
Anon the imaginary friend

Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. >"Twilight was always... special, growing up"
  2. >"She had this imaginary friend, a green, vulgar creature"
  3. >"The way she described it never really made sense to us. Instead of hooves it had like, 5 tiny grabbers?"
  4. >"We never really took her seriously, ofcourse. But it seemed harmless"
  5. >"That is.. untill it started manifesting itself."
  6. >"We'd hear loud swearing right behind us when it got dark, only to see no source for the vulgarity when we looked."
  7. >"Things started going missing, and the television kept turned just a little bit to the right every night. "
  8. >"We didnt notice that one at first, but it became clear when it was nearly facing away from the couch."
  9. Celestia nods, taking notes based on the stories of the clearly still nervous unicorns.
  10. >"It'll all be alright, but I will have to take her under my wing, and restrict her to the castle" the princess said, reassuringly.
  11. The understandibly anxious couple swallowed untill one spoke up.
  12. >"We understand.. whatever is best for Twilight"
  13. >"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE BITCH" the imaginary phantom exclaimed
  14. >Having been announced by it's filthy mouth, long before she could be seen, Twilight poked her head through the doors
  15. >"Anon, don't be rude to the princess!"
  18. >"I want to fuck that horse" a voice suddenly blurted out, earning itself an awkward silence and two blushing mares
  19. Dispite her trainig, Twilight was still not capable of blocking it out.
  20. A bright flash filled the other side of the room, followed by a scream.
  21. >"FUCKING WHY" the creature let out, blinded by Celestia's magic.
  22. >"You know you shouldn't try to sneak up on me" the Princess smirked.
  23. >"I was just.. inspecting your cutie mark." yeah, she'd buy that.
  25. As Twilight's magical abilities grew stronger, so did the phantom. Soon it was able to interact with the world around it.
  26. >"Did you put my books on the top shelves again?" Twilight whined
  28. >"all you ever do is read. Where is sun-butt?" it demanded to know
  29. Twilight did her best to ignore it like Princess Celestia had taught her.
  30. >"..All you ever do is read"
  31. >"I want to be better at magic" Twilight explained.
  32. >"But it's so booooriiing" the spectre whined
  33. >"you're... bored?" This had been the first time she had tried to engage with the creature since she was a child
  34. >"You mean you have your own feelings?" the creature responded in a whining tone.
  35. She'd never given it much thought since Celestia had told her to ignore it, but it had never expressed it's own wants and need before.
  36. Untill now, it had just been an obnoxious embodiment of bad manners and even worse jokes. If she was the only one who could usually hear or see it, you were it's only company.
  39. >"No shit you dumb horse" it blurted out.
  40. >"But all you usually did was.. swear or be mean to princess Celestia.." She said, her muzzle scrunching.
  41. As the words left her lips, Princess Luna opened her chamber doors and walked in.
  42. >"You musn't speak to it Twlight Sparkle. You will only give it more power"
  43. >"Best Princess!" The creature exclaimed. "Will I see you in my dreams tonight? I promise it'll be fun." He said winking, nudging and whistling the whole while.
  44. Twilight wasn't sure what he was implying, but he clearly wasn't being serious
  45. >"Don't worry Twileywiley I'll explain that one when you're older"
  46. Luna just frowned, refusing to address it. Still, concern marked her face. The creature was growing stronger despite their efforts to keep it isolated. It wasn't having a good effect on Twilight either.
  49. >"FUCKING JUMP" a voice shouted out behind Princess Celestia.
  50. The sun Princess let no betrayal of her emotions escape, turning around instead to see Twilight enter the room
  51. >"Hello Twilight, I'm happy to see you"
  52. >"S-sorry Princess.. I can't stop it from doing that.."
  53. The princess ignored the apology as much as she had ignored the creature
  54. >"Come, we're late for lunch" she practically cooed, litteraly taking Twilight under her wing
  57. >"Fucking. Hay." a voice echoed through the room
  58. >"The PRINCESS, is serving fucking HAY for lunch." A moment passes before Twilight attempts to speak, only to be interrupted "AGAIN"
  59. Unable to bring out the words she wanted, Twilight just shrank in her seat, tears froming at the corners of her eyes
  60. >"I-im s-s-s-"
  61. >"It's ok Twilight. I know you can't control it." Celestia smiled warmly, taking a bit from her plate.
  62. >"besides, you like spiced hay, don't you?"
  63. Twilight grew a bit and nodded
  64. >"Pleb"
  65. And she went back to making herself small again
  66. The rest of the lunch proceeded fairly uneventfully, Mostly seeing the two mares discuss Twilight's magical training. The creature instead entertained itself by messing with the Royal guard's helmets.
  69. >"Ok, Best pone, now just.. SLOWLY lower it in place" The green spirit wrapped its icey cold hands around her hooves, trying to help guide and steady them
  70. a shiver runs down Twilight's spine, she hated it when it touched her. But it did help. She had been trying to assemble this thing as an assignment from Celestia but just couldn't do it.
  71. In an unsual turn of events, her eternal companion and curse had for once in its existance offered not to "plow the princess' fields" or swear, but to help.
