

Jun 18th, 2013
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  1. <Boilerplate> I guess this is proof that this entire "War on Terror" is really nothing based on sheer racism alone:
  2. <GameOver> Title: List of indefinite detainees - More Info - (at
  3. <djr013> usually referring to splits, inter-organization drama, etc
  4. * _JKL1234-_ has quit (Quit: G'ing TFO)
  5. <kilobug> Boilerplate: no, "war on terror" isn't based on racism alone, it's based on the needs to control the oil supplies, the racism part is just how to make the masses tolerate it
  6. <Boilerplate> Well thing is we live in the Oil Standard
  7. <Boilerplate> Makes me wonder that the Oil Buisnesses and this entire war in the Middle East are connected
  8. <Boilerplate> Although here's more news about about it:
  9. <GameOver> Title: BBC News - US reveals Guantanamo indefinite detainees (at
  10. <Boilerplate> I think the point is it proves that white/privledge exists
  11. <kilobug> this whole "you're neither a criminal offender with the right of fair trial, nor a prisonner of war with the Geneva convention protection" is just sick
  12. * WildTux ( has joined
  13. <kilobug> it's even sick within bourgeois ethics
  14. <negativecreep1> jup
  15. <Boilerplate> ^
  16. <Boilerplate> Of course ever noticed that all these people in there are all arabs/muslims which is also a noteworthy point out
  17. <negativecreep1> the other day I heard a story from some lawyer that defends some of the detainees. Apparently the ability to make phone-calls revealed to much shocking stuff so now they have to get a finger up the arse before they get to call, just for intimidation
  18. <negativecreep1> Also, the torture they use is obviously racist and determined to atack their religious practices.
  19. <Boilerplate> ^ Yep that's what this entire thing is about
  20. <Boilerplate> Oil and Racism
  21. <kilobug> oil is the goal, racism the means; but yeah it makes an awful combo
  22. <negativecreep1> Like, a female interrogator would strip and then give the detainee a lap-dance, then they would convince the detainee that he got menstrual-blood on him and then take away his shower-"privileges". The idea behind that is that without shower he can't get the menstrual blood off and he isn't allowed to pray, according to Islam.
  23. <negativecreep1> They also make the detainees move to other parts of the camp at praying-time, just so they can't pray.
  24. <negativecreep1> It's absolutely sickening.
  25. * JKL1234- ( has joined
  26. <Boilerplate> It's called the White Christian Male domination of the world
  27. <negativecreep1> The tubes they use for the force-feeding has a iron point now to hurt the hunger strikers more
  28. <jacobian> <modulus> i'm neither as pessimistic about syndicalism nor as certain that it's infeasible to join political and syndical work as some others here
  29. <jacobian> You can politicise unions, but you can't get a union on the basis of a political commonality, you need strength.
  30. <jacobian> On the question of pessimism, I don't see any reason to believe that syndicalism will go into terminal decline
  31. <jacobian> Union density has been decreasing everywhere since the late 70s
  32. <jacobian> Number of industrial actions has been declining as well
  33. <jacobian> The size of workplaces has been shrinking in the US
  34. <Boilerplate> I got a question on Israel would say "How come the Jews got their own country but not the Native Americans, Africans, etc?"
  35. <jacobian> unemployment is at a higher level than before the crisis - which also militates against recovery of union density or strength
  36. <jacobian> I see no objective factors which would lead to better conditions for syndicalism
  37. <nuit> Boilerplate: africans?
  38. <jacobian> I think we need to see it as rearguard action
  39. <kilobug> Boilerplate: the white christian male part is not the main factor... it's just an excuse to get more popular support, but if you see how they behaved during the Condor Plan, where the victims were massively white christian males, there is no significant difference
  40. <Boilerplate> I mean Congoians if you read what King Leopold did
  41. <nuit> yeah, they did all sorts of fucked up shit
  42. <nuit> but congo exists
  43. <negativecreep1> well
  44. <negativecreep1> they did have problems with Lumumba and helped in assassinating him
  45. <kilobug> Boilerplate: US imperialists will violate the rights of anyone who is between them and their economical interests, it doesn't matter if the one is an "arab muslim from the middle-east" or a "white christian from latin america"
  46. <negativecreep1> then they got a more pro-west, and fascistic leader and then they were okay with Congo existing.
  47. <Boilerplate> I guess what I said about Israel is wrong then?
  48. <nuit> what did you say? i havent seen it
  49. <Boilerplate> <Boilerplate> I got a question on Israel would say "How come the Jews got their own country but not the Native Americans, Africans, etc?"
  50. <nuit> i wouldnt say that its really comparable
  51. <kilobug> Boilerplate: "africans" are wide term, and "africans" have many countries; but for the rest yes, it holds
  52. <Boilerplate> I think the point was that the Jews were victims of Genocide i.e. the Holocaust but they got their own country after it though.
