
The DUMBEST fucking person I have ever met on Steam to date.

May 25th, 2012
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  1. I added this guy to scrapbank for me. OH BOY HERE WE GO [Shit in brackets is added input after this got done.]
  3. Never tell your password to anyone.
  4. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: hi
  5. |B!rdZ|PeemAn has accepted your request to trade.
  6. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: what can i do for u?
  7. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: are u playing zombie mode? on black ops?
  8. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Stfu and give me some scrap [I was just not in the mood for giving a shit]
  9. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ah wait...
  10. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u know what?
  11. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ...
  12. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: k
  13. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: k...
  14. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You gonna do it or what
  15. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah
  16. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause ur so nice
  17. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: faggot
  18. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: D'aww
  19. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Les dan tree
  20. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: stfu and melt urself ur weapons
  21. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: faggot [This is where he decided to continue instigating instead of just removing me. Honestly, this ENTIRE CONVERSATION could have been avoided because of this.]
  22. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Lol no
  23. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: They're different classes.
  24. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: and btw get cancer with ur sister... [Cancer = STD apparently]
  25. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ah ok
  26. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Lol no thanks.
  27. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u know what...stfu noob
  28. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: get a life
  29. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: faggot
  30. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're acting like a total 12-year-old because I told you to shut up about CoD.
  31. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: That's such a newfag response it's not even funny.
  32. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: it's lulzy.
  33. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: are u so retarded? that u think im trading u after insulting me?
  34. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Yes.
  35. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Because you are a child.
  36. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: oh wow...u so stupid...rly
  37. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Lolk
  38. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: the child of ur father and ur sister [This has got to be the dumbest fucking thing he's said so far.]
  39. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Let's do this trade so I never have to see you again.
  40. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And congrats, you're an inbred.
  41. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ...u are amazing
  42. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: That means you're stupid.
  43. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: hahaha
  44. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u think ill do this trade faggot?
  45. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Pretty much, yea.
  46. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: omg u are the stupiest guy ive ever met
  47. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Quite the contrary, you're the stupid one here.
  48. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: but pls wait...maybe i wanna do this trade :D [Nothing but shitty emotes from here on out.]
  49. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No thanks.
  50. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah...i hope u dont have to suck moms balls....
  51. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause ur mom is dad o.O
  52. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: omg
  53. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I honestly hope you're not trying here.
  54. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Because no one actually TRIES to act as fucking retarded as you.
  55. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: How old are you.
  56. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: If you're older than 15, I truly pity you.
  57. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ...the funniest thing of it is...that u dont leave the hope im doing it....just retarded :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [1) He does this anyway, 2) He could just leave the trade anytime and avoid all of this. But no, he continues to act like an idiot and have his insults shot down immediately after he flings them.]
  58. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u made me sleep
  59. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And yet you didn't even close the trade.
  61. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Nice.
  62. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yes of troll u hard...
  63. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You really are the lowest the spergs have to offer, ain'tcha.
  64. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: umad now?
  65. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Not even in the slightest.
  66. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u called that an offer?
  67. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I'm laughing at you.
  68. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And so is my friend. [I've been showing my friend this chat the whole time, he constantly asked me to stop talking to him and just remove him.]
  69. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: its called shit
  70. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I'm showing him this chat right now.
  71. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ur friend?
  72. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Yep.
  73. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: called nerd no. 2?
  74. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Do you even know what that means?
  75. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Yes, no?
  76. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I'm guessing no.
  77. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: oh wow....u are showing ur online nerd friend our chat??? ohrly? :DDDDDDDDDD get friends dude...and a life :D ["Get friends" when I just told him I was showing my friend this. What.]
  78. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Your vocabulary is too small to comprehend anything I'm saying regardless.
  79. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  80. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: get friends
  81. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  82. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I have friends.
  83. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: stupid nerd :D
  84. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: haha
  85. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I just said I was showing one of my friends this chat.
  86. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: How stupid are you to forget what I JUST said a few seconds ago.
  87. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yes,u are right now chatting with him :D [No shit.]
  88. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Honestly.
  90. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You truly are the DUMBEST person I have met on steam.
  91. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You take the fucking cake, brah.
  92. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Not even bronies can be as stupid as you.
  93. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u know...the guys what u called "friends" are some random internet faggots for me :D
  94. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: bronies? u like ponies?
  95. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: so gay?
  97. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: omg
  98. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're not actually TRYING to flip my words back at me, are you.
  99. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Wow, that is a new low for you.
  100. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  101. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Try harder, bby
  102. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: But not too hard
  103. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: d
  104. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  105. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  106. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: didnt u get it, that im laughing at u?
  107. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: The fact alone that you use emoticons, let alone just ONE emoticon, shows how dumb you really are. [He spams it over and over again to try and make a point. He is about as smart as you'd think.]
  108. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: pls made my gf is out of town...
  109. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I highly doubt you have a girlfriend.
