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Minty Lewd

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Jul 22nd, 2015
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  1. >The plan was brilliant
  2. >No, not even brilliant. To call it merely brilliant would be an insult to… her brilliance!
  3. >The plan was sublime. It was meticulously choreographed to the simplest details
  4. >After months and months of careful infiltration, manipulation, espionage and covert operations by some of her best operatives, she had made it to Princess Celestia’s private chambers
  5. >Blueprints and schematics of the castle were stolen, and, when her drones couldn’t find a suitable copy to steal, they were drawn up from memory and carefully measured
  6. >Oh yes, the plan was perfect. The kind of plan that she had been dreaming of executing ever since she was a tiny changeling drone plotting against her own Hive Queen
  7. >However, it all hinged on one tiny thing
  8. >Transformation magic
  9. >She couldn’t just step into Princess Celestia’s chambers and sit around
  10. >Well, she /could/. She could snoop into the Princess’s private collection of books
  11. >She could hide under the bed like a monster from a foal’s storybook, waiting to pounce
  12. >She could even be particularly licentious and lay astride the bed, attempting to seduce the Princess in her own chambers
  13. >Such a thought was interesting to ponder, but no. She had something else in mind
  14. >She was sure that hiding under the bed would give her the surprise she needed, but how many would-be assassins hid under the bed, or behind drapes, dagger in hoof, and how many times had Celestia thwarted them because that was expected?
  15. >Too many times, in her millennia-long lifespan, she was sure
  16. >No, Chrysalis had something else in mind
  17. >A transformation spell, and a poisoned ice cream
  18. >It was well known that Celestia had a certain… affinity for sweets
  19. >Indeed, the Princess was drawn to it like she herself was to Love
  20. >But, she did not want to kill the Solar Regent
  21. >Gods no, who knew what sort of chaos that would cause
  24. >Equestria would most certainly suffer tremendous trauma, and then there would be a scarce amount of love to harvest
  25. >No, the ice cream was laced with pheromones. Magically induced, and similar to the Want it, Need it enchantment
  26. >A single taste would cause a deep trance, and a desire to consume more and more. With each bite, the trance would deepen, leaving the pony themselves open to any suggestions
  27. >She had a few choice triggers to implant in the fair celestia’s head
  28. >It all hinged on one thing;
  29. >Well, two
  30. >First; get into the chambers. Check
  31. >Second; transform into something inconspicuous
  32. >Say, an ice cream bowl
  33. >Oh it sounded so devious and so perfect in her head
  34. >She would be the ice cream bowl, contained within would be her marvelous, mind-melting mint creation
  35. >Why oh why did she go through with it?
  36. >The laws of transformation magic dictated that one could only transform into things of equal size
  37. >A table or a bookcase even would have been fine
  38. >But a bowl the size of her hoof?
  39. >Something was bound to go wrong
  40. >Something /did/ go horribly, horribly wrong
  41. >And now, Queen Chrysalis stood in the centre of Princess Celestia’s personal chambers, her mint mane melting onto the carpet, and her chocolate body feeling extremely uncomfortable
  42. >Yes, she had accidentally transformed into the very mixture she was attempting to feed to the Princess
  43. >Her outer-layer of chitin was pure, dark chocolate
  44. >Her mane was a flowing waterfall of green mint ice cream
  45. >And it just wouldn’t stop melting!
  46. >It just kept flowing, seemingly from nowhere
  47. >Everytime she tried to curb the flow with magic, or, hell, even just vapourise it, it just came back!
  48. >The same thing happened with her body
  49. >When she tried stripping away the outer layer(the inner thankfully, had remained chitin), it just grew right back!
  50. >She huffed in frustration, hurling a freshly-plucked piece of her chocolate carapace at the wall, where it shattered and fell onto the carpet with much tinkling
  51. >”What am I going to do?!”
