
Shadow and Light (Queen Umbra) - Headcanon II

Oct 20th, 2016
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  1. Note: I've decided to post all my notes and ideas on and about Queen Umbra, since I've been dead for a long time and thought that this might serve as some 'entertaining' reading material. Take what ideas you like and contribute it towards more stories.
  3. Shadow and Light (Queen Umbra) - Headcanon II
  5. Race of the Shadow Ponies
  6. • Ponies from the North that are omnivores.
  8. • They did not have Cutiemarks - to others they are seen as the forsaken ones, but to themselves, they are not bound to fate, and that they control their own destiny.
  10. • The ones that have horns could use powerful magic and the more powerful they were, the more influential they are.
  12. • They're able to get into higher positions within society, such as kings, lords and generals.
  14. • The ones born without the horn could not, and were classed as second class citizens and were delegated to doing other tasks.
  16. Origins
  17. Their origins span back centuries, when the wendigoes ruled the skies, spirits that fed off emotions.
  19. The ponies headed north, to safer lands, deep into the snow. There, one of the elders found a cave that sheltered a Black Crystal Tree, with leaves and fruit with red crystal-like flesh which, when consumed, granted the elders with powerful magic to repel and survive the wendigoes. The magic stayed within their bloodlines, which further caused the discrimination. They were too late in finding out that the fruit grew extraordinarily slowly, and so, because of this, some were harvested and stored in secret. Attempts at growing another tree from the fruit were in failure.
  21. The place was revered and kept secret for many centuries.
  23. Fall
  24. The shadow ponies kingdom was eventually attacked by Celestia's army, for their use of magic, keeping slaves and posing a threat in the north (of the Crystal Kingdom).
  26. The battle was fierce, with crystal walls erected around their capital and a giant crystal golem.
  28. However the Golden Army had the advantage of aerial advantage, with Pegasus ponies. The Shadow ponies had only hired a Gryphon sell swords, but against a force like Celestia, they were no match.
  30. The battle was considered a defeat for the shadow ponies, but both sides had lost large numbers.
  32. Aftermath
  33. Ever since then, their kingdom was left in ruins, what was left of the residents fled to other places north, only a small number of shadow ponies survived in different towns and villages outside of the kingdom.
  35. Many years later, the two family sides decide to try and retake the Shadow Kingdom, but under two very different kinds of rule - one wants to revert back to the old days, the other wishes to move onto using new ideas.
  37. Shadow Pony Royal Bloodline
  39. Archaos, King of Shadows, King of the North, killed by Celestia, fathered
  40. Erebus, who fathered five heirs,
  41. With his first wife, a shadow magic user pony born of royalty, he fathered Sombra, then Umbra.
  42. With his second wife, a none magic pony user sword into royalty, he fathered Eidolon, then Starless, then Dusk.
  44. Republic of the Shadow Kingdom
  45. The Republic of the Shadow Kingdom, is an idea for the ruined Shadow Kingdom, led by Sombra's distant cousin, Prince Eidolon and his two younger sisters
  47. They wish to retake the ruined kingdom, devastated and left as a monument of a failed kingdom by Celestia, and re-inject it with new life and hope.
  49. When they were young, their birth mother opposed their father's harsh rule and the monarchy they ruled under.
  51. A Dark Awakening
  52. Centuries later while Umbra and Sombra were playing on the old hills...
  54. • The ground gave way and they [Umbra and Sombra] both fell down into a cave, which held the Black Crystal Tree. It was warmer inside, there was a flowing lake of water, the remains of some pony with a curved horn. The trees roots has grown everywhere and blocked off the entrance. This place had not been disturbed in a very, very long time.
  56. • The Black Crystal Tree had a green glow, pulsating with magical power, drawing the sister pony in.
  58. • Umbra was the first to touch the heart of the tree. It encapsulated her in a green light and purple smoke, imbuing her with powers, turning their eyes red, whites green (only when they are active) and horn red. Gifted with new powers, Umbra was able to grow a crystal out of the undisturbed ground.
