

Aug 3rd, 2015
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  1. She is a fiendish viscanti and her eyebrows are the same frigid white as her hair, arched in a display of perfect elegance. A faint smirk graces her lips, which are painted a midnight black colour, two fang tips barely visible over the slightly plumper bottom one. Her make-up is almost nonexistent, only faint traces of blush and eye kohl done in a frosty blue. Porcelain, doll-like skin covers her body, though it is barely visible through the everpresent, shifting miasma of Taint that struggles to cloud it from view, the clouds cloying and choking in their viscosity. Seeming to originate from her, the viscous fog constantly shifts and roils, spiralling and whirling in an evershifting pattern of mystifying complexity. The only thing clearly visible at all times through the stirring black and crimson clouds are her eyes. Almond shaped, her right iris displays the full purple spectrum, a light lavender at the outside that darkens beautifully towards the deep indigo surrounding the pupil. Her left irises share the colouration, the six smaller ones surrounding the larger center one in a circular pattern, a total of seven staring out in an unnerving manner. Her build, while petite, still manages to carry a feminine grace with its faint hourglass curve. Wound tightly around her right arm are a myriad of miniscule lapis beads wrapping a white copper censer tightly to her skin, nearly obscuring the lavender flame within. She is wearing a lush velvet gown of gold-razed indigo with emerald petticoats, stately indigo boots with a stiletto high heel, a hazy demi veil of indigo chiffon held captive by crystal-tipped pins, and elbow-length emerald silk gloves.
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