  54. >She heard something that made her feel even colder
  55. >Though that may have been the fresh flow of ice cream mane
  56. >Hoofsteps
  57. >Extremely close hoofsteps
  58. >As though someone had just arrived outside the room
  59. >Her eyes went wide in fear as a magical yellow aura gripped the door handle
  60. >She did the only thing she could do in this situation
  61. >She froze on the spot
  62. >One part fear, one part foolish hope that she would see this as an elaborate prank
  63. >As long as Chrysalis did not move
  64. >Or… leak
  65. >Though, there was a sizeable puddle already pooling beneath her
  66. >She quickly fired up a spell as the door began to swing open
  67. >She could hear the Princess’s regal voice fill the chamber
  68. >She scooped up what had soaked into the carpet, and, with all her might, willed it to the first place she could think of
  69. >Back on top of her head
  70. >The door fully opened, and the Princess stepped into the room, with a smile on her face
  71. >Until she locked eyes with Chrysalis
  72. >’Oh gods! Oh gods! Oh gods! Oh gods! Oh gods!’
  73. >She would have begun hyperventilating, had she the courage to even /breathe/
  74. >The Princess let the door shut behind her, regarding the apparent confectionary with a curious and suspicious eye
  75. >Suddenly, she began… to smile!
  76. >The smiles turned into hearty chuckling
  77. >”Luna has certainly outdone herself this time”
  78. >She walked into the room proper, and began removing her royal regalia
  79. >She stepped closer to the ‘fake’ Changeling Queen, and began scrutinising every detail
  80. >”How did she even have the time to do this? It’s remarkable”
  81. >She trailed off, walking around the Queen
  82. >”Tsk, she could have at least put a mat down…” she muttered, stepping behind Chrysalis and avoiding the fresh pool of melted mint
  83. >The Princess haphazardly gathered the entirety of Chrysalis’s tail in a magic spell and lifted the melting ice cream off, accidentally lifting her tail as well
  84. >”Oh! Anatomically correct?”
  85. >Chrysalis’ blush would have given her away had the chocolate not been hiding it
  86. >”Well, I suppose there’s no harm in indulging”
  89. >Wait, what?!
  90. >She wasn’t really going to—
  91. >She heard another magic spell, and felt something ‘brush’ through her tail
  92. >Something unyielding, and firm
  93. >Was it… was it a spoon?!
  94. >”Mmm,”
  95. >Yep. Yep it was a spoon.
  96. >Celestia was eating her!
  97. >Well, eating her tail
  98. >Not like—SHUT UP!
  99. >Chrysalis tried not to think those kinds of thoughts when the deity of the sun stood behind her haunches, snacking on her tail as though she were a tub of Häagen-Dazs
  100. >Celestia took another spoonful, and ate it with another murmur of appreciation
  101. >Wait, did the ice cream still have the enchantment?
  102. >”Oh this is the best ice cream I’ve had for a long time”
  103. >Well, either that or she was remarkably delicious
  104. >’Stop thinking like that!’ the Queen chastised herself, feeling a stirring in her haunches that should not have been there
  105. >She heard the clattering of the spoon
  106. >She wanted so dearly to look back and see what was going on
  107. >She felt a pair of hooves start touching her flanks
  108. >She resisted the impulse to kick and buck
  109. >The hooves trailed upwards to just between her wings, and they fluttered ever-so-imperceptibly
  110. >There was a weight on her back now, like a pony had just mounted her
  111. >Her heart beat ever faster
  112. >’Surely’ she thought, ‘surely Celestia didn’t just—’
  113. >A long, wet lick started at the base of her neck, and travelled all the way up to her ear
  114. >Chrysalis couldn’t help herself
  115. >She shivered and gasped as her ear was gripped between two sets of teeth
  116. >However, this proved to be a mistake
  117. >Celestia yelped in surprise and leapt off of the Queen
  118. >Chrysalis wheeled around frantically
  119. >”You’re real?!”
  120. >Chrysalis smiled sheepishly
  121. ”Princess, I can explain”
  122. >Celestia blinked a few times, as though trying to focus
  123. ”T-this is all just a misunderstanding!”
  124. >The Princess’ eyes glazed over
  125. >”A misunderstanding” she repeated
  126. >Chrysalis nodded slowly, before a light went off in her head
  127. >The ice cream was still enchanted
  129. >”Yes” Chrysalis began. “You’re not meant to stop”
  130. >”Not meant to stop?”
