
Finding Solutions, Dragons, and Ghosts [Day 114-135]

Oct 13th, 2013
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  1. Day 114
  2. I went into the inn feeling still pretty shitty about my whole situation on kids. At least I saw the person who I needed to talk the most about the whole situation. Silent. When she saw me she ran up and hugged me. I felt tears roll down my cheek with the embrace. She asked what was wrong but I just cried harder on her. How am I going to explain this to her I thought. I never mentioned kids around her before and now I have to tell her it probably wont happen. She pulled me into a soft kiss and called my name. My only response to her was to try to usher her to the door so we could speak in private. The inn was too crowded.
  4. I took her to the river because it's usually quiet and I didn't really want anyone to hear us talking. I looked into the water just trying to figure out how to say my heartbreaking news to her while she rubbed my back trying to comfort me. I looked into her eyes and tried to tell her but I chocked on my words. I finally managed to sputter out that I probably wont have kids. I saw the tears fall from her eyes and she gave a weak smile and told me that she could bear a child. I wrapped my hoofs around her and cried over her shoulder but they weren't tears of joy. I wanted to have the baby.
  6. I told her that I hurt. When she asked why I told her everything from start to finish. Everything except for the roses. It took her a second to respond but she brought up horse and zebra crossbreeding. I told her that the kid would be sterile or have birth defects. After another minute she brought up Liven and posed only two solutions to our problem. Either she gets pregnant or I would have to get it from Liven. I was conflicted. I tried thinking of ways to get around these choices but all of them ended at dead ends. Nothing I could think of would work. I eventually answered Silent after a considerable amount of time and told her I wanted to talk to Able first and if it didn't work out I would ask Liven.
  8. We did find Able after our failed attempt at the clinic. We found him sparring with Arrant at Feldspar's class for learning the art of ass whoop. After watching him wipe the mat with Arrant I dragged him off to the side and asked him to come to the inn with us for some serious discussion. I didn't want to ruin the fighting atmosphere with talk of compatibility and children.
  10. As we entered the inn and I poured everyone some wine so our talk wouldn't be too tense. Able started talking to some zebra and I had to wait impatiently for him to finish. We talked about how the baby could suffer from defects and the almost assured sterility until I brought up asking Liven to help. After more talk we narrowed it down to three things. Either Liven or I, Silent and someone, or me with someone.
  12. It's going to hard making a decision.
  14. Day 115
  15. I saw the zebra from yesterday today in the inn. Her name is Iron Band. Turns out she is the new nurse in the clinic and she's only been here for a couple days so she is doing pretty well. After talking to her for awhile Able came in and I waved him over so I could ask some more questions. After asking my question about the odds of something odd happening to my kid the recommended that I write a letter to the embassy.
  17. Able needs a vacation.
  19. Day 116
  20. I went to the inn and Chinook came in acting odd. He was talking nonsense. It made no sense to me at all. Hesi just said he needed sleep but I think it might be something more. Fast-forward some time I came back to the inn with some passion flowers so Chinook could sleep. Green Hoof took him home and I followed. I brewed some strong to while Chinook was talking about his cups and I made sure he drank every drop. I left some of the flowers at his house and made sure he was asleep before I left.
  22. Went back to the inn so I could get something to drink and I noticed the Sarge guy crying as he was leaving as I think some mare named Ruby was yelling. When I asked what happened I was only greeted with silence so I shrugged it off and did my thing. I found Ikea and we started talking about the vines I have. Before we could start talking Chinook climbed into through the window. I brewed the tea extra strong and the son a bitch woke so I did the only thing I could do. I tackled him and pinned him to the ground.
  24. Then everything turned to shit.
  26. While I had Chinook pinned down I heard a bone crunching pop. The mad lady punched him into a table and it looked like he broke his jaw; spitting out some teeth only made it my assumption seem more valid. Chinook and I just watched as we saw the whole thing explode over the inn. The lady started getting restrained and Booze took the Sarge guy away while the lady. The lady talked about just pure hate for the guy turns out he even made a pass at Mary and it surprised me that she kept quite about it. As much as I feel pity for this guy I can't help but feel he deserves it.
  28. After some more arguing Feldspar came it with was a good thing because I was getting tired of having to watch Chinook. I told Feldspar that her husband needed sleep and he mentioned something about a monastery. Gotta ask him what the monastery was about. [cue dramatic soap opera music] Then Liven burst in yelling about the Sarge guy being in the clinic. I knew how this night was going to end. So I left to find something that would make this night a little less bloody.
