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May 30th, 2015
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  1. (any time anyone questions their authoritative positions as rulers of occupy chats or their positions of heirarchy the game shifts into pretend they are either imposters, or drunk. after three years of this no one believes them any more)
  3. vindolanda: i lok after her
  4. vindolanda: yes im angry
  5. vindolanda: and on top of that
  6. vindolanda: i get fukked with austeruty shiteee
  7. vindolanda: my bro he is ill
  8. Vforall: dont try the cancer trick
  9. vindolanda: he gets fukked too
  10. vindolanda: bulllshit
  11. Vforall: i have 5 down with cnacer
  12. vindolanda: stop baiting in here
  13. vindolanda: go away
  14. Vforall: now h=what is the next desase
  15. Vforall: baiting that is why i am still uop
  16. mrshc: HeardinLondon ‏@HeardinLondon 5m5 minutes ago300 people are now painting a banner in the middle of Westminster Bridge #SaveOurNHS #austeritylie @UKuncut
  17. Vforall: either you need fincancial hep or u do not
  18. vindolanda: look just *** off trying to wind me up deliberately you wanna play stupid games go elsewhere , in here we never argued about anything but today has fukked all that
  19. vindolanda: go away v
  20. Vforall: which is it 'yes or no
  21. aidanz: boom
  22. Vforall: yes or no
  23. vindolanda: are you taking the ***
  24. Vforall: either you need financial help if so how much
  25. Vforall: yes or no
  26. Vforall: simple question
  27. aidanz: i need 37 grand
  28. Vforall: no
  29. aidanz: uh huh
  30. Vforall: easy
  31. Vforall: see
  32. vindolanda: no ive told you , im helping myself , its what im doing ok , now *** off baiting
  33. mrshc: hi aidan (( ))
  34. Vforall: then you learned a lesson do not bait
  35. aidanz: if anyone wants to send vin money send it too mrs
  36. vindolanda: today if i had not known any better id say you have been here trolling
  37. vindolanda: starting arguments deliberately
  38. mrshc: i dont want it aidan thanks so much xx
  39. aidanz: if anyone wants too send me money do it asap
  40. mrshc: lol
  41. kk7777: lol
  42. freedaweed59: can i have some moey??
  43. Vforall: nok vindo i have watched over a oeriod of 9 months
  44. vindolanda: wtf is this shitt , is this atempt to remove me from here
  45. vindolanda: well
  46. Vforall: i have seen the same statements by you month after month almost on a peticalbale basis
  47. vindolanda: what fukking statements wtf are you on about
  48. vindolanda: what the ***
  49. Vforall: then you go on the attack to tory this tory that
  50. vindolanda: wtf
  51. kk7777: The problem is Vin that you complain alot how bad your doing and ppl have offered to help and then you say no am ok
  52. kk7777: so what r we to think?
  53. vindolanda: oh look you can all foook off
  54. aidanz: i dont agree
  55. vindolanda: foook off
  56. vindolanda: all of you
  57. aidanz: lick me
  58. aidanz: all ova
  59. freedaweed59: sluurrrp
  60. aidanz: pride proud
  61. Vforall: the bottom lin is vindo the drma ends as how bad it is for you help has heen and is offer to yu personally
  62. aidanz: nakidness rules
  63. Vforall: bt never gain bribg up how d=hard done by are ya
  64. aidanz: ya can bring up what eva ya want its the net
  65. vindolanda: so i refused financial help from you , what you trying say , im a liar a cheat a scammer a fraud WHAT
  66. vindolanda: WTF
  67. aidanz: no jist a drama queen
  68. freedaweed59: think more drama queen vind
  69. kk7777: never have we said that
  70. aidanz: bam
  71. freedaweed59: none f those thinngs u said
  72. vindolanda: and you say i go on about the tories , like you dont , many do here
  73. Vforall: you hav eyour opinions but do not make othert feel that they could of done something for ya
  74. vindolanda: wtf u trying to say
  75. mrshc: vindo, my offer to help you still stands, you only have to say the word... but i see many ppl offered to help you and you turn down help time after time...
  76. aidanz: #Ilovevindo
  77. Vforall: the offer was made today
  78. aidanz: standin offer of 50 bucks give me as much notice as possible
  79. Vforall: how much month wiol it take to keep ya in absics
  80. Vforall: what is so fuciking wrong wit that
  81. aidanz: 125pounds
  82. mrshc: when i went to visit freeda, i wouldnt havebeen able to without help from dj and aidan.... we are family, we help if we can
  83. kk7777: Aid tells you day after day to help
  84. Vforall: and you make it sound as we are the bad gys
  85. Vforall: offering help
  86. freedaweed59: all of us
  87. Vforall: get me a a bottole of whatever
  88. kk7777: Is it that your just pissed off at the Torries?