  72. >"This is some elementary school bullshit" it had appearantly thought.
  73. So many questions ran through Twilight's head, why the change in behaviour? How did it know how to do this? What the hell was it ?
  76. >"Very impressive"
  77. >"Few unicorns your age would be able to assemble something like this" Princess Celestia observed the device. The creature, having it now be known it wanted to be addressed as "Anon" interrupted
  78. >"I HELPED"
  79. Celestia's expression shifted, but only a little. Too little for her tiny student to notice
  80. Not wanted to acknowledge the creature, she tried to be more vague with her question
  81. >"You did do this by yourself, right?"
  82. Twilight's hoof dug into the palace floor nervously
  83. >"I-I-I couldn't get the f-focus crystal in.. A-anon helped me"
  84. Celestia just looks at the rapidly shrinking filly in front of her
  85. >"H-he also said he was gonna h-hit you!"
  86. The royal guard physically reacted to that one, drawing their weapons and examining the room for the green spectre
  87. >"I said I was gonna HIT THAT." A voice boomed "It means I want to FU-"
  88. >"You'll have to do a make up assignment, Twilight." The sun goddess wrapped her wing over her favorite student "You're supposed to do these assignment by your own abilities."
  89. >"B-but.. isnt he part of me?"
  90. That, the princess couldn't answer.
  91. She just looked at her student, worryingly
  92. >"I'll be looking forward to seeing moon-butt in my dreams tonight" A quickly fading voice said, followed by the sound of shattering plates and glasses
  93. >"FUCK SHIT" was heard over the sound of a terrified pony
  94. >"I suppose tea will be delayed a little bit" Celestia whispered. Twilight giggled, it was rare for them to get a moment alone, without the spectre. Twilight loved those moments. She looked up at the princess and burried her muzzle in her chest, glad to be left alone
  97. >"Now just let it ferment" Anon said, rubbing his ghostly hands
  98. >"And you're sure this'll help me sleep at night?" Twilight asked, clearly enjoying the experimentation either way
  99. >"If it wont, you'll at least have a good time" it said, a devilish grin appearing on his face
  100. Gin he'd called it. Apearantly drinking it would help her relax and get some sleep. She'd been having a hard time falling asleep because of the sheer amount of work Celestia had given her. Reading she could do, but the magic? that was exhausting!
  101. >"I'll keep an eye on this, you go do your books shit or whatever"
  102. She had tried to get it to stop swearing, but it seemed to be second nature to him.
  103. >"A-alright, I'll be in the library." she trotted off, feeling guilty for engaging with it, but feeling relieved she would finally have a moment alone. Along with her books!
  104. A huge grin appeared on her face, finally! she could read without him making stupid noises, asking strange questions or making implications she knew weren't what he was really getting at. She could read uninterrupted!
  105. Prancing into the library, she froze on the spot. Princess Celestia was here, reading a book on a big pillow to the side of the room
  106. >"Twilight" she said softly, looking up from her book "Why dont you come join me?" she lifted her wing, making room for the filly to huddle up besides her
  107. >"!!" words failed Twilight, able to spend time with the princess AND read without interruption?? Best day ever!
  110. Twilight woke to the sound of a terrified guard, spears being dropped to the ground and a loud, booming laugh
  111. >"HEY TWILEY, LOOK WHAT I GOT" Anon had entered the room. You couldn't see him, but you could see what he was holding. Several jugs no doubt filled with the drink he was brewing last night
  112. >"um.. Hi, Anon." Twilight hesitantly said. Celestia was still laying next to her, staring at Anon intently
  113. >"Oh, hi sun-butt" he casually said, putting down the jugs. He floated over and flicked the tiara on her head
  114. He was met with a huff, and a blinding light
  116. >"Twilight, what are those?" The princess asked, pointing at the jugs left on the floor
  117. >"A-anon said he knew how to brew a potion to help me s-sleep at night, princess" the student guiltily admitted
  118. >"You know you're not supposed to engage with it"
  119. >It, not him. She still refused to acknowledge Anon as a seperate entity
  120. She did wonder though, how did it know something she didn't? It was possible she's overheard swearwords before and have other characteristics from her subconcious manifest. But this?
  121. >"...what is it called?" the question asked, running the feathers of her wing over Twilight, letting her know she wasn't upset.
  122. >"Gin" the specture proudly proclaimed
  123. >"A very special drink, trust me you'll love it"
  125. The next evening had been a blur, the princess got up slowly
  126. >"ooowww" she proclaimed, sitting back down and putting her hooves on her head
  127. >"That's normal" said a voice behind her "just a hangover"
  128. She didn't respond, content to just lay back down and ordering complete silence from her guards. She cradled her student in her wing and slept the morning away together
  131. >"Just trust me" a voice whispered "I've never lied to you before"
  132. It was met with a huff
  133. >"What about that time you told me I should tell Princess Luna to-"
  134. >"That was your fault for not detecting the double entandre"
  135. >"double en-" she asked, before being cut off
  136. >"shush, this is the most critical moment
  137. they sat close together, looming over their project
  138. >"If we mess up now, it'll all have been for nothing. I am not letting all that work be in vain"
  139. As had become a habit when he helped her, Anon had wrapped his hands around her hooves, trying to guide her dispite his.. lacking presense.
