
Log 0047

Sep 16th, 2017
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  1. [6:18 PM] Eon: Having cleansed Orixia of the Wight Wind, our heroes were still trapped in the Nightmare.. Even so, the locals were kind enough to poke us in the direction of those who would oppose the Cradle of the End.. or at least, what was left of them; The smouldering stump of black ice that used to be the bastion of the Orixian vampires.
  3. Never dissuaded, our heroes went there, hoping this lead would provide at least a glimmer of insight, or anything to stand against the moon. After an anti-climatic encounter involving a Chimera and Hold Monster, being surprised by a Death Slaad disguised as an elf, we soon stood before a metal door.
  5. This would be the entrance to Harsula(?) Blackstar's lab, and he greeted us with a display of gore, consuming the hearts of four other, lesser vampires. Despite the gruesome sight, the party decided to talk, and maybe almost become vampires in the process. In the end, the eccentric vampire lord attacked, and combat ensued. Though we truimphed, he had the unsettling ability to manipulate fate, in a fashion, attributed to the artifact he wielded, the Spear of Saintly Blood, which he entrusted to us.
  6. [6:19 PM] Runic: @Players
  7. [6:19 PM] Eon: (o7)
  8. [6:19 PM] Runic: :yousoro:
  9. [6:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The party investigated the library, after all that's said and done. The library contains significant amount of literary works, most of which seems to be shoved into a dusty corner for the bookworms to feast upon - if indeed there were such a thing in a vampire's study. It seems to be a private library meant for only the librarian, with a single chair and desk in the small room. At least it fits all of you, still. It requires a bit of cleaning up, but once the dust settles, you are able to research on topics related to the vampire's interest. And his primary interest is in the planetary woe of the local galaxy.
  11. The Spear of Destiny is with one of you, unattuned, passive, watching and waiting.
  12. [6:19 PM] Mizuki: :yousoro:
  13. [6:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A cursory glance on a tome: The text on the books are illegible at first, before they seem to shift into meaning... As if the meaning only comes about once observed. The primary tome speaks of The Cradle, in which came about millennia ago suddenly. As it appeared, it devoured the dark moon, Rune, with a ferocity unseen in even the wildest of beasts. The writer notes the fall of mages during that time, as many of those who dedicated themselves to the dark arts suddenly, inexplicitly lose their power. Liches and undead deanimate as unlife drain from them, and life-supporting magic fails.
  14. [6:20 PM] Eon: "..." Hmm. Esker reads on, silently.
  15. [6:20 PM] Eon: Undead.. But the Wight Wind..
  16. [6:21 PM] Eon: That seemed like a contradiction, in some fashion!
  17. [6:21 PM] Mizuki: (1 minute)
  18. [6:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A grand phantasm was casted in the sky, once the Cradle's gaze started driving the rest slowly insane. A mirror, in the name of a deity fallen during the time when Rune was devoured. The name is... illegible, as if the ink was chewed off the page. The mirror keeps Orixia sane, and blocks the otherworldly influence the Cradle's gaze otherwisely invites.
  19. [6:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Rune and Lune are used interchangably, by the writer, until a later time that the writer established the artifacts known as the Fragment of Lune, which are the original source of a new form of magic, the Rune Magic, named after the fallen moon.
  20. [6:24 PM] Eon: ... Was their Spacejammer literally powered by shards of a consumed moon? Now that was a thought.
  21. [6:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It then talks at length about the structure of spells after the destruction of Lune, and what to avoid during the trying time.
  22. [6:24 PM] Eon: Esker pays particular attention to that section.
  23. [6:24 PM] Runic: Reading multiple tomes along side with the others, or at least trying to in this case. Lexon finds himself mostly confused. Poking Esker on the shoulder, "So moon got eaten, people start losing magic is what I'm getting here right?"
  24. [6:24 PM] Eon: Divination aside, there might be more..
  25. [6:25 PM] Eon: spells to avoid.
  26. [6:25 PM] Bot Fodder: John sits indian-style, head emitting fumes as he tries in vain to help scan through the tomes.
  27. [6:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It talks of magical rituals that you do not practice; indeed, it's an Orixian local worry. Your spellcasting methods are inheritently different and are vastly less impacted by the Cradle's influence.
  28. [6:25 PM] Eon: "Uh... Huh." Esker nods slowly, as if she was reading a bad action novel.
  29. [6:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (...)
  30. [6:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( shrug )
  31. [6:26 PM] Eon: (mrr?)
  32. [6:26 PM] Runic: "Well, I'll leave the, uh, reading to you guys, I'm just gonna learn to use this spear. John!" Lexon calls, "You know how to use these things right? Teach me!"
  33. [6:26 PM] Bot Fodder: ( :smugpopo: )
  34. [6:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( as previously mentioned, the spear)
  35. [6:27 PM] Eon: The background was useful to know, of course. But what had Blackstar looked into stopping the Cradle? The Spear of Destiny was a start, but..
  36. [6:27 PM] Eon: What, were they supposed to throw the spear at the moon?
  37. [6:27 PM] Bot Fodder: "Huh? That one?" John looks hesistant, but is glad for the excuse to put the book aside. "Well, it's shorter than a pike, so you can probably throw it."
  38. [6:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The library is here for you to perform some research, whenever you wish, to the extend of the library's capability.
  39. [6:28 PM] Eon: "Bah. I'm not really a scholar for a reason." Esker furrows her brow.
  40. [6:28 PM] Mizuki: Alicia thinks while browsing the pages. - "The fragments of Lune huh. I wonder if the spear he was using was something like that." - She glances at Lexon.
  41. [6:28 PM] Eon: Still, she guessed, they did literally just get here.
  42. [6:28 PM] Runic: Lexon casually starts swinging around casually, waiting for John's response. "Hmm, alright. I think I handle throwing it" Lexon spouts
  43. [6:28 PM] Eon: "Shall we get comfortable?" Esker shrugs.
  44. [6:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear seems passive.
  45. [6:29 PM] Eon: World was ending, but it was better than going in without a plan.
  46. [6:29 PM] Eon: Their opponent is literally the size of a moon, after all.
  47. [6:29 PM] Bot Fodder: "Not that you can't use it up close, too," John clarifies. "Basically, as long as the pointy end goes where you want, anything goes." :thumbsup:
  48. [6:29 PM] Faerie: Razmik's head pokes in from behind the door. He makes his way inside, waving. ''Tried putting Blackstar's remains at rest, that should be done. What are you finding here?''
  49. [6:30 PM] Eon: (koga, does Conjure Animal's animals also have the same INT to comprehend books)
  50. [6:30 PM] Bot Fodder: John_teaches_spearmanship.jpg
  51. [6:30 PM] Eon: (or is it the fey spirit doing the brainwork)
  52. [6:30 PM] Faerie: He busied himself cleaning the previous room a bit.
  53. [6:30 PM] Mizuki: She goes for another bookshelf, taking out a few tomes, trying her best to find any useful information. - "If only Blackstar colaborated." - She shakes her head. - "That might be asking too much of a vampire."
  54. [6:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (What does the spell say? Do they comprehend the language in question?)
  55. [6:31 PM] Eon: (You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range.)
  56. [6:31 PM] Runic: "Alright, sounds good John. Wonder what I should name this bad boy then..." Lexon states, as he starts doing some practice stabs
  57. [6:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No, then.)
  58. [6:31 PM] Eon: ('They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you).')
  59. [6:31 PM] Eon: (I assume they can understand me, but not.. read books)
  61. [6:32 PM] Faerie: Razmik stares at Lexon. If he were to grasp the weapon, what underlying emotion would it manifest?
  62. [6:32 PM] Eon: (on that note, what if I summoned Awakened Catsker?)
  63. [6:32 PM] Faerie: ''Are we sure that's not cursed? You should have Alicia take a look at it first...''
  64. [6:32 PM] Mizuki: (Just a minute, I'm finishing setting things up)
  65. [6:32 PM] Runic: "Watcha~ Hiya~" Lexon whispers, as he takes the time practicing using such an unfamiliar weapon. The movements are sloppy, but he's getting a hang of it
  66. [6:32 PM] Eon: "Blackspear did call it the Spear of Saintly Blood.." Esker notes.
  67. [6:32 PM] Eon: Though, the name was a bit gaudy.
  68. [6:33 PM] Runic: "Spear of Saintly Blood, huh." Lexon ponders
  69. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear is passive at the moment.
  70. [6:33 PM] Faerie: (W-wait, can Rogues use spears?)
  71. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Simple weapon, so...)
  72. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Maybe?)
  73. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Rogue have less than simple iirc)
  74. [6:33 PM] Runic: (Thought it was martial)
  75. [6:33 PM] Eon: "Anyhow." Esker continues scouring the library, they would have to take a better look.
  76. [6:34 PM] Bot Fodder: John doesn't know about the, erm, high-pitched sqeualing thing. But everything else Lexon does looks all right.
  77. [6:34 PM] Eon: ... Was Nul intelligent enough to help?
  78. [6:34 PM] Faerie: (That's... odd. Lances and tridents are martials, spears are simple)
  79. [6:34 PM] Eon: Not that she could read Common, I guess.
  80. [6:34 PM] Bot Fodder: (Yup, Rogues are proficient with simple weapons and a few martial ones.)
  82. [6:35 PM] Runic: "Not something I would name, but whatever" Lexon shrugs, "I'll just call you Saintly then" He continues, still practicing
  83. [6:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear doesn't seem to manifest any emotion upon that.
  84. [6:35 PM] Eon: "It's probably an artifact, there are a lot of stories about that kind of thing, probably should treat it with some.. respect."
  85. [6:35 PM] Eon: (and or attune to it)
  86. [6:35 PM] Bot Fodder: "Well, we can't be sure it's not cursed," John says to Razmik cautiously.
  88. [6:36 PM] Faerie: ''...''
  89. Calling Esker and Alicia over, Razmik takes out the pastly mirror (of the past) and brings Blackstar's name to his lips. Not thrice, not twice, just once. Just in case!
  91. [6:36 PM] Eon: "Hmm?"
  92. [6:36 PM] Runic: (Oh, it really is a simple weapon, well alright)
  93. [6:37 PM] Mizuki: Alicia will work on Azura summoning ritual while Raz does his thing, she is probably worried.
  94. [6:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I need the statblock on the mirror, sec)
  95. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  96. [6:38 PM] Faerie: ''That's what I thought as well. If it's not, that's grand, but...'' he brings a hand to his chin, severe. ''Do be careful, Lexon.''
  97. [6:38 PM] Faerie: (:thinking:)
  98. [6:38 PM] Bot Fodder: (Spears are not flashy or complicated weapons :smugpopo: )
  99. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, you see the image of blood, vampire, and feasting.
  100. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And then the image of the night sky.
  101. [6:38 PM] Eon: (Use the pointy end)
  102. [6:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The sky shrouded by cloud, as the vampire traces upon the sky, teaching the stars to someone, and speaking of a thing called Sky Script.
  103. [6:40 PM] Faerie: (Spear Sign: Sexy Beam)
  104. [6:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The vampire - the irony of it appearing in a mirror notwithstanding, for those from those side of things - seems to speak of it with some degree of urgency.
  105. [6:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It soon fades.
  106. [6:40 PM] Eon: "Hmm..."
  108. [6:41 PM] Eon: The Sky Script.. that existed before the moon, right?
  109. [6:41 PM] Faerie: Razmik feels the need to commentate on the image of a vampire appearing on it. ''I suppose that's how we can know this is a dream, heh.''
  110. [6:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You don't know.
  111. [6:41 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at the mirror as she continues summoning Azura. - "Sky Script? A book on that should be around somewhere."
  112. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura's resummoned, between the things that you've done.
  114. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There might be.
  115. [6:42 PM] Mizuki: Alicia pets the owl. - "Quite a sudden attack back there, sorry I couldn't do anything."
  116. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Given a quick search - not exactly. Books mention of it, from the astrology side of things.
  117. [6:42 PM] Eon: Esker suggests they take a long rest here, and spend some time searching, at any rate.
  118. [6:42 PM] Faerie: The same thought strikes Razmik. He'll help Alicia out if she looks for one.
  119. [6:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But nothing seems to teach the Sky Script, merely mentioning it to be an oral tradition from the humanoids in Orixia, that Shamans tend to know.
  120. [6:43 PM] Bot Fodder: Sky Script? No guard has heard of such a thing, certainly. But perhaps it's a metaphor for a language known to beings from other worlds.
  121. [6:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura nuzzles Alicia's hand, coo'ing softly.
  122. [6:43 PM] Runic: "Hmm," Lexon thinks back throughout the adventure, reminded of the artifacts that were sentient and looks at the magical spear in hand that he's practicing with. He goes for a question, "Hey Saintly, you sentient right?"(edited)
  123. [6:44 PM] Faerie: Chiming in, Razmik expresses discomfort at the idea. ''I wouldn't spend more time than necessary here. We haven't finished cleansing the place, and that would take a while...''
  124. [6:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear is silent.
  125. [6:44 PM] Bot Fodder: "This is just a hunch, but we could try asking Recelle," John suggests.
  126. [6:44 PM] Eon: "I don't imagine you have a plan, otherwise, though?"
  127. [6:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Judging, waiting, the spear is silent.
  128. [6:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If you have a way to transport all the books, you can theoretically pack up the books.
  129. [6:45 PM] Faerie: (I wonder if Sky Write would mess with the Script, wew)
  130. [6:45 PM] Mizuki: Alicia explains the situation to her familiar. - "We're looking for any info regarding something called the sky script, and anything that could help us defeat the moon, lend us a hand."
  131. [6:45 PM] Faerie: (I wonder if Sky Write would mess with the Script, wew)
  132. [6:45 PM] Eon: ... The idea of sitting and reading while they were on a clock didn't sit well with her, of course.
  133. [6:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That in itself would take a while, of course, unless you have a way.
  134. [6:45 PM] Bot Fodder: "E-erm... no? Other than looking for a shaman like the books said." John slinks back a bit, becoming semi-transparent as he deflates.(edited)
  135. [6:45 PM] Eon: How many.. books would that be?
  137. [6:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A few thousands?
  138. [6:46 PM] Faerie: (Bag of Holding)
  139. [6:46 PM] Mizuki: "Also... Anything regarding the nightmare would also be great, I doubt Blackstar had something like that though."
  140. [6:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: So it weights in the few hundreds for pounds.
  141. [6:46 PM] Runic: Lexon finds himself a bit dissapointed, assuming the spear cannot, "Oh well" he shrugs, "Still gonna destroy the moon with you and save this world, even if you can or can't speak" He mutters
  142. [6:46 PM] Faerie: (I mean, not the whole library pls)
  143. [6:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It will also take time - if not now, then it will take time when you sort them later.
  144. [6:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If you do not take the whole library, then the GM is not responsible for anything you might've left behind.
  145. [6:46 PM] Mizuki: Alicia will try to looking for any books regarding the three mentioned subjects, with Azura's help."
  146. [6:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Of course, you can always come back later.
  147. [6:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Three mentioned subjects?(edited)
  148. [6:47 PM] Mizuki: (investigation maybe?)
  149. [6:47 PM] Bot Fodder: (Can we? :smugpopo: )
  150. [6:47 PM] Eon: Hmm. Bag of Holding aside, Esker could conjure up beast of burdens.
  151. [6:47 PM] Mizuki: (subjects, Koga)
  153. [6:47 PM] Mizuki: (nightmare, sky script, defeat the moon)
  154. [6:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Subject matter on the Nightmare - beside for a few passing mentions of perhaps a diary writing about nightmares after looking and thinking about the Cradle, not much.
  155. [6:48 PM] Faerie: Right. Razmik stands to attention once more, figuring this'd be a hardy nut to crack. ''At any rate, I have the duty to cleanse the surrounding area if we'll stay here and keep searching.''
  156. [6:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sky script: You found as much information about it as previously mentioned, that it's an oral tradition passed down by Shamans and Priests.
  157. [6:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It, in a way, is similar to another secret language, Druidic, in that it's rare to be taught to outsiders.
  158. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Defeating the moon - the Cradle?
  159. [6:49 PM] Mizuki: (yeah)
  160. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are many mentions of it, but most of it deals with theory from the past mages.
  161. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Theories involve "finding and waking the Tarrasque upon it"
  162. [6:49 PM] Eon: "If we could get the rest here.."
  163. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or "Meteror Swarm each day blindly"
  164. [6:49 PM] Faerie: He clasps his symbol and calmly places a few vials of holy water on the nearby table. That reminded him...
  165. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Some mentions of its anti-planar properties - numerous tries to plane shift or banish it has failed.
  166. [6:49 PM] Faerie: Did we see any coffins on the way here?
  167. [6:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems to both behave as a creature and as a terrain at times.
  168. [6:50 PM] Eon: She'll point out that while Augus and his posse weren't very academically inclined, they were still more eyes and hands
  169. [6:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Coffins?
  170. [6:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You only know of the coffins back in the passageway.
  171. [6:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Speaking of holy water.
  172. [6:51 PM] Eon: "Maybe we should tell the rest, somehow?" Her sending stone was already used, anyhow..
  174. [6:51 PM] Faerie: Can I roll Religion to see if leaving those be would pose any sort of risk? And how to dispose of them properly, if needed
  175. [6:51 PM] Mizuki: Alicia browses through the pages. - "Some of those seem pretty useless..." - She said with a sigh. - "Raz, go do your thing if you must, we need to stay for a bit, we must be sure not to miss anything."
  176. [6:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The coffins? You've largely destroyed the ones you've found. There's not much risk involved either way, if they aren't around anymore.
  177. [6:51 PM] Eon: "I'll go tell the rest, I guess?" Going alone was risky but..
  178. [6:51 PM] Eon: It should be fine? Probably?
  179. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If you leave them, and the occupant is defeated, they have a home to return to.
  180. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That is to say, if you destroy the vampire's coffin, they'd have to make a new home before they are destroyed by non-sunlight methods.
  181. [6:52 PM] Eon: "You have to wonder, is Blackstar truly dead?"
  182. [6:52 PM] Mizuki: "Azura, look for anything regarding a spear, one called Spear of Saintly Blood." - She said approaching the bookshelfs to do the same.
  184. [6:52 PM] Eon: "We never did.. find his coffin."
  185. [6:52 PM] Runic: After spending some time practicing and getting used to using the spear, Lexon stops for now, satisfied with the time spent while waiting for the others to finish. Instead of sitting around, he takes the time to see if there's any info he can understand within the library to understand the strange looking spear more, why Blackstar was wielding it, or something
  186. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: An Augury will answer that question easier than scouring the Prime Material for said vampire.
  187. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura nods, and starts slowly flapping her wings to ... turn pages.
  188. [6:53 PM] Faerie: Razing every single coffin the group saw was a good start. Bringing sunlight to the study, though...
  189. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Owl form isn't made for book reading, unfortunately. She's still helping.
  190. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Spear, spear...
  191. [6:53 PM] Eon: Hmm. No takers?