  89. Vforall: we arte the bad guys offering help
  90. aidanz: just because ones pride is bigger than ones sense does not dilute the fact that yer going through hard times
  91. Vforall: we are the bad guys offering help
  92. vindolanda: wtf ,
  93. mrshc: im pissed of at tories also, but not pissed off at you guys (( my gonn family))))
  94. kk7777: (())
  95. aidanz: fawkin torys
  96. freedaweed59: torytwatzzzz
  97. kk7777: we all have issues with them
  98. aidanz: im pissed off at some of ya's
  99. aidanz: :-)
  100. kk7777: but doesn't rule our lifes
  101. freedaweed59: hope im in there
  102. mrshc: things are gonna be getting tougher here really soon, for most of us... we need to start learning to give and accept help much more
  103. kk7777: si
  104. freedaweed59: tzi
  105. Vforall: to be guie frank with you aidanz is bette rff than em
  106. aidanz: we shouldve started occupy bank ages ago
  107. aidanz: i live an illusion
  108. aidanz: and mostly because of my partner
  109. aidanz: occupy credit union
  110. mrshc: i aint ever got any money really, once in a while a few quid,,, but i would help anyone if i could, in any way that i can, especially you guys
  111. aidanz: help fer the people when the people need it
  112. freedaweed59: and if u dont need it help those who do
  113. mrshc: ^^^ yes
  114. freedaweed59: and dont pass the worry parcel
  115. Vforall: but in truth in this country if aidanz ever lsot his pool and his lifesytele he woudl not surive in the northern part of his ow provicne'
  116. aidanz: worry is always never far
  117. aidanz: thats not true v
  118. aidanz: im a skilled outdoor dude
  119. kk7777: ha
  120. aidanz: i feel quite confident i could go into the forest and survive
  121. Vforall: te far er you go north the issue of gayness beoes less and less
  122. Vforall: fact
  123. Vforall: for those that ke to make an issue o sexuality the further nort you get the less tey care
  124. aidanz: ive travelled hitchiked many many times across this great country usually with pup and tarp
  125. aidanz: wadeva its 2015
  126. Vforall: it becomes you issue not theirs
  127. aidanz: north south suck my big toe
  128. aidanz: i was raisd country
  129. aidanz: this convo is silly im done be well vindo
  130. aidanz: dickhead
  131. vindolanda: *** off not in the mood for that shitt
  132. aidanz: dunnacare
  133. Vforall: may hand s have touched all three oceans never did i ver her one perosn say as they did something toally foreign to them that they wer gay
  134. Vforall: gay is an issue f the big cits
  135. Vforall: on the shre of the arctic oceran they could give a shit less
  136. vindolanda: you all finished hving a go , or you wanna start up again
  137. aidanz: ok im back
  138. freedaweed59: vind we werent having a g
  139. freedaweed59: u said all???
  140. vindolanda: think what you like , *** it
  141. freedaweed59: sorry u re being like thi (
  142. Vforall: vindo i wish you nothing but happiness and if i can hep in any any i will you have my word f houour
  143. Vforall: and as for aidanz and the gay comfort sone of Toronto and yes even your area is comute'
  144. Vforall: get the heell out ut o the zone and into what this county is about
  145. vindolanda: now i feel all that i have ever said has been laughed at and ridiculed , thankyou for that , no more from me , im full of shitt and goodbye , i will only ever type from here on in
  146. Vforall: oh my god i just talked to a gay who thins Torronto is the zone capital '
  147. Vforall: well blow my drama shit away vindo
  148. Vforall: you were offer help
  149. Vforall: and now it is our faot you r aint'
  150. Vforall: lets get this traight for historical puposes
  151. vindolanda: get what straight
  152. freedaweed59: not once have we laughed at yo ever
  153. Vforall: 1 week aer wek we hae ear from you how bad the torties are spaning ve 2 years
  154. freedaweed59: come to ranters please vind xxx
  155. vindolanda: v type so i understand cant read half sentances
  156. freedaweed59: is tht v reallly???
  157. freedaweed59: or a pretend v??
  158. Vforall: now lets start here in a friendy way
  159. vindolanda: yes the tories are cutting deep , so whats your point
  160. vindolanda: to survive we here in my family , we rob peter to pay paul , its how we survive them here
  161. vindolanda: and we will survive them
  162. Vforall: Oh no vindo for 2 year of how thetories ae drivng you to whateverr'
  163. vindolanda: driving me to what
  164. Vforall: ihave recieved emials worried abot your osts
  165. vindolanda: im surviving , its just tough , all people are in togh times
  166. Vforall: look at your own posts never midfn evrerone wlese
  167. vindolanda: what posts
  168. Vforall: i did not write your posts over the past 2 years
  169. Vforall: you did
  170. vindolanda: what posts
  171. vindolanda: ??
  172. Vforall: depression is drssion
  173. vindolanda: what posts ?
  174. vindolanda: what are you talking about , tell me
  175. vindolanda: what posts ?
  176. Vforall: in any case vindo you were offerered hep here and now period'endo of the dam of
  177. Vforall: who what when when why
  178. Vforall: taker itor eaver t
  179. vindolanda: ya know i think you are either drunk or this is not the real V
  180. Vforall: take it or leave it
  181. freedaweed59: nice to know you are ther to help us if we need it v xxx
  182. Vforall: you are extemely smalrt '
  183. Vforall: Oh My Vindo you are usng te the number one tatic by the BBC he drunk
  184. Vforall: you poor poor lad not now the difrernce inhittting keyfrom arthritis and being drunk
  185. Vforall: that does no say much about you and you medical and exanded family'
  186. freedaweed59: i didnt think u weere drunk i thought u may be an imposter
  187. Vforall: vindo whenyou out of our crsed me and i and i deserve this entalaity
  188. Vforall: loook here
  189. Vforall: you could care less from what i have seen other than u
  190. Vforall: you want thruth
  191. Vforall: tete it is is
  192. freedaweed59: v u oke???
  193. Vforall: ok lets have a summery
  194. freedaweed59: on??
  195. Vforall: vindo has has issues with system
  196. kk7777: V is this u for real?
  197. freedaweed59: i asked twice kk
  198. kk7777: ah ok
  199. Vforall: vindo copains evey chance he get aout how bad the tories are
  200. freedaweed59: no answer
  201. kk7777: missed it
  202. freedaweed59: thought you might get one but no either(
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