  140. >"slowly, slowly..." Anon whispered, Twilight tense and on the verge of tears out of sheer stress
  141. >"that's it.. almost there.." he whispered, as they lowered the plate from the oven
  142. wiping his forehead, he lets out a breath in relief.
  143. >"Now we just need to let it cool down. You go read a book, I'll find sun-butt"
  144. Twilight excitedly nods, not passing off an oppertunity to study alone
  147. >"Mousee."
  148. >"Moose?"
  149. >"Its french, shut up. Just try it, glitterhair." the voice scoffed.
  150. Celestia eyed Twilight, still refusing to acknowledge the spectre
  151. >"And youre sure this is safe?"
  152. >"well.. um.. it didn't contain any toxic materials or anything..!"
  153. unsatisfied with the answer, the princess makes a decision
  154. The smell, too tempting to resists, demands she try some
  155. >"hmm.." she lets out "this is..." "great"
  156. >"SORRY PRINCESS I TRIED TO STOP HIM BUT H-HE.." the pupil blurts out, tears streaming down her cheeks. Stopping only when she sees the Princess' shocked look
  157. >"Y-you like it?"
  158. she is rewarded with a gentle nod
  159. >"Twilight... Why do you listen to him if you think it's a bad idea?"
  160. Twilight's muzzle scrunches up.
  161. >"They're not all bad.."
  162. >"You're still not allowed to drink gin" Knowing she was referring to the creature's drink
  165. Twilight sat rocking back and forth on the swing slowly, reading a book. Some unseen force pushing her swing.
  166. >"Anon..." she let out, interrupting the rare quiet moment with him present
  167. >"Are.. are you real?"
  168. The swing slows down
  169. >"well.. the princess can hear and see me, right?"
  170. >"I mean.. are you part of my imagination, or are you.. yourself?" The filly turned around, looking just past him. Although he had become visible more often than before, those times were still rare
  171. >"I... dont know.."
  172. An uncomfortable silence lingered
  173. >"But.. does it matter?" Anon started pushing the swing again "If I'm a sickness.. the princess could cure you. And If I'm not.."
  174. Anon lets the thought linger, not sure what to say next
  175. >"Could you leave?" Twilight asked "you've never stayed away long.. why?"
  176. He couldn't answer, he didn't know why he always gravitated back to Twilight, even as he had grown stronger, he couldnt bring himself to actually leave the castle without her.
  178. >"chess"
  179. >"Chess?"
  180. >"We're not doing that one again" Anon dismissed Celestia's joke. Failing to realize she acknowledged him, if only for the sake of the joke
  181. Twilight giggled, she had grown to appreciate the banter between the princess and her golem. As she had matured she started to understand when they were play fighting and when they were actually fighting, or when anon was taunting her.
  182. >"I've been bored out of my skull and you hate it when I do anything else fun. So here's a board game."
  183. Celestia's horn shines to life, levitating some of the pieces. The one that draws her attention the most is a crude carving of a horse
  184. >"that's the knight. They used to ride horses into batt-.." Anon's voice coming to a halt, he realized he had never told them anything about other humans or about horses from his world
  185. >"They?" Celestia asked
  188. Celestia and Luna had been taking shifts watching over Twilight, ever since Anon mentioned there were others like him they had expressed serious concerns. This much was obvious, to everyone present except Twilight it seemed.
  189. She was still young, immature. She didn't understand how to read the princesses yet.
  190. >"Anon.. what does this word mean?" Twilight asked, her voice the only thing breaking the silence that'd fallen over the room
  191. >Anon moved closer to Twilight, nestled safely away under Celestia's wing
  192. >"To feel lost or isolated." Anon informed her
  193. >raising an eyebow, Celestia noted Twilight was instinctively asking Anon for advice, dispite the fact that she was sitting right next to her
  194. >"You seem to be getting along with Anon more lately"
  195. Twilight nodded meekly, almost shocked to remember the princess wrapped around her
  196. >"I think he's been concerned lately.."
  197. Celestia sipped from her tea. She had been concerned herself. If there were others like Anon, does that mean other ponies could become haunted by golems?
  198. >"he's been quieter.." her voice didnt sound comforting. She was conflicted on whether or not that was a good thing
  199. >"you're concerned for him?"
  200. >"It's hard not to when you've known someone for over a year.." Twilight admitted. burying her nuzzle in Celestia's chest as she had done whenever she felt particularly anxious or nervous.
  201. >she as concerned Celestia didnt approve
  202. >"it's alright Twilight.. Showing compassion isnt a bad thing."
  203. >"B-but you said not to engage with him.. but I have been. We even built a racing kart yesterday..." Twilight started to sob, so desperate she was to please her princess
  204. >"If I hadn't approved I would've stopped it." Celestia stroked her pupil comfortingly
  205. Anon was on the other side of the library, a barely visible spectre. He was drawing.
  207. >"What's that?"