  192. [6:54 PM] Eon: Esker sighs.
  193. [6:54 PM] Bot Fodder: "Aren't you worried we'll lose something important?" John asks Razmik.
  194. [6:54 PM] Faerie: Razmik pockets the vials after inspecting them, and ponders. Not the time to gather his strength and rest, no...
  195. [6:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You found some pieces of info on parchments, regarding the spear's origin.
  196. [6:54 PM] Faerie: ''I'll come with. Let's keep an eye out.''
  197. [6:54 PM] Eon: She'll.. walk back to the spelljammer and inform the others about the place
  198. [6:54 PM] Eon: And ask for more eyes and hands on it.
  199. [6:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's also a contract between the spear and Blackstar.
  200. [6:54 PM] Runic: "What about his coffin? Pretty sure we killed him, like the room before man" Lexon casually speaks, ignorant how vampires work, as he tries to read through tomes(edited)
  201. [6:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The contract has since been voided, by Blackstar's defeat. The Spear hums softly, nondescript, upon seeing the contract.
  202. [6:55 PM] Eon: Hmm? What were the terms?
  203. [6:56 PM] Runic: "Contract? There's a contract?" Lexon asks while flipping through more pages
  204. [6:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The contract is written in blood, detailing Blackstar's goal - saving Orixia by destroying the Great Old Ones involved.
  205. [6:56 PM] Faerie: Razmik turns to Esker before they leave. ''I wouldn't say this often, but let's stick close together.'' Safety in numbers, you figure?
  206. [6:56 PM] Bot Fodder: John rubs his chin, thinking back. "Hmm... in the Armsdale Watch, the full procedure for getting rid of a dead vampire was pretty complicated, but you know they're really gone if they turn to ash," he says.
  207. [6:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear will aid him until time of his defeat, or the resolution of his goal.
  208. [6:56 PM] Eon: Esker nods. Prudent.
  209. [6:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a simple contract.
  211. [6:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's also a magical formula, of interest to Alicia.
  212. [6:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura brought it to Alicia's attention.
  213. [6:57 PM] Faerie: (Single clause contracts are the least dumb anyway :sadpopo:)
  214. [6:57 PM] Eon: Wait, 'don't say this often'? What was that supposed to mean?
  215. [6:58 PM] Mizuki: The wizard took the document from Azura's 'hands' with a thanks and gives it a read. What is it about? She will also check on the papers regarding the spear's origin.(edited)
  216. [6:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a swirl of numbers and variables, and hard to understand. If you wish to understand it - Intelligence(Arcana).
  217. [6:58 PM] Faerie: It means that it wouldn't usually be in our best interest to keep Esker up in front! That's all.
  218. [6:58 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+9
  219. [6:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 1, Result: 10
  220. [6:58 PM] Mizuki: (wew)
  221. [6:58 PM] Eon: (... Wew.)(edited)
  222. [6:58 PM] Faerie: (Everytime)
  223. [6:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your head hurts. You are unable to decipher the script.
  224. [6:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You may retry later, after a long rest.
  225. [6:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have a sense it's the formula to a spell, though.
  226. [6:59 PM] Eon: How was progress on 'getting back to the Spelljammer'?(edited)
  227. [6:59 PM] Faerie: (ALICIA NO
  229. [6:59 PM] Bot Fodder: (>Spell GET)
  230. [6:59 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at the paper and frowns. She doesn't understand anything! - "I think I might be a little tired from the last fights, will give it another try later."
  231. [6:59 PM] Faerie: (Don't rip the page apart!)
  232. [6:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Getting back? None of you were really ready to move.
  233. [7:00 PM] Mizuki: She will now attempt to read the ones about the spear's origin.
  234. [7:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Refer to doc)
  235. [7:00 PM] Eon: Esker and Raz were going back to tell the others!
  236. [7:00 PM] Mizuki: (coolio)
  237. [7:00 PM] Eon: (We mentioned that twice :sadpopo: )
  238. [7:00 PM] Bot Fodder: John skims the information about the spear with Alicia and frowns. "I still don't like it much," he mumbles.
  239. [7:01 PM] Mizuki: (someone pls post the doc again :sadpopo:)
  240. [7:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( )
  241. [7:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: After a moment of travel, you made it back to the entrance of the vampire's domain, Esker, Razmik.
  242. [7:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your flying mage tower rests there, on the snow and ice.
  243. [7:02 PM] Runic: Reading through Blackstars contract, and it's plan. Lexon calls over Alicia and asks, "Hey Alicia, who are these Great Old One guys that Blackstart was talking about? They a bunch of old man or something?" Lexon finishes, as ingnorant as can be
  245. [7:02 PM] Eon: Hmm. No point dallying, heading in.
  246. [7:03 PM] Eon: (mizu)
  247. [7:03 PM] Bot Fodder: "Like that, but really magical and way uglier," John explains with more elegance than he is aware of.
  248. [7:03 PM] Faerie: Razmik walks up to the tower and signals so Recelle lets them both in. "That was pretty dangerous", he comments casually
  249. [7:03 PM] Eon: (don't you have inspiration for the check you blundered)
  250. [7:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus and Shadow are talking about something, while Recelle listens in.
  251. [7:03 PM] Faerie: "Lexon got cursed with vampirism."
  252. [7:03 PM] Eon: "It was, but-"
  253. [7:03 PM] Eon: Esker frowns. She still takes the blame for that..
  254. [7:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus frowns. "And?"
  255. [7:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow blinks.
  256. [7:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle nods at Razmik.
  257. [7:04 PM] Eon: (You're like really far away, runic :sadpopo: )
  258. [7:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Did you cured the curse, or disposed of his body?"
  259. [7:04 PM] Runic: (Oh, thought it was all of us, nvm!)
  260. [7:04 PM] Eon: "There is a library, of import." Esker gets straight to the point.
  261. [7:04 PM] Mizuki: (Koga, do we have all the info in the doc IC?)
  263. [7:04 PM] Faerie: "Just pulling your leg. I mean, not really- it actually happened, but Esker fixed him up right away", he hurriedly explains
  264. [7:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Mhmm.)
  265. [7:05 PM] Bot Fodder: (Yeah, Raz and Esker went back to the ship because having all the warlocks in here might be a good idea.)
  266. [7:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ah." Augus nods. "Alright, then."
  267. [7:05 PM] Eon: "We would appreciate some extra pairs of hands, at any rate. And mm, yeah, I cured him." Esker nods.
  268. [7:05 PM] Eon: She hopes she did, anyway.
  269. [7:05 PM] Mizuki: "Hey, Lexon." - Said Alicia pating his shoulder. - "The spear apparently chose you right? You managed to pick it up without trouble. Do you want to wield it?"(edited)
  270. [7:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With a bit of organization, you dragged most of Augus's group with you down with you. Recelle stays behind with Shadow, then?
  271. [7:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear seems noncommital.
  272. [7:06 PM] Eon: Hmm. Maybe one of the locals would recognise the Spear of Saintly Blood.
  273. [7:06 PM] Bot Fodder: (Recelle and Shadow are getting a lot of alone time, lately. :troubledkoga: )
  275. [7:06 PM] Eon: (don't forget the closetGith!)
  276. [7:07 PM] Faerie: "More than anything, we need more eyes. Augus, any of your companions canny with books? Recelle might know something, as well..."
  277. [7:07 PM] Bot Fodder: (Maybe they did. We'll have to ask what he saw later. :smugpopo: )
  278. [7:07 PM] Faerie: Ah, but would it be prudent to take her from her 'station'? Up to her.
  279. [7:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus shrugs. "I gather you and I have the same reading level."
  280. [7:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "As for the rest..."
  281. [7:07 PM] Eon: Esker nods. Recelle might have some expertise on the subject.
  282. [7:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Elerith blinks innocently, back in the library, looking for picture books which are more to her fancy.
  283. [7:07 PM] Runic: "Yeah, it's a pretty rad looking weapon" Lexon muses, "But I'm not sure if it'll work out"
  284. [7:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nirvain will help with research, but promises nothing.
  285. [7:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Vel is about as literate as Augus.
  286. [7:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Idun, the almost forgotten drow wizard...
  287. [7:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Research?" She says, "I'll take a stab at it, but..."
  288. [7:08 PM] Eon: ... Wasn't she a sorcerer?
  289. [7:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle shrugs, agree to go down and take a look if needed.
  290. [7:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Let me know when you wish to resolve.
  291. [7:09 PM] Runic: "Trying to come up with a contract, but all I can come up with in one-upping Blackstars, is by suplexing the Great Old ones since they sound like a bunch of old geezers, which I'll do anyway with no problem I figured"(edited)
  292. [7:09 PM] Eon: So, leaving behind Augus and Shadow, I'm guessing?
  294. [7:09 PM] Bot Fodder: "Sir Augus, might your people know anything about 'Sky Script'?" John asks. Even if he's no loremaster, Augus is a Paladin, and a future king besides. He would know of his culture's oral traditions.
  295. [7:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus nods. "I mentioned it before."
  296. [7:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The local shamans know about it."
  297. [7:10 PM] Eon: (wew, everyone on that ship dumped INT)
  298. [7:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... As it's part of the Orixia setting doc, it's indeed something you heard from Augus before.
  299. [7:10 PM] Mizuki: The wizard will sit the boy down on a chair and explain him about all the information they found. The contract, what happens if the weapon refuses it, anything Lexon needs to know if he wants to attune the weapon. From time to time she will poke him so he doesn't fall asleep. - "I think this spear has a big part in the play to defeat the Cradle."
  300. [7:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel silly for asking.
  302. [7:11 PM] Bot Fodder: (That was longer ago for me than it was for John, pls.)
  303. headpat1
  304. [7:11 PM] Eon: ... Premptively, Esker will pass Recelle's Sending Stone to Shadow.
  305. [7:11 PM] Eon: .... Just in case.
  306. [7:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow nods.
  307. [7:12 PM] Eon: Anyhow, once they were all gathered..
  308. [7:12 PM] Eon: There really isn't much else to do than just read, now was there?
  309. [7:12 PM] Eon: (unless someone wants to Divination something)
  310. [7:12 PM] Runic: Having a bit of trouble understanding... and staying awake. Lexon manages to do so with Alicia's explanation. "Alright, but what's the first thing I should do with it? Settle a contract, right, some big ol' plan?"
  311. [7:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  312. [7:13 PM] Bot Fodder: (Can you re-link the Orixia document directly? Google keeps asking me to log in when I try to access the folder. :sadpopo: )(edited)
  313. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As the Orixian natives read the book, the words seem indecipherable to them. "Is this written in Vampiric or something?"
  314. [7:13 PM] Faerie: By the way, speaking of stuff only known to the natives, would Razmik recognize any of the holy (or unholy) symbols adorning Augus' set of plate?
  315. [7:13 PM] Eon: Esker blinks.(edited)
  316. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  317. [7:13 PM] Eon: ....
  318. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle frowns.
  319. [7:13 PM] Eon: Well then, she could guess why..
  320. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." She nods silently to the party, noting the words.
  321. [7:13 PM] Faerie: By the way, speaking of stuff only known to the natives, would Razmik recognize any of the holy (or unholy) symbols adorning Augus' set of plate?
  322. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus's plate...
  323. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's several, as I've mentioned before.
  324. [7:14 PM] Mizuki: "If you truly want to use it, then yes." - She confirmed. - "The contract is supposed to be an 'impossible quest', but we're pretty much doing impossible things on the daily. I think defeating the Cradle should be enough."(edited)
  325. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Ordning itself is the background, and various giant's deities are adorned as part of it.
  326. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Thyrum's symbol, being the patron of frost giants, is the most prominent one.(edited)
  327. [7:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are some books that the Orixians can read.
  328. [7:15 PM] Bot Fodder: "... Vampires have a language?" John asks innocently.
  329. [7:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Most of them pertaining to old informations, such as the one regarding to the Cradle.
  330. [7:15 PM] Eon: Esker coughs loudly.
  331. [7:15 PM] Eon: "Of course they do." Esker murmurs.
  332. [7:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But of any information of worth to you seems to be "in Vampiric?"
  333. [7:15 PM] Faerie: Mhmm. Just trying to get a feel for what a native Orixian would consider a divine power. Even if Augus' view might a bit skewed towards... well, gigantism.
  334. [7:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle seems uneasy.
  335. [7:15 PM] Eon: ... Could Recelle read it?
  336. [7:16 PM] Bot Fodder: John's eyes widen in realization and he promptly stares at his feet.
  337. [7:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle shakes her head. "I can't." While blinking and winking at you.
  338. [7:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Even without insight, you can tell that she's lying.
  339. [7:16 PM] Eon: Esker sighs.
  340. [7:16 PM] Runic: Lexon nods, "Alright Alicia I understand now"
  341. [7:16 PM] Mizuki: (Runic, just to make sure, did you read the document regarding the thing?)
  342. [7:16 PM] Eon: "Maybe Shadow of all people would know." She suggests innocently.
  343. [7:16 PM] Runic: (Yes)
  344. [7:16 PM] Mizuki: (if it goes wrong the thing can be pretty severe!)
  345. [7:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Orixia: )
  346. [7:17 PM] Eon: "Sorry for wasting your time, I suppose." Esker tilts her head forward in apology.
  347. [7:17 PM] Runic: (Who needs charisma!)
  349. [7:17 PM] Runic: (Though 24 hour stun, is pretty bad)
  350. [7:17 PM] Eon: ... She'll request that they go fetch Shadow, swap the Sending Stone to one of them, preferably Augus, and tell him to come down.
  351. [7:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Stun can be cured.)
  352. [7:18 PM] Eon: (I mean, just set a sensible goal, and yeah, Esker gotcha)
  353. [7:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Rather easily, I might add, by restoration spells)
  354. [7:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You fetched Shadow.
  355. [7:18 PM] Eon: ('I want to end the Nightmare and kill all those who stand in my way doing so')
  356. [7:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (T-thanks. I finally tried signing in, but then I needed permission to access the campaign folder too. :sadpopo: )
  357. [7:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Like, an hour or so has passed, and the study's crowded as a clusterfuck.
  358. [7:19 PM] Eon: Comfort was a luxury they didn't really have much of, it appears.
  359. [7:19 PM] Eon: But neither was time.
  360. [7:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is taking a hell of a long time, and the more fits inside, the less efficient that you are.
  361. [7:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow squeezes into the study, slinking past.
  362. [7:19 PM] Eon: ... Esker will bring stacks of books just outside, if she has to.
  363. [7:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's about 12 of you inside a private study.(edited)
  364. [7:20 PM] Eon: ... She told the locals to go back :sadpopo:
  365. [7:20 PM] Mizuki: Alicia is worried. Would Lexon be able to forge the contract? He sure is one of the most inconsequent people in the party, and that, might be a good thing in this case. She rests her hand on his shoulder. - "You don't NEED to do this."
  366. [7:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Vel grumbles.
  367. [7:20 PM] Bot Fodder: John isn't of much use in here and makes room for the others, bringing a couple tomes out into the hall with him.
  368. [7:20 PM] Eon: They couldn't really read it anyway :sadpopo:
  369. [7:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You can't really just have us walk around for 20 minutes for no reason." Vel says, uppity.
  370. [7:20 PM] Runic: After a lengthy explanation from Alicia, Lexon stands back up, picking up the spear from the ground where he left it during the time, he prepares to form a contract with the weapon.
  371. [7:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "There, there." Nirvain pats Vel's head. "Augus'll reward you, or something."
  372. [7:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Really?" Vel perks up.
  373. [7:20 PM] Eon: "Well, I'm sorry, but, if you can't read it.."
  374. [7:21 PM] Runic: "I want to at least give it a go, Alicia" he responds
  375. [7:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Vel ignores Esker, and happily skips away.
  376. [7:21 PM] Eon: Esker holds out a few goodberries as a peace offering..
  377. [7:21 PM] Eon: Oh. Well.
  378. [7:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nirvain sighs. "There's... Some stuff you aren't telling us, huh?" She looks at the group.
  379. [7:21 PM] Eon: ".... Alright, then."
  380. [7:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... That's fine, for the time being."
  381. [7:21 PM] Eon: Esker shrugs.
  382. [7:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nirvain leaves, for the time being.
  383. [7:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (>40 minutes walk)
  384. [7:22 PM] Eon: (hey you do it a lot)
  385. [7:22 PM] Eon: (its good exercise)
  386. [7:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is all getting terribly inefficient.
  387. [7:22 PM] Eon: Now that the study was a lot less crowded..
  388. [7:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With the amount of people, it seems that... The study got messier.
  389. [7:22 PM] Eon: Great.
  390. [7:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You might've misplaced stuff. It's hard to tell.
  391. [7:22 PM] Mizuki: Alicia nods towards Lexon, worried.
  392. [7:22 PM] Eon: ... Nul probably disappeared by now. Ah well.
  393. [7:23 PM] Eon: Anyhow, how long should the party cram for the test that was the Cradle of the End?
  394. [7:23 PM] Faerie: A moment of your time. Crowding most of the present people up, Razmik takes a few to converse with those not terribly busy about the happenstances surrounding Blackstar's death. ''Do you think that was fate? He held Destiny itself in his undead hands, and yet...''. See what he's hinting at? You wouldn't -necessarily- need an artifact to bend fate in such ways, as demonstrated time and time again by the group in the past. Was the premise of their whole endeavor not one and the same as the Spear's purpose? Change fate, unmake what was already set in stone, whatever you wish to call it.
  395. ''...Yeah, me neither. What do you guys think?''
  396. [7:23 PM] Eon: ... Can we take rests while doing this? Or is it too.. strenous
  397. [7:23 PM] Mizuki: (first things first, how much time left until shit goes down?)
  398. [7:23 PM] Faerie: Razmik stands outside, talking with those that wish to do so. [Inspiring Leader, 10 minutes for 13 THP](edited)
  399. [7:24 PM] Eon: (I think we are more or less on day 2)(edited)
  400. [7:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (5 long rests away, or so, roughly.)
  401. [7:24 PM] Eon: (I kind of need the rest, anyhow, no level 5 slots left)
  402. [7:24 PM] Mizuki: (I believe a long rest is necessary)
  403. [7:24 PM] Eon: (well, not need need)
  404. [7:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (or in combinations with any amount of exhaustions from staying up Kappa)
  405. [7:25 PM] Eon: (but it'll help a lot)
  406. [7:25 PM] Mizuki: (I need to read the thing, Lexon needs to attune)
  408. [7:25 PM] Eon: (don't forget your inspiration this time!)
  409. [7:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Reminder that Attunement is once per lifetime.)
  410. [7:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You may not dis-attune and re-attune at a later time, even if approved.)
  411. [7:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (When you remove the attunement, you relinquish the right to ever attune to it again.)
  412. [7:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (So think of it as a permanent choice, instead.)
  413. [7:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (brb)
  414. [7:26 PM] Faerie: (You can attune on short rests too)
  415. [7:27 PM] Mizuki: (I gotta read the thing though!)
