
[Prose, Request] Royal Escort (F/?(M), Oral)

Nov 17th, 2014
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  1. A thick, warm breeze drifts under your chin, your vision stuck in a black void. Your sense of touch the only guide in the stuffy darkness. Any attempt to situate yourself was met with a slick surface, contorting to your movements. The humid air clings to your skin, a faint scent of flowers permeate through the slime that coated you. Faint voices of female chatter echo around you, muffled by the cramped sack that contained you. Despite the claustrophobic mystery that oozed from your surroundings, you did not fight it.
  3. Reclining into the throbbing walls, you shift yourself as radiating warmth of the cramped chamber tightly wraps around your body. A rhythmic beat jostles the skin-tight layer that cradled your body. Heavy breathing quietly accompany the distinct beat of hooves against a hard surface as you gently bounce to the controlled sway. A commanding voice calls out to you beyond your vision.
  5. “...Human... awaken...”
  7. You feel your sense of reality slowly creep back to you, the sauna-like comfort escaping you as the voice increases in volume.
  9. “Your princess requests your attention human...”
  11. The veil of your dream breaks as you find yourself in your bed. The beddings stuck to you, drenched in your sweat. The moonlight gives your room a faint blue glow as the only source of light. Sitting up in a drowsy haze, your eyes search for the owner of the rousing voice. Unable to find the perpetrator immediately, you hear a deep, feminine creature clear her throat as you jump a bit to find Luna at your bedside.
  13. “Hello human, I hope the night finds you well.”
  15. Straightening your posture as you quickly reach over to your shirt as you hear her giggle at your expense.
  17. “Please, no need for such formalities, I am the intruder in your home, after all.”
  19. You stop yourself from clothing your naked top as you meet her serene cyan eyes with your own.
  21. “Yes princess... what bring you to my home?”
  23. “Again, at ease human. I merely have an inquiry for you.”
  25. Freezing up in her eerily calm demeanor, her stature still emitted a forceful personality that demanded respect. As if sensing the tension in your body, she lowers herself at your side, forcing you to look down upon her smiling visage.
  27. “As the dreamwalker of this world, I've noted your dreams to be quite... unique. I know not if this is because you are not from here, but your desires are very exotic.”
  29. Feeling the blood rush to your head, you feel a bit woozy as Luna hints at observing your nightly thoughts. Though you don't remember all of your dreams, the ones that you recall left you wanting for more. Knowing that the goddess of the night has peered into your darkest desires was nothing short of humiliating. Luna furrowed her brow as her voice took a gentle volume.
  31. “Please, do not be alarmed. In fact, I wish to indulge you in these needs.”
  33. From one shock to another, you stare at her in disbelief. Your heart pounded in your chest as a cold sweat drips down your back. The dreamy alicorn rose from from the floor, towering over you once again. Placing a hoof onto your bed as she cranes her head down towards you. You barely utter a question to the princess.
  35. “But... why?”
  37. Her eyes drift towards your room's window, the full moon perfectly perched outside in perfect view. She brings you in close to her slim frame with her leg, your ear to her chest. The gentle beat of her heart accompanies the serene tune of her voice.
  39. “Well... you have heard the stories of my jealousy, have you not?”
  41. You obediently nod, your body slack in her embrace. A tinge of sorrow lines her voice as she explains her intrusion.
  43. “Very little has changed since then. The ponies across Equestria still favor my sister's sun more than my glowing moon. Even in their dreams, they fantasize of the daylight.”
  45. She takes your body in her hooves, facing you towards her. Her wavy mane gracefully waved to an invisible breeze as her dominating aura returns, her face earnest as she speaks.
  47. “But you... You dream of my night as a home to your imagination. And for that, I wish to thank you for the company you've given me these past nights, though you may not have been aware of it.”
  49. Though the back of your mind found this a bit creepy, the prospect of living your dreams through a pony as majestic as her rouses your body. She moistens her lips with a slow sweep of her tongue across her mouth, gazing upon your body.
  51. “So... would you allow me the honor of consuming you, to cradle you inside my depths and hold you close to my heart?”
  53. You melt at her words, only able to nod meekly as she grips you harder in her grasp.
  55. “Thank you, now please, this is my pleasure as well, so allow me to indulge myself.”
  57. Without a moment to think, She expertly unwraps you from your soggy sheets, finding your feet. She flips your body face-down as she lifts your lower body towards her mouth Her jaws stretch open to accept the willing sacrifice, a dull click forces her mouth wider as she places your legs onto her palette. Her jaws bite down onto your thighs, locking you in place. A thin stream of saliva trails down your leg as her tongue slithers out to sample your naked flesh. She carefully licks your inner thighs, the smooth skin to her liking as she moans with your feet in her throat. The vibration sends shivers up your own body, the warmth of her insides unreal.
  59. Excitement pumps in your veins as she gulps, your chest slowly reaching her alabaster teeth. Wiggling your toes as they are pulled down with each contraction of her long, slender neck, you feel strings of thick saliva cling to your lower body. The webbing of her fluids stuck to your skin as you slithered down deeper into the princess. An ominous growl of her belly joined the slurping sounds of Luna's maw as she tips her head up, allowing gravity to help force you into her body.
