
Mesmerized (MLP!NSFW)

Jun 6th, 2015
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  1. Mesmerized Ch 1
  2. By AVP2424
  4. Silvertongue had never really felt like he belonged, a common feeling but for him there was a special reason why it had
  5. persisted all the way to his adulthood. He had grown up and had never gotten his cutie mark, his blank flank mocked him
  6. as no matter how many things he tried or how much he sought the advice of others it remained devoid of any symbol. He had
  7. even gone and spoken to his sister, Frugal, and his steadily shrinking number of friends, about the problem but no
  8. council they could provide that would help him reach that moment when, as they succinctly put it, everything just clicked.
  9. Silvertongue was an embarrassment and an aberration, that the mares tended to ignore, and the stallions picked on him.
  10. On occasion the frustration of it all had driven him to drinking copious amounts of Sweet Apple Acres Cider in hopes that
  11. he'd stumble on something in a drunken haze but the only thing he ever woke up to was a serious hangover. With no special
  12. calling, he performed basic odd jobs around Ponyville, his skills with telekinesis were adequate for a Unicorn but he was
  13. growing sick and tired of all the jobs eventually ending as he was informed that someone more qualified and skilled had
  14. arrived. Reduced to tasks that no pony would ever do outside of their Cutie Mark prodding them in to such a task. Pest
  15. Ponies, Sanitation Ponies, Farm Ponies, Silvertongue disliked them all even as he worked alongside them. They had an
  16. advantage that he couldn't reach and he was left always as the assistant to tasks that took so much time with very little
  17. reward.
  19. He was pony non grata to the town and the only one who ever still bothered to reach out to him was Pinkie Pie. There was
  20. something about the energy and playfulness that even lifted Silvertongue's usually dour attitude when she passed by.
  22. There was a sincerity and joy that was real, not like all the fakers that only scorned him for something he had no
  23. control over. Though she meant well, Silvertongue didn't know if he found her efforts to be kind or cruel as anytime he
  24. went to a Pinkie Party a ring of space would open up around him as ponies would avoid him.
  26. "Stay away from Silvertongue little filly and colt lest you not get your cutie mark either."
  28. "Still a blank flank Silvertongue?"
  30. "Are you just not interested in doing anything?"
  32. "Don't worry not having a cutie mark doesn't mean anything."
  34. Their whispers barely audible but Silvertongue heard them all the same. Silvertongue would have considered this to be his lot in life, until one day a few months before the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration, while walking near the border of the Everfree Forest he bumped into another pony. In his typical bad mood and feeling the frustation, he pushed the pony without even identifying the obstacle only to hear the eep of Ponyville's unassuming game warden, Fluttershy. Silvertongue didn't know how the yellow pegasi felt about him or if she even noticed him. Cowering in her bangs and looking greatly shaken though he could only feel trepidation on how this incident would be blown out of proportion. Fluttershy had gotten in his way but he'd receive the stigma from what had just happened.
  36. "Watch where you're going." Silvertongue bit out through clenched teeth. Fluttershy let out a whispered apology or at least Silvertongue assumed such was the case. The words being too low even for his ears, but he couldn't stand how this weak mare was somehow better than him because she had a few butterflies on her rear. He just wanted to hit something and filled with rage, he was all set to vent that anger physically on the weak specimen before him when again he looked in to Fluttershy's eyes and this time he didn't see the timid and weak mare but the steely gaze of the Stare.
  38. "Stop that, I know you're angry but that's no reason to be rude."
  40. Silvertongue's bowels turned to water, his mouth ran dry, and his charge was halted in an instant. He wanted to cower and throw himself at Fluttershy's hooves. He wanted to look away but the task was impossible. He was mesmerized by the fire within her and then just like that it was gone. Too quickly it was extinguished leaving Silvertongue confused and off balanced. Her face turned scarlet as she realized what she'd done and with a flap of her wings the little pony rose off the ground and flew away without any further words.
  42. Silvertongue was filled with amazement at what had just happened. It was incredible, that such a thing existed and it was in the hands of such a timid mare. He had been captivated just by her words and gaze. He wanted to do that, he wanted it to happen to him again. It was a blissful daze he entered into even as he stumbled along his way back to town and he would have remained in it if he he not heard one of those trash talking ponies, "Silvertongue how's it going you old blank flank..."
  44. Silvertongue recognized the voice, "Just fine Pinchy."
  46. Silvertongue would have kept on walking, discontent with his day after the rare bright spot, when Pinchy raised one hoof and pointed to Silvertongues flank in incredubility, "No way, you got your mark."
  48. Silvertongue couldn't help himself, after all he hadn't been tricked in this particular way in ages, so even as he cursed himself for falling for it, looking back he couldn't stop that brief flare of hope from sprouting. There on his flank was what looked like an eye with alternating black and white lines spiraling around the center. Silvertongue was overjoyed, he finally had his mark, his calling and special talent. He was just a little confused, as to what it meant but that it was there at all would finally prove he wasn't some defect. He'd figure out what his special talent was, his calling in life, the proof that he had one was now there and plain to see.