  416. [7:27 PM] Faerie: (That reminds me I have a fourth attunement slot thanks to Esker, wew)
  417. [7:27 PM] Eon: (it only took 2 wishes!)
  418. [7:27 PM] Faerie: (Considering the source, I wouldn't call that terribly unefficient :happypopo:)
  419. [7:27 PM] Mizuki: (long rest is go then?)
  421. [7:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Wew, I feel terribly sick. But back.)
  422. [7:28 PM] Faerie: (I vote no, we can take a short one and come back later in the day)
  423. [7:28 PM] Faerie: (What's wrong? :sadpopo:)
  424. [7:28 PM] Mizuki: (I vote for long rest)
  425. [7:28 PM] Eon: (are you ok ;-;)
  426. [7:28 PM] Eon: (I vote long, at any rate)
  427. [7:28 PM] Mizuki: (And Koga, if you're not feeling well we can stop here tonight)
  428. [7:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Nah, I am well enough.)
  429. [7:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Just sneezing)
  430. [7:29 PM] Faerie: (We're in top shape, spell slots aside. I would at least try to get some exploration done beforehand)
  431. [7:29 PM] Eon: (exploration? We're like, reading, right?)
  432. [7:30 PM] Eon: (I'm not sure where you would like to go)
  433. [7:30 PM] Mizuki: (no wait)
  434. [7:30 PM] Bot Fodder: (Our remaining leads include: the Frost Giants, one of the last living cultures in Orixia, and Nephelle.)
  435. [7:30 PM] Faerie: (I mean fucking off upwards and making contact with the natives, for example. That'd be the obvious one. Or go see Neph.)
  436. [7:30 PM] Mizuki: (I think Fae's right)
  437. [7:30 PM] Mizuki: (I vote for short rest, and then consult the spear)
  438. [7:30 PM] Eon: (... There's that bit about the world turning into a spider, I guess)
  439. [7:31 PM] Mizuki: (unless shit goes really wrong :sadpopo:)
  440. [7:31 PM] Faerie: (The spear isn't woefully talkative, sadly...)
  441. [7:31 PM] Eon: (Alright, fair enough, short is fine.)
  442. [7:31 PM] Eon: (It takes quite a while to fuck off to Nephelle and back, though)
  443. [7:31 PM] Mizuki: (The spear communicates by transmitting emotion to the creature carrying or wielding it, or occasional mental images where detail is required. )
  444. [7:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (... Consult the spear? I mean, I guess it might know the paths that must be taken to achieving a goal, but...)
  445. [7:31 PM] Faerie: (We'll have to do it eventually, anyways, right?)
  446. [7:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (It would most like only recommend the most violent one.)
  447. [7:32 PM] Faerie: (The spear strikes me as more of a doer than guide, either way)
  448. [7:32 PM] Eon: (we might as well long rest, read for 8 hours, then fuck off to Nephelle)
  449. [7:32 PM] Mizuki: (man, I honestly looked for everything I could think about in this library.)
  450. [7:32 PM] Bot Fodder: (I vote to take Augus home finally! He doesn't know much less than we do right now, anyway.)
  451. [7:32 PM] Eon: (idk, I'm fine with either rest in terms of slots, but 1 hour reading then fucking off to Nephelle might be..)
  452. [7:33 PM] Eon: (the locals are like)
  453. [7:33 PM] Faerie: (I vote to go pint the tribes, because we got through a bunch of bullshit today and are doing really well HP-wise)
  454. [7:33 PM] Mizuki: (I don't think there's anything else here at the moment)
  455. [7:33 PM] Eon: (not very useful for solving moon)
  456. [7:33 PM] Bot Fodder: (We need to spread out and pool our resources.)(edited)
  457. [7:33 PM] Mizuki: (pls go to lobby)
  458. [7:33 PM] Faerie: (The Sky Script was the one thing we found no leads on)
  459. [7:34 PM] Bot Fodder: (Sky Script is literally meteorological omens that the surviving indigenous Orixians can read.)
  460. [7:34 PM] Bot Fodder: (Our lead is to go chill with Augus's buddies and see if they can help us.)
  461. [7:35 PM] Mizuki: (we saw it on the mirror vision, that shit's important)
  463. [7:37 PM] Bot Fodder: (We'll also probably have to kick someone's ass to get Augus the authority he needs to gather info in a timely fashion.)
  464. [7:38 PM] Runic: Wielding the spear in both hands towards him, feeling the rough texture of ironwood that makes up the artifact, he looks down at it, moments go by before he's ready to speak. "Alright Saintly, no, Spear of Saintly Blood. Help me, help me defeat the Cradle, a powerful being that plagues this world, leading to it's end. Help me save this world by ridding it of its existence. That is my goal, to defeat the Cradle of the End, Spear of Saintly Blood. Whether by stabbing, punching, or suplexing it to death, I'll do it all just to get rid of it. So... will you help be acomplish this, Spear of Saintly Blood?"
  466. [7:38 PM] Eon: (Short rest, if there are developments, adjust then, otherwise go visit Sky Script Shamans?)
  467. [7:39 PM] Runic: Lexon grips the spear tightly, wonder what the result will be
  468. [7:39 PM] Bot Fodder: (Hey, guys, I got a silly idea. What if we flew up to the disk hiding the Cradle and left a message on it? :smugpopo: )
  469. [7:39 PM] Eon: (>supplexing the Cradle)
  470. [7:39 PM] Mizuki: Alicia keeps browsing through the shelves, looking for information, while glancing at Lexon from time to time.
  471. [7:39 PM] Bot Fodder: (To gather anyone who can help.)
  472. [7:39 PM] Eon: (well, that's a very Lexon thing to do, I suppose :happypopo: )
  473. [7:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear sparks a little, as lightning dance into your body. It seems to be somewhat upset, at your certain companions, and at certain lack of respect you've given it.
  474. [7:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It demands a proper ritual of attunement.
  475. [7:40 PM] Faerie: Razmik stays be Lexon with his arms crossed. Declaring your intent in such a straightforward manner is something he approves of greatly!
  476. [7:40 PM] Eon: Is short rest a go?
  477. [7:40 PM] Mizuki: yeah, lets go :yousoro:
  478. [7:40 PM] Runic: "Err, Razmik, help me out here man!"
  479. [7:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Either 250 GP in Holy Water, or an Atonement spell casted by anyone upon you, and the Spear will be willing to forgive the slight your party has given upon it.
  480. [7:40 PM] Faerie: ''How is it? Does it speak to you?''
  481. [7:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or... Perhaps you can worm your way into the spear via diplomacy.
  482. [7:41 PM] Eon: ... Is Atonement even a spell in this edition?
  483. [7:41 PM] Runic: "Says it wants a proper ritual of attunement, I don't know what that is. Help."(edited)
  484. [7:41 PM] Mizuki: (sentient weapons are such assholes, Life Reap a best)
  485. [7:41 PM] Eon: (Unless you mean, as part of Ceremony spell)
  486. [7:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (UA spell, Ceremony)
  487. [7:41 PM] Eon: Esker blinks.(edited)
  488. [7:41 PM] Bot Fodder: John clicks his tongue in exasperation. "Oh, just leave it behind until we need it," he says dismissively.
  489. [7:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The Insight check is required, obviously.)
  490. [7:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  491. [7:42 PM] Faerie: (I've got 150gp worth of holy water, need 4 vials more)
  492. [7:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Holy Water clause disappears.
  493. [7:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It now requires an Atonement spell.
  494. [7:42 PM] Bot Fodder: ( Kek )
  496. [7:42 PM] Eon: "... You have attuned to magic items before, right?" Esker raises an eyebrow.
  497. [7:42 PM] Runic: (Damn spelling mistakes)
  498. [7:42 PM] Eon: Esker glances at the belt Lexon wears so proudly. Yeah..
  499. [7:43 PM] Runic: "Well I've done it with White Raven, I think. By practicing it for a couple of hours"(edited)
  500. [7:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Give me a Charisma check - not save - Lexon.
  501. [7:44 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+1
  502. [7:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 1, Result: 2
  503. [7:44 PM] Faerie: This reminded Razmik of Bloodaxe... but not quite the same thing. The Bloodaxe was a noble... weapon? Spirit? Uhh. He rubs his temples...
  504. [7:44 PM] Runic: (Ayyy)
  505. [7:44 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at the spear. It reminds herself of bloodaxe back then, she feels an urge to smash the thing. Are sentient weapons always like that, full of themselves? What a pain.
  506. [7:44 PM] Eon: (wew)
  507. [7:44 PM] Faerie: (Holy shit.)
  508. [7:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You sense great disappointment from the spear toward the group.
  509. [7:44 PM] Bot Fodder: (ur not my dad)
  510. [7:44 PM] Eon: Esker sighs. They kind of needed this thing to stop the Cradle..
  511. [7:44 PM] Mizuki: "Lexon, excuse-me." - Said the girl asking for the spear.
  512. [7:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can't quite fathom it, Lexon.
  513. [7:45 PM] Bot Fodder: (How do you know that? :smugpopo: )
  514. [7:45 PM] Mizuki: She extends her right hand.
  515. [7:45 PM] Eon: Well, not like she could just offer it goodberry diplomancy.
  516. [7:45 PM] Faerie: ''...Don't smash it.'', he warns Alicia.
  517. [7:45 PM] Bot Fodder: (The vampire may have wanted to do it that way, but he wasn't exactly walking the path of virtue.)
  518. [7:45 PM] Faerie: Something told him embarrassment wouldn't be the only thing Alicia would feel if she tried.
  519. [7:45 PM] Eon: "Smash.. what? Why would anyone ever try to smash an arti.."
  520. [7:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear's sentience grows a bit dull and distant.
  521. [7:46 PM] Eon: Esker sighs. What does the bloody spear want?(edited)
  522. [7:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's instinctively protective of itself, upon hearing "smashing an arti(fact)".
  523. [7:47 PM] Faerie: ''It helps if you speak to it with due respect, both in word in thought. Just think of...''
  524. [7:47 PM] Eon: "Treat it like a person."
  525. [7:47 PM] Eon: "It's not a weapon, its a potential ally."
  526. [7:48 PM] Eon: "Friend, ally, you know."
  527. [7:48 PM] Faerie: Honestly, Alicia should know her shit better than him. ''What does it seek?''
  528. [7:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  529. [7:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (time to smash the spear with a spear)
  530. [7:48 PM] Eon: (we need)
  531. [7:48 PM] Faerie: (CLONK)
  532. [7:48 PM] Eon: (an unbreakable shield)
  533. [7:48 PM] Eon: (and apply the spear to shield)
  534. [7:48 PM] Mizuki: (gib spear Runic!)
  535. [7:49 PM] Eon: (because that's where we are at the moment.)
  536. [7:49 PM] Faerie: (CLONK)
  537. [7:49 PM] Bot Fodder: "If it were a person, it'd probably be an accessory to murder," John says. He's careful to say it quietly this time, however.
  538. [7:49 PM] Runic: "Don't know what I did wrong... I called it by it's full name that Blackstar gave, and asked for its help in assisting on helping defeat the Cradle"
  540. [7:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3
  541. [7:49 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 1, Result: 4
  542. [7:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow plays with Tot.
  543. [7:50 PM] Eon: Esker rubs her temples.
  544. [7:50 PM] Eon: "Pass.. it to Alicia, please."
  545. [7:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot hides back into the cloak, seemingly nervous.
  546. [7:50 PM] Mizuki: (gib spear REEE)
  547. [7:50 PM] Bot Fodder: (... I'm lost. What are we stuck on, again?)
  548. [7:50 PM] Faerie: ''You have to wonder how it found Blackstar agreeable. If it did, indeed.''
  549. [7:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow sighs.
  550. [7:50 PM] Faerie: (Alicia took the spear)
  551. [7:50 PM] Eon: (The fucking spear is miffed with us)
  552. [7:51 PM] Mizuki: (I'm not going to attune it Runic, don't worry!)
  553. [7:51 PM] Runic: As per request, Lexon thinks abit before handing the spear to Alicia. "Is it alright to let Alicia hold on to you for a second" Lexon asks, refering to the spear in attempt to be respectly(edited)
  554. [7:51 PM] Bot Fodder: (But we know exactly what it wants. :sadpopo: )
  555. [7:51 PM] Mizuki: "Are you really going to play the complicated sentient weapon here?" - She asked gritting her teeth upon receiving the spear. - "We're trying to save this world, one of the most impossible tasks someone can possibly think of, and we're completely set on doing it, we all went through greater lenghts than you can think of for that goal. In the meanwhile you're just there, your master has been slayin and all you care about is a proper ritual of attunement. It's not us that are not worthy of your magnificence." - She continued - "You're the one who's not worthy of us with this kind of attitude."
  556. [7:51 PM] Eon: Esker blinks.
  557. [7:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear's sentience dulls for a moment,
  558. [7:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Before emitting an aura of woe.
  559. [7:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It does not seem to trust you, when the lot of you treat it as an object.
  560. [7:52 PM] Runic: (That was really quick to jump on the gun Mizu, I still wanted an answer from whether it was okay or not to let you hold it for a bit!)
  561. [7:52 PM] Eon: "In a sense, you can't really go about your desire without being wielded, I suppose?"
  562. [7:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It does not feel that any of you will care for it, that it's a mean to your goal.
  563. [7:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It does not wish to aid you, who would not come to term with it, anymore.
  564. [7:53 PM] Mizuki: (oh man, a spear playing the victim)
  565. [7:53 PM] Eon: (treat it like a person!)
  566. [7:53 PM] Mizuki: (Alicia truly does not give a shit)
  567. [7:53 PM] Bot Fodder: Alicia appears to be... arguing with the spear. John sighs, feeling as though a certain boat has left without him.
  568. [7:53 PM] Eon: "..."
  569. [7:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It withdraws its sentience, preventing attunement for 24 hours.
  570. [7:53 PM] Faerie: Does the spear not see its previous owners as means to an end, then? That's the vibe all that 'contract' stuff gives off.
  571. [7:53 PM] Eon: Esker sighs.
  572. [7:54 PM] Eon: "Well, that went amazing."
  573. [7:54 PM] Faerie: ''Never talk to a weapon again'', Razmik comments drily.
  574. [7:54 PM] Mizuki: Alicia drops the weapon to the ground. - "If it won't help us, then we will find a way without it, like we always did."
  575. [7:54 PM] Eon: "We could at least have pretended to respect it."(edited)
  577. [7:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura's silent on this matter.
  578. [7:55 PM] Eon: "It's still useful, dammit. We don't have the luxury of complacency, Alicia!"
  579. [7:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow sighs, picking up the Spear.
  580. [7:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... You guys. This spear's literally older or around the age of my mom, if the parchment's right about its origin, y'know."
  581. [7:56 PM] Faerie: ''It's not whether we can or not, Alicia. The question is, will we? Besides... you can't fake respect. Even Blackstar must have respected its power, at the very least.''
  582. [7:56 PM] Faerie: (Oh no here comes the sue)
  583. [7:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow caresses the spear gently, before wiping it clean of the grime from the vampire, and handing it back to Lexon.
  584. [7:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Here. Don't drop it." Shadow says, with a sigh.
  585. [7:56 PM] Mizuki: Alicia clearly looks down on the spear, just an artifact playing the victim. She treated it like she would treat any other human being. - "What should we do then, Esker, Raz? Bajulate it? Tell it how great it is?"
  586. [7:56 PM] Runic: Lexon quickly picks up the weapon from the ground that it was dropped at. "Cmon Alicia, this guys is pretty cool looking, and probably powerful! We'll... just need to try again."
  588. [7:57 PM] Eon: "If it means getting out of this fucking Nightmare? Yes!" Esker throws her hands up.
  589. [7:57 PM] Eon: "Do you want us to die here, Alicia?"
  590. [7:57 PM] Bot Fodder: John sighs again. "Mm... I guess you have a point. Even if it's untrustworthy or cursed, a good weapon doesn't deserve to be mistreated."
  591. [7:58 PM] Eon: "Over something as silly as pride?" Esker spits.
  592. [7:58 PM] Runic: "Honestly if it wanted to be treated right, it shouldn't kept pretending to just an object at first by keeping quiet... but I'll try talking it next time, try to get it out of it's shell or something..."
  593. [7:58 PM] Mizuki: "Well, then you do it. I'm not going to." - She said. - "Bajulation is not synonym of respect, and I gave it the respect it deserved for it's selfish actions."
  594. [7:59 PM] Eon: Esker rolls her eyes. Still with the ego..
  595. [7:59 PM] Faerie: ''Don't ask me, I don't think it and I see eye to eye. Letting a vampire in as its master...'' Putting a hand to his heart, Razmik recites some folk wisdom. 'I would unite with anyone to foster right, and with nobody to do wrong'
  596. [7:59 PM] Bot Fodder: "Wow, that's a lot of word you just said!" John chuckles uneasily.
  597. [7:59 PM] Eon: (Please don't make me attune to it)
  598. [7:59 PM] Eon: (I'm not even sure I'm proficient)
  599. [8:00 PM] Mizuki: (Alicia has quite a history with sentient weapons!)
  600. [8:00 PM] Bot Fodder: (John might eventually come around after he gets over certain prejudices.)
  601. [8:00 PM] Eon: (I know, it was hilarious)
  602. [8:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Well.. Might be too late)
  603. [8:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyhow, a long rest?
  604. [8:00 PM] Mizuki: (As Alicia and as Mizu I truly think I didn't do anything wrong here :nicosmug:)(edited)
  605. [8:01 PM] Faerie: (Short)
  606. [8:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, take your short rest, then.
  607. [8:01 PM] Eon: "What does it matter what kind of masters it used to serve? You can't deny its power."
  608. [8:01 PM] Bot Fodder: (If it's too late, then I guess it was never meant to be :happypopo: )
  609. [8:01 PM] Eon: Natural Recovery, for 5.
  610. [8:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It was mostly John's fault, so...)
  611. [8:01 PM] Bot Fodder: "It's the power I'm worried about," John says.
  612. [8:01 PM] Mizuki: (recovering 3rd level slot)
  613. [8:01 PM] Eon: "Well, I'm worried about the Cradle of the End." Esker huffs.
  614. [8:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Well, if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.)
  615. [8:02 PM] Runic: Lexon, makes a makeshift strap for the spear, and starts carrying it on his back, among other things. Awaiting for the next course of action for the group(edited)
  616. [8:02 PM] Mizuki: Alicia will also look for useful information while resting.
  617. [8:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: After the short rest, what will you do?
  618. [8:02 PM] Bot Fodder: (If it wasn't John, it probably would've been someone else.)
  619. [8:02 PM] Faerie: Razmik keeps reading, but it's no book you recognize from the library. He's taken a habit of carrying this one tome around with him whenever, finding time to advance on it when he can. Honestly, he's making progress at a snail's pace...
  620. [8:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No, it was entirely you.)