  110. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  111. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u NEVER had a gf :D
  112. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And if you did, she's obviously out fucking someone who is a lot smarter than you.
  113. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u know why?
  114. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I've actually gotten laid.
  115. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u are a nerd...and looking lik it
  116. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: By a girl.
  118. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Your move.
  119. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [It's about here that he just begins to look at my profile to try and derail how shit he is. In this case, he's looking at my Mega Man avatar.]
  120. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: oh pls tell what this pic on ur profile is about?
  121. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Now you're trying to look at my profile to find something to make fun of.
  122. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Please, go ahead.
  123. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: is it the poor version of power reangers?...or a kind of new comic?
  124. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
  125. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yes sure
  126. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: It would explain why you haven't quit talking to me or quit the trade yet.
  127. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Do you even know what Mega Man IS?
  128. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u are a poor is looking like a poor nerd and wann insult people in the internet :DDDDDDDDDDDDD [Yet he insults me. Hypocrisy at its finest.]
  129. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: that makes me laugh
  130. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u are ugly as hell...i bet
  132. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: never got a gf
  133. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u know why?
  134. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Maybe you should try to get a better vocabulary and not use emoticons every time you make a "burn".
  135. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're already said that.
  136. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u rl and online
  137. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Now you're just repeating the shit you already flung out of your hand.
  138. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: oh man im dont speak about my english... [His profile "states" he's from Afghanistan. Of course this can be a lie, but I don't give two goddamn shits.]
  139. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Ha, no.
  140. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're not german.
  141. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: or speak german u stupid faggto
  142. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: which 2nd language u have learned?
  143. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Spanish and French.
  144. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Try me.
  145. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: im german...or do u even think im my profile is baout it? [You definitely act like it.]
  147. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: lol
  148. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: *about
  149. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: i love that....talking to shitty kids. [Yet you are one.]
  150. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: On a scale of 1-10, how desperate do you think you sound right now.
  152. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're using pathetic, repeated insults to try and come out on top of a conversation.
  153. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're a kid who claims to be german.
  154. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: srry but i dont care of kids
  155. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You play CoD.
  156. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  157. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yes ..... cool game :D
  158. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You get into a poorly-construction conversation because I told you to "stfu"
  159. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: im wathcing ur bp....uhmmmm
  160. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: fail [Lol no.]
  161. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You went so far as to continue to change topic mid-conversation just to try and throw me off.
  162. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: i bet its ur 2nd account :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  163. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDD
  164. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: isnt
  166. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: its ur first premium :DDDDDDDDDD [Gifted in April 2011 = F2P faggot. Yep.]
  167. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Look at you, changing the topic AGAIN.
  168. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah...u know why?
  169. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Because you're too fucking stupid that once you get shot down in one area you decide to continue in another.
  170. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Yet you get shot down AGAIN.
  171. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u not talking with kids...SERIOUSLY :D
  172. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah
  173. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ok did my work...u are going very mad
  175. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: 1:0 [If he's keeping score, he should add a lot more points for my tally.]
  176. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're not talking with kids, yet you continue to call me a kid and talk to me.
  177. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And not closing the trade.
  178. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: bam...i got a kid mad :D [U MAD BRO??????????]
  179. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You have no points here.
  180. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDD
  181. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You are very, very desperate.
  182. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u mad now? [Guess where he's been.]
  183. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: dont be mad of it dude
  184. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Why do you keep asking if I'm mad?
  185. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: worries
  186. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Let me guess, you heard of that insult a few weeks ago and now you use it all the time.
  187. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u dont answer me
  188. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ^^
  190. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I actually do answer you.
  191. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah i did
  192. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  193. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: But I take time to type so I don't have shitty grammar, like you.
  194. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  195. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause im german
  196. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're still desperate, and you refuse to acknoledge this.
  197. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, you're not german.
  198. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: try to type something on german....a whole sentences like me
  199. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: or type everything in german
  200. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  201. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I don't care about Germany.
  202. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: It's a shitty country.
  203. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: fucking yankie
  204. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDD
  205. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You can't even get your insults right.
  206. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And I'm not from America.
  207. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: gemrny is ur fucking future:DDDDDDDDD [You can't even spell your own "home country" right, you idiot. And Germany is gonna do about as well in taking over the world as Korea would.]
  208. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: germany
  209. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ^^
  210. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No.
  211. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No it's not.
  212. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yes it is...u are stuck...
  213. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  214. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You're changing the topic instead of just quitting while you are ahead. [He only THINKS he's winning.]
  215. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I have already established Germany sucks.
  216. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u suck...ur country is stuck and ur future is stuck :DDDDDDDDDD
  217. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You cannot try and convince me otherwise.
  218. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDD
  219. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, no it's not.
  220. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: [He posts shit that's on my profile here.]
  221. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: omg nerd language :DDDDDDDDD
  222. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Nerd language huh.
  223. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Do you even care? No.