  30. While I was out in the woods I did find what I was looking for. Poison oak, poison sumac, and monks hood. Some plants that I know would do the job with ease. I had a old thought come to mind while I was picking these plants. Liven asked me before to pick some plants of this nature around the time I saw he Sarge guy last. I can only assume that Liven was trying to do what I think is going to happen tonight. I put the flowers into a basket making sure not to get any on me and went to the clinic.
  32. I arrived at the clinic but the doors were locked. I left the package outside and hoped that what I thought was going to happen wouldn't take place in a violent manner.
  34. 117 Found some silver while I was out mining for Silent's gift, the pendent is going to look nice
  36. My assumptions were right. The Sarge guy is kill. Liven told me what happened what happened after Matches and I found him lying on the floor when I came home looking for a sheet to keep Matches's bees out of the main area of my greenhouse. It's sad seeing my usually serious roommate in this state. I did manage to get a look at his leg, which was bruised and blue. Sarge guy must have put a number on him especially if Liven had to kill him in self defense. After awhile I left Liven to do something in my room.
  37. [Due to physical therapy I had to leave for awhile.]
  39. Al was there when I came out and Liven told me to scram. So I made like a tree and got the hell out. I did have to creep in through the window to get the sheets. Once at the greenhouse Matches's and I transported all the bees she had into the expansion and were going to celebrate at the inn. I told her to go ahead while I checked out my grapes to see if they needed to be watered. Shortly after she left Al came in smoking one of the party crashers I left on my bed for Liven.
  41. Al wasn't looking so good for understandable reasons so I tell him in so I could help him out. He didn't really want to talk about what happened last night so instead we decided to relax instead. He smoked through my blunt pretty fast so I went to roll a fresh one and he came over a whispered that he wanted to try a different natural substance. I took the hint and pulled off the top to my terrarium where my mushroom cakes were growing and plucked off two. I put them somewhere and moved the boxes off the couch I forgot and plopped down on it. Al joined me and ate one of the mushrooms and I caught mine from the air. I never have done mushrooms at this stage in my life and asked what would happen. Lucky for me Al had done it before and had a hand on what was going to happen in a hour from ingestion. After a considerable amount of time passed I started to feel it. The flowers started to look like they were cartoons and Al's face shrunk and expanded and I called him a wizard. Shit was weird but cool a weird. I did end up telling Al about George. George wasn't talking at first but he warmed up after awhile and was the life of the party. I eventually passed out on the floor.
  43. 118
  44. My back is a little still after sleeping on the floor but it was worth it. After looking over my inventory I went out into the woods and found 10 blueberry bushes I only took five of them; I have to leave something for the animals to eat. Melody found me while I was out and gave me some plant [Mentil Lentis] that I haven't seen before. I thanked her and left for the inn after I put the plants I found away. I found Chinook inn the inn. He asked what happened the other night and I told him everything. Everything except for most of what happened to Sarge. I looked at Chinook's eyes and they were all puffy and bloodshot and he asked me if I could replace them with crystals. That was enough of a warning flag for me and I dragged him into the clinic.
  46. No doctors were around when we entered but Kai came in. Guess she was on break or something. All she did was wash out his eyes and asked what happened to him and he told us that while he was out exploring he found a monastery. Inside he found a line and pressed. Some air blew past him and he found something and touched it. He said he heard something in a urgent voice tell him to run. He did and when he looked back he saw some hooded guy standing in the doorway. We haven't added the place Chinook went to on the map. And I quote from the mouth of Chinook "I should mention I was two days north of the mountain range. I wasn't in Four Cannon territory." He probably hasn't slept since. I hope this doesn't turn into something like Dead Space; that game scared the piss out of me.
  48. We sent Chinook home to sleep and I left for the inn. I talked with Matches for awhile when I goy in and she gave me some more plants. [10 Mentil Lentis, 3 Dragons Nerf, 3 Dewglow, and 1 blue grass] It was nice of her to do that the only problem was I didn't have a gift to give her, so I went behind the bar a pulled out a bottle or cider to thank her.
