Computer Will however has been borged slightly and engages into melee!
  63. 7:28 PM - Friend_Computer The psyker slams into will's chest with her force staff, will does the same except it involves disembowling her.
  64. 7:28 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 draws her power sword and slashes at the psyker's throat.
  65. 7:29 PM - Friend_Computer Both are knocked back by the psychic staff.
  66. 7:29 PM - Friend_Computer Terry stands confuzzled.
  67. 7:29 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Ah...I should spar with the likes of you more frequently...
  68. 7:30 PM - Friend_Computer Suddenly everyone's ear is raped by SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS HSOTS repeating on the PDC.
  69. 7:30 PM - Friend_Computer In the meanwhile terry fires his knife subgun thing at will!
  70. 7:30 PM - Friend_Computer Will's limbs are covered in knives of all types.
  71. 7:30 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 draws her laspistol and fires at Terry, disregarding the knives as best as she can.
  72. 7:31 PM - Friend_Computer Both of terry's hands are destroyed as will fires! (1)
  73. 7:32 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 turns her attention to the psyker and engages her in melee once more, this time wielding both her power sword and power axe.
  74. 7:33 PM - Friend_Computer Suddenly terry's PDC explodes.
  75. 7:34 PM - Friend_Computer Will and the psyker equal eachother in fighting prowess! They are locked in MORTAL KOOOMBAAT
  76. 7:34 PM - Friend_Computer Terry grasps the meatball sub with his hand and triggers the firing mechanism!
  77. 7:34 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: //What hand
  78. 7:34 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: //there are no hands
  79. 7:35 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: // what
  80. 7:35 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: >2:31 AM - Friend_Computer Both of terry's hands are destroyed as will fires! (1)
  81. 7:35 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: // i think there are wells of magic in this area.
  82. 7:35 PM - Friend_Computer Two of the knives get jammed into his jaw however he hits both the psyker and will with the knives.
  83. 7:35 PM - Friend_Computer: // Derp
  84. 7:35 PM - Friend_Computer: // I mean
  85. 7:35 PM - Friend_Computer: // his motuh
  86. 7:35 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: // first a lazer splitting in half and now i have hands suddenly
  87. 7:35 PM - Friend_Computer: // I derped, I meant mouth.
  88. 7:35 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 is covered in knives again, but slashes her axe at the psyker anyway.
  89. 7:36 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: //Look at me! I'm a fucking hedgehog!
  90. 7:36 PM - Friend_Computer You manage to piss her off even more by ripping parts of her robe!
  91. 7:36 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: // Now you just need to ascend to blue clearnace!
  92. 7:36 PM - Friend_Computer: (Neutral roll, both sucked at it.)
  93. 7:37 PM - Friend_Computer Terry passes out from suddenly his face is covered in knives.
  94. 7:37 PM - Friend_Computer Firing a meatball sub gun with your mouth isn't the brightest thing to do.
  95. 7:37 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: //at least i'm not paraplegic
  96. 7:37 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 decides to strike at the psyker with her power sword from the left and the power axe from the right.
  97. 7:38 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: //Let's try a pincer strike thingy, with axe and sword meeting in the middle after seeing a psyker
  98. 7:38 PM - Friend_Computer You roll terrifuckingbad and she blocks it using a psychic shield.
  99. 7:38 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 resorts to tackling the bitc- psyker.
  100. 7:39 PM - Friend_Computer: // Of course.
  101. 7:39 PM - Friend_Computer You both end up on the ground beating eachother to death with your fists.
  102. 7:39 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8 if he still had his PDC and was conscious he would be filming this.
  103. 7:39 PM - Friend_Computer In the meanwhile the psyker does something magic and will feels haunted -1 to rolls.
  104. 7:40 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 is a mean sucker and extracts a knife from her body, then proceeds to stab the hell out of the psyker.
  105. 7:40 PM - Friend_Computer She rips out a knife and stabs the psyker in the left knee!
  107. 7:40 PM - Friend_Computer: "Will you leave us if I get out of your head?"
  109. 7:41 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 headbutts the psyker.
  110. 7:41 PM - Friend_Computer She replies by kicking you off, at this point you both are bleeding heavily.
  111. 7:41 PM - Friend_Computer You feel less haunted
  112. 7:41 PM - Friend_Computer: "Leave us, you assaulted first."
  113. 7:41 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: Alright.
  114. 7:42 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 draws her laspistol and fires at the psyker again.
  115. 7:42 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: I will leave broken bodies on this roof!
  116. 7:42 PM - Friend_Computer Your laspistol fizzles out (18)
  117. 7:42 PM - Friend_Computer The psyker deploys a shield!
  118. 7:43 PM - Friend_Computer: "Bitch, I gave you a fight and agree'd to your terms and you try to kill me?"