  621. [8:02 PM] Eon: Taking a deep breath and sighing, she keeps scouring the library.
  623. [8:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The library...
  624. [8:03 PM] Eon: Maybe they missed something, some avenue of salvation.
  625. [8:03 PM] Faerie: (There's a Hitler comparison there I'm not entirely comfortable making)
  626. [8:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What information would you wish to find?
  627. [8:03 PM] Eon: ...
  628. [8:03 PM] Mizuki: Cradle
  629. [8:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A lot of the mentions on the Cradle is obscure, as if writing down the very name curses the writer.
  630. [8:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Many lores around it are heresay, as much madness from the writer as much as there are grains of truths.
  631. [8:04 PM] Eon: Esker would like to look into the Spear, specifically how it acts and its personality. Maybe they could appease the bloody thing still.
  632. [8:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to come up with information you already known, including the Dark Youngs that it births. Nobody is quite sure where it came from, or how it came about.
  633. [8:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or what it plans to do.
  634. [8:04 PM] Faerie: Razmik thoroughly enjoys the breather, sharing some dried fruits outside the study in the interim...
  635. [8:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In fact, there are cults treating it as a new moon, more powerful than the others.
  636. [8:05 PM] Faerie: roll 1d10+3 short rest go
  637. [8:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+3]: 3, Result: 6
  638. [8:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's treated as a power, as a deific being, as a source of magic.
  639. [8:05 PM] Faerie: roll 1d10+3 pls
  640. [8:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+3]: 3, Result: 6
  641. [8:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear?
  642. [8:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear's an ancient weapon.
  643. [8:05 PM] Faerie: roll 1d10+3 last one
  644. [8:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+3]: 6, Result: 9
  645. [8:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's been with countless owners, at times heroes who slain the great dragons that haunted their homeland, at times villains who destroyed regions.
  646. [8:06 PM] Eon: Hmm. Better not let Razmik read that last bit.
  647. [8:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It is a, as a wielder writes, "trusted companion, stalwart and unyielding in face of conflicts, and has carried me through countless trials."
  648. [8:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems to be able to be passed down from one to another, after the attunement has ended, and the spear will give preferential treatment to the one that its passed down to.
  649. [8:07 PM] Eon: "An heir.. of sorts?" Esker muses, now significantly calmer.
  650. [8:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It prefers someone with a sense of balance - someone with a viewpoint closer to Neutral rather than one of the extremes - but will take anyone with a sense of grand goal.
  651. [8:07 PM] Eon: ... Hmm. Blackstar..
  652. [8:08 PM] Eon: Would that be considered a 'passing down'?
  653. [8:08 PM] Mizuki: (It will have 24 hours to think about what Alicia said, hopefully it will quit being such a special snowflake after that!)
  654. [8:08 PM] Eon: That would be.. Razmik.
  655. [8:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Mhmm, you had a +2.
  656. [8:08 PM] Faerie: (Hey, I've been wondering)
  657. [8:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are now on -4 or so.
  658. [8:09 PM] Faerie: (If the spear's Neutral, why would its destruction clause be such an irredeemably evil act (as in, genocide)?)
  659. [8:09 PM] Eon: (Mizu, its a fucking artifact)
  660. [8:09 PM] Eon: (genocide kills the hope and dreams of humanity, I think?)
  661. [8:09 PM] Eon: (you can't fulfil destiny if you're dead)
  662. [8:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Anyone can have a destiny of grandeur, good or evil. Destiny in itself does not have an alignment)
  663. [8:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The wielder's will matters more, hence why despite its alignment, it's "not picky")
  664. [8:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (aka no alignment restriction)
  665. [8:10 PM] Faerie: (That makes sense. Hrm.)
  666. [8:10 PM] Eon: Hmm. That was useful, anyhow.
  667. [8:10 PM] Eon: Esker sighs. And asks Lexon to pass her the spear for a while.
  668. [8:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... On a humorous note,
  669. [8:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A lancer once tried proposing to the Spear to become life partner.
  670. [8:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear politely refused.
  671. [8:11 PM] Faerie: (Is that a Fate reference.png)
  672. [8:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (hue)
  673. [8:11 PM] Eon: Esker would snicker if the situation wasn't so dire.
  674. [8:11 PM] Mizuki: (how horribly did the lancer die after that?)
  675. [8:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Lancer die every episode)
  676. [8:12 PM] Runic: "Alright, just be gentle with the guy, alright Esker?" Lexon says, before handing the spear for her to hold a bit
  677. [8:12 PM] Eon: "Certainly."
  678. [8:12 PM] Eon: Anyhow, Esker kneels, holding the Spear in her lap gently.
  679. [8:12 PM] Mizuki: (there comes the bootlicker.jpg)
  680. [8:12 PM] Eon: It probably can't hear her, but..
  681. [8:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You do not sense a sentience in the spear.
  682. [8:13 PM] Faerie: Razmik realizes the difference between the spear and his own weapon: even if the Salamander's spirit grew restless in combat, it had no discernible sense of purpose that he knew of. Still, he knows sooner or later he'd have to hand it over to Alicia in case she wanted to do more research on it.
  683. But that was once this all was over.
  684. [8:15 PM] Faerie: 'Besides', Razmik tells him as he inspects the designs dancing along the sword's blade 'I'm just not that good with spears. It just wouldn't feel the same...', he laments. But he doesn't write the possibility out.
  685. [8:15 PM] Bot Fodder: (Sorry if I broke it :sadpopo: Was just playing my character as I wrote him.)
  686. [8:15 PM] Faerie: ''Gee, the atmosphere sure got tense...''
  687. [8:15 PM] Mizuki: (I see nothing wrong with that, fuck sentient weapons)
  688. [8:16 PM] Mizuki: (except for Life Reap, Life Reap is a cutie)
  690. [8:16 PM] Eon: "Look, we have wronged you, I understand. You're far older than all of us combined, and really, that was our fault for not treating you with proper respect. I, at least recognise the value of experience, maybe the humans don't quite get it, short-lived as they are, but, I want to apologise, for whatever it's worth. I can only promise you we are looking to accomplish many, many impossible things.."
  691. [8:16 PM] Faerie: (>Be Hexblade
  692. >Only attune to sentient weapons if they fit my arbitrary criteria for sentient weapons)
  693. [8:16 PM] Eon: Esker trails off.
  694. [8:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow draws Godsbane, and gently polishes it. "... I realize I don't really polish ya often enough, now that I think about it, huh?" He whispers, cleaning the blade. No matter how he clean it, it remained jet black anyhow, so it's hard to tell whether that thing's getting cleaner.
  695. [8:17 PM] Eon: "But well. It's completely understandable otherwise."
  696. [8:18 PM] Eon: Though, in that outcome, neither of us get what we want, she notes silently.
  697. [8:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Godsbane trembles a little, to Shadow's surprise. He frowns, looking toward the Spear of Destiny, and sheaths Godsbane. "No, ok."
  698. [8:18 PM] Eon: Sighing, she stands back up, and returns the spear to Lexon.
  699. [8:18 PM] Faerie: (WEW)
  700. [8:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (pff)
  701. [8:18 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at Esker with a sarcastic smile. - "Where next?"
  702. [8:18 PM] Bot Fodder: (Anyway, we can try again in 24 hours.)
  703. [8:19 PM] Eon: Esker sneers back. "I guess to the native shamans, then?"
  705. [8:19 PM] Eon: This girl..
  706. [8:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm.
  707. [8:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  708. [8:19 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 100, Result: 100
  709. [8:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  710. [8:19 PM] Faerie: (Ooooooh maaaaaan)
  711. [8:19 PM] Mizuki: "Our only lead right now, I'm guessing." - Nodded the girl.
  712. [8:19 PM] Bot Fodder: (Wow)
  713. [8:19 PM] Eon: Rash and implusive, that's rather human, she supposed.
  714. [8:19 PM] Bot Fodder: "Sounds good to me!" says John.
  715. [8:19 PM] Faerie: (I'm both scared and like where this is going)
  716. [8:19 PM] Eon: (dicebot is extreme today)
  717. [8:20 PM] Runic: "Yeah I'm down with that" Lexon adds
  718. [8:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You travel toward the surface, then.
  719. [8:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... As you walk out of the study, you see a black rat, staring at the party. Its eyes ruby red, and it is silent.
  720. [8:21 PM] Eon: Esker glares at it.
  721. [8:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The rat squeaks softly, before trotting away.
  722. [8:21 PM] Eon: How far is it?
  723. [8:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 20ft or so.
  724. [8:21 PM] Faerie: That girl, indeed! Alicia's done worse, but Razmik doesn't think she's completely at fault either.
  725. [8:21 PM] Faerie: Divine Sense?
  726. [8:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  727. [8:21 PM] Bot Fodder: "Huh... that's weird. There weren't many animals left in Orixia, right?" John observes.
  728. [8:21 PM] Eon: ... Entangle.
  729. [8:21 PM] Runic: Lexon quickly chases after it
  730. [8:21 PM] Eon: DC 17 STR
  731. [8:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, we'll resolve it one by one,
  732. [8:21 PM] Faerie: (''GUYS IT WAS JUST A RAT'')
  733. [8:21 PM] Faerie: (''I WAS JUST KIDDING'')(edited)
  734. [8:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, you sense the usuals, plus a ...
  735. [8:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Great blinding, black light.
  736. [8:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are blinded, and recognize the black rat.
  737. [8:22 PM] Bot Fodder: (Welp.)
  738. [8:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Religion check, first.
  739. [8:22 PM] Faerie: Razmik sneezes. That-
  740. [8:22 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+3
  741. [8:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 7, Result: 10
  742. [8:22 PM] Faerie: He can't open his eyes!
  743. [8:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Disadvantage.
  744. [8:22 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+3
  745. [8:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 20, Result: 23
  746. [8:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 10.
  747. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your memory seems jarred by something, and you seem to recall having read about something about the rat,
  748. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: but as luck would have it, you accidentally torn of fthe page that you were reading. Oops.
  749. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker, you cast Entangle.
  750. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  751. [8:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 19, Result: 19
  752. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The rat seems to ignore the Entangled effect.
  753. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, you chase after the rat.
  754. [8:23 PM] Faerie: Butterfingers~
  755. [8:23 PM] Runic: Lexon will go for the grab!
  756. [8:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Make acrobatic at disadvantage.
  757. [8:24 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+11
  758. [8:24 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 8, Result: 19
  759. [8:24 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+11
  760. [8:24 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+11]: 6, Result: 17
  761. [8:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 4d20
  762. [8:24 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d20]: 3,11,15,17, Result: 46
  763. [8:24 PM] Runic: (Cmon dicebot, give me a break)
  764. [8:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You caught up to the rat, to everyone's surprise.
  765. [8:24 PM] Mizuki: (I forgot a rat is not a person :nicosmug:)
  766. [8:24 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ahaha, nice.)
  767. [8:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The rat turns to look at you, squeaking, calmly letting you catch up to it.
  768. [8:24 PM] Faerie: ''Something about it is... wrong. But I don't...'', said Razmik without noticing everyone had already jumped on it
  769. [8:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Within your grasp, it just stares at you quietly. You feel as if ... Something's starting to go very wrong.
  770. [8:24 PM] Runic: Grapple grapple grapple
  771. [8:25 PM] Mizuki: "What's this about?" - Asked Alicia staring at the rodent.
  772. [8:25 PM] Runic: (Put-em in a chokehold)(edited)
  773. [8:25 PM] Eon: It got out? Uncanny.
  774. [8:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It doesn't resist. In fat - it smiles at you.
  775. [8:25 PM] Eon: Esker's glare only narrows.
  776. [8:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Tyche..." It speaks in telepathy.
  777. [8:25 PM] Bot Fodder: John has a bad feeling about this...
  778. [8:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It squeaks softly, nuzzling to Lexon's grasp. It's almost cute.
  779. [8:25 PM] Runic: Lexon looks at it indifferently, not too fazed at a smiling rat
  780. [8:25 PM] Eon: Esker walks up.
  781. [8:26 PM] Faerie: ''I can't see'', Razmik fumbles around while clutching the side of his head. ''Is it gone?''
  782. [8:26 PM] Eon: Well, that clearly wasn't a regular rat.
  783. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ah, your blindness restores in 1 minute.
  784. [8:26 PM] Mizuki: A rat... smiling? Alicia gasps. Does she recall anything like that from her studies? A sentient rat, what was that about?
  785. [8:26 PM] Mizuki: (I wish to roll religion too)
  786. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura coos... Slightly hungry.
  787. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go for it, Alicia.
  788. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Disadvantage.
  789. [8:26 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+5
  790. [8:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 6, Result: 11
  791. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d20
  792. [8:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 19,1, Result: 20
  793. [8:26 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+5
  794. [8:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 20, Result: 25
  795. [8:27 PM] Mizuki: (all those max rolls)
  796. [8:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You recall something about black rats of misfortune,
  797. [8:27 PM] Runic: "Wheres there's a rat there's trouble, at least thats how it is at the mine back home. Rat infestations man" Lexon comments
  798. [8:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Beshaba, the goddess of Bad Luck, has Black Rats and Cockroaches as her favorite animals.
  799. [8:27 PM] Mizuki: (wew, 11 is enough for that?)
  800. [8:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It squeaks cutely, at Lexon.
  801. [8:28 PM] Mizuki: "This can't be good, Lexon." - She warned. - "Let go of that thing!"
  802. [8:28 PM] Bot Fodder: "When we have rat problems in Armsdale, we usually hire some adventurers-- oh, wait." John blinks.
  803. [8:28 PM] Mizuki: She takes out her bag of holding, and prepares to catch the rat as soon as Lexon lets go of it, if he does.
  804. [8:28 PM] Faerie: Somehow and for no apparent reason, Razmik feels almost reassured for an instant. Like he had suddenly set foot in a very familiar place: like a home of sorts?
  805. [8:29 PM] Faerie: It soon passes, though. Something about bad luck.
  806. [8:29 PM] Runic: "I've handled rats before, I think I'll be okay, as long as I handle it carefully" Lexon says, holding on to it, "Seems pretty passive compared to most I've handled"(edited)
  807. [8:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Lexon. It seems to cling onto your hand, before solidifying into a black statuette, seemingly rooted into your flesh. "Surrender the spear to me, Beshaba, Lady Doom, and you shall have salvation."
  808. [8:30 PM] Runic: ...
  809. [8:30 PM] Runic: "Oi, you think you can out grapple me?"
  810. [8:30 PM] Bot Fodder: (Bad luck... hm. Is that why it makes every save with advantage and we make all checks against it with disadvantage? :thinking: )
  811. [8:30 PM] Faerie: (Well, remember Lucky? Tymora's smile, etc)
  812. [8:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The atmosphere seems to suddenly return to normal.
  813. [8:30 PM] Eon: Esker sighs. Well, it made sense.
  814. [8:31 PM] Bot Fodder: (Also, do we all hear that?)
  815. [8:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... There's no statuette on Lexon, there's nothing seemingly wrong.
  816. [8:31 PM] Bot Fodder: "What happened?" an extra in the scene asks generically.
  817. [8:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's only a whisper, "Give me... The Spear..."
  818. [8:32 PM] Eon: ...
  819. [8:32 PM] Mizuki: As the rat disappeared, Alicia checked on Lexon, worried. - "You feeling alright?"
  820. [8:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, Wisdom save, with disadvantage.
  821. [8:32 PM] Runic: "Well, the rat dissapeared into my arm, so there's that" Lexon says
  822. [8:32 PM] Eon: Esker doesn't quite trust it.
  823. [8:32 PM] Faerie: (Add your +3)
  824. [8:32 PM] Eon: I mean, evil god aside.
  825. [8:32 PM] Eon: There was no gurantee
  826. [8:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A presence attempts to place Gea upon Lexon.
  827. [8:33 PM] Bot Fodder: "I... hrm. Maybe we should get that checked out," John says, staring at Lexon's arm.
  828. [8:33 PM] Runic: "I myself feel alright, my gut on the otherhand, knows what up. A familer intuition, an attempt in restraining me"(edited)
  829. [8:33 PM] Runic: "Something of that sort, but it's trying something right now"
  830. [8:33 PM] Faerie: (:gogo: WIS save)
  831. [8:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Tribute the Spear to Beshaba." The voice echoes in Lexon's mind... Trying to control him.
  832. [8:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (DIvine attention from a rival's a bitch.)
  833. [8:34 PM] Runic: "Apparently whatever it is, it wants the spear" Lexon mutters
  834. [8:34 PM] Eon: (Make your wis save already)
  835. [8:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Disadvantage at that)
  836. [8:34 PM] Runic: "Beshebe? Beshaba? It says?"
  837. [8:34 PM] Runic: roll 1d20
  838. [8:34 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 10, Result: 10
  839. [8:34 PM] Faerie: (Is that charm.avi)
  840. [8:34 PM] Runic: roll 1d20
  841. [8:34 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 5, Result: 5
  842. [8:34 PM] Runic: (Good)
  843. [8:34 PM] Eon: +3 from Raz.
  845. [8:35 PM] Runic: (Wow 8, great)
  846. [8:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The Gea is successful.
  847. [8:35 PM] Faerie: Do the rest notice this?
  848. [8:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are Charmed by Avatar of Beshaba.
  849. [8:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yes, all of you do.
  850. [8:35 PM] Eon: (Geas isn't even a ch-)
  851. [8:35 PM] Faerie: >Charmed
  852. [8:35 PM] Eon: ...
  853. [8:35 PM] Eon: Dispel Magic.
  854. [8:36 PM] Mizuki: ... Alicia stares at Lexon.
  855. [8:36 PM] Faerie: Does Aura of Devotion work, or is it some bullshit supercharm?
  856. [8:36 PM] Bot Fodder: "What? No way!" John can't let some shady ghost-rat-god get a hold of a weapon so dangerous!
  857. [8:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's from a Divine source, and is exceptionally difficult to become immune to resist. (Aura of Devotion only works for yourself against this effect.)
  858. [8:36 PM] Eon: If that is not viable, Hold Person on Lexon.
  859. [8:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Dispel Magic may work.
  860. [8:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Might? Make a dispel check.
  861. [8:36 PM] Faerie: (Guidance first, Eon)
  862. [8:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: evil grin.
  863. [8:36 PM] Eon: (Do I get the time to do that)
  864. [8:36 PM] Eon: (If I can I totally will)
  865. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sure. Lexon's charmed, but not forced to attack you guys or anything.
  866. [8:37 PM] Eon: Alright.
  867. [8:37 PM] Eon: Roll 1d20+5 Dispel
  868. [8:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 3, Result: 8
  869. [8:37 PM] Runic: Guess I'll hand over the spear, Lexon thinks to himself
  870. [8:37 PM] Eon: ...
  871. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 5d10
  872. [8:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [5d10]: 9,3,1,8,10, Result: 31
  873. [8:37 PM] Eon: Inspiration.
  874. [8:37 PM] Bot Fodder: (Does Lexon know what he's geased to do, even?)