  50. I started hearing Booze talk about what happened the other night and went over to him and hugged him. Before I knew it my hug caused a hugalanche and everyone hugged Booze. After a minute I noticed Mary looking pretty bummed and I gave her a hug to. She didn't feel happy so I kept the hug up for awhile; by awhile I mean hours. After some time I asked if she was feeling it and she gave me a small smile. I hugged her some more and saw Reseph and some others go outside to fight over cooking or banana bread or something small. I didn't get involved because Mary was my main focus. Res came in later with a cut on his chest and started to bandage his wound. Matches somehow produced a set of tarot cards and read Res's future. She said something about a lady fighting a lion but I wasn't really paying attention. After she finished with Res she asked if anyone else wanted a go and I volunteered.
  52. Now shit started hitting close to home.
  54. I got a card with a flaming tower that meant something about violent changes. The next card I got was one of a happy mother. It was too much for me and I got up from Mary while she was getting her tarots done and drank some of Res's whiskey. Thoughts I didn't want to think about were bubbling up to the surface of my mind and I tried to keep them down. The whisky helped but only ever for so long. I walked back to Mary looking upset and snuggled next to her. Res must of picked up on it because he slid me a cider which I rejected after staring at it and thinking for a solid 20 minutes. I still stared at the full glass of cider just thinking and getting more and more annoyed because I couldn't keep these thoughts suppressed. My annoyance soon turned to sorrow and I hastily wiped away a tear.
  56. After around thirty minutes of feeling sad and staring at the ground Hearth walked in. I didn't notice her at first until Mary called out to her. When I looked up it was the breaking point for me. All I saw was a very pregnant Hearth and Reseph and Hot Pot kissing. I couldn't handle it. I ran up stairs and locked myself in one of the rooms. I heard some shuffling after me and Booze knocked on the door while I was crying and he asked what was wrong. I told him that he already knew; after a pause Mary came in.
  58. After awhile I gushed out everything to her. I told her about my children problem, the cards and how they hit to close to home, and just everything. Just thinking about this shit is depressing. After I told Mary about the roses she started to cry to. When I asked her why she told me she was infertile. Now I wasn't hugging Mary for myself but I was hugging Mary for Mary. That is a terrible thing to have to endure; just being infertile and being helpless in your pursuit. I can't begin to fathom how she feels.
  60. I must have been loud enough to be heard downstairs because Chere knocked on the door. I answered it and tried to close it he put his foot in the way. He must have seen Mary because he moved his hoof and asked if we needed anything. I waved him away and returned back to Mary.
  62. Mary did tell me something of a R63 potion so she could get Cookie pregnant. I glint of hope grew in me. I don't remember if she said Able had the potion but I'm pretty sure that we have one in stock. To bad we don't know what goes into making it; but whatever it is Mary and I are going to find it. Together.
  64. Day 119
  65. Man fucking hooves hurt from the burns.
  66. I went back to the cottage today. I forgot what time everyone was supposed to go and I ended up being late. When I finally got there after my brisk run over and looked inside I only saw that the roof caved in and that rocks were blocking my path just like the snorlax in Pokemon. I cursed and then heard something that sounded like Able on the other side of the blockage. After confirmation I found out Star and Liven were on the other side with them. Able came up with a plan to magic the rocks away with Star while I try to kick through them. It worked for the most part until Liven got hit by a beam. We fixed him up and Star and Liven started for a door while Able sat down. He wanted to wait for Golden and Phoenix but the others were impatient. Able just looked pissed and proceeded after them. I put a jar in the hole I crawled through just to tell Golden and Phoe that we got through.
  68. As I went down the tunnel with Able I saw Liven throw a sack in the adjoining room and saw the floor collapse into a pit. At least a safe path was exposed when the trap sprang. Inside the pit were darts that looked extremely old and looked like they hit the wall before they made it to the sand. I'm really happy I didn't fall in or throw George. Liven crossed the path without incident and so did I. The floor sprang up when Star crossed but she made it across safety. Able had to magic his way across. We opened a door when we were across and say a room in disarray. Papers were everywhere and it looked like people were leaving in a hurry. While the others looked at the papers I explored another room and found a wrestling room complete with a sand ring. I didn't find much in it but I did find door which I opened.