  60. • Sombra touched the tree roots himself, the roots come alive and wrap around him and through a similar transformation, he was also given the same powers but soon afterwards the tree stopped glowing green.
  62. • Umbra was more gifted with crystal manipulation, growing crystal buildings at a tremendous rate, building them a staircase to get out.
  64. • Sombra is unable to use crystal magic to the same ability, therefore he shunned Umbra, and studied the forbidden lore, using dark magic and fear to fuel his abilities.
  66. Revival of the Shadow Kingdom
  67. Sombra, during the time Eidolon has gone to Celestia for protection and help, has gone back to the old kingdom and taken it back into control.
  73. Anonymous in Equestria
  74. Anonymous is the only human in Equestria, he's able to wield weapons and has better dexterity. But he is not a warrior. At most he uses items, his magic pendent and a knife.
  76. • He's become one of Canterlot's aides, due to his human nature, something that Canterlot, specifically Princess Celestia is not used to. Because of that, he's become an important figure to the Princesses.
  79. • Though as a human, he's unable to use magic - and because of that he's been gifted an artefact, crafted by the elder unicorns of Canterlot, a crystal imbued with magic, wrapped in chains around his left hand.
  81. He's kept secret that he wants to find a way back to his world or of any other humans being in the world, and in doing so will need to gain power and knowledge.
  83. During one of his trips to the Crystal Kingdom with Twilight, he finds one of his information launder and his motives are found out. Twilight is afraid of losing him and takes it upon herself to use poisonous dark magic to make Anonymous lose his memory.
  85. He escapes into the snow storm, trying to create a clue - anyway to avoid losing his mind and to mark Twilight as his traitor.
  87. While in the snow, Umbra's guards find him and being him back.
  89. Anonymous' Relationships
  90. • He has a mature relationship with Princess Celestia, and is the subject of Luna's affection but due to their positions they have kept equal distance to each other. Twilight has always had a thing for Anonymous, naively believing in his love for her when he became Celestia's aide.
  92. • Sombra does not care at all for Anonymous, only later to actually hate him because he took his sister's affection.
  94. • Umbra finds comfort in his different values and for the fact that he's so different. She later finds out his thinking compliments her strength and ability.
  96. Sombra and Umbra
  97. Brother and sister rule together, trying to build back their country that was once ruled by their great grandfather after the great war.
  99. They have no slaves, but Sombra has other ideas about that (similar to bringing back and improving his grandfather's rule).
  101. The great crystal walls still stands, despite the great damage on them. They stand as testament to their true strength.
  103. Sombra finds Anonymous repulsive and wants him sent to prison, though he would rather have him executed.
  105. They rule in the same style as their family did before.
  107. Other races, gryphons and other regular ponies, are few and far.
  109. Umbra's Guards
  110. Umbra has two guards, Faint Noise, a thestral and Silent Voice, a shadow pony. Since they were Umbra's personal guards, they wore different equipment.
  111. They had armour of a lighter tone and an open helmet for better visibility
  113. Faint Noise wore the least armour, since she insisted on agility as her means of protection.
  114. She had a pair of goggles wrapped around her helm. Wrapped underneath her wing was her whip.
  115. Faint Noise can be snarky like a filly, and outspoken at times. She can be quick to fight with others. She has her own opinions of things, but tends to keep them to herself since she's a guard.
  117. Silent Voice took on a more traditional set of armour, a mixture of armour and pouches for her items. She had staff by her side held by special clasp.
  118. Silent Voice is the silent, studious sort. She doesn't really speak, which makes her role perfect as a guard. She has a soft heart for young fillies.
  120. Eidolon, Starless and Dusk
  122. Brother and sisters are trying to change the future of the shadow ponies and of their old kingdom by trying to create a new rule.
  124. Eidolon believes that, with integrity, fairness and law on their side, they'll be able to rule a better, fairer society than the one ruled with might and magic.
  126. It may seem like that they're naïve, and it might as well be .
  128. Twilight
  129. Has become an alicorn, though that just further clouds her ability
  131. She seems to have some sort of infatuation with Anonymous, mostly due to her finding him/given the task of looking after him in Equestria.
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