  224. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah indeed
  225. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And look at you changing the topic....AGAIN.
  226. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
  227. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: And looking at my profile....AGAIN.
  228. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: im laughing at u for that :D
  229. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You've already run out of ideas and insults, haven't you.
  230. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: im laughing and enjoying to rage nerd kids like u...who are trying to insult other people int hte internet :D [Again, hypocrite.]
  231. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You are insulting me. That makes you a hypocrite.
  232. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u dont have to show ur lil penis in the internet...nobody is watching u...;)
  233. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No one is watching you either.
  234. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u insulted me....i can copy and paste that if u wish :D
  235. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: The difference is, I've actually made an impact on the internet.
  236. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You spend your time making stupid insults like these.
  237. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Do you even realize that you've lost the argument already?
  238. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Stfu and give me some scrap
  239. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Get over it. Trade me or quit trying.
  240. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u need any prove?
  241. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: what do u think uget with this?
  242. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I said shut up. That is not an insult.
  243. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: That is a mere command.
  244. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You have nothing.
  245. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: do u think, lil kids will cry and and give u a bills if u are acting like that? :DDDDDDDDDDD
  246. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I never even asked for a Bills.
  247. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I asked for scrap.
  248. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You refuse to simply give me two scrap and never talk to me again.
  249. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah man...i mselling "hello" to everybody im doing buisiness with :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
  250. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Instead, you choose to fling your pathetic insults and watch them get shot down.
  251. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: thats showing me how stupid u are :D
  252. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, you have absolutely nothing to throw against me.
  253. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u said: "stfu" to someone, who u wanna get a buisiness with :D [While this IS poor business conduct, it was a very bad choice of him to start this.]
  254. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: lol
  255. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ok...i see
  256. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Then simply give up and never talk to me again.
  257. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u wont get smarter...
  258. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: so...enjoy ur poor life
  259. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: and gl :D
  260. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: It doesn't matter, I'm a hell of a lot smarter than you.
  261. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yeah :DDDDDDDDDDD
  262. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You are merely one out of billions of people in this world.
  263. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You are ENORMOUSLY insignificant.
  264. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: insulting a seller is this :D [You are not a seller. You are not a worthwhile human being. You are nothing.]
  265. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I can EASILY find another scrapbanker.
  266. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You mean nothing to me.
  267. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: so bye....
  268. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Get out, newfag.
  269. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: yes sure...but pls post the same like u did :DDDDDDDDDDD
  270. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDD
  271. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: newfag?
  272. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, get out.
  273. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You have already admitted defeat.
  274. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: im owning 2 unusuals, a max head, bills and some god stranges....i dont understand the word "newfag" :DDDDDDDDDDD
  275. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: The two unusuals are very stupid hats with flies. [Ze Goggles and Noble Amassment. Anyone can do better.]
  276. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDd
  277. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: stupid = all-class
  278. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: The max head is not even high-tier past an unusual.
  279. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Yes, it is stupid.
  280. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: what is ur best item?
  281. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: ill buy it :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  282. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, I won't do business with newfags.
  283. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Now get out of my sight.
  284. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: haha
  285. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cause u are poor as hell
  286. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: i started with nothing and got these stuff....
  287. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u started with nothing and only earned shit like that
  288. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You think I actually CARE about unusuals.
  289. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, I don't.
  290. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: thats the different
  291. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: so gl to u
  292. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Your backpack is meaningless to me.
  293. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Now gtfo.
  294. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: i hope u will get some good stuff and wont need to bagging like hell
  295. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  296. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u are jaleous [Jealous of Flies and a Max. No. No one would be jealous.]
  297. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Out.
  299. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No, I am not jealous.
  300. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I will never be jealous.
  301. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: oh wait the trade
  302. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Now go suck some more cock for your shit hats.
  303. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D [He adds his noble.]
  304. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u would ready this :D
  305. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: to my shit hat
  307. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: omg its too nice
  308. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: cmon ready
  309. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: it [I make him wait.]
  310. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: probably u get an unusual...
  311. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: gogogo
  312. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :D
  313. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: oh wait...u still need a scrapbanke u can insult...before trading :D
  314. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: shiiiiiit
  315. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: thats stupid...
  316. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD [I finally readied just to see what he would say.]
  317. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u rdid ready [Readying =/= accepting. God.]
  318. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: So?
  319. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: thx bra
  320. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: I would never accept such a shit hat.
  321. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: u made me sleeping well.... [This doesn't even make sense.]
  322. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: From such a desperate person.
  323. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Gb24chan. [Now I'm just flinging shit.]
  324. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: and now im srry to say that...but:
  325. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: No.
  326. |B!rdZ|PeemAn: bb
  327. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: You have nothing left.
  328. THE RAPE TRAIN™©: Gtfo newfag.
  329. |B!rdZ|PeemAn is now Offline. [He finally quits. THANK FUCK.]
  331. I won against pure concentrated cancer. My god.
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