  53. <Boilerplate> but not the Native Americans and such
  54. <djr013> jacobian: Yeah, it's often referred to as the casualisation of labor.
  55. <negativecreep1> Malcolm X was for an independent african country in his Muslim days
  56. <nuit> well, the native americans got some territories etc but it isnt really comparable since jews were spread out all over other countries
  57. <jacobian> It's a poor basis for syndicalism
  58. <nuit> plus, you have to look at it historically
  59. * JKL1234- has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  60. <Boilerplate> Of course next time if I ever come across a anti-semite who describes themselves as "Anti-Zionists"
  61. <djr013> jacobian: Not that it particularly means much, but some have speculated that that casualisation means a possible re-emergence of old IWW tactics of organizing unstable workers.
  62. <Boilerplate> who would probably point that out and what should I say?
  63. <nuit> point what out?
  64. <Boilerplate> read my previous post
  65. <jacobian> Yeah, except the old IWW tactics never worked that well anyhow
  66. <nuit> well, i just told you
  67. <jacobian> The IWW was never a very impressive syndicalist organisation
  68. <djr013> In agriculture, it worked very well.
  69. <kilobug> Boilerplate: native americans were definitely victims of a genocide
  70. <nuit> jews were all spread out, didnt have one single place where they were like native americans
  71. <djr013> As well as shipyards.
  72. <nuit> they lived in different countries
  73. <nuit> well
  74. <nuit> they still do
  75. <djr013> Timber too.
  76. <Boilerplate> So what is Israel entire existence based on then?
  77. <Boilerplate> and why and how was it created
  78. <jacobian> The high-point was about 40k members
  79. <nuit>
  80. <GameOver> Title: History of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
  81. <Boilerplate> Although "White Colonalism of the Middle East" comes to mind
  82. <nuit> i suggest starting here
  83. <jacobian> And shipyards have always been fairly easy to organise for unions
  84. * WildTux has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  85. * iLogical has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  86. <nuit> yes, it was a british colony before
  87. <djr013>
  88. <GameOver> Title: Agency and Casual Workers | (at
  89. <nuit> whats more common now, though, at least in europe
  90. <nuit> is to have anti-semitic zionists
  91. <nuit> like brievik
  92. <jacobian> Casual workers are industrially weak workers
  93. <jacobian> Which means that focus on casual work is a strategy of industrial weakness.
  94. <jacobian> If more workers are going towards casualisation it means more workers are becoming industrially weak
  95. <jacobian> Which is why syndicalism is not liable to be a real strong long term tendency
  96. <Boilerplate> Of course anti-semitic conspriacy theorists think Israel is a "capital of the NWO" or it was put there to "fufill bibical prophecy" and it is "controlling the world and driving it"
  97. <djr013> That's the thing, we're prepared to accept those economic conditions and organize within them.
  98. <nuit> yes, those are just silly
  99. <nuit> we need to be able to criticize israel for its actions (and theres plenty to criticize) without going into antisemitism and conspiracy theories
  100. <jacobian>
  101. <jacobian> You're prepared to take one tactic, elevate it to a strategy and ignore the objective conditions
  102. <Boilerplate> Unfortuintly my Dad believes in this crap though and he thinks that Israel controls the U.S. and it's reason why we're in the Middle East is because "getting of nations that Israel doesn't like"
  103. <nuit> most leftist jewish public figures are highly critical of israel
  104. <jacobian> I'm 100% supportive of socialists organising in the trade unions and increasing militancy of trade unions
  105. <jacobian> But it's just not going to be the strategy which brings the working class to power
  106. <jacobian> So you need to take a broader look at the landscape
  107. <nuit> Boilerplate: is he a libertarian? nazi?
  108. <kilobug> Boilerplate: I would say it's more the other way around; Israel is important for the US because it gives them a stronghold from which to dominate the region and its ressources
  109. <djr013> (10:32:20 AM) jacobian: You're prepared to take one tactic, elevate it to a strategy and ignore the objective conditions
  110. <Boilerplate> He probably even thinks that 9/11 was done by Israel/Mossad who knows
  111. <djr013> No, we're prepared to organize that type of worker among others.
  112. <kilobug> Boilerplate: rather than the US dominating the region for the saftey of Israel
  113. <nuit> Boilerplate: a common claim is that AIPAC is the largest spender on lobbying
  114. <nuit> if he claims that just point him to
  115. <GameOver> Title: Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets (at
  116. <Boilerplate> Well he does read conspriacy sites like Micheal Rivero's "whatreallyhappened" though and I remember him that he supports Ron Paul
  117. <Boilerplate> well he supported Ron Paul actually
  118. <jacobian> The main reason the IWW focuses on casual workers is because the other unions which are more effective ignore them, hence there isn't any competition. That means the IWW get the dregs, the precarious who will generally lose. They may get a bigger slice of the pie when more workers become precarious, but they'll never be very strong industrially on that basis.