  70. I didn't expect to find what I found inside.
  72. Changelings. Changelings were everywhere in the town we found but something was off; the changelings didn't move or seem to notice or presence. While I stood in the door way looking at everything Star crept up or one and put a pickaxe in its head. It made a loud crunch and then turned to dust. Just to test it out I decided to slice ones head off and I saw it turn to dust. The changelings were definitely dead; the real question being for how long? Star heard something and started wandering away with Liven and I had to pull them back. We had no way of knowing what made that sound. Star didn't listen and jumped around the corner surprising something that looked like Golden and Phoe. After some short shenanigans we found out that they weren't bug-men. I noticed that all the changelings were all pointed in the same direction as we walked towards the palace that I didn't mention before.
  74. It would be such a lovely place if it wasn't complete black and had its large heavy doors still on it. Inside we found the long dead queen with a key around he neck. That was probably the key we needed to open the money room in the cottage. Some clicking noise could be heard under us as we moved further in. I looked near the thronw and saw some smoke that soon billowed out of the ground. I then heard a grumble and some more clicking. Before I could say anything Star threw her pick at me. Why she did that I will never know. Before I could say anything Phoe grabbed the key off the queens neck but broke off her queens horn in the process. The floor began to shake and the entrance collapsed. The loud words of "WHO DARES WALK INTO MY LAIR!?" bellowed through the floor. Spines started rising out of the ground like shark fins in the water as the ground started expelling smoke. The throne was thrown out of the ground as the head of a massive red dragon propelled it through the air and smiled at us with it's razor sharp teeth. We ran towards the spiral stair case that was in the palace and started climbing.
  76. "YES YES MAKE IT INTERESTING I DO LOVE A GOOD CHASE!" breathed out the dragon as we began our climb. I heard a deep inhale. Next I felt my hooves burn under me. At least I wasn't on fire. "YES THIS WILL BE MOST ENJOYABLE I HAVEN'T HAD A MEAL THAT DOESN'T COWER IN AGES!" is what the bastard said as he started smashing the stair case we were on. Lucky for us he started hitting the base of it where we weren't.
  78. I'm happy I always brought that jar of slime with me when ever I go out on these types or adventures. The dragon started to bring his claws down on us but my carefully aimed jar of slime smashed him in the eye before he hit us. The back wind did almost knock off Liven and Able. As we helped them up I told the dragon to eat a dick and he didn't take it well. "YOU I WILL EAT LAST!" is what he said before he before he smashed one of the last supports making the tower dangerously wobbly. When we reached to top we saw a picture of a changeling messing with some door lock crystals that change colors.
  80. As we messed around with the lock loud cracks could be heard and we started to panic. We did get the right combo but all we saw was a dead end after the dust it dumped on us cleared. My eye twitched when I saw the dead end. Liven pulled on some chain and some stone slide out of the way to reveal our escape. I had to kick Able through the hole as we all jumped out. I don't know why but for some reason everyone relaxed after we got through the door when a angry dragon was probably thrashing around below us. I didn't hear a roar but I bolted for the trees just to be safe. After not seeing the others get barbecued from standing over the spot where the dragon was I joined them and rolled onto my back and caught my breath and look at my burned hooves. I really wish had some aloe. After putting on some burn ointment and healing up the others we went back to the cottage for out loot.
  82. We walked into the treasure room after Star and Able blasted away the rocks and stuck the key into the lock. [] Gems and bits were everywhere ]. I dived into the pile like Scrooge from Duck Tales. We divided you the gems we found and drew straws for the last one. I got 1 sapphire, 1 emerald, 1 ruby, and 1 topaz. I really hope Silent will like the sapphire. While the others were arguing with what we should be with the bits I recommended that we just give it to the town. We already have gems the bits should be for others who deserve it.
  84. 120
  85. I went to the cemetery again today to pay my respects to the dead. I had a basket full of flowers and I put some on each individual grave and and said a prayer for everyone. I stopped when I got to Penny's grave and kneeled down close to it. I still feel bad about Penny'd deaf and that I couldn't have stopped her. I know it didn't have to end like how it did. If only she listened and wasn't so hard-headed, then maybe she would still be here.
  87. While I was in the middle of talking to Penny some big unicorn walked up on me. His name was High Tide. He seemed nice the first thing that he did was pay his respects and put a rock at the foot of the grave. Showed me that he at least cared, and for a guy that got here only yesterday it means a lot to me. He started to leave but he was new and didn't have a place to stay and what he did touched my heart so I asked if he wanted to stay over my place for the night. He happily agreed and I told him to wait while I finished up with Penny. After I prayed and arranged the flowers in way that resembled her I left the cemetery with Tide.