  208. >"..home.." Anon's voice was soft. He had been a lot less obnoxious lately
  209. >"a fragment of it, anyways"
  210. his side of the room was littered with papers and drawing supplies, the walls full of incomplete, fragmented drawings
  211. >"What was it like..?"
  212. Anon walks away, refusing the engage in this conversation. Instead choosing to return to his drawings
  213. >"Anon.. it's ok if you miss your home.."
  214. "Oh Twilight, if only you knew" he thought
  215. Instead of saying that however, he scratches her behind her ear
  216. >"Youre a real cheekie breekie, Twiley"
  217. A confused look formed on her face, but she knew to just take a "compliment" when he gave one
  218. >"Imagine if you couldn't feel tired anymore.. It'd be great, you could keep going forever. But there'll always be a lingering thought, something in the back of your mind that reminds you of what it was like. It isnt good or bad.. it's just there."
  219. >"Thats how I feel about my "home". It's gone, but I wouldn't go back if I could.."
  220. Shuddering from his cold touch, she nods.
  221. >"I don't really understand.. but I think I know what you mean."
  222. Anon's mood grew more somber over the next few days, that is untill Twilight informed him that Celestia had invited her to a concert
  223. Outside of the castle
  224. This is the first time in over 2 years that he would leave the castle grounds. Even when Twilight went into town, he had strained himself to stay in the castle. It hurt, being so far from her. But he didnt want to leave
  225. >"how.. how do they play?" Anon asked, baffled as he saw the band take their seats
  226. >"What do you mean Anon? They use the instruments." Twilight whispered
  227. >"But HOW? They have hooves, how can they play a trumpet??"
  228. Twilight giggled, but never answered his question. Her excuse ofcourse was that the band had started playing
  229. Anon didn't know any of the music, but every now and then a chord progression or particular instrument struck him. They sounded like the songs he knew.. before.
  232. >"DO IT YOU LITTLE BITCH" the voice echoed through the halls of the castle. The guarsd had learned not to respond to every threat to one's life, every question of one's sexuality or mother's morality, but it still set them on edge
  233. >"Im trying as hard as I caaaan!" Twilight let out
  234. >"JUST"
  235. >"DO IT"
  236. Twilight let out a cry as she managed to change a napkin from red to purple
  237. she collapsed from the effort it took but soon she found herself lifted into the air by Anon's cold hands
  238. >"You did it!" he cheered
  239. Before she could respond though, the doors slammed open
  240. >"RELEASE THE ROYAL PUPIL 2 royal guards shouted as they entered
  241. >"Or else what, you gonna stab me?"
  242. One of the guards thrusts his spear forward threatening, realizing he couldn't hurt him if he tried, he relaxes, embarrassment flushing over him.
  243. Anon holds Twilight there, clearly not entertained by either her spectre's dare or the inelegant way he was holding her.
  244. >"well, um. If you're alright we'll be leaving now miss Sparkle.." the guard said, slowly leaving the room.
  246. >"we should put butter in their helmets"
  247. >"..butter?" Anon's strange choices and pranks never ceased to surprise or confuse Twilight.
  248. >"BUT FIRST" he yells, letting Twilight drop to the floor "I OWE YOU BROWNIES"
  249. Anon had been teasing her with some of the treats of his "home", promising he'd help her make some if she passed her magic practice tests
  250. >"family recipe, very secret" Anon winked "You've never had 'em like these before"
  251. the secret ingredient was more gin.
  252. >"But first we need to go and rub this in the face of that moon horse" he chuckles "She didn't think you could do it. Not at this stage anyways."
  253. It kind of hurt that Luna would have said as much, but she knew she was right. Twilight had been sure she couldn't do it herself, and wouldnt have if it hadnt been for Anon's ceaseless bitching
  256. Anon sat slumped in the couch on his side of the room, a jug of his home made gin by his side.
  257. Twilight hated when he got like this. He'd just lose all energy, refuse to talk or respond to anyone, and usually just drink heavily. Sometimes, when he thought she wasnt watching she had seen him sobbing to himself.
  258. It'd been getting worse lately, he'd been manifesting physically, his senses returning to him.
  259. >"Anon?" she asked, the golem didnt respond
  260. She settled for his presense, if he wouldnt talk, and jumped on the couch to lay down next to him. Getting comfortable she called a book over using her magic.
  261. >"Twilight.." He said, after almost an hour of silence
  262. >"You're a good kid.." she could tell he was swallowing down a lump in his throat. He put his hand on her back, patting her and scratching her favorite spots.
  263. Content she made a difference, she just smiled and returned to her book
  266. >"Pony to B6"
  267. rubbing her chin, Celestia observed the chessboard in their royal garden, manned by soldiers of the Celestial and the Lunar guard.
  268. >"they renamed the piece" Anon observed
  269. >"Huh?" Twilight asked, able to tear her eyes from her favorite princess to look at him.
  270. >"The knight, they renamed to to a pony."
  271. >"Anon... what's a knight?"
  272. Anon doesn't meet her eyes, just looking at the game instead
  273. >"It's.. not important."