  50. Pinchy wrapped his forelegs around Silvertongue to the newly marked stallion's surprise, "This is great news, I have to everyone about this right away."
  52. Silvertongue couldn't accept Pinchy's good cheer, this wasn't right, he'd just been a jerk, trying make fun of him and now everything changed just like that? Shoving Pinchy away he stared into the pony's eyes, he wanted to tell him that he should keep his filthy mouth shut, this was the moment Silvertongue had been waiting for his whole life and he hadn't even been the one to realize it first. It didn't matter though, because now everyone would see that he'd gotten his cutie mark. The only thing letting the others know would be they wouldn't make as much of an ass of themselves when they saw him again.
  54. "Huh, so I did. I guess this means I'm like everyone else now." Silvertongue spoke up, the whole town would likely know by the end of the day and if it got to Pinkie's ears then he'd have a Cutie Mark Party within the hour.
  56. Pinchy grinned, "Ponyfeathers, what finally did it? It's got to be something really rare if it took you this long to figure out your special talent?"
  58. Silvertongue remembered what had happened when he'd been caught in that pegasus gaze. The feeling it had inspired in him and watched with interest as he felt the magic in his horn and mark react in a way he'd never considered before but now seemed as clear as breathing. Silvertongue took in a quick breath as he noticed Pinchy's eyes become like his mark.
  60. Spinning Spirals that made the blue unicorn halt his chattering and a slack jawed look come on his face, as he stood there waiting, "Pinchy, what do you see?"
  62. Pinchy's voice had dropped low, "Nothing, its all black."
  64. Silvertongue was curious, "Can you jump up and down for me?"
  66. Pinchy didn't even ask why but proceeded to perform the task hopping in place.
  68. Silvertongue was curious, "Pinchy, why did you do that?"
  70. Pinchy's smiled, "You asked me too. Why wouldn't I do what my friend asks?"
  72. Silvertongue grimaced, "We're not friends Pinchy. I hated you and you couldn't stand to be around me. I'm sure of that. We're not friends so there must be some other reason."
  74. Pinchy nodded his head enthusiatically, "Ah so that's how it was, but it just seemed right that I do what you order. If we're not friends then I guess I won't jump."
  76. Silvertongue barked out the command, "Pinchy Jump."
  78. Just like before Pinchy jumped up and down but this time he wasn't smiling but was looking at his hooves in confusion.
  80. "Silvertongue, this isn't right. What's going on?"
  82. Silvertongue let a cruel smirk show, "That doesn't really matter Pinchy. Now you're going to forget everything that just happened when I let you go."
  84. Silvertongue released his spell and watched as Pinchy's eyes returned to normal. The pony shook his head blearily before turning to stare at Silvertongue's cutie mark, and Pinchy raised one hoof and pointed to Silvertongues flank in incredubility, "No way, you got your mark."
  86. Silvertongue was all smiles this time to Pinchy. This was his special talent, dominating other ponies to do whatever he told them and all it took was for him to experience it himself to realize that fact. Silvertongue licked his lips as he considered the possibilities in front of him as he could punish everyone who'd offended him. No he was going to get all the mares he could want. Even do something real extraordinary and claim Celestia herself as his. Well maybe not that far, Silvertongue didn't care for his chances at claiming an Alicorn with a talent he'd just discovered but the fantasy had vastly cheered him up.
  88. The only question that remained was who he would deal with first. After all there were a few mares that Silvertongue could go after that were important enough to matter even in as backwoods a place as Ponyville. The political leader of Ponyville Mayor Mare, the party planner, Pinkie Pie, the event organizer, Amethyst Star. Each knew the most ponies and if he wanted to pull something big off they would be the pony to talk to. Alternatively he could reach out to Rainbow Dash, the main weather pony in the area and fastest pegasus outside the Wonderbolts to hear some people talk. Rarity, a seamstress that showed talent but was stuck in this backwater as she struggled in getting the bits and support to branch outside the town, and Applejack, a member of the Apple Clan that held the largest fields in all of Ponyville. Silvertongue had attempted to make a few bits with the obviously overworked pair but had been turned down.
  90. Of course he could always go back to Fluttershy and show his appreciation for him getting his mark. His cock stiffened as he remembered that stare and he wondered just which one of them would fall prey to the other.
  92. Eventually Silvertongue decided that it was best to deal with the one that would give him the most aggravation if he let her have her way. So while Pinchy was spreading word around to everyone that Silvertongue had gained his Cutie Mark he went straight to Pinkie Pie who was standing the counter at Sugercube Corner. A bakery that specialized in sweets, cakes, and assorted treats for the discerning pony. Pinkie Pie was a bundle of cotton candy and bursting energy as she let out a happy grin at the appearance of Silvertongue. "Silvertongue! How are you doing you gloomy gus?"
  94. Silvertongue didn't say a word but instead pointed out his new cutie mark and the resulting Pinkie reaction was everything he could have hoped for as she let out a little squeal and clapped her hooves together, "This so exciting, we have to celebrate, with a party, a huge party with lots of cakes and licorice and streamers...."