  89. When we got to my house I decided to tell him a story to help lighten up the dark mood I was in. I told him about how yesterday and how we went to the cottage and didn't get barbecued by a dragon. My story must have been pretty exciting because I had him on the edge of his seat the entire time I was telling it. I asked if he wanted to see some proof because lets be honest my story sounds far fetched. My story was proven to be true to him when I showed him the sapphire that I got for my troubles.
  91. When I asked him about himself things started getting a bit seedy. He tried going to equestria but it didn't really work out for him I didn't really think the most out of it. Equestria is full of actually ponies and underneath these pony skins we are still human. So I just guessed that it was a lost in translation thing and that he just didn't fit in to well. I asked if he remembered anything before he got here and he said it was personal so I didn't press into him. We finished our tea and I washed cups and put my gem back under lock and key and returned back to Tide. I asked if he wanted to go check out the inn and he agreed after I told him that he was okay to stay the night. Some flags to go off in my head when he asked if any royal guards were running around the town. I haven't seen any so I said no; when I asked him why he seemed nervous. I took him to the inn and saw things I didn't expect to see.
  93. Ugh... the inn. I walked in with Tide and I saw all eyes go on Tide. It appeared that everyone knew him from before. As Hoof got up from his seat I saw something I didn't want to see. I saw the pony who works at the smithy EAT OUT LIVEN'S ASS. Liven just moaned and went into it some more as Mary screamed at them to get a room. I knew how their night was going to end. What makes it even worse is that I hear Liven talking about how he proposed to Hardboil in his sleep. Disgusting. I turned my gaze back to Tide just in time to see him start to cower as Hoof said that he was a wanted man but not by us but by the equestrians. Ding ding ding flags everywhere in my mind. Tide started going pale at the talk of guards and fled. I chased after him and soon the others followed suit.
  95. We followed Tide through out the town-square and through out the docks. He got Mary with a blast of green magic when she tried to jump on him. Looked like it hurt but Mary took it like a champ. We ended up chasing him to Rain's farm and he locked himself inside Rain's barn. Holy shit that nigga's fast. After some talking and the lady who rekted Sarge's shit stated swinging her axe into the door Tide jumped through the wall. Through the second story wall. Not only is this guy but he strong as fuck to. When I went and looked I didn't see a trace of him except for the giant gaping hole. Most people left afterwards after deciding that he was just a changeling but I stayed behind with Chere and Mary to help fix Rain's barn. High Tide must have been in town before hand because he left quite a story behind with him.
  97. It's a shame that the first day the guy is back he gets chased out of town. I was even starting to like him to. Now who will I bore with my stories.
  99. I did go back to the inn and went straight for Liven. Already could tell what happened between him and the smith pony since he smelled like straight sex. He was asleep on the bar and slapped his shit. Bastard didn't even wake up; so I just dragged him home. Grossest thing happened along the way. His ass started leaking cum. I just turned my head and tried to not get any on the floor. He must have been with more then one stallion cause that trail was just too long. When I dragged him inside the house I put somewhere where Hardboil wouldn't see him and whispered in his ear that we were going to have a long talk tomorrow. I felt for my room in disgust.
  101. Day 121
  102. Well the LivenxHard ship has sunk. Liven told me when I came home. Something about Hard never being around and actually being straight. I just gave him some comfort while I heard some scratching from the other room. I just assumed it was the smith pony. Never was I so wrong. When Liven opened his door to his room I saw a giant spider. Damn thing was the size of a grapefruit. I left 2spooky4me.
  104. Day 122
  105. Went to the barracks to see what all the buzz was about. Saw people having fun and doing some sparring. I fought with Phoenix for a bit to he tackled me out cold. I think I might have landed on a rock. When I woke up my head was pounding. So against my better judgement went to the inn to have a drink.
  107. Curious told me about how Booze almost got eaten by a acid worm after I gave some topaz and some bits to Nova for a movie projector. I then visited Booze after giving Liven a reassuring pat on the back.
  109. Day 123
  110. Set up a booth at the barracks for the registration thing they were having. Got my first sale from Curiosity. I got a jar of acid for selling her some stuff. Turns out the acid wasn't the acid that I thought it was. After I felt my mouth go up in flames I ran to the river spitting along the way. When I came back I saw Curiosity stealing shit; I quickly called her out and made her return everything. After apologizing she left.