  119. 7:43 PM - Friend_Computer The psyker pushes the shield forward rapidly sending will into the digger pen."
  120. 7:43 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 is apparently sent tumbling downwards?
  121. 7:44 PM - Friend_Computer You are sent tumbing down.
  122. 7:44 PM - Friend_Computer You land on your trusty pet digger! He is your digger and yours alone.
  123. 7:44 PM - Friend_Computer Will attempts to burrow up the walls of the building defying gravity! She fais.
  124. 7:44 PM - Friend_Computer: // fails*
  125. 7:45 PM - Friend_Computer Terry finally wakes up to realize his PDC recorded all of this.
  126. 7:45 PM - Friend_Computer He will make big bucks on the intergalactic BRUTAL DEATHMATCH market.
  127. 7:45 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8 moves behind the psyker's sheild.
  128. 7:45 PM - Friend_Computer The digger attempts to jump up all the way to the roof defying the laws of logic.
  129. 7:45 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8 I.E. on the same side as the psyker.
  130. 7:46 PM - Friend_Computer The digger quickly tires out from repeatedly jumping
  131. 7:47 PM - Friend_Computer Will says fuck it and walks somewhere else.
  132. 7:48 PM - Friend_Computer You all realize that you have attracted a crowd of people
  133. 7:50 PM - Friend_Computer Mart turns on some techno music on the shuttle and dances about
  134. 7:50 PM - Friend_Computer Leaving terry and his psyker friend on the ro- A will climbs up the stairway wounded.
  135. 7:50 PM - Friend_Computer: "You again? Why haven't you died yet?" Says the psyker.
  136. 7:50 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: I have died.
  137. 7:50 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: But I return as there is unfinished business.
  138. 7:50 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 looses a terrifying laughter.
  139. 7:51 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 then fires her laspistol several times in rapid succession, aimed at the Psyker.
  140. 7:51 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8 shoots will with subgun
  141. 7:51 PM - Friend_Computer Will seems less terrifying given that her limbs are slightly disabled, but she fires anyway!
  142. 7:51 PM - Friend_Computer All three shots hit! Killing the psyker.
  143. 7:51 PM - Friend_Computer Terry squeezes the firing mechanism on the sub!
  144. 7:51 PM - Friend_Computer His jaws are now perforated with knives but will is hit too
  145. 7:51 PM - Friend_Computer both pass out.
  146. 7:52 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11: I will...urgh.
  147. 7:52 PM - Will-Y-DIE-11 is unconscious.
  148. 7:52 PM - Friend_Computer It appears both are either dead or heavily wounded.
  149. 7:52 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8 whispers "trip stay" and walls unconscious.
  150. 7:52 PM - Friend_Computer: // Damnit terry
  151. 7:52 PM - Friend_Computer Mart manages to land the shuttle on the roof
  152. 7:52 PM - Friend_Computer what now?
  153. 7:53 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: // I will subtle reference my way to victory
  154. 7:54 PM - Friend_Computer A wild weiss flies to the roof!
  155. 7:55 PM - Friend_Computer Archie begins dragging an unconsciosu will into the shuttle
  156. 7:55 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: archie use the healing mists!
  157. 7:56 PM - Friend_Computer: Archie: There isn't any left.
  158. Weiss-Y-66-24 entered chat.
  159. 7:56 PM - Friend_Computer: Weiss flies onto the roof!
  160. 7:56 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: itll at least make sure she stays alive-
  161. 7:56 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: CURSES
  162. 7:56 PM - Friend_Computer: There is a dead terry and psyker, and a unconscious will.
  163. 7:56 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24: ...
  164. 7:56 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24 looks at Mart
  165. 7:56 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24: Explain
  166. 7:56 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: welp
  167. 7:56 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: at first i was like
  168. 7:56 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: "heh, i bet i can jump onto the ship by riding a digger"
  169. 7:57 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: and then these people just DIED
  170. 7:57 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: all sudden
  171. 7:57 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24: The current situation.
  172. 7:57 PM - Mart-Y-IYD-11: then exploding
  173. 7:59 PM - Friend_Computer Weiss cuts off the "Psyker Bitche's Head" she is already dead but he claims the grotesque trophy.
  174. 7:59 PM - Terry-O-WNL-8: // OH FUCK
  175. 7:59 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24 also take Terry's head
  176. 7:59 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24 takes*
  177. 7:59 PM - Friend_Computer Terry disappeared?
  178. 7:59 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24: The crabs will want these
  179. 7:59 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24: ...
  180. 7:59 PM - Weiss-Y-66-24 throws Will over his shoulder and flies off to somewhere
  181. 8:00 PM - Friend_Computer Weiss walks off to the cave.
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