

Sep 12th, 2012
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  1. #[English] Translation of Market (by Chryb)
  2. #Author: Chryb
  3. #Translation Version: v1.4
  4. Language: EN
  5. NO_SHOP_PERM: You haven't any permissions to that shop.
  6. NO_CHEST_PERM: You haven't any permissions to that chest.
  7. NO_CMD_PERM: You don't have the permission to use this command.
  8. NO_SHOP_ACCESS: You don't have access to that Shop.
  9. CMD_NOT_RECOGNIZED: §7The command was not recognized.
  10. SEE_SHOP_HELP: §7See §6/shop help§7 for a list of commands.
  11. CMD_USAGE: 'Usage: '
  12. SHOP_HELP_CREATE: Create a selected shop
  13. SHOP_HELP_DELETE: Delete a selected shop
  14. SHOP_HELP_PURCHASE: Purchase price
  15. SHOP_HELP_RETAIL: Retail price
  16. SHOP_HELP_TYPE: Shop Type
  17. NO_PURCHASES_RETAILS: You don't have any purchases or retails.
  18. TYPE_AN_AMOUNT: You have to type an amount.
  19. TYPE_A_PRICE: You have to type a price.
  20. YOU_CANNOT_TYPE_QUANTITY_ALL: You cannot type '/quantity all' in a admin shop.
  21. SHOP_SET_ADMIN: Shop Type set to Admin.
  22. SHOP_SET_NORMAL: Shop Type set to Normal.
  23. SHOP_SET_PURCHASE: 'Purchase Price set to: %amount'
  24. SHOP_SET_RETAIL: 'Retail Price set to: %amount'
  25. SHOP_SET_OWNER: 'Owner set to: %player'
  26. SHOP_DELETE: Shop successfully deleted.
  27. SHOP_CREATE: Shop successfully created.
  28. SHOP_ALREADY_CREATED: §7Shop is already created. Delete him with §6/shop delete§7.
  29. NO_ITEMFRAME_SELECTED: No ItemFrame selected.
  30. ITEMFRAME_ALREADY_SELECTED: You already selected these ItemFrame!
  31. ITEMFRAME_SELECT: You select that ItemFrame.
  32. TYPE_ADMIN_NORMAL: You have to type [Admin:Normal].
  33. PURCHASE_LOCKED: In these shop you can't purchase something.
  34. RETAIL_LOCKED: In these shop you can't retail something.
  35. NO_VALID_SHOP: No valid normal Shop.
  36. NO_VALID_ITEM: The item is not Valid.
  37. SHOP_HAS_NO_CHEST: These normal Shop hasn't any chest.
  38. SHOP_HAS_NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK: Chest is out of Stock.
  39. SHOP_HAS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE: The Shop hasn't enough space for your items.
  40. CLIENT_HAS_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: You don't have enough money.
  41. CLIENT_HAS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE: You don't has enough space for the items.
  42. CLIENT_HAS_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS: You don't have enough items in your inventory.
  43. OWNER_HAS_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: The Shop Owner hasn't enough money.
  44. PURCHASE_SELECT: §7Purchase the item/s with §b/quantity [amount] §7or §b/q [amount]
  45. RETAIL_SELECT: §7Retail the item/s with §b/quantity [amount] §7or §b/q [amount]
  46. CLIENT_PURCHASE: '%player bought %amount %item for %cost from you.'
  47. CLIENT_RETAIL: '%player sold you for %cost, %amount %item.'
  48. ON_PURCHASE: §7You buy §b%amount §6%item §7for §6%cost§7.
  49. ON_RETAIL: §7You sell §b%amount §6%item §7for §6%cost§7.
  50. SHOP_INFO_ADMIN: '§7In these Admin Shop you can buy/sell §6%item§7 for:'
  51. SHOP_INFO_NORMAL: '§7In these Shop you can buy/sell §6%item§7 for:'
  52. SHOP_INFO_NORMAL_AMOUNT: '§7In these Shop you can buy/sell §b%amount §6%item§7 for:'
  53. SHOP_INFO_PURCHASE: ' - Purchase Price: '
  55. SHOP_INFO_RETAIL: ' - Retail Price: '
  57. SHOP_INFO_OWNER: ' - Owner: '
  58. CHEST_FULL: Chest is full.
  59. CHEST_ALREADY_IN_DATABASE: These chest is already in the database.
  60. CHEST_SAVED: 'New Chest Location successfully saved to '
  61. CREATIVE_MODE_PROT: You cannot break the ItemFrames in the Creative Mode.
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