  875. [8:37 PM] Eon: Fuck this shit.
  876. [8:37 PM] Eon: Roll 1d20+5
  877. [8:37 PM] Runic: Oh, wait where the hell do I go, Lexon thinks
  878. [8:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 7, Result: 12
  879. [8:37 PM] Faerie: (:gogo:)
  880. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, your mind wracks with tremendous amount of pain.
  881. [8:37 PM] Eon: Roll 1d4 guidance
  882. [8:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 2, Result: 2
  883. [8:37 PM] Mizuki: (dem rolls)
  885. [8:37 PM] Faerie: (1d4 go)
  886. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Take 31 psychic damage.
  887. [8:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The gea shimmers... And remains on Lexon.
  888. [8:38 PM] Runic: Lexon winces from the sudden pain
  889. [8:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel as if you need to resist your companion's attempt to end the Gea, least the spell would hurt you.
  890. [8:38 PM] Eon: ... Can Esker tell what level the Geas is at?
  891. [8:38 PM] Mizuki: "Raz, hold him tight!" - Shouted Alicia - "Fast!"
  892. [8:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 5th, as per usual.
  893. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It only lasts 30 days, and is relatively easy to remove.
  894. [8:39 PM] Eon: "Fucking hell."
  895. [8:39 PM] Runic: Well Lexon will do his best to avoid it then
  896. [8:39 PM] Eon: Dispel Magic at 5.
  897. [8:39 PM] Faerie: (Remove Curse and Greater Restoration also remove it)
  898. [8:39 PM] Eon: (Muh spellslot)
  899. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Gea triggers, dealing no damage, as no a day has passed.
  900. [8:39 PM] Faerie: Razmik crouches next to Lexon. ''Still with us?''
  901. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The Gea breaks...
  902. [8:39 PM] Runic: (Am I?)
  903. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Then you hear the cackle of an old hag. "Do you think that you can escape the will of Beshaba so easily?"
  904. [8:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am watching, waiting. GIVE ME THE SPEAR!"
  905. [8:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A hidden tattoo shines with a black light on Lexon's flesh.
  906. [8:40 PM] Faerie: He looks at the boy in the eyes, worried.
  907. [8:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, Wisdom save with disadvantage.
  908. [8:40 PM] Eon: Esker's eye twitches.
  909. [8:40 PM] Runic: "Yeah, yeah, still hear, just need to... hand over the sp-, wait no I don't" snapping out of his charmed state
  910. [8:40 PM] Eon: Fucking gods with their hand in everything.
  911. [8:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Tyche's power, I must have it!"
  912. [8:41 PM] Bot Fodder: "No!" John finds it hard to put on a defiant face against a disembodied voice.
  913. [8:41 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  914. [8:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 9, Result: 12
  915. [8:41 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  916. [8:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 13, Result: 16
  917. [8:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You are placed under the same Gea.
  918. [8:41 PM] Faerie: He'll restrain Lexon if he must, gently. ''Breathe in, don't look at the spear...''
  919. [8:41 PM] Eon: ... Does the damage duration thing also refresh
  920. [8:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel that you should really... Find Beshaba's temple, and turn the spear in.
  921. [8:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yep!
  922. [8:41 PM] Eon: Fucking hell.
  923. [8:41 PM] Eon: I can't out spellslot an avatar so..
  924. [8:42 PM] Mizuki: Alicia will try to take out the spear from Lexon.
  925. [8:42 PM] Eon: We'll just take the damage everyday, then.
  926. [8:42 PM] Faerie: Razmik places a hand on his shoulder. ''Count to three and hand it over, alright?''
  927. [8:42 PM] Runic: "Wait... yes, alright gotta bring the spear... but where the hell do I go..." Lexon speaks out talking to himself
  928. [8:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have gained the attention of Beshaba, Lady Doom, who will hinder your quest until you are able to appease her, or defeat her.
  929. [8:42 PM] Mizuki: (what do I roll to try getting the spear?)
  930. [8:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm.
  931. [8:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon can let the spear go, himself, but takes the psychic damage.
  932. [8:43 PM] Runic: Lexon quickly attempts to stop Alicia from taking the spear. He takes it off his back and holds it in a firm grip
  933. [8:43 PM] Bot Fodder: John tries to help restrain Lexon as well. He knows well that it'll take more than one person!
  934. [8:43 PM] Eon: If all else fails, I'll Hold Person.
  936. [8:43 PM] Faerie: Razmik considers taking Lexon out of comission for the time being. He gestures to Alicia with his freee hand...
  937. [8:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With all of you, however, Lexon cannot reasonably resist the attempt.
  938. [8:43 PM] Runic: "This spear isn't yours, I need to bring it to its true owner Alicia!"
  939. [8:43 PM] Faerie: His guts churn at the thought.
  940. [8:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear's taken from Lexon by Alicia, after everyone dogpiles Lexon.
  941. [8:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow frowns. "... Uh... Are you ok, fam?"
  942. [8:44 PM] Mizuki: "Pull youself together Lexon!" - Said the girl. - "You're under control!"
  943. [8:44 PM] Faerie: ''Try your best, Lexon! Go take it from Alicia if you can!'', Razmik encourages. He's sure he won't be able to break out, but as long as he tried to it should be fine, right?
  944. [8:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow seems uneasy. "We should... Get rid of the spear, if it's... Gonna make everyone like this." Shadow suggests.
  945. [8:45 PM] Faerie: ''He's got a Quest placed on him, is what happened!''
  946. [8:45 PM] Eon: "... And then what, end the Cradle with sticks and harsh words?"
  947. [8:45 PM] Runic: Lexon attempts to break free, trying to get the spear back. "Cmon, I need to go return the spear! Let me go!"
  948. [8:45 PM] Mizuki: Alicia points at Lexon with her free hand. Tasha's.
  949. [8:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I don't know." Shadow sighs.
  950. [8:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hue
  951. [8:45 PM] Eon: "... Tie him up." Esker notes gravely.
  952. [8:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, Wisdom save at disadvantage versus Tasha's Hideous LULther.
  953. [8:46 PM] Runic: roll 2d20
  954. [8:46 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d20]: 18,12, Result: 30
  955. [8:46 PM] Runic: 12...
  956. [8:46 PM] Mizuki: dc 17
  957. [8:46 PM] Faerie: Razmik shifts to restrain Lexon by the sides, letting John have free reign over his hands.
  958. [8:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia's voice in your head echoes with Beshaba's...The laughter. It's infectious.
  959. [8:46 PM] Faerie: (Actually 15 HUEHUE)
  960. [8:46 PM] Bot Fodder: John hangs on for a moment, doing his best to think and grapple at the same time. "Uhh... temple! We should find another god's temple! Maybe that'll keep the spell from coming back once we break it!"
  961. [8:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You laugh and laugh, Lexon, as strength quickly leave your body as something tickles you in just the right spot.
  962. [8:46 PM] Runic: (I assume you would cancel it Fae, lol)
  963. [8:47 PM] Eon: ... Was there a temple of Tymora somewhere?
  964. [8:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tymora?
  965. [8:47 PM] Mizuki: "... Tie him up." - Said the girl sadly, taking out a set of rope from her pack.
  966. [8:47 PM] Faerie: (Why not Lolth? :smugpopo:)
  967. [8:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You strangely haven't seen a single Tymora's temple since you are in the nightmare.
  968. [8:47 PM] Bot Fodder: (We know where Lolth's temple is, but that literally guarantees nothing :sadpopo: )
  969. [8:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: At least, Esker.
  970. [8:47 PM] Faerie: (And Runic: It says ''friendly'', you can't just turn off friendship like that ;_;)
  971. [8:47 PM] Eon: There was a temple of Mask..
  972. [8:47 PM] Runic: "Pffft, hah! Hahahah" An uncontrollable laughter claims Lexon, devoiding him of his strength, as he giggles
  973. [8:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The last the group has seen Tymora's temple, it was back in Windsmere.
  974. [8:48 PM] Eon: Esker sighs.
  975. [8:48 PM] Bot Fodder: (I miss Bucky.)
  976. [8:48 PM] Eon: She could still try contacting Tymora, maybe
  978. [8:48 PM] Eon: But well, better get to somewhere safe first.
  979. [8:48 PM] Eon: Actually..
  980. [8:48 PM] Eon: Fuck the moon.
  981. [8:49 PM] Eon: She'll do it here.
  982. [8:49 PM] Faerie: (What do you guys think the chances of the geas popping back if we successfully remove it are?)
  983. [8:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Bumbling, stumbling, you captured poor Lexon.
  984. [8:49 PM] Mizuki: Alicia ties Lexon up, restraining him, she does her best to allow no movement other than breathing.
  985. [8:49 PM] Eon: (100%)
  986. [8:49 PM] Faerie: (The moon's not visible from here, is it...?)
  987. [8:49 PM] Bot Fodder: (Probably very high, unless we are shielded by another god... Oh, maybe Prot. from Good and Evil would help, too.)(edited)
  988. [8:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You have to get rid of Beshaba's presence in the party first to remove it properly, most likely.)(edited)
  989. [8:50 PM] Eon: (Lets chop up Lexon and Reincarnate him)
  990. [8:50 PM] Mizuki: She sighs. It was all that cursed spear's fault.
  992. [8:50 PM] Faerie: (Protection from Evil and Good sounds like it should work, but it only works on creature types)
  993. [8:50 PM] Faerie: (''aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead.'')
  994. [8:50 PM] Eon: (It is an evil god, hmm)
  995. [8:50 PM] Eon: (Dispel Evil and Good might)
  996. [8:50 PM] Eon: Anyhow.
  997. [8:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Let me know what you do, alright?
  998. [8:50 PM] Mizuki: After tying up Lexon properly, she dismisses the spell. - "I'm sorry..."
  999. [8:50 PM] Faerie: Razmik's got a scroll for that, but well...
  1000. [8:51 PM] Eon: Divination ritual.
  1001. [8:51 PM] Faerie: (>dismissing it
  1002. Pls)
  1003. [8:51 PM] Eon: ... Attempt to contact Tymora.
  1004. [8:51 PM] Eon: Sorry Mielikki.
  1005. [8:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If you have the habit of bringing stuff with you and leaving some in the Tower, Razmik, you would be unlucky as to find yourself without it for some reason.
  1006. [8:51 PM] Faerie: ''We shouldn't do that here'', Razmik says to Esker as she prepares the rituaal.
  1007. [8:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You attempt a connection with Tymora, Esker.
  1008. [8:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What would you inquire?
  1009. [8:51 PM] Eon: "And where else?"
  1010. [8:51 PM] Eon: (Well, not that)
  1011. [8:51 PM] Runic: Lexon continues to laugh uncontrollably, unable to resist. Between laughs, he's able to speak. "Haha, come pffft hah! Come on. hehch, Lady Babushka will be mad! BWAHAAHA, what kind of name is Babushka!" Quickly losing the actual goal... not the best person to charm and turning into a servent of some kind
  1012. [8:52 PM] Mizuki: (>Domains: trickery)
  1013. [8:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: >Babushka
  1014. [8:52 PM] Mizuki: (STOP RIGHT THERE ESKER)
  1015. [8:52 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ahahaha)
  1016. [8:52 PM] Runic: (Lexon is really bad at remembering names)
  1017. [8:52 PM] Bot Fodder: (And it's 'k, Tymora wouldn't fuck with us if we're directly contending with her enemy. Probably.)
  1018. [8:52 PM] Faerie: Unluck is one thing, but Razmik's methods are retard-proof! He keeps all spell scrolls hidden in-between the crevices of his armor.
  1020. [8:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Seems fine, then, Razmik; You can have your scroll.
  1021. [8:53 PM] Eon: "How can we best get rid of Beshaba's avatar from Lexon and prevent this from happening again?"
  1022. [8:53 PM] Eon: She'll note that they also had the Spear of Destiny, if she could append that.
  1023. [8:53 PM] Mizuki: (I dismissed the spell on you, Lexon, you're -very- tied up though!)
  1024. [8:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The voice manifest for a moment, then goes silent. "Wait for me."(edited)
  1025. [8:53 PM] Eon: Esker blinks.
  1026. [8:54 PM] Eon: "Wait for.. her. Well then."
  1027. [8:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6
  1028. [8:54 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 3, Result: 3
  1029. [8:54 PM] Eon: Esker blinks somemore.
  1030. [8:54 PM] Bot Fodder: (brb 1 sec)
  1031. [8:54 PM] Faerie: (It's funny because Dispel it doesn't work on gods either ;_;)
  1032. [8:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow suddenly cringe.
  1033. [8:54 PM] Mizuki: "What a mess." - Said the wizard shaking her head.
  1034. [8:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "My... Rune of darkness, it calls."
  1035. [8:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow holds onto Godsband, which rattles.
  1036. [8:54 PM] Eon: Esker glares at Shadow, now isn't the time..
  1037. [8:54 PM] Faerie: ''Your what now? Do you sense...''
  1038. [8:55 PM] Faerie: Raz points at the clicketing clacketing Godsbane.
  1039. [8:55 PM] Faerie: ''Any idea on what it can be?''
  1040. [8:55 PM] Runic: "Alright, I'll wait Lady Babbushika." Lexon quietly whispers
  1041. [8:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Tot whimpers, and leaps out. "This is all I have for avatar?"
  1042. [8:55 PM] Faerie: (WEW)
  1043. [8:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot sighs. "Ok, Esker, wasn't it?"
  1044. [8:55 PM] Eon: ... Say, shouldn't they have had stabbed Lexon with Godsbane first.
  1045. [8:55 PM] Eon: "Y-Yes?"
  1046. [8:55 PM] Eon: You have to admit, this was pretty weird.
  1047. [8:55 PM] Mizuki: Alicia blinks.
  1048. [8:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker, Tot waddles over, and licks your pawn a little, fluttering.
  1049. [8:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Don't worry, kid." Tot says, smiling. It's a genuine smile, something you've rarely seen in the demonic cat. "I'll catch the rat for ya'll, ok?"
  1050. [8:56 PM] Eon: "Are.. you.. T-Tymora?" She is more than a little weirded out.
  1051. [8:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You guys took care of one of my own, so I'll repay the favor." Tot giggles.
  1052. [8:56 PM] Faerie: ...Lady Luck?
  1053. [8:56 PM] Eon: "Thank you." Esker finally composes herself.
  1054. [8:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With a ferocious - and strangely feminine - merowl, Tot pounces at Lexon, clawing at his shoulder.
  1055. [8:57 PM] Eon: It had to be her. She thinks, anyway!
  1056. [8:57 PM] Faerie: Razmik genuflects quickly. ''I believe we owe you from back in Windsmere!''
  1057. [8:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... What then happen is a strange chase of cat versus mouse, as Tot chases Beshaba's avatar around, yelling angrily.
  1058. [8:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "BITCH, GET BACK HERE."
  1060. [8:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The ... choice of words were... Colorful.
  1061. [8:57 PM] Runic: Lexon opens his eyes from strange sensation of something else entering his body
  1062. [8:57 PM] Eon: ... Well. Talk about mood whiplash.
  1063. [8:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  1064. [8:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 2, Result: 2
  1065. [8:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: .. .The black rat stumbles, and Tot quickly pins, and bites its head off.
  1066. [8:58 PM] Faerie: Razmik can't believe his ears. He covers his gaping mouth with both hands, shocked beyond all reason.
  1067. [8:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot then spits the head out, as the black rat - and the gea on Lexon - disappears in a puff of black smoke.
  1068. [8:58 PM] Eon: Esker blinks.
  1069. [8:58 PM] Eon: That was.. very unexpected.
  1070. [8:58 PM] Bot Fodder: John watches the game of cat and mouse (yes, this is the extent of his rapier wit.)
  1071. [8:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That's right." Tot sneers. "That's what you get for being the unlucky one."
  1072. [8:59 PM] Mizuki: "Well, that..." - Said Alicia watching the chase. Hopefully she won't ask for anything in return.(edited)
  1073. [8:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Ahem."
  1074. [8:59 PM] Runic: "Ughhhh" Lexon groans
  1075. [8:59 PM] Runic: "Is it over?"
  1076. [8:59 PM] Eon: "Thank you, again." Esker bows sincerely.
  1078. [8:59 PM] Bot Fodder: "... Well." The guard is left rather speechless.
  1079. [8:59 PM] Eon: Well, then.
  1080. [8:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot turns back to the group. "..."
  1081. [8:59 PM] Runic: Lexon is laying on his back, still tied up and very uncomfortable from the whole experience(edited)
  1082. [8:59 PM] Eon: It was still a solution.
  1083. [8:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Uh, why do I taste... rat fur."
  1084. [8:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot groans, spitting.
  1085. [9:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I hate rats." Tot complains.
  1086. [9:00 PM] Mizuki: Alicia crouched and started untying Lexon.
  1087. [9:00 PM] Runic: "Ditto" Lexon mutters weakly
  1088. [9:00 PM] Eon: "Y'know, she didn't even ask about the Spear.."
  1090. [9:00 PM] Bot Fodder: (TBH, we're lucky Tot didn't explode or something from being possessed by a good deity.)
  1091. [9:00 PM] Eon: She shrugs. That was that, she hopes.
  1092. [9:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tot waddles back to Shadow, seemingly drunk.
  1093. [9:00 PM] Eon: "Well, that was unlucky.."
  1094. [9:00 PM] Faerie: (Silly, Tot is good from hanging around so much! :smugsatori:)
  1095. [9:00 PM] Eon: ... Right.
  1096. [9:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow gently picks Tot back up. "There, there."
  1097. [9:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... A singular gold coin remains on the floor, where the cat and mouse was.
  1098. [9:01 PM] Faerie: ''...I have to say, that was a very pleasant surprise.''
  1099. [9:01 PM] Runic: Lexon gets back up stretching, while in between stretches, he gives his thanks, "Thanks for the help Tot."
  1100. [9:01 PM] Mizuki: "Well, whatever, back to the spelljammer." - She shrugged after untying the boy.
  1101. [9:01 PM] Eon: "Wait. I just ringed up a god."
  1102. [9:01 PM] Eon: "Like, her ava-"
  1103. [9:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow chuckles.
  1104. [9:01 PM] Eon: Esker flusters.
  1105. [9:01 PM] Runic: Lexon picks up the coin and looks at it
  1106. [9:02 PM] Faerie: Razmik looks at the coin. He's not thinking it could be used as a holy symbol, but do you think it could be used as a holy symbol?(edited)
  1107. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The coin shines for a moment, disappearing in Lexon's hand...
  1108. [9:02 PM] Runic: "The hell is this thing that dropped?"
  1109. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, you gain the Lucky feat.
  1110. [9:02 PM] Mizuki: (gonna get some water, brb)
  1111. [9:02 PM] Faerie: Its significance wasn't lost on him.
  1112. [9:02 PM] Faerie: (OHHHHH MAAAAAAN)
  1113. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1114. [9:02 PM] Eon: (Huh.)