  119. <djr013> On what basis would the IWW become strong, then?
  120. <nuit> yeah Boilerplate im sure that sucks
  121. <nuit> my cousin constantly talks about conspiracy theories
  122. <jacobian> If it were organising electrical grids, the train lines, longshore etc.
  123. <Boilerplate> nuit: Let's just my Dad is this:
  124. <GameOver> Title: The Soap Box: Not all Conspiracy Theorists are Conspiracy Theorists (at
  125. <nuit> wakes up in the middle of the night cause hes paranoid someone is coming for him
  126. <nuit> stopped leaving the house
  127. <nuit> etc
  128. <jacobian> the problem is that all of these things will be under attack from greater casualisation
  129. <jacobian> The Dutch automated the fuck out of the longshoreman
  130. <jacobian> It will spread
  131. <Boilerplate> He's a conspiracy believer and not to mention he's from the Hippie generation as well
  132. <jacobian> Eventually there will be no train operators, no bus drivers, no truckers
  133. <jacobian> And that "eventually" is not too far in the future
  134. <nuit> werent hippies leftist?
  135. <jacobian> No
  136. <Boilerplate> Well also there's also the New Agers as well
  137. <jacobian> Hippies were drug addled individualists suffering from the internalisation of capitalist individualism
  138. <negativecreep1> some were leftists
  139. <jacobian> None of them
  140. <jacobian> They were all on drugs
  141. <negativecreep1> non-sense
  142. <nuit> yes but werent they mostly like utopian socialists
  143. <Boilerplate> Yep my Dad was a druggie during his youth
  144. <jacobian> negativecreep1, :)
  145. <djr013> jacobian: Your contention seemingly isn't one of casualisation, it's one of targeted industry.
  146. <jacobian> djr013, ?
  147. <jacobian> The argument isn't that complicated djr013
  148. <jacobian> There is an objective trend towards decentralisation, smaller workforces in weaker jobs with higher unemployment and greater labour supply
  149. <jacobian> this is bad for syndicalist strategy full stop
  150. <djr013> You start out by saying that the IWW's focus on (or at least, accomodation of) casual workers is a failing strategy, and summarize by saying it should target infrastructure.
  151. <jacobian> No, I'm saying that syndicalist strategy needs to have critical infrastructure in order to be strong
  152. <jacobian> But in the end, this too will slip away due to the changing nature of the economy
  153. <djr013> Well yes, that is obvious.
  154. <jacobian> Hence not only is syndicalism unlikely to work
  155. <jacobian> But that particular syndicalism is doubly bad
  156. <djr013> rofl
  157. * BOZG ( has joined
  158. <jacobian> It's going to be the fringe of a declining union strength
  159. <jacobian> maybe the fringe will increase in size, but it will remain industrially weak
  160. <jacobian> And that means it can either face up and organise as a party
  161. <jacobian> Or it can just be weak
  162. <Boilerplate> Oh another thing too about the bombing in Syria by Israel my Dad thinks it's just Israel trying to get us into WWIII.
  163. <djr013> How would a party decide to organize the working class?
  164. <djr013> With the assumption that the major unions are dead as well.
  165. <Boilerplate> Well guess what none of that didn't happen
  166. <nuit> Boilerplate: does he try to predit when WWIII will start?
  167. <jacobian> They aren't dead, they are in historic decline
  168. <jacobian> They should be treated as an important rear-guard
  169. <djr013> We're assuming syndicalism has died.
  170. <nuit> sometimes they even like to give specific dates
  171. <djr013> It's industrially powerless.
  172. <nuit> based on when wars in the past happened
  173. * Astarte ( has joined
  174. <jacobian> No, I'm saying as a main strategy its mental - as a tactic to supplement a broader movement its important.
  175. <Boilerplate> He belives that Israel is using the U.S. to start WWIII for one and also belives that attacking Iran would draw in Russia as well
  176. <djr013> So basically, unions as get-out-the-vote vehicles.
  177. <jacobian> It will not grow to the extent that it can challenge capital, and if you can't grow you are doomed.
  178. <jacobian> Well, that's about the extent of what a precarious base would give you
  179. <jacobian> But having core infrastructure means you can actually do industrial action
  180. <fuzzyhorns> hi all
  181. <jacobian> Like the CGT
  182. <jacobian> (France)
  183. <djr013> So rear-guard to you means having that infrastructure?
  184. <djr013> Or does it mean "organizing" the working class to support your party?
  185. <jacobian> No, that's always the case that to have effective industrial action you need important industry
  186. <Boilerplate> nuit: Since he believes that Russia has a "mutual defense pact with Iran/Syria"
  187. <jacobian> What is the difference between trying to get people into the IWW and having them join a party djr013 ?
  188. <djr013> I'm not sure I understand what value you place in your idea of syndicalism as a rear-guard to your party.
  189. <djr013> jacobian: Taking action on the job.
  190. * ModularBoy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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