  275. >"you know. I've always wanted to do this when I was younger" Twilight remarked "I never had many friends, so I never got to play on the seasaw."
  276. Anon flashes a wide smile, his physique too large for the filly sized seasaw he was on.
  277. >"Is it everything you dreamed of?"
  278. >"well... I never dreamt my best friend would be a green, semi-solid ghost." Twilight said, it was well intended, but it only served as a stark reminder of what Anon was. An anomoly, even to the usual rules of physics and magic.
  279. He didn't let her notice though, she deserved this after how much he'd pestered her.
  280. >"C'mon, I'll tell you a story."
  281. >"From your home?" she asked, her eyes lighting up like the night sky
  282. >"Yes. I will tell you the tale of the Odysseus." Surely, she was mature enough to handle stories like that
  286. >"RULES WERE MADE TO BE BROKEN" Anon argues
  289. Celestia enters the kitchen, backed by 4 royal guards. She, she is confronted with the image of Anon hungerly wolfing down pastries, chugging down milk straight from the box and a desperate Twilight trying to stop him
  291. Twilight nearly breaks into tears when she sees Celestia, doubling her efforts to stop Anon
  292. >"ANON YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!"
  293. Suddenly the struggling stops, Anon turns around slowly, a dreadful look masking his face
  294. >"Don't you ever. EVER. Tell me what I can't do."
  295. Raising his hand, Celestia stands ready to obliterate the spirit, the royal guards aiming their weapons.
  296. Faster than Twilight could see, Anon brings down his hand... Booping her on the nose.
  297. >"Silly horse"
  298. Quickly he resumed devouring Celestia's personal stash of cupcakes
  299. The Princess, Royal guard and Twilight were all struck stupid at what just transpired
  300. >"Ayy Celestia got any more of these jelly filled ones?"
  303. "Oh, I found one!"
  304. Twilight quickly grabbed her tools and cut the multihued herb. Her botanical classes had began and although Anon hadn't been very keen on leaving the castle grounds, he wanted to be with her. He also mentioned something about wanting to see some of the herbs from his "home" existed.
  305. They weren't very far outside of Canterlot, and accompanied by the royal guard and Princess Celestia herself. It helped a lot in calming Anon's nerves. Thought what he had found would probably help a lot more.
  306. >"Did you find anything you were looking for, Anon?" Twilight asked, having her bags filled to burst
  307. >"uh huh" Anon just hummed, a big grin plastering his face "Let's go home"
  309. >"May I join you?" Asked princess Celestia as she stepped onto the spacious balcony
  310. >"woorrrrd" Anon responds, sounding unusually relaxed, even for him
  311. The sun princess walks up to him, giving him an odd look when she finds him smoking some dried leafs
  312. >"Are.. you alright?"
  313. >"Never felt better in my life" he snorts
  314. Feeling a bit awkward, Celestia none the less takes a seat on one of the seats next to Anon, enjoying the sunset together
  318. The royal guard rushed to the source of the noise, finding a shaken Anon with his back to the wall
  319. >"Sir, what's wrong?!"
  320. Anon points at the wall, no sound leaving his open mouth.
  321. There is nothing there.
  323. >"I'm concerned Anon is growing unstable" Luna said bluntly. "Three times now this week he has reported seeing things that weren't there."
  324. Celestia could only nod, Twilight.. wasn't sure what to feel.
  325. >"U-unstable?" She hesistantly asked
  326. >"Anon's mind is a chaotic one, even I can not make sense of it." stated Luna, again, very matter-of-factly.
  327. >"We'll need to keep a close eye on him. Twilight Sparkle, please report any unusual behaviour to us."
  328. Unusual did not begin to describe Anon's "normal" behaviour, she thought.
  329. >"A-alright p-princesses" she said, bowing deeply.
  330. >"And Twilight." Celestia said before Twilight had a chance to get up or leave
  331. >"Y-yes princess?"
  332. >"Congratulations."
  333. Twilight looked up confused, only to be met with Celestia's face hanging closely in front of hers
  334. >"You passed your herbalism exam" she said, booping her nose to Twilight's
  335. Twilight blushed heavily, froze and quickly fainted.
  338. >"And when she woke up, Celestia was there by her bed in a cute nurse outfit. She fluttered her eyes and started to lick Twiley's horn and-"
  339. >"Anon, tell it right!" Twilight interrupted, red as a cherry from embarassment.
  340. Anon sat there, an open mouthed grin on his face before he continued
  341. >"So then she starts stroking it and-"
  342. >"Anon!" she shouts, before flinging a book into his face
  343. A moment passes with Anon laid on his back, book still covering his face, while Twilight just squirms in her bed
  344. >"But thing's didn't REALLY heat up till she started sucking it-" Anon proudly proclaimed, still laying on the floor
  345. >"That's enough Anon" Celestia said, lifting Anon out of the room with her magic "Twilight's had enough excitement for one day
  346. >"aww but I didnt even get to the part where Luna join in" Anon said with a sad tone to his voice as he hovered past Celestia, disapearing around the corner. Soon a loud thud was heard in the hallway, followed by some swearing and slowly softening footsteps
  347. >"Are you feeling well, Twilight?" Celestia inquired.