  1115. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: :thinking:
  1116. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, yes.
  1117. [9:02 PM] Runic: "Aww fuck, not again" Lexon quickly looks at his hand and arm... not sensing anything wrong
  1119. [9:02 PM] Runic: "Maybe not?"
  1120. [9:03 PM] Faerie: [Laugh track.wav]
  1121. [9:03 PM] Eon: Esker shakes her head.
  1122. [9:03 PM] Eon: "W-Well. Lets go back"
  1123. [9:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A debt's been repaid..." A voice whispers in your ears - save for Esker, who wasn't there. And Shadow, I guess.
  1125. [9:04 PM] Faerie: (I don't get it, I thought Bucky was an avatar of Tymora or something)(edited)
  1126. [9:04 PM] Eon: (I blew so so many spell slots for this.)
  1127. [9:04 PM] Faerie: (OOC: There were no records of him ever having existed in the Windsmere region in the 'original' timeline)
  1128. [9:05 PM] Runic: "Yeah lets go... what a strange event." Lexon says, muttering the last part
  1129. [9:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Back to the tower.
  1130. [9:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... On the way, you feel as if the passage was strangely unstable, as if it would've collapsed on you, were you ... Unlucky enough.
  1131. [9:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's likely just your imagination.
  1132. [9:05 PM] Faerie: (We got a feat, so #worth it)
  1133. [9:06 PM] Faerie: Razmik doesn't feel much of anything on the way back
  1134. [9:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (WEW)
  1135. [9:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Back to the tower - what will you do?
  1136. [9:06 PM] Eon: Between everything, Esker is pretty on edge
  1137. [9:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Find the natives? Converse with whoever you wish? Go and burn down a temple of Beshaba?
  1138. [9:07 PM] Faerie: Yes. In that order, please!
  1139. [9:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The GM expects ya'll to drop everything and just go burning down temples instead, but well.(edited)
  1140. [9:07 PM] Eon: That sounds good.
  1142. [9:07 PM] Mizuki: (natives it is!)
  1143. [9:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, then.
  1144. [9:07 PM] Faerie: Razmik votes for the natives: ''Best we cover as much ground as possible in the time we have''
  1145. [9:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Conversing with Augus, who will advice you on where to look, you are able to chart a course.
  1146. [9:08 PM] Runic: I'm fine with that, we'll see what Lady Bashulkuba will throw at us, or Lexon, and see if she'll become a bigger concern
  1147. [9:08 PM] Mizuki: Alicia hands Lexon the spear. - "Don't go hugging any rats for a while."
  1148. [9:08 PM] Mizuki: She smiled.
  1149. [9:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The night is falling soon, but that shouldn't hamper you; The weather is, for once, calm and without devious snowstorm.
  1150. [9:08 PM] Faerie: (Lady booshakalaka)
  1151. [9:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Recelle takes a glance at the spear.
  1152. [9:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Huh."
  1153. [9:09 PM] Eon: "Say, how are the natives like, anyway?"
  1154. [9:09 PM] Bot Fodder: (So, should we go start with Augus's place?)
  1155. [9:09 PM] Runic: "Yeah, no wrestling black rats." Lexon responds... rather specifically(edited)
  1156. [9:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus nods. "The... Natives are..."
  1157. [9:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He points to himself, "Like me, size-wise, but furry all over."
  1158. [9:10 PM] Faerie: ''Say, Alicia-'', Razmik offhandedly asks ''Have you ever had to summon Azura as a mouse before?''
  1159. [9:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They are pretty good at wrestling." Augus adds, "I've almost lost, once."
  1160. [9:10 PM] Eon: "I was going to ask about personality.."
  1161. [9:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Oh! Right. Sorry."
  1162. [9:10 PM] Mizuki: "Never did." - She answered.
  1163. [9:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus grins. "Just... Slap them around and they'll sit down with you and bring you food."
  1164. [9:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They are pretty nice once you befriend them."
  1165. [9:10 PM] Runic: "Almost ehhhh?" Lexon looks with curiousity, eyes gleaming a bit
  1166. [9:11 PM] Bot Fodder: John scratches his helmeted head. He wonders whether the Frost Giants are any different in that respect...
  1167. [9:11 PM] Mizuki: "Well that seems simple enough." - Said Alicia. Sometimes simple things are good.
  1168. [9:11 PM] Faerie: ''...Right. I don't think being good at wrestling would help much with the Wight Wind.'' Ahh, so they were that sort of folks...
  1169. [9:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Soon, a small village of the woolly humanoids - a bunch of igloos disguised as icy hills - comes to view.
  1170. [9:12 PM] Faerie: ''That's simple enough. If we have to prove ourselves, would it be dangerous?''
  1171. [9:12 PM] Eon: Hopefully it would be.
  1172. [9:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A few woolly mammothes cries out at the tower, surprised at the large unidentified flying object.
  1173. [9:12 PM] Faerie: (Meaning, do they play nice or can we expect BRUTAL MURDER DOOMFIGHTING?)
  1174. [9:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... A hellhound, acting as the village's watch dog, cowers.
  1175. [9:13 PM] Faerie: (>UFO)
  1176. [9:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Someone comes out from the igloo, waving spear at the tower, angrily.
  1177. [9:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What do you do?
  1179. [9:13 PM] Eon: ... Display Augus
  1180. [9:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus nods. "I can talk with that guy."
  1181. [9:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Let me down, I'll talk with him!" Augus says, bringing his warhammer.
  1182. [9:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It glows with a blue light.
  1183. [9:14 PM] Mizuki: "I think we can land, Recelle." - Suggested Alicia.
  1184. [9:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow watches Augus, starry-eyed. "Real men talks with their body." Shadow comments.
  1185. [9:14 PM] Eon: Esker had her doubts, but..
  1186. [9:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle blinks, and says, "Uh... Sure."
  1187. [9:14 PM] Faerie: Razmik stays by the shuttle and waves as well. ''I'll come with you; we need to introduce ourselves sooner or later anyway''
  1188. [9:14 PM] Runic: Lexon steps out of the tower along with Augues , he points at the guy, beats his chest, and flexes
  1189. [9:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Recelle lands, as Augus gets ready. "No need, Razmik, sir, unless you wish to join me in glorious diplomacy."
  1190. [9:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Augus, once lands, charges out, shouting at the man.
  1191. [9:15 PM] Eon: Esker glances at Shadow. He must be mute, then..
  1192. [9:15 PM] Eon: "Erm."
  1193. [9:15 PM] Faerie: When you say DIPLOMACY... Ah, alright.
  1194. [9:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man, angry, shouts back, in an unknown language. (Undercommon)
  1195. [9:15 PM] Eon: "Diplomacy?"
  1196. [9:15 PM] Mizuki: Alicia will go with the others as well, if they're going to talk, they better go together, looking like cowards is no good.
  1197. [9:15 PM] Faerie: Razmik's game, even if uppercase dipplomacy isn't his thing.
  1198. [9:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ok, I've established basic agreement."
  1199. [9:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus nods, walking over to the man, as the man walks toward Augus.
  1200. [9:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+14
  1201. [9:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+14]: 5, Result: 19
  1202. [9:16 PM] Bot Fodder: John guesses what comes next.
  1203. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+7
  1204. [9:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 18, Result: 25
  1205. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Suddenly, Augus struck at the man with his warhammer, shouting.
  1206. [9:16 PM] Bot Fodder: (Dem dice.)
  1207. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man strikes back with a spear, shouting.
  1208. [9:16 PM] Eon: ... Barbarians.
  1209. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d6+9
  1210. [9:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6+9]: 6,2, Result: 17
  1211. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 4d8
  1212. [9:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [4d8]: 4,7,1,2, Result: 14
  1213. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6+3
  1214. [9:16 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 1, Result: 4
  1215. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1216. [9:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man stumbles down onto the ice.
  1217. [9:16 PM] Faerie: Razmik slowly shifts his eyes to Esker. And smiles. ''...''
  1218. [9:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus picks up the man, laughing, slapping him with his bearly hand.
  1219. [9:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man stands up, grumbling, and the two converse for a moment.
  1220. [9:17 PM] Eon: "..?" What was with that look?
  1221. [9:17 PM] Mizuki: (Augus is such a fucking bro)
  1222. [9:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus turns back, shouting, "Ok! They said they'll let us in the village and help us!"
  1223. [9:17 PM] Runic: "Reminds me of the tavern brawls, but with more people... and table legs and benches being swinged" Lexon comments
  1224. [9:17 PM] Faerie: ''Hey, you alright?'', Razmik shouts in Common from his unassuming spot.
  1225. [9:17 PM] Eon: "Huh."
  1226. [9:17 PM] Bot Fodder: How savage. And yet... such clarity! Such intuitive simplicity! John can't bring himself to dislike this form of treaty.
  1227. [9:18 PM] Mizuki: "Well, that was fast."
  1228. [9:18 PM] Runic: "Well it's a pretty fast a simple way of handling things, yeah. I like it"
  1229. [9:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The warhammer shines with a blue light, happy that Augus has conquered a village.
  1230. [9:18 PM] Eon: "In a way? I guess?"
  1231. [9:18 PM] Eon: Esker shrugs. This was a much simpler dance.
  1232. [9:18 PM] Eon: They should go meet with them, anyhow.
  1233. [9:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ..
  1234. [9:19 PM] Faerie: Sssure, whatever works. Razmik doesn't imagine they'll be served tea once inside, though...
  1235. [9:19 PM] Eon: ... Augus had to translate anyhow.
  1236. [9:19 PM] Bot Fodder: "Well done, sir!" John says with a salute.
  1237. [9:20 PM] Mizuki: "Lets go then, everyone." - Called Alicia, walking up to Augus and the man to chat. Does he speak common, she wonders.
  1238. [9:21 PM] Mizuki: "I'm Alicia." - She said extending her hand.
  1239. [9:21 PM] Eon: "..." Esker observes, for now.
  1240. [9:21 PM] Eon: But nods politely.
  1241. [9:21 PM] Faerie: Razmik walks closer, offering to patch the man back up. His cloak falls heavy on the arsenal he usually carries around.
  1242. [9:22 PM] Eon: Ah. Right. Esker takes out her goodberries.
  1243. [9:22 PM] Faerie: (Did you really convert all your level 1 spells to goodcherriies?)
  1244. [9:22 PM] Eon: (Level one? All)
  1245. [9:23 PM] Eon: (I have like 83 still)
  1246. [9:23 PM] Runic: (wew)
  1247. [9:23 PM] Mizuki: (did you heal Lexon already?)
  1248. [9:23 PM] Eon: (Nope, how many do you need)
  1249. [9:23 PM] Faerie: (Hey, did you drop the wand of cure wounds?)
  1251. [9:24 PM] Eon: (Attunement, yes)
  1252. [9:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (K, back)
  1253. [9:24 PM] Runic: (31 lol)
  1254. [9:24 PM] Eon: (Heal for 31)
  1255. [9:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man grumbles and grunts, speaking in a rough Undercommon.
  1256. [9:24 PM] Faerie: (You could give it to me if you don't wanna juggle attunemets during rests)
  1257. [9:24 PM] Runic: And so 31 goodberries were consumed sometime between the trip
  1258. [9:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Soon, you are ushered into a spare igloo, and a fire was made.
  1259. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Between everything, handshakes and muttering from the man, you managed to find yourselves with some strange meat on a roast.
  1260. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Winter wolf.
  1261. [9:25 PM] Eon: She'll offer the locals goodberries, as a gift.
  1263. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The man grunt, eating them and nodding.
  1264. [9:25 PM] Eon: Ah.. She still had the cloaks she skinned, from long ago.
  1265. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The villagers treat you with a level of fear, at start.
  1266. [9:26 PM] Eon: She'll offer that too, if they would like.
  1267. [9:26 PM] Faerie: Razmik doesn't speak Undercommon, but he may or may not be able to get in the local mindset. He places the sheathed Salamander on the ground next to him, and nods as he sits down.
  1268. [9:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Augus shouts at the man a bit, who barks and turns around, shouting.
  1269. [9:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Soon, an old crone approaches the ground...
  1270. [9:26 PM] Mizuki: Alicia smiles at the sight of warm food and turns to Augus. - "We will need you to translate some stuff for us."(edited)
  1271. [9:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... A hag, from the look of things. As in, an evil fey creature.
  1272. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Visitors." The hag whispers.
  1273. [9:27 PM] Eon: Esker's instinct is to
  1274. [9:27 PM] Faerie: What kind?
  1275. [9:27 PM] Eon: Jump up.
  1276. [9:27 PM] Runic: Lexon takes a nice chunk of meat from the winter wolf roast, and dines on the meat of an animal unfamiliar to him
  1277. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Behir- white haired, though a lot cleaner and a lot more "sane" than the previous you've met.
  1278. [9:27 PM] Eon: Flustered, she shakes her head, and sits down.
  1279. [9:27 PM] Faerie: Razmik's eyes harden at the sight. His heart skips a beat.
  1280. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The grey staff in her filmsy hand seems frail.
  1281. [9:27 PM] Bot Fodder: John, admittedly, can't tell the difference between a hag and a really old granny. He doesn't blink.
  1282. [9:27 PM] Faerie: He has to remind himself they aren't human.
  1283. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Yes? Never seen an old woman before?" She cackles softly.
  1284. [9:27 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at the hag surprised, but stays put.
  1285. [9:28 PM] Eon: Esker glances at Augus, it would have been helpful to know..
  1286. [9:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Anyhow, I am at your service. They call me Granny Barm around here, but you can call this old woman anything you want." She grins.
  1287. [9:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus bows at the hag.
  1288. [9:28 PM] Bot Fodder: John mirrors Augus.
  1289. [9:29 PM] Faerie: (IS SHE
  1290. BARMY TOO?)
  1291. [9:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She sits, a distance away from the fire.
  1292. [9:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Now, then, the elder said something about you having a concern?"
  1293. [9:29 PM] Mizuki: Alicia just nods.
  1294. [9:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Deep bug infestation? Frostbites?"
  1295. [9:29 PM] Faerie: Razmik musters a ''good evening'', introducing himself.
  1296. [9:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The old woman cackles. "No need to be so formal, I don't bite!"
  1297. [9:30 PM] Eon: Esker hesistantly nods.
  1298. [9:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Usually!" She cackles at her own joke.
  1299. [9:30 PM] Mizuki: "We travelled to know more about the Sky Script." - Answered Alicia, directly to the point.
  1300. [9:30 PM] Eon: Directly to the point was good. Yeah..
  1301. [9:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Granny Barm nods, "Sky Script - yes. What do you need to know?"
  1302. [9:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The weather?"
  1304. [9:31 PM] Faerie: That's just how Razmik greets people! He stays put, slightly embarrassed. ''Uh...''
  1305. [9:31 PM] Eon: "We would like to know how it is related to the Cradle of the End."
  1306. [9:31 PM] Faerie: ''We were hoping to learn more about the Script itself, actually.''
  1307. [9:31 PM] Mizuki: "How does the wight wind looks like now?" - She asked curious.
  1308. [9:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Ok, let's start from the beginning, then." She sighs.
  1309. [9:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Uhhh. The Wight Wind died, and the Sky Script rejoiced." The Granny says, "Recent event."
  1310. [9:32 PM] Bot Fodder: "Oh, good question. How will the weath-- ah, erm, what she said." John defers to Esker.
  1311. [9:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Old crones like me don't do so well in windy weather like that, ayyy." She sighs.
  1312. [9:32 PM] Eon: Esker is very slightly curious why there was a Bheur Hag around the place. Plenty civil, too. Still, Esker is on guard.
  1313. [9:32 PM] Mizuki: "Well, that's good to hear." - Alicia smiled.
  1314. [9:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "As for that Cradle of what you said, don't sling that name around. Hush, hush." She shh's the group.
  1315. [9:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It invites disease and madness to speak of the name." She warns.
  1316. [9:33 PM] Eon: Right. The name itself was cursed.
  1317. [9:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You call it the Cradle, ok?" The hag warns.
  1318. [9:33 PM] Bot Fodder: (Funny, how most of the surviving Orixians were previously Evil, forced into something a lot like civility just to get by.)
  1319. [9:33 PM] Faerie: Razmik has to stiffle a grin at the mention of said 'recent event'. Wouldn't know anything about that, he'd claim!
  1320. [9:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Anyways, you want me to read the Sky Script about stuffs, and you don't know what it is, ay?" She grins.
  1321. [9:33 PM] Bot Fodder: (Bad as the Wight Wind was, it seems to have brought people together... :thinking: )
  1322. [9:34 PM] Eon: (Disaster tends to.)
  1323. [9:34 PM] Faerie: He nods along, listening.
  1324. [9:34 PM] Mizuki: "We were hoping for an explanation about the sky script first." - Said Alicia.
  1325. [9:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The Sky Script is Orixia's will." The hag claims, "The gods, they play the suns and moons, or a force of whatever. But Orixia, our land, is alive. She has a will, and a mouth to speak of her words, and that mouth speaks in Sky Script."
  1326. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "She is in pain, from the Wight Wind, like a festering wound. Uhhhh...." Hag pauses. "Past tense. She's doing better, now, though still not good, not good."
  1327. [9:35 PM] Eon: Esker briefly wonders if someone just cast Skywrite for thousands of years as a practical joke. Nah, can't be.
  1328. [9:35 PM] Mizuki: "I suppose the Cradle is the one to blame?"
  1329. [9:35 PM] Bot Fodder: John will have to remember that the next time he stares at the clouds on a slow day at his post.
  1330. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You, too." The hag turns to Esker.
  1331. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You too can listen to the voice of Orixia."
  1332. [9:35 PM] Runic: Lexon nods, still eating roasted wolf, following along the explanation
  1333. [9:35 PM] Faerie: Thinking back, that sounded like something that would fall squarely under a Druid's purview. You have to wonder if there'd be any around?
  1334. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She grins, her missing teeth visible as gaps.
  1335. [9:36 PM] Eon: Esker perks up. She had considered the possibility, but..
  1336. [9:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You can hear, the voice, yes?" She says, "Come, come. I'll read the Sky Script and I'll teach you."
  1337. [9:36 PM] Eon: Esker glances at the rest. Was this a good idea?
  1338. [9:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are offered a chance to learn a Druidic sub-language, Sky Script, Esker.
  1339. [9:36 PM] Mizuki: Alicia nods to Esker. It was the only idea.
  1340. [9:36 PM] Eon: She would, though, uninterrupted.
  1341. [9:37 PM] Faerie: So... Razmik wonders if it's related to the language of Druids, in some form? Must be, yes.
  1342. [9:37 PM] Eon: "Thank you, you are.. very kind."
  1343. [9:37 PM] Runic: Lexon shrugs, not too sure himself if was or wasn't, but he lets the hag continue without an interruption from him
  1344. [9:37 PM] Faerie: ''This is a good excuse to learn, at any rate...''
  1345. [9:37 PM] Eon: Very kind. Hag. Something was wrong somewhere..