  112. I did see Able and we talked about checking out the changeling town and the vines. I'm going to meet with him later to talk it.
  114. Day 124
  115. Played some poker at the inn and lost to Booze. I didn't lose any money but I did have to give him a lap-dance. Booze looked like he thoroughly enjoyed it. After some more gambling and winning Hot Pot for another day Liven strolled in and challenged me to a ass of to see who had the best ass. After some spanking, showing off and a cramp I came out victorious. I'm going to be bold and say this. I have the best ass in 4C.
  117. Day 125
  118. I haven't seen Silent in quite some time and I miss her. I went into the inn feeling lonely and bummed out. Mary noticed that I was in a funk and I noticed that she is usually as cool as a cucumber when not being attacked by something so I asked what she usually does. Mary just meditates all day long or carves something. I remember hearing that meditation helps people relax so I asked more about it. She showed me some pose and helped me get into it. She told me to clear my mind; but I couldn't. I asked her if she saw my lover but she hadn't. More thoughts clouded my mind and started to rain sadness down upon me. Mary just told me to focus and I did clear my mind for a minute; but it didn't last long.
  120. Tears started forming at my eyes and I tried to blink them back but they just kept coming. I couldn't hold them back and I just slouched down in my chair and cried on the table. Mary already knew what was wrong and tried to help but it didn't sink in. I just cried on the table for a long time while multiple people tried to help.
  122. Weiss tried to help by singing Come On Feel The Noise by Quiet Riot. She wanted me to sing with her but I just wasn't feeling it. She was persistent so I just left. I didn't want to disturb the others any longer. Weiss did stop me before I made it out the door. She gave me her color changing plant. It's one of their most prized possessions. I have to take good care of it and return it. I don't want to ruin their stuff.
  124. 126
  125. Went into the diner with Matches. She asked me to be the god-mother to her child. I was so happy until she asked why I had such a interest in kids. Then things started crumbling around me. I told her my story but not all of it. Never got to the end and I fear I never will. I don't see Silent anymore; I haven't seen her for weeks. Matches asked me how long I would wait for her. I just don't know what to do anymore. Everyday it's just the same shit. I wait for my lover with the fake ass smile on my face then end up thinking depressing thoughts that make me feel worse and then I go home.
  127. My lips hurt from my smiling.
  129. 127
  130. I've heard that if you smile it can help you feel better. I decided to try it out to do and used the inn as my testing ground. My smile didn't last too long; Chinook called out my bull really fast. After some whispering I took hum to my house so we could talk in private. I hope the house doesn't stink; Chinook made a comment on it and said it smelled good but I don't know. After around five minutes Feldspar showed she'd been trying to find my house for awhile.
  132. Chinook asked what was up with me and I told him that I am sad. He already knew some of the problem and asked if I considered moving on. I did something that I never do. I yelled at him. He recoiled back and I apologized; I have no reason to yell at anyone especially if they are trying to help me. I need to apologize to him for doing that. They left after making me some tea and offering reassuring words. My tea still tasted plain but it's the thought that counts.
  134. I felt odd when I entered to inn something was up with my stomach but the weird thing is I haven't eaten anything weird. I did manage to give Weiss her plant back in the inn. It took a lot of pleading but she took back some of it even if it was just a petal. I have to take excellent care of that plant; I don't want to ruin something Sleeves gave her out of love. Man I really miss Silent she would help me cultivate the plant. After some time of milling around I decided to meditate. It didn't go to well; I couldn't clear my mind and I was getting some pretty negative vibes. These vibes made my stomach tighten up. I saw Liven come out of the back room with Cheren and I felt like someone punched me in the gut. I need to ask him whats up later.
  136. After my stomach episode I sat next to Mary. She and Cookie broke up; I wanted to ask why but now wasn't the time. Have to ask Boris about the glowing fruits that he brought in.