  96. It was at this point that Pinkie Pie noticed that Silvertongue shook his head in the negative however and Pinkie quieted down from her impromptu planning. She looked at him with a heartbroken frown, all set to ask the question Silvertongue knew she wanted to ask when he activated his magic and just like Pinchy her eyes began to spiral.
  98. "The reason I don't want a party Pinkie is because none of them really cared about me when I didn't have a cutie mark and so I don't really care about them now that I have one," Silvertongue explained, "of all my friends, you're the only one who's been there for me through thick and thin. If you want to throw a party, I'd much prefer a private one with just me and you."
  100. Pinkie Pie entranced stare nodded at the prompt, "Of course Silvertongue, a private party just between you and I."
  102. Silvertongue nuzzled close to the entranced mare, watching with interest as even though he broke eye contact with Pinkie she still remained under his spell, "You want to make me very happy Pinkie, to do whatever I tell you too makes you wet and horny. You obey my orders over anyone else. You body, mind, and will are mine to do with as I please. Do you understand Pinkie?"
  104. Pinkie nodded, "Yes Silvertongue. I understand."
  106. Silvertongue could tell that Pinkie was getting flushed even through her pinkish fur as she began panting. Looking at her sex he could see that it was begin to bead with moisture. His own cock hardened and began to extend from his sheath when he heard the ring of more customers coming in. Silvertongue restrained himself from taking Pinkie right there and ended his spell on her lest they notice what he was doing.
  108. As Pinkie Pie regained her bearings, she shook her head violently but the impact of his mesmerization hadn't vanished as Pinkie continued to give Silvertongue a sultry look and bat her eyelashes at him. Silvertongue licked his lips as even as those two other mares that had entered were looking at the wall of cakes to the side, Pinkie surreptitiously took one of her hooves and rubbed it against her dripping sex and licked it up like liquid sugar. She appeared to understand his hesitation though and with a wink mouthed for him to come to her place tonight.
  110. The town party averted, and the evenings entertainment set, Silvertongue left; the whispers of the gossiping mares not bothering him for once.
  112. Pinkie Pie lived with her family relations and the proprietors of Sugarcube Corner, Mr and Mrs Cake, but that wasn't something that Silvertongue was that concerned about. If couple got in his way well he would just tell them to mind their own business. Plus considering the state he had left Pinkie Pie in after only a brief time under his control, it wouldn't be hard at all to turn a very energetic and horny girl, Silvertongue didn't imagine that it would take much to turn the town party pony into a complete slut but Pinkie had been one of the good ones and so he was going to take his time and make her all his; and when he was finished, she'd make sure that anyone else he wanted would be his as well.
  114. Silvertongue could hardly wait for Celestia to lower the sun and raise the moon, the waiting was exquisite as he felt like Hearts Warming Eve was coming early. The agreed upon time finally arrived, Silvertongue knocked on the door firmly to see that Pinkie had removed her apron that normally covered her surprisingly thin but curvy frame, most of the fat a normal pony would gain from all the sweets she inhaled was constantly burned off by her endless pit of energy.
  116. Silvertongue, started thinking of ways he could use that energy as he followed her swishing tail indoors, getting a nice view of her plump rump he could see that at least some of the sweets were put to good use as her bouncy thighs swayed as she walked across the room. Her tail swished to the side giving him a glance at her mare parts, Silvertongue tried casting his spell but found that it didn't connect until she turned around and he got that initial eye contact.
  118. Pinkie's mouth half opened as a sentience started to from on her lips, letting out a sigh her body shuddered as she came under his control. Her cheeks flush with arousal as her eyes became half lidded a lewd look forming on her face. Silvertongue commanded Pinkie to turn around and then shoved her forward so that her ass was raised in to the air, her tail lifted up giving him another good look at her pussy as it quickly became slick with arousal. Her clit gave him a wink, Silvertongue's shaft leaving the confines of it's sheath as he began to smell the slightly metallic smell of a turned on mare.
  120. He quickly and unceremoniously mounted the waiting pink party horse, his cock finding it's mark on Pinkie's exposed pussy. Pinkie groaned as her vaginal walls squeezed the intrusion tightly as Silvertongue thrust all the way up to the ring mid-way along his horsecock.
  122. Silvertongue grunted, his cock had never felt this good, warm and wet as he quickly thrust a second time. Feeling all the grooves of her pussy run along his flair as he pulled out of her and prepared to thrust again. Pinkies forelegs skidded across the floor a little bit, her cheek resting against the floor as she felt his dong about to release it's load inside her. Silvertongue's balls tightened as he came with the force of a small candy colored pony, his cock already limp as he removed it from Pinkie, he felt amazing, this had been the best 10 seconds of his life!
  124. Pinkie made no move to get up. Silvertongue grinned, "That's my filly, Pinkie Pie. We're going to do that again and again till I'm exhausted and then every day you will masturbate and think of me. Aren't I so nice?"
  126. Pinkie gave a blissful grin. "Yes you are Silvertongue."
  128. Silvertongue put his hoof down her rump and pressed down on it, "When we're alone you'll call me Master, is that clear?"
  130. Pinkie Pie was ecstatic, "Yes Master." as he released his spell on Pinkie.
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