  61. Wordlessly, you gaze at the marvel of the alicorn easily taking in your body. As you sink deeper into the dark blue body, you bend your neck over to see traces of your form move across her coat. Before you can continue to really appreciate seeing you body inside her own, Luna places a hoof against the top of your head. She gradually shoves you further down into her body, feeling your legs swimming in the thick goop that resided in her stomach. As she closes her teeth around your head, you gaze off at the moon that lazily sat in the night sky. It was the last bit of light you saw before Luna's darkness enveloped you.
  63. Her tongue lapped at your face, drenching you in the saliva that pooled around her mouth. You feel the warm liquid trace down your body as it gathered at the stomach's entrance, your hips still awaiting entry into the digestive chamber below. The oral muscle wrapped over your head as it pulled you deeper into her esophagus, your lower body forced forward into the thick lake that sat heavily in her belly. Feeling the crushing power of her throat against your head with each pained gulp, Luna gradually regains her voice as she strokes your form downwards.
  65. “...certainly hope that was as enjoyable for you as it was for me. You have quite the distinct taste that I will never forget.”
  67. Your head pops into the bubbling chamber, joining the rest of your body. Her words oozed mystery as you grew uncertain of your safety inside the princess.
  69. “Luna? You'll let me out eventually, right?”
  71. A gentle glow surrounded you, giving you temporary vision of your crimson prison. The wrinkled walls closed in against your body as the smell grew acrid. As quickly as the light came, it disappeared, leaving you in the sweltering darkness of her body.
  73. “Of course, I would never harm a subject as precious as you.”
  75. You breathe a sigh of relief as she continues.
  77. “Though, I believe an overnight stay within your princess would please her greatly, won't you accompany me tonight?”
  79. A haze of drowsiness overcomes your mind as you slowly rock to the sound of Luna's hooves against your bedroom floor. The muscled walls that threatened to crush you with each powerful churn of her stomach did nothing to convince you otherwise. Slowly losing your sense of feeling in your body, you slur out a response.
  81. “How could I refuse... a princess...”
  83. The sudden unfurling of a powerful set of wings pierce the sound of the frothing stew that sought to absorb you.
  85. “Wonderful, let us spend a night together at the castle, shall we?”
  87. The reserved eagerness in her voice was the last sound you heard before falling unconscious to the digestive organ that relentlessly pulverized all sensation from your body.
  89. Regaining consciousness, you find yourself lying on the most magnificent bed you've ever seen. A dark blue theme resonated through the room as the satin sheets felt heavenly against your naked body. The pillow that you rested upon hugged all the right spots as it coddled your head. As you prompt yourself to get up, you find yourself unable to move.
  91. “Morning, my human. I hope my chambers are to your liking.”
  93. Luna's voice boomed in your throat as you find yourself mute with no ability to respond back. She giggles once again as a dainty hoof is lifted into your vision.
  95. “I must admit, it has been forever since I have attempted this, but it works like a charm!”
  97. You feel your body move beneath the covers as the hoof unveils the rest of “you.” Your eyes move for themselves as they look up and down the thin alicorn frame that defines Luna.
  99. “As you can see, I've incorporated your body into mine. While you'll be able to feel everything that I do, only I will have control over our actions. You may still speak to me with your thoughts if you so desire, but I just wanted a bit of company in my days.”
  101. With your mind blank on the situation, you feel Luna grow apprehensive as she awaits a response for you.
  103. “We do not have to do this if this is... too weird for you. I can return your body to you... but I would greatly appreciate it if you may accompany me for a day or so.”
  105. Not about to refuse a mare who fulfilled your desires, you agree to her terms.
  107. “Wonderful! You shant regret your decision!”
  109. Luna springs from her bed as she gracefully lands onto the carpet floor below. Each bristle of the carpet is as soft as the last one, her soft under hooves caressed by the royal flooring. You she her mane's bangs gently flowing in front of her eyes as she makes her way to the bathroom.
  111. “I can already tell that we will enjoy this, I can sense your elation.”
  113. As her hooves step onto the tiled floor, she stares into the mirror, showing you were one with her. The elegant princess stared at her own reflection, giving you time to situate yourself. Even in her disheveled state of waking up, her alicorn features were as beautiful as ever. Her horn stood proudly on her head as the night sky dances along her mane. The deep blue coat remained orderly, almost flawless to the naked eye. Finally the sleek body of her birthright remained as this as ever, despite devouring a sizable meal the other night. Closing her eyes to give a polite giggle, a tinge of red crosses her cheeks.
  115. “Really now, I know you cannot control your thoughts, but flattery is so foreign to me. Forgive me for I do not know how to react appropriately.”
  117. Turning away from the mirror, she enters her shower. With a glow of her horn, she turns the water on as a generous amount of hot water sprays her body. The feeling of water crawling over every inch of Luna's body invigorated you. Even as she layered herself in fragrant shampoo, your mind raced with the overwhelming amount of sensations that threatened to drown out your thoughts. Each bit of the princess' body was new to you, and rewiring your brain to all these new sensations overloaded you as Luna hurriedly finishes up her wash.
  119. “I apologize, I forgot that you were no pony. I have only attempted this with those that share my body structure, so that may have been a bit much for you.”
  121. You feel your thoughts mumble out a confirmation to her worry.
  123. “No matter, I shall make it up to you through the day... through the eyes of a princess.”
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