  138. 128
  139. [Adventure in cottage with shadow guys]
  141. 129
  142. Today was sad and disappointing but ended nicely.
  144. The vines in the jar are getting some lining on the middle of them. Looks like a mouth.
  146. Went on a little walk in the woods with some friends. It was a nice day for a walk and everything was going smoothly until we heard a rustling in the bushes. I threw a rock near it and what ever was in it ran off; then a acorn hit Able in the face. A squirrel threw it at him and landed in the ground before us. Then a rabbit ran between Curious's legs and I swear it looked like the rabbit from the other night. After its failed attempt at tripping her it ran next to its squirrel friend. Able picked up the rabbit with his magic just to have a bluejay hit him in the head with a rock. This whole was just cute and reminded me of a Disney movie. Hidden pointed her crossbow at the cute little critters just to have a owl push it away with a little scratch.
  148. Hidden shot the owl. Why she did it I will never know but I do know she fucked up. The animals surrounded her a pecked at her. I'm not going to fight little woodland critters that were only protecting their friends; so I did the only logical thing to do. I picked up the squirrel and tried to comfort it. Able pulled Hidden out of the forest and the animals carted away their dead friend. I left I disgust with Curious.
  150. Such a lovely way to start a day.
  152. I did get to spigot the trees with Al so today wasn't too bad. It was peaceful; no loud noises, not a lot of people, fresh air, just refreshing conversation and not thinking of stuff... We did find a beehive in one of the trees so I'm going to have Matches come cut it down for us. I did kinda tell Al that I had a crush on Liven you I did I don't know but it happened. I felt awkward after saying it but Al said he would tread lightly over the subject. I'm starting to reconsider my relationship with Silent.
  154. As much as I love Silent I think that I might have to end it with her. I need someone I can depend on to be around for me and she just isn't doing it. I know we were making plans for the future but those plans might have to be trashed.
  156. I can't organize my thoughts.
  158. 130
  159. Gave Reseph half of my ruby so he could sell it for money to buy a house. Little guy has big plans going off in his head. Did hangout with Boris talking about plants; guy has some problems. Should hang out with him some more.
  161. Had some of the bad thoughts come into my head and George told me to go on a walk to clear my head of them. I did find something to clear my mind of them. The thing I found was a dying Hospik. I didn't need to say anything; I just went to work on him and patched him as best I could. Surprised Moon was the only person who was more concerned about helping Hospik then the loot.
  163. I kicked in the doors to the clinic and wheeled Hospik into the emergency room. Phoenix was in no shape to help so Liven recruited me. I was a tad surprised because I didn't think my first actual medical project would have been of this caliber. Liven and I had the situation under some control after many stitches and bandages. Then I remembered the bat lady didn't follow us back. The people in the were in no position to help so I recruited some others to help. We did find the bat passed out in the woods and took her into the clinic. Lady was bitten by a snake and since we don't have any anti-venom she would just have to wait it out. I did manage to bandage her wounds and clean them.
  165. I didn't get to ask Liven a question I should have. Instead of asking for anti-depressants all I asked him is if I did a good job. At least I did good with the patients.
  167. 131
  168. Wasn't feeling it today.
  170. The pony I helped last night stopped by my house. She was actually quite brash but I let her in. A mistake on my better judgement. First she pulled out a knife which I made her put away. Then she just bit her arm and let the blood seep into one of my containers. She then gave me some plants and the jar of blood, wants me to make some sorta anti-venom from it. A job for Able. She also asked if I could make her some poison arrows. I don't know considering the fact that she shot Hospik with one of them. Can condone the use of poison arrows; she left her knife and crossbow behind in my house. Not sure if I will let her back in as a house guest.
  172. Did go down to the clinic to see about the bat named Red Light. Didn't get much and I put Able's bandages on funny.
  174. I did see Able and Boris later [ told about George and man eating plants]
  176. 132
  177. Stayed in bed all day.
  179. 133
  180. My hair is falling out.
  181. I think I'm dying.
  183. After spending along time in bed. I got up and watered some of my still living plants. Everything is growing well... except for my mood. I did go to the inn wanting something to brighten it up my day. I sat with Mary for awhile. We didn't talk until I told her my hair was falling out. She says it's the stress. I feel like shit. Something did happen to change my mood; something happened that touched me. Someone I don't know who came by and put a bouquet of flowers on our table with a note. "It takes a lot of bad people doing a lot of bad things to make the world a little bit worse. But it just takes just one good person to do one good thing to make the world a little bit better. Nice to meet you Miss Flora"
  185. I got a case of the feels.
  186. Someone went out of their way to try and make me feel better. Et tu feelus?
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