  348. >"Y-yes Princess.." she nodded sheepishly "You really didn't have to bring my parents here though.."
  349. >"Actually, it was Anon who informed them, It was also he who carried you to the infirmary before we even had a chance to respond"
  350. >"We think he'd been listening in." Luna chimes in
  351. >"Maybe.."
  352. The rest of the afternoone was spent on small talk, Twilight's parent too afraid to ask about Anon
  355. >"He's been getting worse"
  356. >"He won't even leave our room anymore.." "It's the only place he feels safe, the only place he doesn't see the shadows."
  357. Twilight looked down sadly, presenting her report to the Princesses.
  358. >"And I still can not make sense of his dreams." Luna said after a brief pause
  359. >"They are too chaotic, too fragmented. And his mental state is only making things harder."
  360. None of them wanted to admit it, but it seemed they were powerless
  361. >"W-what happends if it gets worse..?" Twilight asked
  362. Anon had been growing increasingly more corporeal, becoming physical and visible near constantly now
  363. >"We would have to isolate him, for the safety of others and to keep him from harming himself." Celestia said in an unusually matter-of-fact way
  364. Twilight just looked up at her tutor, tears welling up in her eyes
  365. >"I'm sorry Twilight.."
  367. Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat
  368. >"He won't stop talking about "them"... "
  369. Celestia nodded, Anon had been referring to "the others" for some time now.
  370. >"If more of his kind exist and they manifest themselves the same way he has, we may have a problem."
  371. >"You wouldn't hurt him, would you?" Twilight begged
  372. Celestia didn't respond. Her responsibilities were with her ponies, her land. Not these invading spirits. Anon had been harmless. Vulgar, but harmless. But she'd seen fragments of the world he came from, if the others were not as.. agreeable as he was, they could risk a war. A war with an enemy that appears as ghosts..
  373. The silence was all that was needed to send twilight galloping out of the room, tears filling her eyes. Luna would be visiting her tonight to comfort her
  376. >"I saw one today." Luna bluntly said, halfway through their dinner
  377. >"Wh-what..?" Twilight asked, her mouth ajar
  378. >"One of "the others". Of Anon's kind."
  379. Celestia hid her reaction well, but Luna knew she was as upset at the news as Twilight was, perhaps moreso.
  380. >"A shadowy figure, creeping from a shadow cast by one of the pillars in the main hall." she continued "It was a weak sillouette, but there's no doubt about it, It looked just like Anon."
  381. >"Creatures are seeping into this world, and we don't know why or how to stop them."
  382. There was no response, no words would be adequate for what they were feeling.
  383. >"Fucking hay, again?" A voice interrupted, shattering the tense atmosphere in the room
  384. Anon had left his room for the first time in weeks, his first interaction with the Princesses to criticize their eating habits
  385. >"Anon!" Twilight cried, running not so much into him as much as through him. Falling to the ground, she gave him the tightest hug she ever did give.
  386. >"H-hey book-horse.." he said, the air being squeezed out of his body
  387. Luna and Celestia exchanged looks, hiding their concern for now
  390. >"They're getting more frequent." Luna reported to Celestia. "They come out more during the night, but luckily just casting a light at them seems to keep them at bay."
  391. Luna's Lunar guard had been deployed to patrol the castle, lanterns and light spells lighting up the castle during the night
  392. >"And Anon?"
  393. >"Still confined to his chambers. Twilight has been trying to keep his mood stable." Luna paused "Some ponies have reported the contents of some of the books shifting and changing. Some reported seeing faces resembling Anon's in random patterns, like clouds or reflective surfaces."
  394. Celestia sighed deeply
  395. >"What are we going to do Luna? If we can't keep our little ponies safe.." She didn't finish her thought, Luna already understood.
  396. >"We cannot give up, sister."
  397. >"Perhaps, we should try a more.. invasive look into Anon's dreams." Lune suggested, well aware of the ethical implications of employing such magic
  398. >"...Only with his consent." Celestia conceded
  399. >"Tonight then, if he agrees."
  402. >"Alright"
  403. Twilight blinked.
  404. >"Are you sure?"
  405. >"It's not like I have much of a choice. It's either this, or things get worse. Maybe both." Anon retorted.
  406. >"I.. I'll got tell Princess Luna, then." Twilight stuttered "Will you be alright?"
  407. Sipping from a jug of gin Anon nodded
  408. >"I'll see her tonight."
  410. Luna approached the twisted door, this time accompanied with the spectre of Celestia, awake in her chamber and bolstering her magic.
  411. >"This is what his door looks like?" the Sun princess asked. "It looks like something I'd expect from Discord."
  412. Luna nodded, well understanding the implications of what was said
  413. Without a word, she opened the door and stepped through
  414. A broken, tortured landscape came into view. Deep chasms, dizzyingly high mountains, random structures scattered throughout the land. A massive, mushroom shaped cloud dotted the horizon, light and shadows made no sense, Another landscape could be seen in the sky, ruining any sense of up and down.
  415. The princess stepped through, accompanied by the ghost of her sister
  416. >"I-is this what it always looks like?"