  1346. [9:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hag cackles. "No, no! Orixia is not kind, she's cold like ice, and we are as cold as her! Kindness is not it, you are of power, and we respect that." She makes up some excuse, waving away your "kind" remark.
  1347. [9:37 PM] Eon: Maybe not all hags? That would be curious.
  1348. [9:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "But here, listen to the wind. Shhh. Use your pointy ears for once." She chides, and start teaching Esker,
  1349. [9:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... What did you guys wanted to know, again?"
  1350. [9:38 PM] Eon: P-Pointy.. Nevermind.
  1351. [9:38 PM] Eon: She has heard worse.
  1352. [9:38 PM] Eon: But listen.. to the wind. Alright.
  1353. [9:39 PM] Bot Fodder: John chuckles uneasily. He'd get fired for a joke like that.
  1354. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's soon apparant that it's a somewhat lengthy process, a period of studying and deciphering the Sky Script. During this time, you are served meat and... More meat. It's not like there's much vegetation around.
  1355. [9:39 PM] Eon: Esker takes a breath, and closes her eyes. The murmur of the people behind her, the crackle of the fire..
  1356. [9:39 PM] Mizuki: "Tell us about what hurts Lady Orixia." - She said.
  1357. [9:39 PM] Runic: If Lexon was standing he probably would've tripped from the old women suddenly forgetting the big reason
  1358. [9:39 PM] Faerie: (He evidently wouldn't, if he can get away with police brutality)
  1359. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You concentrate, Esker, on the wind, the sky, and Orixia itself.
  1360. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Nature(Wisdom), or Survival(Wisdom), please.
  1361. [9:40 PM] Eon: But beyond what is next to her..
  1362. [9:40 PM] Bot Fodder: (He's not that kind of cop :sadpopo: )
  1363. [9:40 PM] Eon: Roll 1d20+9 can I guidance
  1364. [9:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 17, Result: 26
  1365. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hag aids you, and you have Advantage on the reading.
  1366. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah, but you won't need to it seems.
  1367. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Dc like... 15.
  1369. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You enter a trance-like state, Esker - not fully, as you are unable to truly trance in the Nightmare.
  1370. [9:41 PM] Eon: The world. Yes. The voice of the wind, the world of Orixia..
  1371. [9:41 PM] Bot Fodder: (Hm... but how come divination spells are working normally now?)
  1372. [9:41 PM] Eon: Something, somewhere..
  1373. [9:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But you are able to hear and see things you've never seen before, the voice of the world.
  1374. [9:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... It's a youthful spirit of ice, curious, responsive to you. Noticing you, she starts speaking to you...
  1375. [9:41 PM] Mizuki: (we can't ask about the cradle directly, but everything else is fine, Kap)
  1376. [9:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The first is current weather conditions, and how she's glad that there isn't any Wight Wind anymore.
  1377. [9:42 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ahhh, I see! Like that GOO defense.)
  1378. [9:42 PM] Faerie: (Damn, this is cool as fug)
  1379. [9:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She's a bit chatty, talking about various animals and critters, or plant lives that's trying their hardest, or of nature's allies.
  1380. [9:42 PM] Eon: ... Esker has to wonder, between her amazement, if this was Lady Orixia.
  1381. [9:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Then she talks about you, Esker, who have recently learned of the Sky Script, chattering like a young, excited girl.
  1382. [9:42 PM] Faerie: Razmik would never have guessed the crone was being literal when she said Orixia had a will of her own, alive.
  1383. [9:42 PM] Mizuki: (Orixia a CUTE)
  1384. [9:43 PM] Faerie: (Wud save)
  1385. [9:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She talks about recent events, and then some concern about the strangely thing coming closer.
  1386. [9:43 PM] Bot Fodder: (The strongest continent?)
  1387. [9:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: How it's causing water to rise all weird, and making her feel uneasy.
  1388. [9:43 PM] Eon: Esker.. blinks. Or she thinks she does, trance like as she was. And keeps blinking, caught unawares by the locaqious world.
  1389. [9:43 PM] Faerie: (G-global warming?)
  1390. [9:44 PM] Bot Fodder: (Is a hoax! :smugpopo: )
  1391. [9:44 PM] Eon: "H-How can we help?" Esker stammers out.
  1392. [9:44 PM] Faerie: (A Chinese hoax?)
  1393. [9:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spirit of Orixia doesn't seem sure on how to deal with it - and is surprised when you spoke out to her.
  1394. [9:44 PM] Eon: "A-ah.. Hello."
  1395. [9:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She giggles, and reaches out, patting your head. You feel a great weight being put on your shoulder, for a moment, and your body heat draining a little.
  1396. [9:45 PM] Eon: Esker flinches at the sudden sensation.
  1397. [9:45 PM] Eon: Well, it was Orixia, after all.
  1398. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She regards you curiously, for a moment, not really registering your question or request.
  1399. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hag beside you snarls at you, and hits the back of your head, Esker, "Snap out of it! Don't talk to her too close, she's a great realm!"
  1400. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel yourself less... weighted upon.
  1401. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 5d10
  1402. [9:46 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [5d10]: 6,4,6,6,5, Result: 27
  1403. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Tkae 27 cold damage, Esker, from the accidental close commune with Orixia.
  1404. [9:46 PM] Eon: "..." Right. She could have used the prior warning, though..
  1405. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: However, during this time, you are able to ask Orixia one question.
  1406. [9:46 PM] Faerie: By the way, leaving the two persons of questionable age be, Razmik stands up and asks Augus. ''Where's the kitchen, again?'' Don't tell him there's no kitchen...
  1407. [9:46 PM] Eon: (Oh fug)
  1408. [9:47 PM] Eon: (What do I ask)
  1409. [9:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus asks the savage humanoids.
  1410. [9:47 PM] Bot Fodder: (Perhaps Esker is the first Druid of her level Orixia has met due to the restrictions of the Nightmare. And perhaps she's so 'young' because Orixia was created relatively recently, much like the Nightmare itself.)
  1411. [9:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The humanoids stare at Augus. "...???"
  1412. [9:47 PM] Eon: (How to stop the moon? I don't think she would know..)
  1413. [9:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "They don't understand the concept, Sir Razmik."
  1414. [9:47 PM] Faerie: Razmik stares back, confused. ????
  1415. [9:47 PM] Mizuki: (ask her how we can help)
  1416. [9:47 PM] Faerie: ''No????? Uh...''
  1417. [9:47 PM] Eon: (Help to do what? Thats too non specific)
  1418. [9:48 PM] Faerie: (Either that, or what to do about the abyssification. Maybe they're one and the same?)
  1419. [9:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The will of the world holds onto Esker's hand, chatty, waiting for her response. The cold damage's been done and all, so you don't have to worry unless you want to ask another question.
  1420. [9:48 PM] Mizuki: (with what afflicts her)
  1422. [9:48 PM] Faerie: (GIBB HER JOHN'S PLATE)
  1423. [9:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  1424. [9:49 PM] Bot Fodder: (... Possible :smugpopo: )
  1425. [9:49 PM] Eon: What can we do to help with what afflicts you, the world of Orixia? She thinks this time.
  1426. [9:49 PM] Eon: (I can tank a few..)
  1427. [9:49 PM] Bot Fodder: (Even if she isn't proficient, I guess she'd still benefit from its magic protection.)(edited)
  1428. [9:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She blinks, nodding, and chats about some unrelated issues, like how there's some worms digging around and making her uncomfortable, or weird rampant elementals here and there and all that,
  1429. [9:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But she quickly goes to the object in the sky, talking about how it's making her feeling heavy and weary, like there's something on her.
  1430. [9:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Like if you can just "nudge it off" type of deal.
  1431. [9:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: For everyone else but Esker - a storm is brewing, around Esker as the eye of the storm, clouds gathering... Swirling, above you. No rain, nor thunder - just deep, heavy clouds, swirling.
  1432. [9:51 PM] Bot Fodder: (The sad part: Imagine what happens to this girl when she gets touched by an Old One.)
  1434. [9:51 PM] Mizuki: (:makitomato:)
  1435. [9:51 PM] Eon: (Oh dear, I guess we shouldn't poke Orixia too much)
  1436. [9:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: To help you help her, she thinks for a moment, and talks about a few other things.
  1437. [9:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Her words, ancient and filled with the fate of a word, seems to cause the Spear of Destiny to shine for a moment.
  1438. [9:52 PM] Faerie: Thinking on his feet, Razmik undigs a small cookpot he keeps around in the bottom of his pack. He looks around for any uncooked wolf meat he might be able to help himself to, before nudging Alicia. He warmly asks her for her bag.
  1439. [9:52 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at the clouds uneasy. Isn't Esker shivering a little...?(edited)
  1440. [9:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She points to the tower that you have with you, and the tower seems to be covered in a deep layer of ice, as plates of armor which slowly becomes stone, healing it.
  1441. [9:53 PM] Bot Fodder: "... I think that one looks like a rooster," John says, pointing at the gathering clouds. This is how you read Sky Script, right?
  1442. [9:53 PM] Runic: Noticing a light shimmering from his back, Lexon pulls out spear he's carrying and holds it in front of him
  1443. [9:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Beyond that - unless you wanna go pick a fight with dragons, or something, and take their money for war fund, she doesn't really know what else to do to help.
  1444. [9:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Spear of Destiny shines softly. It recognizes Lexon's hands, and softly shines. It seems to acknowledge you, noting that you are carrying a great destiny on your back, to save a literal world. While it's still upset at your party members, its willing to look beyond that and forge a contract with you, Lexon, to your benefit.
  1445. [9:54 PM] Faerie: (Damn, the armor plating turned to stone?)
  1446. [9:54 PM] Eon: That was.. very helpful. Esker is appreciative.
  1447. [9:54 PM] Runic: "The heck," Lexon chews, " is going on with this thing" he says, in between bites
  1448. [9:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's willing to keep it loose-ended, terminating at a point of time you deem complete, instead of on its own will.
  1450. [9:56 PM] Mizuki: (about time you dumb spear!)
  1451. [9:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (no bully :cryingpopo: )
  1452. [9:56 PM] Eon: ... This weird trance like state was growing on her, actually. But. But.. there were things to be done.
  1453. [9:56 PM] Mizuki: (slaps spear)
  1454. [9:56 PM] Faerie: Razmik just grabs hold of Alicia's bag of holding, if she's distracted enough. He takes out enough vegetables to cook up a sizeable serving of stock for everyone around, feeling slightly sorry for the one's eating the roasted meat.
  1455. [9:56 PM] Eon: Esker offers a silent thanks to Orixia.
  1456. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :troubledkoga: )
  1457. [9:57 PM] Eon: (Kogapls)
  1458. [9:57 PM] Bot Fodder: (Perhaps Esker had forgotten what it was like to hear the land's voice so directly :thinking: )
  1459. [9:57 PM] Mizuki: Alicia obviously notices Raz, but doesn't mind, handing him the bag. That wizard was very observant after all.
  1460. [9:57 PM] Faerie: (smacks yo braincellz)(edited)
  1461. [9:57 PM] Runic: Lexon coughs, almost choking on his meal from the sudden realization of a... somewhat flexible contract that the spear accepted.
  1462. [9:58 PM] Eon: Esker will attempt to end the commune, to pass along what she saw.
  1463. [9:58 PM] Faerie: (No she doesn't, you were distracted and didn't respond!)
  1464. [9:58 PM] Mizuki: (DON'T RP MY CHARACTER OK)
  1465. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyhow... You shouldn't commune any further, Esker. It's getting weighty.
  1466. [9:58 PM] Faerie: (Nigga I gave you 5 minutes to reply, okay)
  1467. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (also muh internet)
  1468. [9:58 PM] Faerie: (:whatever:)
  1469. [9:59 PM] Mizuki: (I missed it, whoops tehehe)
  1470. smugsatori1
  1471. [9:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (tether brb)
  1472. [9:59 PM] Eon: Esker opens her eyes.
  1473. [9:59 PM] Eon: "... Huh." Wait, when did the storm appear?
  1474. [9:59 PM] Mizuki: "How did it go?" - Asked Alicia curious. - "Also... Eat something, it's warm."
  1475. [10:00 PM] Eon: "Orixia is.. cute. And very talkative."
  1476. [10:00 PM] Faerie: ''About the time you closed your eyes for the second time'', Razmik raises two fingers
  1477. [10:00 PM] Eon: But err, besides that. The actually important stuff.
  1478. [10:00 PM] Bot Fodder: John munches gratefully. "Kyut?" he asks through a mouthful.
  1479. [10:00 PM] Eon: She'll relay what she saw.
  1480. [10:00 PM] Faerie: ''How does a world talk? I'm curious...''
  1481. [10:00 PM] Eon: "Very.. excitedly."
  1482. [10:00 PM] Mizuki: "... Cute?" - Asked Alicia confused. She wouldn't use that word to describe a plane.
  1484. [10:01 PM] Eon: "No, you see it was much like.."
  1485. [10:01 PM] Eon: "A very.. happy young girl."
  1486. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear seems to have warmed up to Lexon considerably, expressing gratitude to Lexon having treated it with respect.
  1487. [10:01 PM] Eon: Esker gestures, unsure how to prove her point.
  1488. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Meanwhile...
  1489. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The storm would slowly dissipate in the wind.
  1490. [10:01 PM] Bot Fodder: "That's nice, then," John says, accepting it strangely easily.
  1491. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The sky would return to clear and starry once again.
  1493. [10:02 PM] Eon: "Thanks, gran." Esker bows to the Hag.
  1494. [10:02 PM] Faerie: ''A happy... young...''
  1495. Razmik visualizes, a name starting with N and ending with ephelle popping up in his mind.
  1496. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hag grins toothily.
  1497. [10:02 PM] Eon: Never thought she would have to do that in this lifetime.
  1498. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You are one of the land, and that means we are good friends." The hag grins, patting and pinching Esker's cheek.
  1499. [10:02 PM] Eon: (Ok)
  1500. [10:02 PM] Bot Fodder: (And then Razmik blushes :makitomato: )
  1501. [10:02 PM] Runic: "Ahh, all of a sudden" Lexon whispers to the spear, quietly "I'll talk to you later, still listening about some important stuff" he says, trying to communicate to the artifact(edited)
  1502. [10:02 PM] Eon: (I'm imaging Orixia)
  1503. [10:02 PM] Eon: (As Cirno)
  1504. [10:02 PM] Eon: (Please send help)
  1505. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (SeemsLegit.jpg)
  1506. [10:03 PM] Bot Fodder: (That's what I thought too, kek)
  1507. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear shines, obdiently.
  1508. [10:03 PM] Eon: Esker blinks.
  1509. [10:03 PM] Faerie: (Oh you fuckers, I hate you)
  1510. [10:03 PM] Faerie: (I can't unsee it)
  1511. [10:03 PM] Eon: Ah, the spear.
  1512. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems to also recognize your efforts in resisting Beshaba, earlier.
  1513. [10:04 PM] Runic: Who?
  1514. [10:04 PM] Eon: "Uggggh." Esker's shoulders slump.
  1515. [10:04 PM] Mizuki: "That's amazing!" - Smiled Alicia excited as Esker relayed the information. - "She repaired our spelljammer too?"
  1516. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Set the Spear's Loyalty from -4 to +12.
  1517. [10:04 PM] Faerie: Razmik looks at Lexon, a bit incredulous. ''Is it back so soon?''
  1518. [10:04 PM] Faerie: (What's the cap?)
  1519. [10:04 PM] Faerie: (What's Azura's loyalty?)
  1520. [10:04 PM] Eon: "Today has been tiring.. Hm? I guess so.." Huh, well then.
  1522. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (See DMG Loyalty :smugpopo: )
  1523. [10:04 PM] Bot Fodder: (D-did Esker want the spear too :sadpopo: )
  1524. [10:04 PM] Eon: (Koga)
  1525. [10:04 PM] Mizuki: "Sit down, sit down" - Said Alicia passing a bit of warm food to Esker. - "It should be a good time to rest now, we're finally making progress."
  1526. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (sup)
  1527. [10:05 PM] Eon: (If I pick up Commune with Nature)
  1528. [10:05 PM] Eon: (Can I talk to Cirno again)
  1529. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can use it to commune with Orixia safely)
  1530. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sky Script should be used as something passive, like listening to radio broadcast)
  1531. [10:05 PM] Eon: "Thank you, Alicia." She'll sit down and consume 27 goodberries in between the meat.
  1532. [10:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Using it actively is like hacking into the radio broadcast and asking the broadcaster questions)
  1533. [10:06 PM] Eon: (HEY WHATS UP CIRNO GIRL)
  1534. [10:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Orixia-chan is nice and doesn't mind, but hacking is hard work)
  1535. [10:06 PM] Bot Fodder: (>Someone pops out of your screen and starts talking to you)
  1537. [10:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The spear's loyalty, btw, is shared between the party)
  1538. [10:07 PM] Eon: (Did Esker's apology do anything?)
  1539. [10:07 PM] Mizuki: (I imagine Orixia as a little girl with silver hair, hime cut, pale skin, cute as fug)
  1540. [10:07 PM] Faerie: Razmik slaps the meat out of Esker's hand and points to his own cooking. ''Let's not waste good food, alright?'' He looks happy despite the gesture.
  1541. [10:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Negative actions affecting the loyalty rating wont' cause the spear to leave the party, but might cause it to shut down. All NPCs have some sort of Loyalty rating, hidden :happypopo: )
  1542. [10:07 PM] Eon: (I guess not, but it was worth a shot)
  1543. [10:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You don't know!)
  1544. [10:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Loyalty isn't made known for this campaign. Please wait for Kingmaker :smugpopo: )
  1546. [10:08 PM] Eon: "W-Well. I suppose." ... Its not like they needed to eat, still.
  1547. [10:08 PM] Eon: (I still have 50 fucking goodberries)
  1548. [10:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anyhow... The local savages welcome(?) you amidst them.
  1549. [10:08 PM] Eon: (Someone get them off me)
  1550. [10:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You also recognize the watch dog - it's a recent escapee from the vampire's tower.
  1551. [10:08 PM] Eon: ... Ah.
  1552. [10:08 PM] Eon: Fuck.
  1553. [10:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Speaking of which, you have three hellhounds on board of your tower.
  1554. [10:09 PM] Eon: Could I have brought the notdumb Hellhound on board when we left
  1555. [10:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They are sort of being tended to by Yss, who's very confused.
  1556. [10:09 PM] Eon: Oh. Sweet.
  1557. [10:09 PM] Mizuki: (time to rest comfyly with the natives lads, lets do it)
  1558. [10:09 PM] Runic: (Sudden doggos on board)
  1559. [10:09 PM] Eon: (I could use a long)
  1560. [10:09 PM] Mizuki: (and then shoot the spear with the spelljammer on the moon)
  1561. [10:09 PM] Bot Fodder: (We need a demiplane to use as a menagerie)
  1562. [10:09 PM] Eon: (That Babayaga incident tanked my slots)
  1563. [10:09 PM] Runic: (No shooting my spear out of a cannon!)