  131. >The Queen nodded in affirmation
  132. ”You want to keep eating, yes?”
  133. >”Keep eating”
  134. >Another nod
  135. >Oh this was perfect!
  136. >All was not lost!
  137. >Celestia took a shaky step forward, her brow furrowed as though she were still fighting back
  138. >Chrysalis decided to add something new to the mix
  139. >She turned around, presenting her rear to the Princess, and began swaying it back and forth hypnotically
  140. ”Keep eating”
  141. >Celestia focused on her tail, or her backside, Chrysalis didn’t know
  142. >And she didn’t care
  143. >The plan was working!
  144. >Albeit in a rather unconventional way
  145. >She smiled to herself, positively giddy
  146. >Oh, she could implant the idea to let her Changelings have the Southernmost territories
  147. >Or she could open up legitimate trade agreements
  148. >Granted, the second one would be easier to explain should she ever be found out
  149. >Oh, maybe she could get Celestia to agree to more extreme terms
  150. >Like an embassy in the Crystal empire
  151. >An artifact powered by love would be extremely valuable to her and her changelings—
  152. She felt something warm press against her thigh, slowly trawling upwards towards her flanks
  153. >She shivered once more and let out a shaky moan
  154. ”W-what was that?”
  155. >Celestia looked up, eyes completely unfocused and swimming
  156. >”Mistress said keep going”
  157. >Mistress?
  158. >Oh that sounded nice
  159. >Another lick—longer this time, closer to her core
  160. >She bit down on her lip, tasting the chocolate coating
  161. >That stirring from before was back with a vengeance
  162. >She kept her eyes trained on the proud Celestia, presenting herself, face buried in her flank
  163. >The sight alone caused heat to pool in her marehood
  164. >Celestia licked fleetingly along her lips
  165. >A thin trail of mint must have fell there immediately after, for the heat subsided and was replaced by almost painful cold
  166. >It was a most pleasurable sensation
  168. >Chrysalis felt lust, in both her and Celestia
  169. >It was intoxicating and primal
  170. >Love was their primary food source, it was what sustained them
  171. >But lust was like a drug
  172. >A sweet, guilty pleasure
  173. >Seems like Celestia wasn’t the only one indulging
  174. >Chrysalis’s eyes became half lidded as Celestia began licking around her flank, every now and then fluttering over the Queen’s moist sex
  175. >Only one word came to her mind
  176. ”More”
  177. >”More” Celestia echoed, attacking her marehood with abandon, and truly digging in
  178. >Chrysalis half moaned, half yelped in pleasure at the oral assault
  179. >Chrysalis could feel Celestia’s desire, and it was delicious
  180. >The Queen felt herself lower down to the ground, tail flagging as Celestia barely gave her time to breathe
  181. >Oh, she was skilled
  182. >Every press, every stroke, every caress meant to tease and excite her more and more
  183. >A flurry of gasps and moans poured forth and filled the room
  184. >Celestia moaned herself, adjusting her position and placing her hooves over the Queen’s toned flanks, grabbing them as she dig her tongue as deep as it could go, as though she were trying to devour the queen herself
  185. >Chrysalis could feel it, her release, coming like a great storm
  186. >Building and building until
  187. >She let out a scream, throwing her head back, her entire body spasming as she came
  188. >Celestia murmured, gripped tighter, and accepted every ounce of her mistress’s essence
  189. >She expertly let Chrysalis ride her high gently back to reality
  190. >The Queen let her shaky legs give way, dropping to the floor with a splash
  191. >She had certainly made a mess of Celestia’s quarters
  192. >She rolled onto her back, looking up with a goofy smile
  193. >The Princess did not share it
  194. >”More”
  195. >Chrysalis furrowed her brow
  196. ”Pardon?”
  197. >Celestia pounced on the Queen’s prone body, pinning her down without much effort
  198. >She drew her tongue along Chrysalis’s neck once again, stopping at her ear to nip and bite
  199. >Chrysalis felt heat rush to her face again
  200. >”I said more!” the Princess growled
  201. >Gods have mercy
  202. End [spoiler] ? [/spoiler]
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