  417. >"No" said Luna, shaking her head. "It's always different."
  418. As they settled down, Celestia's eyes twitched around, caught offguard by the still changing nature of the landscape. Collosal buildings rose and fell, lakes filling up and drying up over the course of minutes.
  419. >"This is all... very disorienting" Celestia stated
  420. Looking around more calmly now, she found the ground littered with random devices, toys and junk, most of which's purpose she could only guess. Some looked clearly designed for human hands, however.
  421. >"Come Sister, he is in this direction" Luna said, trotting off
  424. As the sisters trotted through the twisting landscape, Anon soon came into view. He sat cross legged, a purple pony clearly visible on his lap.
  425. >"there." Luna said
  426. Anon sat at the bottem of a shallow crater, a crowd of mirror images of himself surrounding him. None said a word.
  427. >"I've never been this close. I was afraid to upset the balance of this world and the fragility of his mind." Luna confined to her sister "I don't know how lucid his dreams are, but approaching him might make it significantly more difficult for us to orient ourselves."
  428. Celestia slowly moved forward, making it clear her intend to approach Anon dispite the risks Luna had stated.
  429. As she came closer, she could see the ywere all wearing the same, featureless black suits. She heard the motionless crowd speak, their voices were charged with venom. Envy, anger and surprisingly, sadness, all marked their words. No single coherent word could be heard, but it was clear they were displeased with him.
  430. >"The only stable area seems to be directly around him, and the effect is amplified when Twilight is near." Luna whispered "His area of control has been shrinking.."
  431. Remaining a moment longer to continue observing, Celestia decided that the crowd was incoherent and nothing more could be learned from this. Instead, she flew up to see what Anon himself was doing. He sat, motionless as before, idley patting Twilight. Celestia had always appreciated they were able to get along, but still couldn't help feel a hint of envy.
  432. >"Anon.." she said softly.
  433. Her words were met by the entire crowd, falling silent they all stared at her.
  434. >"Celly..?" Anon asked, slowly turning around
  435. As soon as she came into his view, the world shattered, everything falling into blackness.
  436. >"Anon!" Twilight shouted "Anon calm down! You're awake, it was just a dream!"
  437. Anon arose from his couch, cold sweat dotting his brow
  438. The Sisters would soon wake up, a terrible headache marking their visit.
  441. >"I think I understand." Luna said softly, her head still tortured by a migraine
  442. >"Anon isn't a name. It is a title..."
  443. Twilight blinked, confused
  444. >"He isn't a person. He is a part of a greater whole." Luna continued "That's what "the other" are."
  445. >"D-do they want to harm him..?" Twilight asked
  446. Luna didn't respond
  447. Twilight, not used to her tutors not having an answer for her, galloped out of the room, leaving Celestia and Luna
  448. >"They are still bound together, then?" Celestia asked "He and they?"
  449. >"So it would seem. It explains the fragmented nature of his mind. Half of what's in it isn't his." Luna took a sip from hear tea "But I do not know if "they" will come with him, or if they intend to take him back"
  450. Contemplating her sister's words, Celestia offered no rebuttal.
  452. >"A hole?"
  453. >"A hole."
  454. >"Again with the repeating." Anon said
  455. >"You heard right, a hole has appeared in one of the lower levels of the dungeon. It's utterly black and devoid of any features. Even out light can not penetrate it's darkness." Luna paused >"We believe it's "the others" "
  456. Anon's mood had improved ever since the royal guards had started patrolling for shadows creeping around the castle, but this had destroyed any sense of comfort he felt
  457. >"T-he others... What do they want?"
  458. Luna could offer no answer.
  462. >"figures have started appearing in Canterlot."
  463. >"Our little ponies are scared, Luna." luna sighed "We have to do something."
  464. >"You do not want to let him near the hole." Lune said after a brief pause "What else can we do?"
  465. >"I don't want him to get hurt Luna, I-" Celestia uttered, before being cut off by her sister
  466. >"And what about the rest of Equestria, sisters?!" Luna shouted "I know you are the kind hearted one, but to not rest this decision on my shoulders alone!"
  467. >"He is my friend, too! And I probably know him better than you do, after all the dreams we've shared!" Luna broke into tears
  468. >"We're the princesses, sister. We have to make the tough decisions." Luna uttered, breaking down into a sob
  469. Celestia blinked, surprised by the sudden outburst. She put her wing around her younger sister
  470. >"I'm sorry Luna.."
  471. >"Maybe you're right.."
  472. >"Maybe I have been pushing all the hard decisions on you."
  473. The princesses remained there for the rest of the afternoone, comforting one another
  475. >"Can't you just send him to the moon or something?" Asked Twilight. "I-if they're looking for him here, we could keep him safe, out of their reach!"
  476. >"And what happends if they can't find him?" Luna asked "You've seen how pragmatic Anon is."
  477. >"Who is to say they wouldn't tear Equestria apart? That they won't over turn every stone, search every cave, every home. Just to find him?"
  478. Twilight looked down, not wanting to acknowledge the reality of the situation.
  479. >"B-but..." She started to sob "What'll happen to him?"