  1564. [10:10 PM] Runic: (You may shoot Lexon holding the spear, yes)
  1565. [10:10 PM] Faerie: Razmik doesn't acknowledge the party's lack of need for nutrition. Nope.
  1566. [10:10 PM] Eon: Ok so.
  1568. [10:10 PM] Bot Fodder: (Was gonna say. :smugpopo: )
  1569. [10:10 PM] Eon: I only need 4 hours to long rest right.
  1570. [10:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The party may rest here safely. Or relatively safely.
  1571. [10:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yes, Esker.
  1572. [10:10 PM] Eon: If we do long rest, I'll first spend an hour attuning to staff of woodlands, Awaken the notdumb Hellhound and then attune back
  1573. [10:11 PM] Eon: Then long rest.
  1574. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Why not awaken the dumb one? More increase that way :smugpopo:
  1575. [10:11 PM] Mizuki: (F R I E N D S)
  1576. [10:11 PM] Eon: (Weeeeell, I dunno.)
  1577. [10:11 PM] Bot Fodder: Safe as anywhere else is good enough for John! He offers to take a shift if the locals keep watch at night.
  1578. [10:11 PM] Eon: (Sure. The dumb one is the two headed one right?)
  1579. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hellhounds are normally Fiend type, but they have been Nativized as monstrocity. But I'll let you treat them as Beasts.
  1580. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah)
  1581. [10:11 PM] Eon: (Or does that make only one head smart)
  1582. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Both head :sadpopo: )
  1583. [10:12 PM] Eon: (That would be hilarious)
  1584. [10:12 PM] Eon: (o7)
  1585. [10:12 PM] Eon: (That one, then.)
  1586. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... It can now speak.
  1587. [10:12 PM] Eon: "Who's a good dooooog." Esker makes sure no one else is in earshot.
  1588. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Being awakened seems to make it even more excited, now that its brain can process more information.
  1589. [10:12 PM] Faerie: Razmik's got plans for the night, if they did turn in. ''I'll be in my bunk. This monstrosity of a tome isn't going to read itself'', he sighs. ...He doesn't have a bunk in the tower, as far as he knows.
  1590. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It awoos and rawrs cutely, pouncing and licking Esker.
  1591. [10:13 PM] Eon: "Good doggie. Good doggie." She pets it.
  1592. [10:13 PM] Eon: And.. dumpsters the rest of the goodberries to it.
  1593. [10:13 PM] Faerie: (CAREFUL, IT MIGHT PUKE)
  1594. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The creature happily eats them up, like some sort of feed.
  1595. [10:13 PM] Eon: Long rest, goodberry meme.
  1596. [10:13 PM] Faerie: (Also, dogs can't eat grapes)
  1597. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Magical berry of good-for-anything is great)
  1598. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Don't worry, it's Goodberry™)
  1599. [10:13 PM] Eon: For only 70 berries, this time.
  1600. [10:14 PM] Eon: /only/
  1601. [10:14 PM] Mizuki: (long resting then~!)
  1603. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You take your 3rd long rest...
  1604. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The rest of the campaign, while on Orixia, will be spent in darkness.
  1605. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As in, Night time.
  1606. [10:14 PM] Faerie: ''...ffah, I give up. Does anyone know how to get through books faster?''
  1607. [10:14 PM] Faerie: Razmik looks at Alicia, expectant.
  1608. [10:14 PM] Bot Fodder: (What if someone made goodberries into juice or a smoothie? :thinking: )
  1609. [10:14 PM] Runic: Lexon will spend a bit of time using the spear, about a hour doing practice swings, while talking to it, asking questions, like why now of all times, and then long rest.
  1610. [10:15 PM] Faerie: (They'd keep their magic for a day, I guess)
  1611. [10:15 PM] Eon: "Hmm. Did you have a name?" Esker asks the now Awakened Hellhound.
  1612. [10:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The spear is expectant. It has always liked Lexon, at least, and senses great destiny in Lexon's future.
  1613. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Hellhound attempt to shake their head,
  1614. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: bump into each other
  1615. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: and whimpers.
  1616. [10:16 PM] Eon: "Hmm. Alright, your new name is now.."
  1617. [10:16 PM] Eon: Esker concentrates.
  1618. [10:16 PM] Eon: Really really hard.
  1619. [10:16 PM] Faerie: (Koga, how fast does Haste make you at reading?)
  1621. [10:16 PM] Bot Fodder: John takes a moment to teach Lexon proper weapon maintenance and care for a spear. Somehow... he doesn't seem worried if Lexon is the one using it. Neither gods nor demons could hope to control that guy's destiny.(edited)
  1622. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Uh)
  1623. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (wew)
  1624. [10:16 PM] Eon: Harder than anytime she cast a spell
  1625. [10:16 PM] Mizuki: "What about Frostbite?" - Suggested Alicia to Esker.
  1626. [10:16 PM] Eon: "Dogsker."
  1627. [10:17 PM] Faerie: (JESUS)
  1628. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hellhound pants and licks Alicia.
  1629. [10:17 PM] Mizuki: (ESKER NO)
  1630. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She prefers Alicia's name.
  1631. [10:17 PM] Eon: Incredibly proud. She puffs out her chest.
  1632. [10:17 PM] Faerie: (Also, >Frostbite
  1633. Aren pls)
  1634. [10:17 PM] Mizuki: Alicia pets it with a smile. - "Y-You like it?"
  1635. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Frostbite(Dogsker) it is.
  1636. [10:17 PM] Eon: And deflates almost immediately.
  1637. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Somewhere, Doomwing(Tot) sneezes.
  1638. [10:17 PM] Eon: "W-What's wrong with Dogsker.."
  1639. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow winces and cleans the inside of his cloak. "You alright, fam?"
  1640. "Yeah, I just caught a bad case of deity of good fucking luck."
  1641. [10:18 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at Esker sarcastically.
  1642. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (On haste)
  1643. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Don't)
  1644. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :V )
  1645. [10:18 PM] Eon: "W-What?" Esker looks around
  1646. [10:18 PM] Eon: What was wrong with the name?
  1647. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: How many hours are you in for the tome, Razmik?
  1648. [10:19 PM] Eon: It was a good one!
  1649. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Frostbite, with its 10 int, goes over and licks Esker's hands anyways, wagging its tail.
  1650. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It likes the name, it just like Frostbite more because it "sounds smart".
  1651. [10:19 PM] Faerie: With no time to train, relax, or even meditate to soothe the soul, Razmik clutches his stomach as a terrible ache kicks into him. 'Ugh...'
  1652. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They can talk in Common just fine, obviously.
  1653. [10:19 PM] Eon: "Aww. Good girl."
  1655. [10:19 PM] Faerie: (10/48 hours right now or something)
  1656. [10:19 PM] Mizuki: Well, of course, Alicia was very smart after all!
  1657. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (WEW)
  1658. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (We'll reduce it down to 10/12 hours)
  1659. [10:20 PM] Bot Fodder: (>Implying a name that sounds like Esker doesn't "sound smart")
  1660. [10:20 PM] Faerie: (Without this rest's 8.)
  1661. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Because fuck, fam, that ain't finishing otherwise)
  1662. [10:20 PM] Bot Fodder: (I guess he really is Frostbite, because that was an ICE BURN)
  1663. [10:20 PM] Faerie: (Like, I think you jewed me once, the book says reading doesn't get in the way of long resting)
  1664. [10:20 PM] Eon: "Man. If only Catsker was around.." Esker muses.
  1665. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ohhhh)
  1666. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Keep it at 10/48 Kappa j/k, treat it as 10/12, and you can finish it during the long rest)
  1667. [10:21 PM] Faerie: (Well, it's LIGHT reading, and I'm not exactly sure on what kind of reading the memetomes would be)
  1668. [10:21 PM] Faerie: (WEW)
  1669. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That alright with you, Razmik?)
  1671. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6
  1672. [10:21 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 5, Result: 5
  1673. [10:22 PM] Bot Fodder: John pitches in with research where he can. At the very least, he can comb text for important-sounding words...
  1674. [10:22 PM] Faerie: (I mean, that favors me in either case :T so alright, thanks)
  1675. Who would Razmik have to thank for such a miracle, though?
  1676. [10:22 PM] Eon: Esker helps too, of course.
  1677. [10:22 PM] Eon: Oh fuck need to change spelllist
  1678. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As you rest in the savage's village, the night deepens...
  1679. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The night itself was uneventful, even as it leads to even more nights ahead.
  1680. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: During the night, when you are awake, Esker, the hag would talk with you in length about druidic magic, nature, fey influence, and the like.
  1681. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Unless you choose to shoo her away.
  1682. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Granny Bram seems to have taken a liking to you.
  1683. [10:23 PM] Eon: Esker nods along. She treated this hag more of a cunning woman, at this point.
  1684. [10:24 PM] Eon: She looked human enough, anyhow!
  1685. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Mentioning something about the stars and constellations, cackling at times, she's wiser than she appears to be at first glance.
  1686. [10:24 PM] Faerie: ''I FIGURED IT OUT!'', Razmik yells from one of the spelljammer's rooms as the morning... wait, that's right, morning would be several days away. After several hours pass
  1687. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You gain Naturalist feat, Esker.
  1688. [10:25 PM] Eon: Hmm. Being lectured like this feels familiar. No, that's not right, it was never a lecture..
  1689. [10:25 PM] Eon: :surprisedpopo:
  1690. [10:25 PM] Bot Fodder: (Nice!)
  1691. [10:25 PM] Eon: (I don't remember what that does)
  1692. [10:25 PM] Eon: (Other than expertise nature)
  1693. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hag, having taken a liking to you, pinches your cute cheek, telling you of various druidic tricks, and things to remember.
  1694. [10:25 PM] Eon: It was an understanding, yes.
  1695. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1697. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And reminds you to never, never accept cookies from hags - not that she has any for you, you cute little pumpkin.
  1698. [10:26 PM] Mizuki: As Raz shouted somewhere, Alicia once again attempts to read the scroll Azura brought her, this time well-rested and with her beloved familiar's help.
  1699. [10:26 PM] Eon: Ow. She hadn't have had anyone pinch her cheek in a century!
  1700. [10:26 PM] Mizuki: (I'M GONNA ROLL)
  1701. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go for it Alicia.
  1702. [10:26 PM] Eon: (Erm)
  1703. [10:26 PM] Mizuki: (adv?)
  1704. [10:26 PM] Faerie: (ASK ESKER FOR HELP YOU TOOL)
  1705. [10:26 PM] Eon: (I already have druidcraft, can I..)
  1707. [10:26 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+9 ONEGAI
  1708. [10:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+9]: 10, Result: 19
  1709. [10:26 PM] Eon: Esker slaps Alicia with Guidance at some.. point.
  1710. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You may, however, replace the druidcraft you know with something else)
  1711. [10:27 PM] Eon: Across the face
  1712. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Instead of knowing two Druidcrafts.)
  1713. [10:27 PM] Runic: (Ask Lexon for disadvantage)
  1714. [10:27 PM] Eon: (o7)
  1715. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1716. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4
  1717. [10:27 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  1718. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Alicia, you learn the formula.
  1719. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's an evil spell, using your own blood to fuel spells.
  1720. [10:28 PM] Eon: (Oh snap, custom spell time?)
  1721. [10:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Perhaps, however, it has certain merit...
  1722. [10:28 PM] Eon: (Is it Bloodball?)
  1723. [10:28 PM] Bot Fodder: (:excitedfish: )
  1724. [10:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... That, and with your previous investigation, you have found a formula, hidden within the formula for the spell.
  1725. [10:28 PM] Mizuki: (:excitedfish:)
  1726. [10:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's another spell, harder to decipher, and obscured by the handwriting intentionally.
  1727. [10:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You gain a two-spell spellbook of Blackstar.
  1728. [10:29 PM] Faerie: ''I figured midway through the tome that its contents are largely useless.'' Keeping influence over others through charm sounded like something straight out of a bad self-help book, and indeed he wondered many a time if the Mercane hadn't ripped him off
  1729. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It contains the following spells,
  1730. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sublimation of Blood,
  1731. [10:29 PM] Bot Fodder: (>Literally Blood Magic)
  1732. [10:29 PM] Bot Fodder: (Ah, if only PRCs still worked out in 5e.)
  1733. [10:29 PM] Faerie: (>SUBLIMATION OF BLOOD
  1734. HOLY SHIT)
  1735. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Rend Eldritch Defense, currently undecipher.
  1736. [10:29 PM] Mizuki: (TANOSHII)
  1737. [10:29 PM] Faerie: (
  1738. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sublimation of Blood
  1739. 4th-level Necromancy (Ritual)
  1740. This is previously sent to you.
  1741. [10:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Fae knows the reference :smugpopo: )
  1743. [10:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to prepare those spells, as they are wizard and warlock spells.
  1744. [10:30 PM] Mizuki: Alicia smiles. Raz won't like that, but it might save them all at some point. She wastes no time and starts scribbing it on her spellbook.
  1745. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: >And sorcerer, probably
  1746. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's not necessarily bad, as it doesn't animate undead or anything.
  1747. [10:31 PM] Mizuki: (may I try to decipher the other?)
  1748. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It just boil your blood for fuel, literally!
  1749. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Next rest.)
  1750. [10:31 PM] Mizuki: (alright!)
  1751. [10:31 PM] Bot Fodder: ( H O T B L O O D E D )
  1752. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (We won't worry too much about adding spells to your spellbook)
  1753. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :sadpopo: )
  1755. [10:32 PM] Faerie: ...the book's pages, however, were largely enchanted even if its actual meat wasn't much to write home about. They're guidelines Razmik would never feel the urge to use, but by sheer trial and error, he somehow gets the tome's command word right.
  1756. [10:32 PM] Eon: Well. Esker blinks as she looks to the starry sky. Granny knew a lot.
  1758. [10:32 PM] Mizuki: (time to become a vampire for full efficiency :nicosmug:)
  1759. [10:32 PM] Eon: She takes the lesson to heart.
  1760. [10:33 PM] Mizuki: (I'm removing the 200 gp for the spell level)
  1761. [10:33 PM] Eon: (Fucking hell)
  1762. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Alright. I won't worry about the time spent.)
  1763. [10:33 PM] Eon: (I have odd stats again)
  1764. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can prepare as it is, if you want, or use Ritual for it)
  1765. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Note that you dont' have a "choice" when you cast spells.)
  1766. [10:33 PM] Eon: (Ah well, feat is good)
  1767. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And you can only lose the spell via dispelling it)
  1768. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus seems to be making good friends with the savage warriors, taking up their challenge,
  1769. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: and is attempting to wrestle a mammoth.
  1770. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Mammoth is very, very confused.
  1771. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Much alcohol was involved...
  1772. [10:34 PM] Bot Fodder: Restless, John spends some of the 'night' keeping watch, then exercising once he feels fully rested.
  1773. [10:34 PM] Faerie: (Oh babby here we go)
  1775. [10:35 PM] Runic: "Awww, I wanna wrestle a drunk Augus..."
  1776. [10:35 PM] Eon: (Pass it to Esker)
  1777. [10:35 PM] Eon: (She'll outlive you)
  1778. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Augus, mighty as he was, was unable to overcome the Mammoth's size restriction alone. He falls facedown, flat, as the Mammoth reigns supreme. And confused.
  1779. [10:35 PM] Bot Fodder: (>Lexon gets glares from all the warlocks)
  1780. [10:35 PM] Faerie: (Implying Razmik doesn't have a moral obligation to pass it onto his friendly planar library)
  1781. [10:35 PM] Eon: At some point, Esker polymorphs Augus as a joke.
  1782. [10:35 PM] Eon: Into a Trex.
  1783. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's a lot more confusions going around.
  1784. [10:36 PM] Bot Fodder: (>not into a mammoth)
  1785. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The night was a riot.
  1786. [10:36 PM] Runic: ... "Maybe next time" Lexon says watching a downed Augus
  1787. [10:36 PM] Eon: ... Actually
  1788. [10:36 PM] Bot Fodder: "Can't win them all..."
  1789. [10:36 PM] Eon: Polymorph Lexon into Trex.
  1790. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What will the party do, after the long rest?
  1791. [10:36 PM] Eon: If he's up for it.
  1792. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (WEW)
  1793. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You fucks)
  1795. [10:36 PM] Bot Fodder: (Oi, don't burn slots, you need those for goodberries :smugpopo: )
  1796. [10:36 PM] Eon: (Fuck, how often do we get to wrestle mammoths)
  1797. [10:36 PM] Mizuki: (there is only one thing we can do my friends)
  1798. [10:36 PM] Eon: (Awaken the mammoth?)
  1799. [10:36 PM] Mizuki: (NEPNEP TIME)
  1800. [10:37 PM] Faerie: (HEY HEY WHO'S READY FOR +4 SAVES)
  1801. [10:37 PM] Bot Fodder: ( :excitedfish: )
  1802. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I realize this is a bit of a short session if we stop here, so do you guys wanna keep going, or pause for the day?)
  1803. [10:37 PM] Runic: (But that's not wrestling! That's just an auto grapple through bite!)
  1804. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (This is a good stopping point, is all)
  1805. [10:37 PM] Eon: (Wrestle with your tiny arms)
  1806. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And it's an awkward hour to do either or)
  1807. [10:37 PM] Eon: (Is good, I'm about to mtg)
  1808. [10:38 PM] Runic: (Yeah I agree)(edited)
  1809. [10:38 PM] Bot Fodder: (Hmmm... well, I did have to go shower, and this certainly seems like a solid point to pause.)
  1810. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Seems good)
  1811. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ..
  1812. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: For defeating Avatar of Beshaba,
  1813. [10:38 PM] Faerie: (I'm alright with both)
  1814. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 1200 XP
  1815. [10:39 PM] Eon: >defeat
  1816. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: For gainnig the Spear's trust,
  1817. [10:39 PM] Mizuki: won't complain :nicosmug:
  1818. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 1200 XP on top
  1819. [10:39 PM] Faerie: >d e f e a t
  1820. [10:39 PM] Eon: >more like calling Tymora
  1821. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: For communing with Orixia,
  1822. [10:39 PM] Runic: Lexon will eventually get his revenge againt Belebushmba
  1823. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 1200 XP, so, 3600 XP in total.
  1824. [10:39 PM] Bot Fodder: Ding!~
  1825. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is per person, obviously.
  1826. [10:39 PM] Eon: Wew. That's a hefty amount.
  1827. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Esker, for doing the recap, +50
  1828. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: :sadpopo:
  1829. [10:40 PM] Eon: ;-;
  1830. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And personal thank from the GM :sadpopo:
  1832. [10:40 PM] Eon: Man, today was a riot
  1833. [10:40 PM] Runic: Were you really in the shower Esker lol
  1834. [10:40 PM] Faerie: Razmik remains /largely/ ignorant of most things that went down that night. He feels more Wizardly than Alicia. And then he got farmed for mana
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