  480. Celestia moved closer to her, wrapping her wing around her favorite student.
  481. Their silence was enough, they didn't know, but they understood he might not come back
  482. He had to approach the hole.
  485. >"Why does Equestria even need dungeons?"
  486. The uncomfortable silence was suddenly broken by Anon's voice
  487. >"W- Equestria has gone through turbulent times in the past.. We had a need for them once." Luna responded
  488. >"Hm." he responded, not able to think of anything else to add
  489. The tension was gnawing at him, he couldn't stand to see Twilight like this. Even the comforting touch of her teacher wasn't calming her down.
  490. She had insisted on being here, after the years they spent together, she wanted to be able to see him in his final moments, should that be what this led to.
  491. >"We're here." Luna said, casting a spell to open a large bulwark of a door
  492. Behind it, a large number of royal guards were present, each carrying a lantern and the unicorns among them casting light from their horns
  493. Anon swallowed hard, seeing the black hole no light seemed to touch
  494. >"W-what is it I'm supposed to do here..?"
  495. >"We don't really know." Said Luna after a while, seeing her sister unwilling or unable to answer.
  496. Twilight broke into sobbing again
  497. >"A-a-anon!" she shouted, running up to him
  498. >"Shh, it's ok Twilight.." Anon said, kneeling down to hug her. "I have to do this.. for you, for your sisters.. for Equestria."
  499. >"N-no you d-don't!" Sobbed the purple unicorn >"W-we'll find another way!"
  500. Anon didn't respond, knowing full well that if the efforts of the two most powerful alicorns over the span of several years had resulted in nothing, they wouldn't find a solution now either.
  501. >"stay back Twilight. We don't know what'll happen." He said, giving her a last kiss goodbye
  504. Slowly approaching the black nothingness in the floor, Anon strode on. Feet like lead, every step required considerable effort.
  505. With each step, shadows started to spill out of the holes seemingly unaffected by the lights in the room. The royal guards recoiled and quickly made some distance between themselves and the shadowy figures
  506. None seemed to approach Twilight though, opting instead to curve around her.
  507. Something in the blackness stirred, something was moving.
  508. >"I'll miss you Twilight.." Said Anon, the shadows had surrounded him. He realized there was no way back now.
  509. An amalgomation of green faces and black bodies rose from the hole, each speaking over one another.
  510. Mouths twisted around, forming and disapearing in their shifting mass. The shadows becoming solid, like crude oil they continued to squirm around
  511. Hands grabbed at Anon, pulling him into their twisting mass.
  512. >"Don't go..!" Twilight bawled over her tears
  513. >"Don't worry Twiley" Anon said "I understand now.. I'm going home."
  514. Slowly, Anon was pulled into it's mass, it and they becoming whole once more
  515. As the last semblance of Anon disapeared into the twisting mass, it's squirming stopped, the hands retreating.
  516. Slowly, it sank away into the blackness, the hole closing around it.
  517. Where there had been a monstrocity, now remained nothing. the emptiness of the room settled over the ponies present, an emptiness in their heart starting to form
  518. Twilight galloped over to Princess celestia, burying her nuzzle in her chest. Celestia took a moment before realizing what she'd done, wrapping her wings around her pupil.
  519. She turned to Luna
  520. >"Is he..?"
  521. responding only with a nod, it was over. Anon was gone, the others would leave them be.
  523. The next weeks were spent in mourning. Twilight hadn't left Celestia's chamber for days, spending them crying away the day and night in the embrace of her teacher.
  526. In a way, Celestia liked it. She finally had her little Twilight to herself. Though the price had been too high to pay for her undivided attention.
  527. She couldn't stand to see her like this, and although providing comfort was all she could do for now, she made plans for her future
  529. >"Ponyville?"
  530. >"Ponyville." Celestia responded.
  531. A short moment passed, both of them waiting for a snarky remark they soon realized wasn't coming.
  532. >"I've made the nessecary preparations, you'll leave by the end of the week."
  533. >"D-d-" Twilight started to sob "Don't you w-want me anymore?"
  534. Wrapping a wing around her, Celestia gave her a hug
  535. >"No Twilight, I would want nothing more than to spend every moment with you." She swallowed hard "But I have to think of your well being, not mine."
  536. >"You need to make friends, friends that can make you feel like how Anon made us feel."
  537. Twilight shaked her head
  538. >"No! I don't want to go! I want to s-stay with you!"
  539. Celestia spent the next few minutes embracing her pupil
  540. >"I know it's hard, and I'm sorry Twilight, but you need to make new friends."
  541. Although her focus had been on learning magic, Celestia had realized that beyond Anon, Twilight hadn't really made any friends ever since she came to the castle. Anon had been her involentary companion since she was young, she had to learn how to be friends with normal ponies.
  542. >"I'll.. I'll write you every day!" Twilight sobbed
  543. >"I know you will Twiley, and I'll look forward to it every day." Celestia said, letting slip Anon's nickname for her pupil. "You'll be fine.."
  544. letting slip a tear, she planted a gentle kiss on the tiny unicorn's hair.
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